



Every computer user should keep a regular backup. From accidentally deleted files to failing hard drives to natural disaster, there are too many things that can go wrong to simply rely on luck. Here are the best ways to back up your Mac.

每台计算机用户都应保留定期备份。 从意外删除的文件到出现故障的硬盘驱动器,再到自然灾害,有太多事情可能出错,不能仅仅依靠运气。 这是备份Mac的最佳方法。

There are a lot of ways to ensure your files don’t get lost, and almost all of them involve keeping a copy of your files somewhere else. Even better is keeping one copy somewhere handy for problems like lost files or failing equipment and another copy somewhere offsite. We’ll go over the best backup methods for macOS users in specific, though many of these services will work for Windows.

有很多方法可以确保文件不会丢失,几乎所有方法都涉及在其他位置保留文件副本。 更好的做法是将一个副本放在附近,以解决文件丢失或设备故障之类的问题,而另一个副本放在异地。 我们将详细介绍针对macOS用户的最佳备份方法,尽管其中许多服务将适用于Windows。

将整个驱动器备份到云 (Back Up Your Whole Drive to the Cloud)


Backing up your whole drive to the cloud is the most accessible form of backup. It doesn’t require any extra hardware—just an account with an online provider—and will back everything up automatically, so you don’t have to worry about losing files. The initial backup can take some time, especially if you have an Internet connection with a slow upload speed (and you have to watch those ISP data caps). But, the process is usually dead simple.

将整个驱动器备份到云是最易于访问的备份形式。 它不需要任何额外的硬件(只需在在线提供商处开设一个帐户)即可自动备份所有内容,因此您不必担心丢失文件。 初始备份可能会花费一些时间,尤其是如果您的Internet连接速度较慢(并且您必须注意那些ISP的数据上限)时。 但是,该过程通常非常简单。

There are many different providers offering plans, but we’ll pick out two good ones here.


Backblaze:无废话备份 (Backblaze: No Nonsense Backups)

Backblaze integrates very well with macOS, more so than most other backup services out there (of which there are plenty). There’s not even an app to manage, as it will install to a preferences pane in your settings. It’s incredibly easy to set up and manage even for the inexperienced user.

Backblaze与macOS很好地集成在一起,比那里的大多数其他备份服务(其中有很多)要好得多。 甚至没有要管理的应用程序,因为它将安装到您设置的首选项窗格中。 即使对于没有经验的用户,它的设置和管理也非常容易。

They offer “unlimited” storage for $5 a month, which for personal users backing up their computer will always be enough.


Arq:DIY云备份 (Arq: A DIY Cloud Backup)

If you’d rather manage your storage yourself, you can use Arq to back up automatically to Amazon S3 or other storage providers (even Backblaze’s B2 Storage). You can certainly do it manually, but Arq does a really good job of managing the annoying parts for you.

如果您想自己管理存储,则可以使用Arq自动备份到Amazon S3或其他存储提供商(甚至是Backblaze的B2 Storage)。 您当然可以手动完成,但是Arq确实为您管理烦人的部分。

备份到外部硬盘驱动器 (Back Up to an External Hard Drive)


If you don’t trust the cloud or want to transfer files quickly between computers, investing in an external hard drive and backing up your whole drive to it is probably ideal for you. We actually recommend combining this method with an online backup to cover your bases. It’s quick and easy to restore files from your external hard drive and you have the cloud backup as a…well…backup in case something happens to your external drive.

如果您不信任云或想在计算机之间快速传输文件,则投资外部硬盘驱动器并将整个驱动器备份到它可能是您的理想选择。 实际上,我们建议将此方法与在线备份结合起来以覆盖您的基础。 从您的外部硬盘驱动器中恢复文件既快速又容易,并且您可以将云备份作为…很好…备份,以防外部驱动器发生故障。

You’ll probably want a hard drive at least twice the size of your main hard drive, and you can find large 4 TB external drives for around $100.

您可能需要一个至少是主硬盘大小两倍的硬盘驱动器,并且可以找到大约100美元的大型4 TB外部驱动器。

Here are the apps we recommend for backing up you Mac to an external drive.


时光机器:内置到macOS中 (Time Machine: Built Into macOS)

While you can certainly just drag your files over to an external hard drive, it’s better to use an app to do it automatically. On macOS, nothing beats the simplicity of Apple’s built-in Time Machine.

虽然您当然可以将文件拖到外部硬盘上,但是最好使用应用程序自动执行。 在macOS上,没有什么比Apple内置的Time Machine简单。

In addition to backing up your files automatically, every time you change a file, Time Machine stores those changes on your external drive. You can browse backward in time and view old versions of files, or restore files you’ve deleted. You can read our guide to setting up Time Machine on your Mac to get started.

