import java.util.Scanner; class Dog{ String breed; int weight; String color; public void show(){ } } class UnspottedDogg extends Dog { UnspottedDogg(String breed,int wegiht,String color){ this.breed=breed; this.weight=wegiht; this.color=color; } public void show(){ System.out.println("这是一只"+breed+"犬"); } } class SpottedDog extends Dog{ String spotColor; SpottedDog(String breed,int wegiht,String color,String spotColor){ this.breed=breed; this.weight=wegiht; this.color=color; this.spotColor=spotColor; } public void show(){ System.out.println("这是一只"+breed+"体重为"+weight+",颜色为"+color ); System.out.println("这是一只"+breed+",颜色为"+color+",斑点颜色为"+spotColor); } } public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { String breed1,breed2; int weight1,weight2; String color1,color2; String spotcolor; Scanner in =new Scanner(System.in); breed1=in.next(); weight1=in.nextInt(); color1=in.next(); spotcolor=in.next(); breed2=in.next(); weight2=in.nextInt(); color2=in.next(); SpottedDog d1=new SpottedDog(breed1,weight1,color1,spotcolor); d1.show(); UnspottedDogg d2=new UnspottedDogg(breed2,weight2,color2); d2.show(); } }
import java.util.Scanner; class Vehicle{ int num; double weight; public Vehicle(int num,double weight){ this.num=num; this.weight=weight; } public void show(){ System.out.println("汽车:"); System.out.println("轮子数:"+num+"个"); System.out.println("自身重量:"+weight+"吨"); } public Vehicle(){ } } class Car extends Vehicle{ int Passengers; public Car(int num,double weight,int Passengers){ super(num,weight); this.Passengers=Passengers; } public void show(){ System.out.println("小轿车:"); System.out.println("轮子数:"+num+"个"); System.out.println("自身重量:"+weight+"吨"); System.out.println("额定乘客数:"+Passengers+"人"); } public Car(){ } } class Truck extends Car{ double Cargo; public Truck(int num,double weight,int Passsengers,double Cargo){ super(num,weight,Passsengers); this.Cargo=Cargo; } public void show(){ System.out.println("卡车:"); System.out.println("轮子数:"+num+"个"); System.out.println("自身重量:"+weight+"吨"); System.out.println("额定乘客数"+Passengers+"人"); System.out.println("载重量"+Cargo+"吨"); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // 16 5.4 4 1.5 5 6 4 4 10 int num1,num2,passenger2,num3,passenger3; double weight1,weight2,weight3,cargo3; Scanner in =new Scanner(System.in); num1=in.nextInt(); weight1=in.nextDouble(); num2=in.nextInt(); weight2=in.nextDouble(); passenger2=in.nextInt(); num3=in.nextInt(); weight3=in.nextInt(); passenger3=in.nextInt(); cargo3=in.nextDouble(); Vehicle v1=new Vehicle(num1,weight1); v1.show(); Car v2=new Car(num2,weight2,passenger2); v2.show(); Truck v3=new Truck(num3,weight3,passenger3,cargo3); v3.show(); } }
import java.util.Scanner; abstract class Employer{ String name,department; double wages; double bonus; public abstract void showSaraly(); public abstract void showBonus(); } class BasicEmployee extends Employer{ public BasicEmployee(String name,String department,double wages){ this.name=name; this.department=department; this.wages=wages; } public void showSaraly() { System.out.println("我叫"+this.name+",在"+this.department+"部门,我的工资是"+this.wages); } public void showBonus() { System.out.println("我是普通员工,没有奖金,加油升级!"); } } class GoodEmployee extends Employer{ public GoodEmployee(String name,String department,double wages,double bonus){ this.name=name; this.department=department; this.wages=wages; this.bonus=bonus; } public void showSaraly() { System.out.printf("我叫%s,在%s部门,我的工资是%.1f\n",this.name,this.department,this.wages); } public void showBonus() { System.out.println("我是优秀员工,我的奖金是"+this.bonus); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in); String name[] = new String[2]; String department[] = new String[2]; double wages[] = new double[2]; name[0]=in.next(); department[0]=in.next(); wages[0]=in.nextDouble(); name[1]=in.next(); department[1]=in.next(); wages[1]=in.nextDouble(); double bonus=in.nextDouble(); BasicEmployee e1=new BasicEmployee(name[0],department[0],wages[0]); GoodEmployee e2=new GoodEmployee(name[1],department[1],wages[1],bonus); e1.showSaraly(); e1.showBonus(); e2.showSaraly(); e2.showBonus(); } }
