最近公司有个需求,直接在地图上可以切换天地图的地图和卫星图作为背景图,撇开ol自带的layerswitcher(天地图的标注和底图是分开的,因此算两个layer,切换不方便),自己扩展了一个mapswitcher,将天地图的卫星图和地图做了封装,先来个封装好的效果图 :
注意在地图右上角的位置 多了一个单选框,可以选择 “卫星图”或者“地图”。
OK,画不多说,先看一下天地图对外的的地图服务:http://www.tianditu.com/service/query.html 我这里选取的全是是选取经纬度系,没有采用墨卡托。
var l1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({ name: "ditu", //layername url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/vec_c/wmts", layer: "vec", //参考规范 style: "default", matrixSet: "c", //参考规范 format:"tiles", isBaseLayer: true })
OpenLayers.Control.MapSwitcher = OpenLayers .Class( OpenLayers.Control, { /** * APIProperty: autoActivate {Boolean} Activate the control * when it is added to a map. Default is true. */ autoActivate : true, /** * Property: element {DOMElement} */ element : null, /** * Method: destroy */ destroy : function() { this.deactivate(); OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, imgbutton : null, vecbutton : null, /** * APIMethod: activate */ activate : function() { this.map.events.register("buttonclick_vec_", this, this.onVecClick); this.map.events.register("buttonclick_img_", this, this.onImgClick); this.map.events.register("zoomend",this, this.zoom_); }, /** * APIMethod: deactivate */ deactivate : function() { this.map.events.unregister("buttonclick_vec_", this, this.onVecClick); this.map.events.unregister("buttonclick_img_", this, this.onImgClick); }, /** * Method: draw {DOMElement} */ draw : function() { OpenLayers.Control.prototype.draw .apply(this, arguments); this.div.left = ""; this.div.top = ""; this.div.style.right="15ex" ; this.div.style.background="#ddd"; imgbutton = document.createElement("input");/* 生成input对象*/ imgbutton.type = "radio"; /* 生成input属性value*/ imgbutton.value = "卫星"; imgbutton.name = "1"; imgbutton.id = "buttonclick_img_" ; vecbutton = document.createElement("input"); /* 生成input对象*/ vecbutton.type = "radio"; /* 生成input属性value */ vecbutton.value = "地图"; vecbutton.name = "1"; vecbutton.id = "buttonclick_vec_" ; // var lab1 = document.createElement("label"); /* 生成input对象*/ lab1.innerHTML="卫星" ; lab1["for"] = imgbutton.id; var lab2 = document.createElement("label"); /* 生成input对象*/ lab2.innerHTML="地图" ; lab2["for"] = vecbutton.id; this.div.appendChild(lab1); this.div.appendChild(imgbutton); this.div.appendChild(lab2); this.div.appendChild(vecbutton); var _map = this.map ; imgbutton.onclick = function() { _map.events.triggerEvent("buttonclick_img_"); }; vecbutton.onclick = function() { _map.events.triggerEvent("buttonclick_vec_"); }; //默认地图 this.setBackLayerType('vec'); vecbutton.checked = true ; return this.div; }, onVecClick : function() { this.setBackLayerType('vec'); }, onImgClick : function() { //alert("卫星"); this.setBackLayerType('img'); }, clearBackgroupLayer : function(){ //清理掉当前的背景图层 //获取背景图层 包含tms和wmts var layers = this.map.layers; var rmLayers = new Array(); for(var i in layers) { var layer = layers[i]; //console.log("i:%" + i); //判断图层属性 if(layer.name.indexOf('tdt_') >= 0 && ( layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.TMS || layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS)) { //去掉图层 //this.map.removeLayer(layer); rmLayers.push(layer); } } for(var i in rmLayers) { this.map.removeLayer(rmLayers[i]); } }, setBackLayerType:function (e) { this. clearBackgroupLayer(); if(e == 'img') { var l1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({ name: "tdt_weix", url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/img_c/wmts", layer: "img", style: "default", matrixSet: "c", format:"tiles", isBaseLayer: true }) var l2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({ name: "tdt_weixbz", url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/cia_c/wmts", layer: "cia", style: "default", matrixSet: "c", format:"tiles", isBaseLayer: false }) ; this.map.addLayer(l1); this.map.addLayer(l2); // this. map.setBaseLayer(l1); this.map.setLayerIndex(l1,1); this.map.setLayerIndex(l2,2); if(this.imgbutton && !this.imgbutton.checked) { this.imgbutton.checked = true; } } else if(e == 'vec'){ //添加地图 var l1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({ name: "tdt_ditu", url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/vec_c/wmts", layer: "vec", style: "default", matrixSet: "c", format:"tiles", isBaseLayer: true }) var l2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMTS({ name: "tdt_ditubz", url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/cva_c/wmts", layer: "cva", style: "default", matrixSet: "c", format:"tiles", isBaseLayer: false }) ; this.map.addLayer(l1); this.map.addLayer(l2); // this. map.setBaseLayer(l1); this. map.setLayerIndex(l1,1); this.map.setLayerIndex(l2,2); if(this.vecbutton && !this.vecbutton.checked) { this.vecbutton.checked = true; } } }, CLASS_NAME : "OpenLayers.Control.MapSwitcher" });
ol重新打包后就可以用了,测试环境下将此js引入到lib/Openlayers.js ,如图:
....... "OpenLayers/Control/Split.js", "OpenLayers/Control/LayerSwitcher.js", "OpenLayers/Control/MapSwitcher.js", //加入 "OpenLayers/Control/DrawFeature.js", "OpenLayers/Control/DragFeature.js", ........
OK 来个demo页面: