Yoga for Air Pollution
Pollution is one of the biggest challenges we face today. Governments across the world are fighting to solve this issue. There are certain things you can do, from the comfort of your living room, that can help make you air pollution proof. Yogic mantras have been known for centuries to help in strengthening the human respiratory system. The 'Pranayama' is the most powerful yogic weapon you can use to regularly combat pollutants. Here's a pranayama series and asanas to help.
空气污染瑜伽是我们今天面临的最大挑战之一。世界各国政府都在为解决空气污染这个问题而奋斗。当然你可以做一些事情, 比如有一个舒适而空气清新的客厅里,可以帮助你抵御空气污染。几个世纪以来,瑜伽唱诵被认为帮助加强人类呼吸系统的健康。"Pranayama 呼吸控制法" 是你可以用来定期对抗污染物的最强大的瑜伽武器。这里我们介绍一系列呼吸控制法和瑜伽体式。
I. Kapalbhati
Every yoga practitioner's top choice, this is one of the most useful breathing exercises that help detoxify your entire system. For individuals who are suffering from breathlessness, this exercise helps in clearing out all the toxins from the frontal brain and lungs. Here are the basic steps to do this exercise:
每一位瑜伽练习者的首选, 也是最有用的呼吸练习之一, 有助于你身体整个系统的排毒。对于患有呼吸困难的人来说, 这个习练有助于清除额叶脑和肺部的所有毒素。以下是做这个习练的基本步骤:
1. Sit straight with your spine erect and cross your legs in front of you.
2. Take in a deep breath, exhale quickly and suddenly making a puffing sound while you do it. Focus on exhaling forcefully and not on the inhalation.
深吸气, 在呼气时迅速和突然地发出喷气的声音。专注于呼气, 而不是吸气。
3. When you exhale, draw your abdominal muscles inward simultaneously. Your abdomen should rise when you inhale and fold when you exhale.
呼气时, 同时将腹部肌肉向内拉。当你吸气的时候, 你的腹部应该会上升, 当你呼气的时候, 你的腹部应该会收进去。
4. Continue this for another 2 minutes and then relax your body. "Kapalbhati involves a series of dynamic exhalations followed by submissive inhalations. Practicing it on a regular basis can boost energy and help cleanse the respiratory system. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, increases oxygen flow and can even improve digestion,"
继续2分钟, 然后放松身体。"卡巴拉巴提调息法涉及一系列动态呼气, 然后是顺从吸入。定期习练可以提高能量, 帮助净化呼吸系统。同时也会加强腹部肌肉, 增加氧气流动, 甚至可以改善消化"
II. Bhastrika
This breathing exercise not only aids detoxification of the system but also helps in providing energy to the body. The pollutants chance to remain in the body for long. Before they can be stored, they are removed immediately. However, that individuals who are experiencing breathing problems like asthma should practice this technique under guidance. Here's how to do Bhastrika in easy steps.
Bhastrika 风箱呼吸法
这种呼吸练习不仅有助于系统的排毒, 而且有助于为身体提供能量。如果不及时排出污染物, 留在体内很长一段时间。在我们的身体存储它们之前, 我们可以把它们立即删除出身体。不过, 有哮喘等呼吸问题的人应该在专业老师的指导下练习这种技术。下面是如何在简单的步骤:
1. Sit up tall, relax your shoulders, take a few deep breaths in and out from your nose. With each inhale, expand your belly fully as you breathe.
坐直,放松肩膀, 从鼻子里做几次深呼吸。每次吸气, 都要充分扩张腹部。
2. Begin breathing by exhaling forcefully through your nose. Follow by inhaling forcefully at the rate of one second per cycle.
3. Make sure the breath is coming from your diaphragm; keep your head, neck, shoulders, and chest still while your belly moves in and out.
确保呼吸来自你的横隔膜; 当你的肚子进出时, 保持你的头、脖子、肩膀和胸部位置不变。
III. Agnisara Kriya
The term means stimulating the digestive fire. The main purpose of Agnisara is to boost the metabolism and guarantee proper functioning of all of the abdominal organs. People tend to eat a great deal of junk food during holidays, even the food that we eat at home has some amount of toxins, Agnisara Kriya helps in keeping our abdomen clean from these toxins and to some extent even increase our immunity system. Here are simple steps to do this exercise:
Agnisara Kriya 火的扩张法
这个词的意思是刺激消化系统的火(即热量)。Agnisara的主要目的是促进新陈代谢, 保证所有腹部器官的正常运作。很多人在节假日会食用很多垃圾食品,即使是我们在家里吃的食物, 也有一定数量的毒素。Agnisara Kriya 有助于保持我们的腹部清洁这些毒素, 并在一定程度上甚至增强我们的免疫系统。下面是执行此习练的简单步骤:
1. Stand with knee bending, placing the hands on your knees and hunch your shoulders up.
站立并弯曲膝盖, 双手放在膝盖上, 向上卷曲肩膀。
2. Inhale deeply and hold your breath. While holding the breath, bend your head forward and try to touch the chin to the chest.
