每日一词 199 escalate

escalate: to become much worse or more serious, or to make something to do this.

进阶:我们很熟悉escalator (自动扶梯),今天我们学习和它相关的动词escalate,最常见的意思是不断恶化,某个不好的情况升级,表示此意时escalate 常作为 vi,后面常接介词 into.


The altercation between the two friends quickly escalated into a physical fight. 


The skirmish between rival factions could escalate into a full-scale war.


The depression he has been suffering escalated into a mental breakdown.


1) The risks that a conventional conflict between India and Pakistan would escalate into a nuclear one is low, but not negligible.

2) Uncertainty about the outlook for the economy would only escalate after a vote to leave. 


1) 翻译:示威游行已经计划成一场大规模的起义。

The demonstration has escalated into a large uprising. 

2) 造句:情景:吵架时谁也不想听谁,争吵就会加剧。

Family quarrels can escalate when people involved are too angry to listen to each other. 

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