《Opening Doors Within》敞開內心之門 October 8

【作者】Eileen Caddy







Let your eye be single, and see yourself whole, perfect and made in My image and likeness. Never belittle yourself or think the worst of yourself. Raise your thinking and be very positive about yourself. If you have made mistakes, learn to forgive yourself and then move forward and upward. I have no need for you to scourge yourself and to go about full of self-concern and self-pity. Do you not realise that when you do so, you shut yourself off from Me and I cannot use you? Keep open; learn from your mistakes. Forget the self completely in love and service to your fellow human beings. As soon as you start thinking of others, the self is forgotten. Service is a great healer, a great renewer of balance and stability. So find out what your very best is, what you are good at; and when you know what it is, then go ahead and give it with your whole heart. Keep moving forward, never backward.

你可能感兴趣的:(《Opening Doors Within》敞開內心之門 October 8)