2021-03-06 词缀记忆系列9_ex-

前缀ex-含义是 out, out of,表示“向外”“分离”的倾向

ex-又可以作为派生前缀,与表示身份或职业的名词相结合,表示former (以前的,前任的)的意思。


1.emit [(e

  vt. give off.send or send out; signal; issue paper money.etc.  散发光、热、声音、味道等,发出,发射;发出信号;发行纸币等

  emission 发射;纸币发行  emissary 使者,密使

  ex) Smoke detectors emit a waming sound when the battery is low.


2.enumerate  [(e

  vt. count a list of articles naming them one by one  逐一清点,列举

  enumeration  逐一清点,列举;细目,目录,一览表

  ex) The teacher enumerated the pupil's mistakes before punishing him


3.evoke  [(e

  vt. call forth or summon a spirit, etc; draw forth or elicit a particular mental image reaction, etc. 招出灵魂等;引起,唤起  evocation 唤出,唤起

  evocative 唤出的,唤起的

  ex) That song evokes pleasant high school memories for me.


4.exalt  [(ex( =out, intensive) +alt( =high)使上得非常高]

  vt. make higher in status, power, dignity, honor, wealth, etc., praise highly; lift

  someone up 提高或提升地位、权力、品位、名誉、财膏等;赞扬;使喜悦,使得意洋洋  exaltation 提高,晋升;赞扬;得意洋洋  exalted 有品位的,高贵的

  ex)Vice Presidents are sometimes suddenly exalted to the Presidency by assassinations.  副总统偶尔会因暗杀事件而突然晋升为总统。

5.expend  [(ex( =out) +pend( =pay,weigh)支付以使某物完尽、没有了]

  vt. sth+on+sth  spend; use up 使用,消费;消耗,用光  expenditure 支出,经费

    expense费用,支出;牺牲  expensive 昂贵的  expendable可花费的

  ex) About 28% of the library's annual budget is expended on new acquisitions.


6.expressly  [(ex (=out) +press (=press)下压挤出外边]

  adv.definitely, plainly; specially,on purpose  明白地,清楚地;特别地,故意地

    express 表达,表示;快递;明白的,明示的;快递的,快速的;快车,快件;捷运公司  expression 表达;措辞;表情  expressionism 表现主义  expressive 表现的,显示的  expressionless  无表情的,无表达的

  ex)  The web site was oxpreuly created to support recently widowed women.


7.extinc [(ex( =out) +tinct

  adj. no longer in existence, having died out;no longer buming, no longer active不再存在的;消亡了的,绝种的(灭绝的);(火)熄灭的,不再活跃的

    extinction 消灭,绝种;(火)熄灭,废止  extinguisher  灭火器  extinguish 熄灭(火),使消灭

  ex) Hundreds of insect species become extinct each year.


8.extort  [(ex( =out) +tort( =twist)扭曲使出来]

  vt. sth+from+sb  obtain money, etc. from someone by threats, force, etc; exact;wrest  敲诈钱财等;强求约定、坦白等;强取,抢夺  extortion  强求,抢夺,官员的勒索钱财罪  extortionate 价格过于昂贵的,要求


  ex) The Mafioso extorted money from an old widow to pay her husband's debt.


9.eject  [(e

  vt. compel somebody to leave a place; send out liquid, etc.  撵出,驱逐;喷射液体等,排出  ejection 撵出,排  ecjector  驱逐者,排出器

  ex) After committing 5 fouls,a basketball player is electod from the game.


10. elongate  [(e

  v. make or become long in space 使伸长,拉长,变长  elongation 伸长,延长

  ex) Pull on soft water taffy to elongate it as it cools.



前缀ex-是很重要的前缀,它来源于拉丁介词ex,意为out或out of,即表示“向外”、“分离”的倾向。作为原生词缀与拉丁介词根结合时,ex-有两个异体e-和ef-。其中,ex-用在元音字母和c,h,p,q,s,t前面;ef-只出现在f之前;e-则可以出现在b,d,g,j,l,m,n,r,v等之前。值得注意的是,ex-又可以作为派生前缀,与表示身份或职业的名词相结合,表示former (以前的,前任的)的意思。这时ex-没有异体,而且往往要带连字符。


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