Overview of HDL-Based Design——从HDL开始设计的全过程

1.1 Overview of HDL-Based Design
This chapter guides you through a typical HDL-based design procedure using a design of a runner’s stopwatch. The design example used in this tutorial demonstrates many device features, software features, and design flow practices you can apply to your own design. This design targets a Spartan™-3 device; however, all of the principles and flows taught are applicable to any Xilinx® device family, unless otherwise noted.
Creating a New Project------ 省略
1.2.1 Design Description
(1)The design used in this tutorial is a hierarchical, HDL-based design, which means that the
top-level design file is an HDL file that references several other lower-level macros. HDL 文件是高级,涉及包含到其他低级模块) Thelower-level macros are either HDL modules or IP modules.
(2)The design begins as an unfinished design. Throughout the tutorial, you will complete the design by generating some of the modules from scratch and by completing others from existing files. When the design is complete, you will simulate it to verify the design’s functionality.
1.2.1 Design Entry (设计实体)
For this hierarchical design, (1)you will examine HDL files, (2)correct syntax errors, (3)create an HDL macro, and (4)add a CORE Generator module. (5)You will create and use each type of design macro.( 五步:写 hdl 文件,检查改正语法错误,建立一 HDL 宏,添加核心模块(如 IP 模块),建立和使用宏 )
1.Creating an HDL-Based Module (这步为写代码,关键)
Using the New Source Wizard and ISE Text Editor (新建文件向导来建立一个文件)
Using the Language Templates (使用语言模板,一定要熟悉会用)
Adding a Language Template to Your File
2.Correcting HDL Errors
3 Adding Source Files (抄现成代码,呵呵)
4.Creating a CORE Generator Module (配置 CORE Generator 也是个关键)
    CORE Generator is a graphical interactive design tool that enables you to create high-level
modules such as counters, shift registers, RAM and multiplexers. You can customize and
pre-optimize the modules to take advantage of the inherent architectural features of the
Xilinx FPGA architectures, such as Fast Carry Logic, SRL16s, and distributed and block
   1 Creating a CORE Generator Module Select IP (Coregen & Architecture Wizard) )建立一个核心模块,采用 IP 模块创建
   2 Instantiating the CORE Generator Module in the HDL Code 核心模块加到 HDL CODE
    步骤: Verilog Flow
To instantiate the CORE Generator module using a Verilog flow:
打开工程需要插入 CORE Generator module *.v 文件,光标地位在插入点, Select Edit > Insert File ( 菜单栏 ) and select   you_needed.veo CORE Generator module . 则插入相应 CORE Generator module 的模块名,改为需要的模块名,并改端口名使与 HDL 文件对应。
5.Creating a DCM Module
The Clocking Wizard, a part of the Xilinx Architecture Wizard, enables you to graphically
select Digital Clock Manager (DCM) features that you wish to use. In this section you
create a basic DCM module with CLK0 feedback and duty-cycle correction.
1.            4 Creat a Core Generator Module 的步骤( 1
2.    Instantiating the DCM Macro - Verilog
类似 4 Creat a Core Generator Module ,但有不同,详细见《 ise 深入指南
经过以上步骤,我们已经把一个具有所想要功能的设计文件设计好了。以后是 XST 以及配置,仿真,等过程。
可以看出,要用 FPGA 设计出一个良好的 HDL 描述功能的数字系统,需要 Creating an HDL-Based Module 和配置 CORE Generator 。要考虑代码最小最佳硬件资源利用。
1.2.2 Synthesizing the Design (综合设计)
    这步的作用 : HDL-Based Design--------- Design Implementation
So far you have been using XST (the Xilinx synthesis tool) for syntax checking. Next, you
will synthesize the design using either XST The synthesis tool uses the design’s HDL code and generates a supported netlist
type (EDIF or NGC) for the Xilinx implementation tools. The synthesis tool performs three
general steps (although all synthesis tools further break down these general steps) to create the netlist:
1 Analyze / Check Syntax
Checks the syntax of the source code.
2 Compile
Translates and optimizes the HDL code into a set of components that the synthesis tool
can recognize. (把 HDL CODE 转为综合开发工具可识别)
3 Map (建立网表)
Translates the components from the compile stage into the target technology’s
primitive components.
   1 .选择综合开发工具 synthesis tool XST (只用这个)
2. Synthesizing the Design using XST
During synthesis, the HDL files are translated into gates and optimized to the
target architecture. 步骤为:
Processes available for synthesis using XST are as follows:
1 • View Synthesis Report
Gives a synthesis mapping and timing summary as well as optimizations that took
2 • View RTL Schematic
Generates a schematic view of your RTL netlist.
3 • View Technology Schematic
Generates a schematic view of your Technology netlist.
4 • Check Syntax
Verifies that the HDL code is entered properly.
