
译自 Brendan Eich的Blog上Popularity一文。【】内为我的注。


It seems (according to one guru, but coming from this source, it's a left-handed compliment) that JavaScript is finally popular.
貌似(根据一位 精神导师的说法【 中译】)JavaScript最终流行了(尽管从原文来看这种赞美乃是言不由衷)。

To me, a nerd from a tender age, this is something between a curse and a joke. (See if you are in my camp: isn't the green chick hotter?)
对我这个从小就是nerd【nerd就是痴迷于电脑的呆头鹅,当然nerd也可以以此为荣】的人来说,这介于诅咒和玩笑之间。(看看你是不是在我这个阵营:难道不是那个绿色女孩更hot? 【本段删除:不是很理解BE的意思,green chick大概是指那种天生尤物但是喜欢践踏男人自尊的女人,难道BE的意思是nerd都是呆头鹅,很贱地喜欢green chick?】5月7日更新:感谢greens.leef的留言以及我 女朋友的提点,在原文中有这样 一段视频,是 百老汇音乐剧Wicked(邪恶女巫)中的唱段“Popular”(BE还真搞),这个剧是从 《绿野仙踪》(奥兹国的魔法师)故事衍生而成,视频中绿色皮肤的那个就是西方女巫 Elphaba,由Idina Menzel扮演,她以该角获得 2004年Tony Awards音乐剧最佳女主角奖】)

    Brendan Eich convinced his pointy-haired boss at Netscape that the Navigator browser should have its own scripting language, and that only a new language would do, a new language designed and implemented in big hurry, and that no existing language should be considered for that role.


I don't know why Doug is making up stories. He wasn't at Netscape. He has heard my recollections about JavaScript's birth directly, told in my keynotes at Ajax conferences. Revisionist shenanigans to advance a Microhoo C# agenda among Web developers?
我不知道Doug干嘛要编故事。他并没在Netscape呆过。在 Ajax大会我做的主题报告上,他也直接听过我关于JavaScript诞生的回忆。修正主义的玩笑是为了在Web开发者中推进 “微虎”的C#么?

Who knows, and it's hard to care, but in this week of the tenth anniversary of mozilla.org, a project I co-founded, I mean to tell some history.
谁知道呢,也无所谓。不过本周【本篇文章写于4月3日】是我参与创建的 mozilla.org的第十个年头,我想聊一点历史。

As I've often said, and as others at Netscape can confirm, I was recruited to Netscape with the promise of "doing Scheme" in the browser. At least client engineering management including Tom Paquin, Michael Toy, and Rick Schell, along with some guy named Marc Andreessen, were convinced that Netscape should embed a programming language, in source form, in HTML. So it was hardly a case of me selling a "pointy-haired boss" -- more the reverse.
正如我经常说的,并且其他Netscape的人也可以证明,我是以在浏览器中“搞 Scheme”的名头被招募到Netscape的。至少客户端工程管理层,包括 Tom Paquin, Michael ToyRick Schell,以及叫做 Marc Andreessen的那些家伙,相信Netscape应该在HTML中以源代码形式嵌入一种编程语言。所以并非是我说服“秃头老板”【其实sp42翻译有误,并非秃头老板而是尖头老板,见 呆伯特的图片,最左边一个就是尖头老板,根据维基中文,他是“呆伯特的直屬上司,長得像毛澤東,缺乏一般知識常識及其職位所應具有的管理能力,愛說大話且富有向物理現實挑戰的精神(永無止境的顛覆與冒險),倒楣跟負責的往往是他的下屬。”】——而是反过来。

Whether that language should be Scheme was an open question, but Scheme was the bait I went for in joining Netscape. Previously, at SGI, Nick Thompson had turned me on to SICP.
这个语言是否应该是Scheme见仁见智,不过Scheme正是我加入Netscape的诱因之一。之前在SGI, Nick Thompson曾向我介绍了 SICP

What was needed was a convincing proof of concept, AKA a demo. That, I delivered, and in too-short order it was a fait accompli.
当时需要的是一个有说服力的概念验证,也就是一个demo。我完成了它,而它随即变成了 既成事实

