SQL server查询代码实操例子

select sno,s.cno,grade
from score s,course c
where s.cno=c.cno and (c.cno=‘08181192’ or c.cno=‘08181170’ or c.cno=‘08181060’)
select sno,s.cno,grade
from score s,course c
where grade>60 and s.cno=c.cno and (c.cno<>‘08181192’ and c.cno<>‘08181170’ and c.cno<>‘08181060’)
select sno,s.cno,grade
from score s,course c
where grade>70 and grade<80 and s.cno=c.cno and (c.cno=‘08181192’ or c.cno=‘08181170’ or c.cno=‘08181060’)
select max(grade) 最好成绩,min(grade) 最差成绩,avg(grade) 平均成绩
from score
where cno=‘08181192’
select count() 男生人数
from student
where depart=‘001’ and gender=‘男’
select count(
) 姓张的人数
from student
where depart=‘003’ and sname like ‘张%’
select sno,sname
from student
where depart=‘003’ and sname like ‘张%’
–8 查询年后出生的副教授的记录
select tname
from teacher
where YEAR(GETDATE()) - age >1980
and prof like ‘副教授’
–9 查询编号为‘’()授课门数
select count (cno) 总和
from course
where tno=‘0128’
– alter table course
–alter column tno char(4) NULL
insert into course
–10 查询没有安排授课老师的课程信息
select *
from course
where tno is NULL

insert into student values

update student
set specialty=‘The Internet of things engineering’
where sname=‘张三’

insert into course values

insert into score values

–2 查询至少选修了门课的同学的学号和选修课程门数。
select sno,COUNT(sno) 总门数
from score
group by sno
having COUNT(sno)>2

–3 查询学号为,102,103三位同学不及格课程门数,查询结果按照学号降序排列。
select distinct sno 学号,COUNT(sno) 总门数
from score
where grade <80
GROUP by sno
having sno like ‘%111’ or sno like ‘%144’ or sno like ‘%107’
order by sno desc
select s.sno,s.sname,c.cname,sc.grade,t.tname
from student s join score sc on s.sno=sc.sno
join course c on sc.cno=c.cno
join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno

order by s.sno asc

select y.cno 课程号,y.cname 课程名称,x.cno 间接先修课的课程编号,x.cname 名称
from course x,course y
where y.cname=‘数据库课程设计’ and y.pcno=x.cno
select *
from course
select sno 学号,max(grade) 最好成绩,min(grade) 最差成绩,avg(grade) 平均成绩
from score
GROUP by sno
select sno 学号
from score
GROUP by sno
having max(grade)<90 and MIN(grade) >65
select s.sno 学号,s.sname 姓名,max(sc.grade) 最好成绩,min(sc.grade) 最差成绩,avg(sc.grade) 平均成绩
from score sc,student s
where sc.sno=s.sno
GROUP by sc.sno,s.sno,s.sname
select s.sno 学号,s.sname 姓名,depart 班级
from score sc,student s
where sc.sno=s.sno
GROUP by sc.sno,s.sno,s.sname,s.depart
having max(grade)<90 and MIN(grade) >65
select y.sno 学号
from score x,score y
where x.sno like ‘%101’ and y.grade>x.grade and y.sno not like ‘%101’
and x.cno like ‘%192’ and y.cno like ‘%192’
select sno 学生学号,sname 姓名
from student
where sno in(
select y.sno 学号
from score x,score y
where x.sno like ‘%101’ and y.grade>x.grade and y.sno not like ‘%101’
and x.cno like ‘%192’ and y.cno like ‘%192’
select *
from student
where sname<>‘张三’ and age in(
select age
from student
where sname=‘张三’
select sname
from student
where sname<>‘张三’ and age in(
select age
from student
where sname=‘张三’
and specialty in(
select specialty
from student
where sname=‘张三’


select x.sno 学生学号,x.cno 课程号
from score x
where x.grade <(

select avg(grade)
from score y
where x.cno=y.cno )
