OpenStack4j 多线程编程session问题(一)


项目中使用了 OpenStack4j github链接 来调用 OpenStack 接口,最近负责实现一个“自动化构建上百个虚拟节点”功能,觉得单线程模式下一个个创虚拟机太慢了,考虑使用多线程的方式创建虚拟机,创建过程中遇到了如下异常:

# org.openstack4j.api.exceptions.OS4JException: 
# Unable to retrieve current session. 
# Please verify thread has a current session available.

从字面上,是说我当前的线程没有对应的会话(session),那么这个会话到底是怎么回事呢?如何用多线程实现对 OpenStack 的并发请求呢?下面就来说一说


使用 OpenStack4j 创建虚拟机的代码很简单,分两步走,第一步,建立一个 client,第二步,用 client 获取 compute 服务并创建虚拟机,代码示范如下:

第一步,建立一个 client

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
                .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
                .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))

第二步,获取 compute服务并创建虚拟机,这里的server就是创建的虚拟机:

ServerCreate serverCreate = Builders.server()
Server server = os.compute().servers().boot(serverCreate);


OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
                .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
                .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_COUNT);

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    executorService.submit(new createMission(os));

class CreateMission extends Thread {

    OSClientV3 os;
    public CreateMission(OSClientV3 os) {
        this.os = os;   

    public void run() {
        Server server = os.compute().servers().boot(serverCreate);

如果这么写的话,就报错啦,遇到上文所述的 session 异常:

# org.openstack4j.api.exceptions.OS4JException: 
# Unable to retrieve current session. 
# Please verify thread has a current session available.

为了解决这个错误,我们就得知道 session 是什么,为什么在多线程下会出错


下面结合 OpenStack4j 源码来分析一下这个 session

说简单也简单,从 client 的创建说起:

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
                .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
                .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))

如上所示,client 是用 OSFactorybuilderV3 实现的,返回了一个ClientV3 对象:

package org.openstack4j.openstack;
public abstract class OSFactory> {
    public static V3 builderV3() {
        return new ClientV3();

在创建 client 的一系列调用中, clientV3 对象最后调用了一个方法 authenticate()

package org.openstack4j.openstack.client;
public abstract class OSClientBuilder {
    public static class ClientV3 extends OSClientBuilder {
        public OSClientV3 authenticate() throws AuthenticationException {
            if (this.tokenId != null && this.tokenId.length() > 0) {
                return this.scope != null ? (OSClientV3)OSAuthenticator.invoke(new KeystoneAuth(this.tokenId, this.scope), this.endpoint, this.perspective, this.config, this.provider) : (OSClientV3)OSAuthenticator.invoke(new KeystoneAuth(this.tokenId), this.endpoint, this.perspective, this.config, this.provider);
            } else {
                return this.user != null && this.user.length() > 0 ? (OSClientV3)OSAuthenticator.invoke(new KeystoneAuth(this.user, this.password, this.domain, this.scope), this.endpoint, this.perspective, this.config, this.provider) : (OSClientV3)OSAuthenticator.invoke(new KeystoneAuth(this.scope, Type.TOKENLESS), this.endpoint, this.perspective, this.config, this.provider);

要注意 return 语句里调用了 OSAuthenticator.invoke 方法,这里面的实现如下:

package org.openstack4j.openstack.internal;
public class OSAuthenticator {
    public static OSClient invoke(KeystoneAuth auth, String endpoint, Facing perspective, Config config,
            CloudProvider provider) {
        SessionInfo info = new SessionInfo(endpoint, perspective, false, provider);
        return authenticateV3(auth, info, config);
    private static OSClientV3 authenticateV3(KeystoneAuth auth, SessionInfo info, Config config) {
        if (!info.reLinkToExistingSession) {
            OSClientSessionV3 v3 = OSClientSessionV3.createSession(token, info.perspective, info.provider, config);
            v3.reqId = reqId;
            return v3;

        OSClientSessionV3 current = (OSClientSessionV3) OSClientSessionV3.getCurrent();
        current.token = token;
        current.reqId = reqId;
        return current;

注意看最后,这个方法返回了一个 OSClientSessionV3 的对象!所以说我们用的 client,其实就可以视为一个 session


OpenStack4j 里,创建的 client 可以被理解成创建了一次会话(session),以后的调用,都是基于此次会话的


 * A client which has been identified. Any calls spawned from this session will
 * automatically utilize the original authentication that was successfully
 * validated and authorized
 * @author Jeremy Unruh
public abstract class OSClientSession {
    private static final ThreadLocal sessions = new ThreadLocal();
    public static class OSClientSessionV3 extends OSClientSession {

注意看一开始定义的 ThreadLocal sessions

谜底揭晓了,OSClientSessionThreadLocal 为每个线程维护了一个 session(也就是client)


package org.openstack4j.openstack.internal;
public class BaseOpenStackService {
    private  Invocation builder(Class returnType, String path, HttpMethod method) {
        OSClientSession ses = OSClientSession.getCurrent();
        if (ses == null) {
            throw new OS4JException(
                    "Unable to retrieve current session. Please verify thread has a current session available.");
        RequestBuilder req = HttpRequest.builder(returnType).endpointTokenProvider(ses).config(ses.getConfig())
        Map headers = ses.getHeaders();
        if (headers != null && headers.size() > 0){
            return new Invocation(req, serviceType, endpointFunc).headers(headers);
            return new Invocation(req, serviceType, endpointFunc);


OSClientSession ses = OSClientSession.getCurrent();
if (ses == null) {
    throw new OS4JException(
            "Unable to retrieve current session. Please verify thread has a current session available.");

回顾一下之前多线程创建虚拟机的代码,我们在主线程里创建了 client (也可理解为会话),在另外的线程里试图用这个会话调用 OpenStack 的服务,但这个会话是用 ThreadLocal 维护的,只属于主线程,另外的线程当然取不到这个会话,于是就报错啦

于是要使用多线程并发调用 OpenStack 的话,需要在每个线程里都创建一个会话,再进行调用,代码框架大概如下:

ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREAD_COUNT);

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    executorService.submit(new createMission());

class CreateMission extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()
                .credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byId("user domain id"))
                .scopeToProject(Identifier.byId("project id"))
        Server server = os.compute().servers().boot(serverCreate);




这时候,就想到了利用 ThreadLocal,至于怎么用,下一篇再说了。

你可能感兴趣的:(OpenStack4j 多线程编程session问题(一))