push_back 是用来向vector或deque容器中插入数据的标准函数。insert是类似功能的函数,适用于所有容器,但用法更复杂。end()实际上表示在最后的位置再加一,以便循环可以正常执行 - 它返回的指针指向最靠近数组界限的数据。就像普通循环中的数组,比如for (i=0; i<6; i++) {ar[i] = i;} ——ar[6]是不存在的,在循环中不会达到这个元素,所以在循环中不会出现问题。
This is the simplest and best for simple projects, limits you to the std namespace, anything you add is improperly put in the std namespace (I think you go to heck for doing this).
using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::flush; using std::set; using std::inserter;
This is slightly more tedious, although a good mnemonic for the functions that will be used, and you can interlace other namespaces easily.
typedef std::vector VEC_STR;
This is tedious but the best way if you are mixing and matching lots of namespaces. Some STL zealots will always use this and call anyone evil who does not. Some people will create macros to simplify matters.
In addition, you can put using namespace std within any scope, for example, at the top of a function or within a control loop. Some Tips
To avoid an annoying error code in debug mode, use the following compiler pragma:
#pragma warning(disable: 4786)
Another gotcha is: you must make sure that the spaces are placed between your angle brackets and the name. This is because >> is the bit shift operator, so:
vector > veclis;
will give an error. Instead, write it:
vector > veclis;
to avoid compilation errors. Another Container - The set
This is the explanation lifted from the MS help file of the set: "The template class describes an object that controls a varying-length sequence of elements of type const Key. Each element serves as both a sort key and a value. The sequence is represented in a way that permits lookup, insertion, and removal of an arbitrary element with a number of operations proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements in the sequence (logarithmic time). Moreover, inserting an element invalidates no iterators, and removing an element invalidates only those iterators that point at the removed element."
An alternate, more practical, definition is: A set is a container that contains all unique values. This is useful for cases in which you are required to collect the occurrence of value. It is sorted in an order that is specified at the instantiation of the set. If you need to store data with a key/value pair, then a map is a better choice. A set is organized as a linked list, is faster than a vector on insertion and removal, but slightly slower on search and addition to end.
An example program would be:
// Program: Set Demo // Purpose: To demonstrate STL sets
#include #include #include using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { set strset; set ::iterator si; strset.insert("cantaloupes"); strset.insert("apple"); strset.insert("orange"); strset.insert("banana"); strset.insert("grapes"); strset.insert("grapes"); // This one overwrites the previous occurrence for (si=strset.begin(); si!=strset.end(); si++) { cout << *si << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }
// Output: apple banana cantaloupes grapes orange
If you want to become an STL fanatic, you can also replace the output loop in the program with the following lines.
copy(strset.begin(), strset.end(), ostream_iterator(cout, " "));
While instructive, I find this personally less clear and prone to error. If you see it, now you know what it does. All the STL Containers
Containers pre-date templates and are computer science concepts that have been incorporated into STL. The following are the seven containers implemented in STL.
* vector - Your standard safe array. It is expanded in the "front" direction only. * deque - Functionally the same as a vector. Internally, it is different. It can be expanded in both the front and back. * list - Can only be traversed one step at time. If you are already familiar with the concept of a list, an STL list is doubly linked (contains pointer to both the previous and next value). * set - contains unique values that are sorted. * map - sorted set of paired values, one of which is the key on which sorts and searches occur, and the value which is retrieved from the container. E.g. instead of ar[43] = "overripe", a map lets you do this ar["banana"] = "overripe". So if you wanted to draw up a bit of information keyed on full name is easily done. * multiset - same as a set, but does not necessarily have unique values. * multimap - same as a map, but does not necessarily have unique keys.
Note: If you are reading the MFC help then you will also come across the efficiency statement of each container. I.E. (log n * n) insertion time. Unless you are dealing with very large number of values, you should ignore this. If you start to get a noticeable lag or are dealing with time critical stuff then you should learn more about the proper efficiency of various containers. How to Use a Map with some Class
The map is a template that uses a key to obtain a value.
Another issue is that you will want to use your own classes instead of data types, like int that has been used up to now. To create a class that is "template-ready", you must be ensure that the class contains certain member functions and operators. The basics are:
* default constructor (empty, usually) * copy constructor * overload "="
You would overload more operators as required in a specific template, for example, if you plan to have a class that is a key in a map you would have to overload relational operators. But that is another story.