深吸气并屏住呼吸。屏住呼吸时, 向前弯曲头部, 并尝试下巴靠近胸部。
3. Pull the abdomen in (as if with a vacuum in the chest, bringing it as inwards as possible). Now the do just the opposite by expanding your stomach to the fullest. Repeat 10 times before taking a breath.
将腹部拉入 (好像胸部有真空, 尽可能向内拉)。现在做正好相反的事情, 把你的胃扩大到最充分的地方。在呼吸前重复10次。
4. Inhale and relax the shoulders slowly.
慢慢吸气, 放松肩膀。
Adho Mukha Svanasana (下犬势)
IV. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) (Two minutes)
This yoga pose offers a number of health benefits. It resembles a dog in a forward bending position. It improves blood circulation to the head, thereby stimulating hair growth. It also compresses the abdominal muscles, thereby improving digestion and also stretches the neck and spine to relieve stress. Practice this every morning on an empty stomach to get the most of its benefits. Hold on to the position for 1 to 3 minutes each time you practice it.
Adho Mukha Svanasana (下犬势)
此体式可以改善头部的血液循环, 从而刺激头发生长。它还压缩腹部肌肉, 从而改善消化, 还伸展颈部和脊椎, 以缓解压力。每天早上空腹练习可以得到最大的好处。每次练习时, 坚持这个位置1到3分钟。
V.Bhujang Asanaa (Cobra pose, Two minutes)
Lie down on your back, keep your hands in line with your elbows. Inhale and bring your head up, chest up, pointing your chin to the ground. Your elbows should be slightly bent. Stay in this position and breathe, inhaling and exhaling deeply, opening up your chest.
Bhujang Asanaa 眼镜蛇式
眼镜蛇式 (两分钟) 躺在你的背上保持你的手与你的肘部一致。吸气, 抬起头, 把胸部抬起来, 把下巴指向地面。你的肘部应该稍微弯曲。保持在这个位置, 深呼吸, 吸入和呼气, 打开你的胸部。
Matsya Asana (Fish Pose, 鱼王式)
VI.Matsya Asana (Fish Pose, Two minutes)
Lie on your back and tuck your arms underneath your body. Inhale, lift your head and chest up and then arching your back rest the crown of the head on the ground. Use your elbows to maintain balance.
Inhale and exhale deeply opening up the chest.
鱼王式(两分钟) 躺在你的背上, 把你的胳膊塞到你的身体下面。吸气, 抬起你的头和胸部, 然后把你的背部拱起, 头冠放在地上。用你的肘部来保持平衡。吸气和呼气深深地打开胸部。
Anuloma viloma (Nadi shodana,左右鼻交替呼吸法)
VII.Anuloma viloma (Nadi shodana,Two minutes) 左右鼻交替呼吸法(两分钟)
Sit in a comfortable posture with your spine straight, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
舒适坐姿保持脊椎伸直, 闭上眼睛深呼吸。
The fingers of your right hand should be in the nasika mudra- the index finger and middle finger curled into the palm and the other three fingers pointed outwards. Bring your right hand to your nose, keeping the left hand on your knee.
你右手的手指应该在 nasika mudra手印-食指和中指卷曲到手掌和其他三个手指指向外。把你的右手放在鼻子上, 把左手放在膝盖上。
Inhale from your left nostril, keeping the right nostril shut and then close both nostrils, retaining the breath for a few seconds.
Nasika mudra 手印
从左鼻孔吸气, 保持右鼻孔关闭, 然后关闭两个鼻孔, 屏住呼吸几秒钟。
Exhale completely from the right nostril.
Breathe in from the right nostril, retain the breath for a second and exhale completely from the left nostril. This is one round, continue for two minutes.
从右鼻孔吸气, 屏住呼吸一秒钟, 从左鼻孔完全呼气。这是一轮, 继续两分钟。
Just Yoga instructor: KIRAN mysuru
mail-id: [email protected]
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