
Genome engineering using the CRISPR-Cas9 system


  1. abstract--上文
  2. introduction--上文(部分)
  3. material
  4. procedure
  5. anticipated results


  1. clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) :就是一个剪短的成簇的短回文结构。
  2. DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs) :双链断裂,啊啊啊啊好疼啊!
  3. nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ):无模板修复,引入indel,适合敲除
  4. homology-directed repair (HDR):有模板修复,精准编辑。
  5. zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs):锌指核酸酶
  6. transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs):转录激活因子样效应物核酸酶
  7. single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (ssODNs):单链DNA寡核苷酸
  8. CRISPR RNA (crRNA) array
  9. Streptococcus pyogenes:化脓性链球菌
  10. single-guide RNA (sgRNA)
  11. guide RNA (gRNA)

1. abstract

2. introduction(节选)

2.1 Precise genome editing using engineered nucleases--精确基因编辑



2.2 Cas9: an RNA-guided nuclease for genome editing--详细介绍Cas9

CRISPR RNA (crRNA) array,编码gRNA,再加上tracrRNA,则可达到定位+编辑的功能gRNA用于引导,tracrRNA用于结合靶点。所以,人们就把crRNA和tracrRNA合在一起,成为了single-guide RNA,即sgRNA,而通过修改tracrRNA的序列,在理论上可以on-target任何目的靶点。


2.3 Comparison with other genome editing technologies--Cas和其他基因编辑手段对比(个人认为很有必要补充这样的背景知识,虽则貌似无用)

Cas9 offers several potential advantages over ZFNs and TALENs, including the ease of customization, higher targeting efficiency and the ability to facilitate multiplex genome editing. As custom ZFNs are often difficult to engineer, we will primarily compare Cas9 with TALEN.

2.3.1. Ease of customization--更易定制

Cas9只需要重新购买一对oligos 20-nt gRNA即可,可是TALEM却需要重新设计新的TALEN.

2.3.2. Cleavage pattern--剪切模式

WT S. pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9) is known to make a blunt cut between the 17th and 18th bases in the target sequence (3 bp 5′ of the PAM). Mutating catalytic residues in either the RuvC or the HNH nuclease domain of SpCas9 converts the enzyme into a DNA nicking enzyme. In contrast, TALENs cleave nonspecifically in the 12–24-bp linker between the pair of TALEN monomer-binding sites.

2.3.3 Editing efficiency--编辑效率


2.4 Limitations of the Cas9 system--不足之处

Cas要求唯一的PAM存在3′ of the 20-bp target sequence,每个同源的Cas9有唯一的PAM序列,而这个情况在人类中却不是那么严格,常常每8-12个bp就能找到一个。

2.5 Experimental design--实验设计

2.5.1 Target selection for sgRNA--sgRNA的选择

(i) the 5′-NGG PAM for S. pyogenes Cas9 and (ii) the minimization of off-target activity
We provide an online CRISPR Design Tool ( that takes a genomic sequence of interest and identifies suitable target sites. To experimentally assess off-target genomic modifications for each sgRNA, we also provide computationally predicted off-target sites (for a detailed discussion, see Box 1)
为了解决以上不足之处,张老师课题组提供了在线设计sgRNA的工具,并且也提供了关于脱靶位点的计算方法以及增加编辑效率的alternative strategy(using the D10A nickase mutant of Cas9 (Cas9n) along with a pair of sgRNAs)---该部分内容比较多,感兴趣可回原文查看

CRISPR设计工具提供了所需的所有寡核苷酸和引物的序列(i)制备sgRNA结构,(ii)分析目标修饰效率,(iii)评估潜在靶外位点的切割。值得注意的是,由于表达sgRNA的U6 RNA聚合酶III启动子更倾向于将鸟嘌呤(G)核苷酸作为其转录本的第一个碱基,因此在sgRNA的5 '端附加了一个额外的G,而20-nt引导序列并不以G开头(图4 b, c)。在极少数情况下,某些sgRNA可能由于未知的原因而无法工作;因此,我们建议为每个位点设计至少两个sgRNA,并在预期的细胞类型中测试它们的效率。

2.5.2 Approaches for sgRNA construction and delivery



2.5.3 Design of repair template--略,用的时候自然会狠狠学

2.5.4 Clonal isolation of cell lines

Isolation of clonal cell lines with specific modifications is often desired. This can be achieved after transfection by isolating single cells through either FACS (Steps 54–65) or serial dilutions (Steps 66–70), followed by an expansion period to establish a new clonal cell line. It is worth noting that cell types can vary substantially in their responses to single-cell isolation, and literature specific to the cell type of interest should be consulted.

2.5.5 Functional testing--暂略,用的时候会详细查阅,这属于后续验证的方法

(1)SURVEYOR nuclease assay.
(2)Plasmid- or ssODN-mediated HDR.
(3)Detection of indels or HDR by sequencing

3. material

4. procedure

5. anticipated results