// Program: Map Own Class // Purpose: To demonstrate a map of classes
#include #include #include #include using namespace std;
class CStudent { public : int nStudentID; int nAge; public : // Default Constructor - Empty CStudent() { } // Full constructor CStudent(int nSID, int nA) { nStudentID=nSID; nAge=nA; } // Copy constructor CStudent(const CStudent& ob) { nStudentID=ob.nStudentID; nAge=ob.nAge; } // Overload = void operator = (const CStudent& ob) { nStudentID=ob.nStudentID; nAge=ob.nAge; } };
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { map mapStudent;,>
mapStudent["Joe Lennon"] = CStudent(103547, 22); mapStudent["Phil McCartney?"] = CStudent(100723, 22); mapStudent["Raoul Starr"] = CStudent(107350, 24); mapStudent["Gordon Hamilton"] = CStudent(102330, 22);
// Access via the name cout << "The Student number for Joe Lennon is " << (mapStudent["Joe Lennon"].nStudentID) << endl;
return 0; }
If you like to use typedef, this an example:
typedef set SET_INT; typedef SET_INT::iterator SET_INT_ITER
One convention is to make them upper case with underscores. ANSI / ISO string
ANSI/ISO strings are commonly used within STL containers. It is your standard string class, widely praised except for its deficiency of no format statement. You must instead use << and the iostream codes (dec, width, etc.) to string together your string.
Use c_str() to retrieve a character pointer, when necessary. Iterators
I said that iterators are pointers, but there is more. They look like pointers, act like pointers, but they are actually embedded in which the indirection operator (unary *) and -> have been overloaded to return a value from the container. It is a bad idea to store them for any length of time, as they usually invalid after a value has been added or removed from a container. They are something like handles in this regard. The plain iterator can be altered, so that the container is to be traversed in different ways:
* iterator - For any container other than the vector, you can only step one at a time in a forward direction through the container. That is you can only use the ++ operator, not the -- or += operator on it. For vector only you can use any of +=, --, -=, ++, and all the comparison operators <, <=, >, >=, =,
. * reverse_iterator - If you want to step backwards instead of forwards through a non-vector container, replace iterator with reverse_iterator, begin() with rbegin(), and end() with rend(), ++ will then traverse backwards. * const_iterator - a forward iterator that returns a const value. Use this if you want to make it clear that this points to a read-only value. * const_reverse_iterator - a reverse iterator that returns a const value.
Sorting Order in Sets and Maps
Templates have other parameters besides the type of value. You can also pass callback functions (known as predicates - this is a function of one argument that returns a bool value). For example, say you want a set of strings that are automatically sorting in ascending order. You would simply create a set class in this way:
set > set1,>
greater is another template for a function (generic function) which is used to sort values, as they are placed into the container. If you wanted the set to be sorted in descending order, you would write:
set > set1,>
There are many other cased you must pass a predicate as parameter to the STL class, in algorithms, described below. STL Annoyance #2 - Long Error Messages
The templated names get expanded for the compiler, so when the compiler chokes on something, it spits out extremely long error messages that are difficult to read. I have found no good way around this. The best is to develop the ability to find and focus on the end of the error code where the explanation is located. Another related annoyance: if you double click on the template error, it will take you to the point in the code within the template code, which is also difficult to read. Sometimes, it is best just to carefully re-examine your code, and ignore the error messages completely. Algorithms
Algorithms are functions that apply to templates. This is where the real power of STL starts to show up. You can learn a few function names that usually apply to most of the template containers. You can sort, search, manipulate, and swap with the greatest of ease. They always contain a range within which the algorithm performs. E.g.: sort(vec.begin()+1, vec.end()-1) sorts everything but the first and last values.
The container itself is not passed to the algorithm, just two iterators from the container that bookend a range. In this way, algorithms are not restricted by containers directly, but by the iterators supported by that specific algorithm. In addition, many times you will also pass a name of a specially prepared function (those afore mentioned predicates) as an argument. You can even pass plain old values.
Example of algorithms in play:
See you later, Allocator
These are used in the initialization stages of a template. They are mysterious behind the scenes type of creatures, and really only of concern if you are doing high level memory optimization, and are best considered to be black boxes. Usually, you never even specify them as they are default parameters that are generally not tinkered with. It is best to know what they are though in case they show up on one of those employment tests. Derive or Embed Templates
Any way that you use a regular class, you can use an STL class.
It can be embedded:
or used as a base class:
Derivation should be used with some caution. It is up to you as to the form that fits your programming style. Templates within Templates
To create a more complex data structure, you can nest a template within a template. It is best to typedef beforehand on the internal template as you will certainly need to use the inner template again.
// Output: // 1 1 // 2 0
Although cumbersome to initialize, once completed and filled in, you have a 2 dimensional array that is indefinitely expandable (until memory space runs out). The same can be done for any combination of containers, as the situation requires. Conclusion
STL is useful, but not without its annoyances. As the Chinese say: if you learn it, you will be like a tiger with the claws of a lion.