除了自动备份文件外,每次更改文件时,Time Machine都会将这些更改存储在外部驱动器上。 您可以及时向后浏览并查看旧版本的文件,也可以恢复已删除的文件。 您可以阅读有关在Mac上设置Time Machine的指南,以开始使用。

碳复制克隆:升级为时间机器 (Carbon Copy Cloner: An Upgrade to Time Machine)

While Time Machine certainly wins for simplicity and compatibility, occasionally you’ll want more features. Carbon Copy Cloner offers bootable backups, support for RAID configurations, and a powerful scheduling system to manage when your backups will take place.

虽然Time Machine在简单性和兼容性方面肯定胜出,但有时您会需要更多功能。 Carbon Copy Cloner提供可启动的备份,对RAID配置的支持以及功能强大的计划系统,以管理何时进行备份。

将特定文档存储在云中 (Store Specific Documents in the Cloud)


If you’ve only got a few documents you need to keep backed up and don’t want to waste space backing up your entire drive, you can keep your important documents in cloud storage. Since you’re not usually storing hundreds of gigabytes, these services are all free (though they all have “pro” options with more storage).

如果只有几个文档,则需要备份,而又不想浪费空间备份整个驱动器,则可以将重要文档保存在云存储中。 由于您通常不存储数百GB的数据,因此这些服务都是免费的(尽管它们都具有带有更多存储空间的“专业”选项)。

One thing to keep in mind is that cloud syncing isn’t technically the same as backing up. Yes, you’ll have your documents stored in a separate location, but changes you make to a file on your computer (like deleting the file) also happen everywhere that file is synced. So, they don’t offer much protection against things like accidentally deleting your files unless the service you use keeps old versions of files around.

要记住的一件事是,云同步在技术上与备份并不相同。 是的,您会将文档存储在单独的位置,但是在计算机上对文件进行的更改(例如删除文件)也会在同步文件的任何地方发生。 因此,除非您使用的服务保留旧版本的文件,否则它们不能提供很多保护,以防止意外删除文件等情况。

That said, if you suffer something like a crashed hard drive or stolen laptop, you can at least count on being able to download your documents. Here are some of our favorite services.

也就是说,如果您遭受硬盘驱动器损坏或笔记本电脑失窃之类的麻烦,则至少可以指望能够下载文档。 这是我们最喜欢的一些服务。

iCloud Drive:5 GB可用空间 (iCloud Drive: 5 GB Free)

iCloud Drive is a new addition to the iCloud suite and will store your Desktop and Documents folders in the cloud, downloading them when you need them and actually saving you some space in the process. It comes with 5 GB free but you need to understand that this space is shared with other iCloud functions and your other Apple devices (like your iPhone and iPad), making it fill up rather quickly. You can read our guide on iCloud Optimized Storage to set it up, or disable it altogether if your iCloud Drive is full.

iCloud Drive是iCloud套件的新增功能,它将把您的Desktop和Documents文件夹存储在云中,并在需要时下载它们,并在此过程中实际上节省了一些空间。 它具有5 GB的免费空间,但您需要了解此空间已与其他iCloud功能和您的其他Apple设备(例如您的iPhone和iPad)共享,从而使其很快就被填满。 您可以阅读有关iCloud优化存储的指南以进行设置,如果iCloud驱动器已满,则可以完全禁用它。

Google云端硬盘:15 GB可用空间 (Google Drive: 15 GB Free)

Google Drive offers the most storage out of all the free options listed here. It comes with their great office suite as well and integrates nicely with Gmail and other Google services. They also have a sync tool for backing up a specific folder automatically, so you don’t have to upload your files through the web interface. This storage is shared with Gmail, but unless you have tens of thousands of emails, it probably won’t make a dent.

在此处列出的所有免费选项中, Google云端硬盘提供的存储空间最多。 它也带有其出色的办公套件,并且可以与Gmail和其他Google服务很好地集成。 他们还具有一个同步工具,可以自动备份特定的文件夹,因此您不必通过Web界面上传文件。 此存储空间与Gmail共享,但是除非您有成千上万的电子邮件,否则它可能不会造成任何损失。

Dropbox:2 GB可用空间 (Dropbox: 2 GB Free)

Dropbox is designed with shared storage and business applications in mind. It does come with a small amount of free storage, and can automatically sync, but its focus is more on work-centric uses.

Dropbox在设计时考虑了共享存储和业务应用程序。 它确实具有少量的免费存储空间,并且可以自动同步,但是它的重点更多地放在以工作为中心的用途上。

OneDrive:5 GB可用空间 (OneDrive: 5 GB Free)

A Microsoft recommendation for your Mac? Depending on your situation, OneDrive might work well for you. You get 5 GB of free space and their macOS app works well. More to the point, if you’re already an Office 365 subscriber, you have a full one terabyte of OneDrive space included in your subscription.

Microsoft建议使用Mac? 根据您的情况,OneDrive可能适合您。 您将获得5 GB的可用空间,并且其macOS应用程序运行良好。 更重要的是,如果您已经是Office 365订阅者,则订阅中将包含完整的1 TB的OneDrive空间。

Image Credits: dourleak/Shutterstock

图片来源: dourleak / Shutterstock


