Wilcoxon signed-rank test








Wilcoxon signed-rank test


曼-惠特尼U检验Mann–Whitney Test




Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第1张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第2张图片



ranking method


critical value 对应样本数,20样本对应的关键值为52

Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第3张图片


positive sum:


negative sum:



如果negative sum小于52,表明两组数有显著差异,推翻原假设

 Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第4张图片















Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第5张图片





Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第6张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第7张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第8张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第9张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第10张图片




Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第11张图片



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第12张图片




 # -*- coding: utf-8 -

import scipy.stats as stats









Out[2]: WilcoxonResult(statistic=2.0, pvalue=0.01471359242280415)



Wilcoxon signed-rank test_第13张图片 







In this lesson, you're going to learn about the major differences between parametric and non-parametric methods for dealing with inferential statistics, as well as see an example of the non-parametric method.


What is normal? At least in the world of statistics, this has nothing to do with how someone dresses, acts, or what their beliefs are. Normal data comes from a population with a normal distribution. A normal distribution is a distribution that has a symmetrical bell-shaped curve to it, which you're probably well aware of.

Keep this concept in mind as we go over the major differences between parametric and non-parametric statistics.

Parametric Methods

First, let's define our terms really simply. When we talk about parameters in statistics, what are we actually hinting at? Parameters are descriptive measures of population data, such as the population mean or population standard deviation.

When the variable we are considering is approximately (or completely) normally distributed, or the sample size is large, we can use two inferential methods that are concerned with parameters - appropriately called parametric methods - when performing a hypothesis test for a population mean. For instance, if we find that the distribution of the average salary of a sample looks like a bell curve, then parametric methods may be used.

These two methods are probably ones you've heard of before. They are the z-test, which we'd use when the population standard deviation is known to us; or the t-test, which we'd use when the population standard deviation is not known to us.

Non-Parametric Methods

Inferential methods that are not concerned with parameters are known, easily enough, as non-parametric methods. However, this term is also more broadly used to refer to many methods that are applied without assuming normality. So, for instance, if we find that the distribution of the average salary of a sample looks like the histogram you see on the screen now [see video], which is nothing close to that of a bell curve, then we will have to turn to non-parametric methods.

Such non-parametric methods have their pros and cons. On the pro side, these methods are usually simpler to compute and are more resistant to extreme values when compared to parametric methods. On the con side, if the requirements for the use of a parametric method are actually met, non-parametric methods do not have as much power as the z-test or t-test.

By power, I simply mean the probability of avoiding a type II error, which is an error where we fail to reject the false null hypothesis.

Example of a Non-Parametric Method

One example of a non-parametric method is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. This is a test that assumes the variable under consideration does not need a specific shape and doesn't have to be normally distributed, but is symmetric in its distribution nonetheless. This means that it can be sliced in half to produce two mirror images.

So, for example, a right-skewed or left-skewed distribution would not be appropriate for this test since it's not symmetric. But a normal, symmetric bimodal, triangular, or uniform distribution would be a fit for this test since any one of those can be sliced in half to produce two mirror images of one another.

Other non-parametric tests include the likes of:

  • The Kruskal-Wallis test
  • The Mann-Whitney U test
  • The sign test

Lesson Summary

Normal data comes from a population with a normal distribution. A normal distribution is a distribution that has a symmetrical bell-shaped curve to it, which you're probably well aware of.

Inferential methods that are concerned with parameters are appropriately called parametric methods, and include the z-test and t-test. Parameters are descriptive measures of population data.

Inferential methods that are not concerned with parameters are known as non-parametric methods. This term is also more broadly used to refer to many methods that are applied without assuming normality.

While non-parametric methods are easier to compute than parametric ones, they do not have as much power as parametric methods if the requirements for the use of a parametric method are met. By power, I simply mean the probability of avoiding a type II error, which is an error where we fail to reject the false null hypothesis.

An example of a non-parametric method is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. This is a test that assumes the variable under consideration does not need a specific shape and doesn't have to be normally distributed, but is symmetric in its distribution nonetheless.




