我们知道Qt QChart 是可以绘制各种各样图(polar , 条状图, 折线图, 散点图等等). 但是还要需要我们对于常用qchart , qcharview, 以及chart表格中sereis对象进行整理。
首先我们要了解下, QChart是一个可以在QGraphicsScene中显示的QGraphicsWidget。它管理不同类型系列和其他图表相关对象(如图表系列、图例和轴)的图形表示。为了简单地在布局中显示图表,可以使用方便类QChartView来代替QChart。此外,通过使用QPolarChart类,可以将直线、样条曲线、面积和散点序列显示为极坐标图。 它继承自QGraphicsWidget。
QWidget 与 QGraphicsWidge的显著差异是:
QWidget | QGraphicsWidge |
QWidget uses integer geometry (QPoint, QRect). | Coordinates and geometry are defined with qreals (doubles or floats, depending on the platform). |
QWidget is hidden by default until you call show(). | The widget is already visible by default; you do not have to call show() to display the widget |
All widget attributes are supported. | A subset of widget attributes are supported. |
A top-level widget’s style defaults to QApplication::style | A top-level item’s style defaults to QGraphicsScene::style |
Standard drag and drop framework | Graphics View provides a custom drag and drop framework, different from QWidget. |
Full modality support | Widget items do not support modality. |
Widget Attribute | Usage |
Qt::WA_SetLayoutDirection | Set by setLayoutDirection(), cleared by unsetLayoutDirection(). You can test this attribute to check if the widget has been explicitly assigned a layoutDirection. If the attribute is not set, the layoutDirection() is inherited. |
Qt::WA_RightToLeft | Toggled by setLayoutDirection(). Inherited from the parent/scene. If set, the widget’s layout will order horizontally arranged widgets from right to left. |
Qt::WA_SetStyle | Set and cleared by setStyle(). If this attribute is set, the widget has been explicitly assigned a style. If it is unset, the widget will use the scene’s or the application’s style. |
Qt::WA_Resized | Set by setGeometry() and resize(). |
Qt::WA_SetPalette | Set by setPalette(). |
Qt::WA_SetFont | Set by setFont(). |
Qt::WA_WindowPropagation | Enables propagation to window widgets. |
QChartView 可以显示图表的一个独立的小部件。图表视图不需要QGraphicsScene对象即可工作, 但要在现有的QGraphicsScene中显示图表,应使用QChart或QPolarChart类。
它继承自QGraphicsView, 我们之前了解过QGraphicsView 是可以在其QGraphicsScene中支持添加百万条QGraphicsItem.
QChart *chart = new QChart();