5 • Generate Post-Synthesis Simulation Model
Creates HDL simulation models based on the synthesis netlist .
Entering Constraints
XST supports a User Constraint File (UCF) style syntax to define synthesis and timing
constraints. This format is called the Xilinx Constraint File (XCF), and the file has an .xcf
file extension. XST uses the .xcf extension to determine if the file is a constraints file.
Entering Synthesis Options
Synthesis options enable you to modify the behavior of the synthesis tool to make
optimizations according to the needs of the design. One commonly used option is to
control synthesis to make optimizations based on area or speed. Other options include
controlling the maximum fanout of a signal from a flip-flop or setting the desired
frequency of the design.
Synthesizing the Design
Now you are ready to synthesize your design. To take the HDL code and generate a
compatible netlist:
The RTL / Technology Viewer
XST can generate a schematic representation of the HDL code that you have entered. A
schematic view of the code helps you analyze your design by displaying a graphical
connection between the various components that XST has inferred. There are two forms of
the schematic representation:
• RTL View - Pre-optimization of the HDL code.
• Technology View - Post-synthesis view of the HDL design mapped to the target
You have completed XST synthesis. An NGC file now exists for the Stopwatch design.
这就是说完成了前面所有的流程,此后流程为行为仿真 Behavioral Simulation 和设计实现 Design Implementation
To continue with the HDL flow:
• Go to Chapter 4, “Behavioral Simulation,” to perform a pre-synthesis simulation of
this design.
• Proceed to Chapter 5, “Design Implementation,” to place and route the design.
2.          Behavioral Simulation
2.1Overview of Behavioral Simulation Flow
Xilinx ISE Simulator that allows simulations to be run from the Xilinx Project Navigator.
The examples in this tutorial demonstrate how to use the integrated flow. (有两种仿真软件, Mentor ModelSim simulator and the Xilinx ISE Simulator ,只学后一种)
2.2Getting Started
The following sections outline the requirements for performing behavioral simulation in
this tutorial.
2.2.1 Required Files
The behavioral simulation flow requires design files, a test bench file, and Xilinx
simulation libraries.
Design Files (VHDL, Verilog, or Schematic)--- 这步以做好
Test Bench File---- 本节所要说明的
In order to simulate the design, a test bench file is required to provide stimulus to the
Xilinx Simulation Libraries
Xilinx simulation libraries are required when any Xilinx primitive is instantiated in the
design. The design in this tutorial requires the use of simulation libraries because it
contains instantiations of a digital clock manager (DCM) and a CORE Generator™
component.----- 不是必须,但是当你包含 Xilinx IP 模块这就必须。
2.2.2 Xilinx Simulation Libraries
To simulate designs that contain instantiated Xilinx primitives or CORE Generator
components, you must use the Xilinx simulation libraries. These libraries contain models
for each component. These models reflect the functions of each component, and provide
the simulator with the information required to perform simulation.
Updating the Xilinx Simulation Libraries
The Xilinx simulation libraries contain models that are updated on a regular basis.
• The XilinxCoreLib models are updated each time an IP Update is installed.
• All other models are updated each time a service pack is installed.
When the models are updated, you must recompile the libraries. The compiled Xilinx
simulation libraries are then available during the simulation of any design.
2 3Adding an HDL Test Bench
In order to add an HDL test bench to your design project, you can either add a test bench
file provided with this tutorial, or create your own test bench file and add it to your project.
2.3.1 Create your own test bench file
1 )以文本方式建立 TEST BENCH FILE
To create your own test bench file in ISE, select Project > New Source , and select either
VHDL Test Bench or Verilog Text Fixture in the New Source Wizard. An empty stimulus file is
added to your project. You must define the test bench in a text editor.
2 Creating a Test Bench Waveform Using the Waveform Editor
This section demonstrates how to use the Waveform Editor. The Waveform Editor is a test
bench creation tool in ISE. You can use the Waveform Editor to graphically enter stimuli,
and to generate a VHDL test bench or Verilog test fixture. It is not necessary to follow this
section if you have added the tutorial test bench to the project already.
当你已经实现( 1 )时这步就没必要了。二者并列。
      Creating a Test Bench Waveform Source
In this tutorial, create the test bench waveform for a sub-module only. The Waveform
Editor can be used to generate stimuli for top-level designs as well.
Applying Stimulus
In the Waveform Editor, in the blue cell, you can apply a transition (high/low). The
of this cell is determined by the Input setup delay and the Output valid delay.
Now, when either Behavioral or Timing simulation is run, the simulation output is
automatically checked against the expected result.
------------------ 学会建立
2.3.2A dding Tutorial Test Bench File
This section demonstrates how to add pre-existing test bench file to the project.
