Network Basis


1 Key Words

2 TCP/IP模型

3 Collision vs Broadcast Domain

1 Key Words


  • Node  A node is a physical electronic device hooked up to a network, for example a computer, printer, router, and so on. If set up properly, a node is capable of sending and/or receiving information over a network.

  • Protocol  A protocol is a mutually agreed upon set of rules that allows two nodes on a network to exchange data.

  • Networks  A network is a general term for a group of computers, printers, or any other device that wants to share data. Network types include LAN, HAN, CAN, MAN, WAN, BAN, or VPN. 

  • Topology Topology describes how nodes and links fit together in a network configuration, often depicted in a diagram. Here are some common network topology types:                                            Network Basis_第1张图片


参考链接:networking - Difference between PACKETS and FRAMES - Stack Overflow

  • ​Segments/Datagrams are units of data in the Transport Layer. In the case of the internet, the term Segment typically refers to TCP, while Datagram typically refers to UDP
  • Packets are units of data in the Network Layer (IP in case of the Internet)
  • Frames are units of data in the Link Layer (e.g. Wifi, Bluetooth, Ethernet, etc).

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Promiscuous mode,混杂模式,

参考链接:Wikipedia Promiscuous mode


In IEEE 802 networks such as Ethernet or IEEE 802.11, each frame includes a destination MAC address. In non-promiscuous mode, when a NIC receives a frame, it drops it unless the frame is addressed to that NIC's MAC address or is a broadcast or multicast addressed frame. In promiscuous mode, however, the NIC allows all frames through, thus allowing the computer to read frames intended for other machines or network devices.


2 TCP/IP模型

OSI VS TCP/IP,以下部分内容参考What Is the OSI Model


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将Data Link Layer和Physical Layer合并为Netwrok Access Layer,在实践中体现为以太网卡包含了OSI Layer1/2的功能;这点,我们可以参考Search the Community What is the relationship of a NIC to the OSI model?

A NIC provides operations up to layer 2 of the OSI model. The NIC's interface itself is a Physical layer (layer 1) device, the physical address (also known as MAC address) of the adapter as well as the drivers to control the NIC are located at the Data Link layer's MAC sub-layer. In an Ethernet network for example, every NIC attached to the same segment receive every ‘frame’ to discover the MAC address. Frames that do not match the local NIC’s MAC address are discarded; frames that do match the local NIC’s address are forwarded up the OSI model to the next layer to be processed by the network layer protocol. Obviously, a NIC must be able to interpret the MAC address, hence operate up to the MAC sub-layer of layer 2 of the OSI model.


Layering TCP/IP Protocols Part 1                             Network Basis_第4张图片


Layer 1: The physical layer

The physical layer at the bottom of the stack is pure hardware, including the cable or satellite (or other) connection medium and the network interface card. This layer is where electrical signals move around (and we try not to think too hard about how it works). Protocols in the two bottom hardware layers aren’t part of the TCP/IP stack. The physical layer transforms data into bits that move across the network media. The protocols in the physical layer include protocols related to cables, or to air, in the case of wireless. The physical layer also has protocols for connection methods.

Layer 2: The data link layer

This layer is another one that we don’t want to strain our brains trying to figure out — again, hardware is involved. This layer splits data into packets to be sent across the connection medium, and then wiring, such as Ethernet or token ring, gets involved. The data link layer moves data up through the higher layers for transportation across networks and through tunnels to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

The data link layer also includes protocols that work with your Media Access Control (MAC) address and your network interface card (NIC).

A MAC address is a hardwired special address on your NIC. Every NIC has a unique MAC address

3 Collision vs Broadcast Domain

3.1 概述

参考链接:Collision Domain vs Broadcast Domain

A domain is a network that has different network devices connected to it.

Collision domain is a single physical line that a collision can occur. In other words, it is a network domain that allows only one device to transfer data at a time. If one more device tries to send data at the same time in a collision domain, collision occurs. This means that there will be data loss.

Broadcast Domain simply shows a network. In other words, it is the area that a broadcast traffic can sent and received. All the devices that receive this broadcast traffic are in the same broadcast domain. If a device sends broadcast traffic, all the other devices in the same broadcast domain receive this broadcast traffic.


Wikipedia.Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection也就是CSMA/CD

Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier-sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting. This is used in combination with collision detection in which a transmitting station detects collisions by sensing transmissions from other stations while it is transmitting a frame. When this collision condition is detected, the station stops transmitting that frame, transmits a jam signal, and then waits for a random time interval before trying to resend the frame


  • 它是早期网络发展的一个阶段,LAN里的节点都处在一个冲突域中
  • 它定义了一种类型的Network Domain,即里面的所有节点不能同时发送数据


Broadcast Domain 给出的例子,

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For example, let’s say that that ARP request is sent by H2 to figure out the MAC address of H1. The information in the ARP request is useless for SW2, SW3, and H3 but they do receive it. SW2 and SW3 have to waste bandwidth forwarding the broadcast frame and H3 has to waste some CPU cycles to look at an ARP request that it doesn’t care about.

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Routers, unlike switches, do not forward broadcast traffic. When H2 sends that broadcast frame, it will be forwarded by SW2 to R1 but that’s it. This does mean that traffic from H2 to H1 will have to be routed but that’s another story. Here are the broadcast domains we have now:


  • 广播域定义了一个network domain,其中broadcast traffic可以被所有节点接收
  • 广播域也应该是LAN发展的一个阶段,随着LAN的规模越来越大,需要一种设备将一个广播域分为多个,于是就出现了Router;Router的功能之一就是划分隔离广播域

3.2 发展脉络



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