服务中使用了k8s client-go,日志里频繁出现如下异常信息,且部分节点出现NotReady状态。
failed to list *vI. Endpoints: Too many requests: Too m
any requests, please try again later.
--max-requests-inflight int Default: 400
This and --max-mutating-requests-inflight are summed to determine the server's total concurrency limit (which must be positive) if --enable-priority-and-fairness is true. Otherwise, this flag limits the maximum number of non-mutating requests in flight, or a zero value disables the limit completely.
--max-mutating-requests-inflight int Default: 200
This and --max-requests-inflight are summed to determine the server's total concurrency limit (which must be positive) if --enable-priority-and-fairness is true. Otherwise, this flag limits the maximum number of mutating requests in flight, or a zero value disables the limit completely.
--enable-priority-and-fairness Default: true
If true and the APIPriorityAndFairness feature gate is enabled, replace the max-in-flight handler with an enhanced one that queues and dispatches with priority and fairness。
Kubernetes 节点发送的心跳帮助你的集群确定每个节点的可用性,并在检测到故障时采取行动。
心跳类型 | 心跳方式 |
更新节点的.status | 默认间隔5min |
更新kube-node-lease空间里的Lease对象 | 默认间隔10s |
kubelet 负责创建和更新节点的 .status,以及更新它们对应的 Lease。
当节点状态发生变化时,或者在配置的时间间隔内没有更新事件时,kubelet 会更新 .status。 .status 更新的默认间隔为 5 分钟(比节点不可达事件的 40 秒默认超时时间长很多)。
kubelet 会创建并每 10 秒(默认更新间隔时间)更新 Lease 对象。 Lease 的更新独立于节点的 .status 更新而发生。 如果 Lease 的更新操作失败,kubelet 会采用指数回退机制,从 200 毫秒开始重试, 最长重试间隔为 7 秒钟。
By default in client-go the Burst is 10 and QPS is 5。
// QPS indicates the maximum QPS to the master from this client.
// If it's zero, the created RESTClient will use DefaultQPS: 5
QPS float32
// Maximum burst for throttle.
// If it's zero, the created RESTClient will use DefaultBurst: 10.
Burst int
func flowcontrol.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(qps float32, burst int) flowcontrol.RateLimiter
NewTokenBucketRateLimiter creates a rate limiter which implements a token bucket approach.
The rate limiter allows bursts of up to 'burst' to exceed the QPS,
while still maintaining a smoothed qps rate of 'qps'.
The bucket is initially filled with 'burst' tokens,
and refills at a rate of 'qps'.
The maximum number of tokens in the bucket is capped at 'burst'.