读到Strait Is The Gate四分之三

uncertain felicity



If by slow degrees I had exalted her, if out of her I had made myself an idol, and adorned it with all that I was enamored of, what now remained to me as the result of my labors but my fatigue? As soon as she had been left to herself, Alissa had relapsed to her own level——a mediocre level, on which I found myself too, but on which I no longer desired her. Ah! How absurd and fantastic seemed this exhausting effort of virtue in order to reach her there, on the heights where she had been placed by my own sole endeavor. A little less pride and our love would have been easy... but what sense was there in persisting in a love without object? This was to be obstinate, not faithful. Faithful to what? To a delusion.


She was all question and expectation. You will hear how this questioning took possession of me, became my life.

Drunk with love, with pity, with an indistinguishable mixture of enthusiasm, self–sacrifice, and virtue, I appealed to God with all my strength–I offered myself up to Him, unable to conceive that existence could have any other object than to shelter this child from fear, from evil, from life.

...the air was saturated with autumn...

"Le meilleur moment des amours n'est pas quand on dit: je t'aime..."恋爱中最好的时期,并非当你说: 我爱你……


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