编写一个教师讲课的程序。所有老师都具有共同的讲课方法,但是不同科目的教师讲课内容不同,主程序中编写一个讲课的方法TeachingRace(Teacher t),显示不同的老师t讲授不同的课程内容。提示:
(3)在主程序中定义一个讲课的方法TeachingRace(Teacher t),构造不同的教师,显示讲课内容【主要考察接口回调】
import java.util.Scanner; interface Teacher{ void method(); } class English implements Teacher{ String say; English(String say){ this.say=say; } public void method() { System.out.println("我是英语老师,I say "+this.say); } } class Math implements Teacher{ String say; Math(String say){ this.say=say; } public void method() { System.out.println("我是数学老师,I say "+this.say); } } class Text{ void TearchingRace(Teacher t){ t.method(); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in =new Scanner(System.in); Text t=new Text(); String s; s=in.next(); t.TearchingRace(new English(s)); s=in.next(); t.TearchingRace(new Math(s)); } }
public void speak();
import java.util.Scanner; class Animal{ String name; public void speak(){ } } class Mouse extends Animal{ Mouse(String name){ this.name=name; } // @Override public void speak() { System.out.println(this.name+"的叫声为喵喵"); } } class Dog1 extends Animal{ Dog1(String name){ this.name=name; } // @Override public void speak() { System.out.println(this.name+"的叫声为吱吱"); } } public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { String name[]=new String[2]; Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in); name[0]=in.next(); name[1]=in.next(); Mouse m=new Mouse(name[0]); Dog1 d=new Dog1(name[1]); m.speak(); d.speak(); } }
(1)定义一个接口USB,包含两个抽象方法turnOn()he turnOff(),分别用于表示USB设备的启动和关闭
(3)编写计算机类Computer,要求有一个表示计算机上USB插槽数量的数组;添加USB设备的方法add(USB usb),功能为遍历所有插槽,如果有空闲的就添加一个USB设备
import java.util.Scanner; interface USB{ void turnon(); void turnoff(); } class Mouse1 implements USB{ public void turnon() { System.out.println("鼠标启动了"); } public void turnoff() { System.out.println("鼠标关闭了"); } } class KeyBoard implements USB{ public void turnon() { System.out.println("键盘启动了"); } public void turnoff() { System.out.println("键盘关闭了"); } } class Mic implements USB{ public void turnon() { System.out.println("麦克启动了"); } public void turnoff() { System.out.println("麦克关闭了"); } } class Computer{ int num=0; USB [] equipment=new USB[10]; public void add( USB t){ if(num<=10){ equipment[num]=t; num++; } } void poweron(){ for(int i=0;i
* 1、 编写一个ComputerAverage接口,接口有一个求平均分的抽象方法average,方法的参数为double类型的数组。
* 2、定义Gymnastics类和School类,它们都是ComputerAverage的实现类,Gymnastics类中的平均分方法为计算体育比赛中选手的平均成绩,具体算法是去掉一个最低分,去掉一个最高分,然后对剩余的数求平均分。
* 3、School类中的平均分为计算学生考试成绩的平均分,具体算法是分数的和除以总的科目数
* 4、要求:在主类中声明ComputerAverage的对象,并使用为上转型对象,实现ComputerAverage的对象调用average方法, 实现多态,同样的两条语句实现两种不同计算平均分的方法。输入的成绩为一组数,数据的个数和具体的数据从键盘输入
import java.util.Scanner;
interface ComputerAverage {
//write your code between start and end,do not delete any code
double average( double a[]);
class Gymnastics implements ComputerAverage {
public double average(double []data) {
double sum=0;
double temp;
//write your code between start and end,do not delete any code
double max,min;
for(int i=0;i data[i]) {
min = data[i];
sum += data[i];
temp=sum/ (data.length-2);
return temp;
class School implements ComputerAverage{
double sum=0;
public double average(double[] data) {
for(int i=0;i< data.length;i++){
return sum/ data.length;
//write your code between start and end,do not delete any code
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan=new Scanner(System.in);
int n=scan.nextInt();
double []data=new double[n];
for(int i=0;i
interface Paper {
public String GetName();
class Printer {
public void Print(Paper p) {
要求创建 A4Paper,A6Paper两个类,实现Paper接口,并实现GetName方法在main方法中创建Printer对象,并调用Print()方法两次,分别传入A4,A6类的对象,根据已有代码完成程序
import java.util.Scanner;
interface Paper {
public String GetName();
class Printer {
public void Print(Paper p) {
class A4paper implements Paper{
public String GetName() {
return "A4";
class A6paper implements Paper{
public String GetName() {
return "A6";
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
String s[]=new String[2];
Printer p=new Printer();
p.Print(new A4paper());
p.Print(new A6paper());