ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)


ZK-Learning MOOC课程笔记

Lecture 6: Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Yupeng Zhang)

6.3 Bulletproofs and other schemes based on discrete-log

  • KZG:

    • Pros:
      • Commitment and proof size: O(1), 1 group element
      • Verifier time: O(1) pairing
    • Cons: trusted setup
  • Bulletproofs [BCCGP’16, BBBPWM’18]

  • Transparent setup: sample random g 0 , g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g d g_0, g_1, g_2, ..., g_d g0,g1,g2,...,gd in G G G

  • High-level idea

    • Example: 3-degree polynomial
      ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)_第1张图片

    • Degree reduction: 3 degree -> 1 degree -> constant degree
      ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)_第2张图片

    • Cross term to commit L and R

    • Similar with FFT

  • Correctness
    ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)_第3张图片

  • Eval and Verify
    ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)_第4张图片

  • Properties of Bulletproofs

    • Keygen: O(d), transparent setup!
    • Commit: O(d) group exponentiations, O(1) commitment size
    • Eval: O(d) group exponentiations (non-interactive via Fiat Shamir)
    • Proof size: O(log d)
    • Verifier time: O(d)
  • Other improvement

    • Hyrax [Wahby-Tzialla-shelat-Thaler-Walfish’18]
      • Improves the verifier time to O(d) by representing the coefficients as a 2-D matrix
      • Proof size: O( d \sqrt{d} d )
    • Dory [Lee’2021]
      • Base on pairing
      • Improving verifier time to O(log d)
      • Key idea: delegating the structured verifier computation to the prover using inner pairing product arguments [BMMTV’2021]
      • Also improves the prover time to O( d \sqrt{d} d )exponentiations plus O(d) field operations
    • Dark [Bünz-Fisch-Szepieniec’20]
      • Based on group of unknown order
      • Achieves O(log d) proof size and verifier time
        • Delegate some part of verifier to the prover
  • Summary
    ZKP6.3 Discrete-log-based Polynomial Commitments (Bulletproofs)_第5张图片