------------------- 利用别人写的现成的。
2.4Behavioral Simulation Using ISE Simulator
2.4.1 ISE Simulator 仿真的步骤。
Now that you have a test bench in your project, you can perform behavioral simulation on
the design using the ISE Simulator. ISE has full integration with the ISE Simulator. ISE
enables ISE Simulator to create the work directory, compile the source files, load the
design, and perform simulation based on simulation properties.
1 Locating the Simulation Processes (定位仿真过程)
The simulation processes in ISE enable you to run simulation on the design using ISE
Simulator. To locate the ISE Simulator processes:
The following simulation processes are available:
• Check Syntax
• Simulate Behavioral Model
This process starts the design simulation.
• Generate Expected Simulation Results
This process is available only if you have a test bench waveform file from ISE
Simulator’s Test Bench Waveform Editor. If you run this process, the ISE Simulator
runs in the background to generate expected results and displays them in the
Waveform Editor.
2 Specifying Simulation Properties (指明仿真参数)
You will perform a behavioral simulation on the stopwatch design after you set some
process properties for simulation.
ISE allows you to set several ISE Simulator properties in addition to the simulation netlist
3 Performing Simulation
Once the process properties have been set, you are ready to run the ISE Simulator. To start
the behavioral simulation, double-click Simulate Behavioral Model . ISE Simulator creates
the work directory, compiles the source files, loads the design, and performs simulation for
the time specified.
4 Adding Signals
To view signals during the simulation, you must add them to the Waveform window. ISE
automatically adds all the top-level ports to the Waveform window. Additional signals are
displayed in the Sim Hierarchy window. The following procedure explains how to add
additional signals in the design hierarchy. For the purpose of this tutorial, add the DCM
signals to the waveform.
5 Rerunning Simulation (再次仿真)
Your behavioral simulation is complete. To implement the design, follow the steps in
Chapter 5, “Design Implementation.”
3 Design Implementation
3.1Overview of Design Implementation
Design Implementation is the process of translating, mapping, placing, routing, and
generating a BIT file for your design. The Design Implementation tools are embedded in
the ISE™ software for easy access and project management.
3.2Getting Started
3.2.1 Continuing from Design Entry
If you have followed the tutorial using either the HDL Design flow or the Schematic
Design flow, you have created a project, design entry source files, and an EDIF netlist file.
HDL 设计流程(或从 the Schematic Design flow 开始设计,然后执行到 Design Implementation
3.2.2 Starting from Design Implementation
利用已有的。 the presynthesized design files provided on the Xilinx ® website
3.3Specifying Options
This section describes how to set some properties for design implementation. The
implementation properties control how the software maps, places, routes, and optimizes a
3.4Creating Partitions
implementation for that instance should be reused when possible. Partitions can be nested
hierarchically and be defined on any HDL module instance in the design. In Verilog, the
partition is set on the module instance and for VHDL, the partition is set on the entity
architecture. A module with multiple instances can have multiple partitions—a partition
on each instance. The top level of the HDL design has a default partition.
Partitions do not need ranges for implementation re-use, and logic can be at the top level
partition. Partitions automatically detect input source changes, including HDL changes
and certain constraint changes. Partitions also detect command line changes, such as effort
levels on implementation tools, and only the effected partitions are re-implemented.
3.4Creating Timing Constraints
The User Constraints File (UCF) provides a mechanism for constraining a logical design
without returning to the design entry tools. However, without the design entry tools, you
must understand the exact syntax needed to define constraints. The Constraints Editor and
Pinout Area Constraints Editor (PACE) are graphical tools that enable you to enter timing
and pin location constraints
3.5Translating the Design
ISE manages the files created during implementation. The ISE tools use the settings that
you specified in the Process Properties dialog box. This gives you complete control over
how a design is processed. Typically, you set your options first. You then run through the
entire flow by double-clicking Implement Design . This tutorial illustrates the
implementation, one step at a time.
During translation, the NGDBuild program performs the following functions:
• Converts input design netlists and writes results to a single merged NGD netlist. The
merged netlist describes the logic in the design as well as any location and timing
• Performs timing specification and logical design rule checks.
• Adds the User Constraints File (UCF) to the merged netlist.
3.6Using the Constraints Editor
When you run the Create Timing Constraints process, Translate is run and ISE launches the
Constraints Editor.
The Constraints Editor enables you to:
• Edit constraints previously defined in a UCF file.
• Add new constraints to your design.
Input files to the Constraints Editor are:
• NGD (Native Generic Database) File
The NGD file serves as input to the mapper, which then outputs the physical design
database, an NCD (Native Circuit Description) file.
• Corresponding UCF (User Constraint File)
By default, when the NGD file is opened, an existing UCF file with the same base name
as the NGD file is used. Alternatively, you can specify the name of the UCF file.
The Constraints Editor generates a valid UCF file. The Translate step (NGDBuild) uses the
UCF file, along with design source netlists, to produce a newer NGD file, which
incorporates the changes made.
3.7Using the Pin-out Area Constraints Editor (PACE)
