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Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions - Accelerating High Level Design

The new Vivado® Design Suite HLx editions supply design teams with the tools and methodology needed to leverage C-based design and optimized reuse, IP sub-system reuse, integration automation and accelerated design closure. When coupled with the UltraFast™ High-Level Productivity Design Methodology Guide, this unique combination is proven to accelerate productivity by enabling designers to work at a high level of abstraction while facilitating design reuse.

Vivado Design Suite HLx 版本 - 加速高层次设计

Vivado® Design Suite HLx 版本可为设计团队提供实现基于 C 的设计、重用优化、IP 子系统重复、集成自动化以及设计收敛加速所需的工具和方法。与 UltraFast™ 高层次生产力设计方法指南相结合,这种特殊组合经过验证,不仅可帮助设计人员以高层次抽象形式开展工作,同时还可促进重复使用,从而可加速生产力。

