使用DQN进行股票交易 keras实现

注意运行环境gym 0.8.4,py3也能运行 修改了原代码部分bug

  1. 数据
    3 csv文件,分别是 IBM, MSFT, 和QCOM 从 2000.1.3 到 2017.12.27 (5629 天) 的股价信息,包含开盘价,收盘价,最高价,最低价,和交易数量。

  2. 问题

  3. 开发交易环境 envs .py

  • state:[ 每只股票持有数目, 每只股票的股价, 手上的现金]

    • state的长度为7: 股票只数*2+1
    • 我们将收盘价作为state中的股价
    • 每执行一次交易会更新一下股价
  • action:[卖出(0), 持有(1), 买入(2)]

    • 这里将问题简化,每次卖都是卖出手上持有的全部持有数目
    • 每次买入都是把手上的钱全部花光
  • 如果是买入多只股票,会根据手上的越平均分配给每只股票

import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.utils import seeding
import numpy as np
import itertools

class TradingEnv(gym.Env):
  def __init__(self, train_data, init_invest=20000):
    # data
    self.stock_price_history = np.around(train_data) # round up to integer to reduce state space
    self.n_stock, self.n_step = self.stock_price_history.shape

    # instance attributes
    self.init_invest = init_invest #启动资金
    self.cur_step = None #当前在第几天
    self.stock_owned = None #持有股票数目
    self.stock_price = None #股票价格
    self.cash_in_hand = None #当前财富

    # action space
    self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3**self.n_stock) #3*3的离散动作空间

    # observation space: give estimates in order to sample and build scaler 
    stock_max_price = self.stock_price_history.max(axis=1)
    stock_range = [[0, init_invest * 2 // mx] for mx in stock_max_price]
    price_range = [[0, mx] for mx in stock_max_price]
    cash_in_hand_range = [[0, init_invest * 2]]
    self.observation_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete(stock_range + price_range + cash_in_hand_range) #observation_space.shape =3+3+1  结果是一个7维数组 每个数值的大小范围有3个range决定

    # seed and start

  def _seed(self, seed=None):#保证结果可复现
    self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
    return [seed]

  def _reset(self): #重置 从第一天开始交易 持有股票数量为0,启动资金恢复
    self.cur_step = 0
    self.stock_owned = [0] * self.n_stock
    self.stock_price = self.stock_price_history[:, self.cur_step]
    self.cash_in_hand = self.init_invest
    return self._get_obs()

  def _step(self, action): #一次交易行为 注意方法名是继承与gym
    assert self.action_space.contains(action)
    prev_val = self._get_val()
    self.cur_step += 1
    self.stock_price = self.stock_price_history[:, self.cur_step] # update price
    cur_val = self._get_val()
    reward = cur_val - prev_val
    done = self.cur_step == self.n_step - 1
    info = {'cur_val': cur_val}
    return self._get_obs(), reward, done, info

  def _get_obs(self):#生成观察值 每个obs是一个长度为7的一维数组
    obs = []
    return obs 

  def _get_val(self): #计算手上股票的价值和剩余的现金
    return np.sum(self.stock_owned * self.stock_price) + self.cash_in_hand

  def _trade(self, action): 
    # all combo to sell(0), hold(1), or buy(2) stocks #所有可能的操作集合
    action_combo = list(map(list, itertools.product([0, 1, 2], repeat=self.n_stock)))
    action_vec = action_combo[action]

    # one pass to get sell/buy index #检索出哪只要买 哪只要卖
    sell_index = []
    buy_index = []
    for i, a in enumerate(action_vec):
      if a == 0:
      elif a == 2:

    # two passes: sell first, then buy; might be naive in real-world settings
    if sell_index:
      for i in sell_index:
        self.cash_in_hand += self.stock_price[i] * self.stock_owned[i]
        self.stock_owned[i] = 0
    if buy_index:
      can_buy = True
    #手上的钱可以买 则不停的买下去 并且是3只股票一只一只购买 保证平均分配份数
      while can_buy:
        for i in buy_index:
          if self.cash_in_hand > self.stock_price[i]:  
            self.stock_owned[i] += 1 # buy one share
            self.cash_in_hand -= self.stock_price[i]
            can_buy = False
  1. 数据预处理utils.py
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

def get_data(col='close'):
  """ Returns a 3 x n_step array """
  msft = pd.read_csv('data/daily_MSFT.csv', usecols=[col])
  ibm = pd.read_csv('data/daily_IBM.csv', usecols=[col])
  qcom = pd.read_csv('data/daily_QCOM.csv', usecols=[col])
  # recent price are at top; reverse it
  return np.array([msft[col].values[::-1],

def get_scaler(env):
  """ Takes a env and returns a scaler for its observation space """
  low = [0] * (env.n_stock * 2 + 1)

  high = []
  max_price = env.stock_price_history.max(axis=1)
  min_price = env.stock_price_history.min(axis=1)
  max_cash = env.init_invest * 3 # 3 is a magic number...
  max_stock_owned = max_cash // min_price
  for i in max_stock_owned:
  for i in max_price:

  scaler = StandardScaler()
  scaler.fit([low, high])
  return scaler

def maybe_make_dir(directory):
  if not os.path.exists(directory):
  1. 使用keras构建网络model.py
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.optimizers import Adam

def mlp(n_obs, n_action, n_hidden_layer=1, n_neuron_per_layer=32,
        activation='relu', loss='mse'):
  """ A multi-layer perceptron """
  model = Sequential()
  model.add(Dense(n_neuron_per_layer, input_dim=n_obs, activation=activation))
  for _ in range(n_hidden_layer):
    model.add(Dense(n_neuron_per_layer, activation=activation))
  model.add(Dense(n_action, activation='linear'))
  model.compile(loss=loss, optimizer=Adam())
  return model
  1. 设计agent agent.py
    重头戏来了,agent相当于强化学习算法的大脑,这里使用带有replay buff机制的DQN做决策。
from collections import deque
import random
import numpy as np
from model import mlp

class DQNAgent(object):
  """ A simple Deep Q agent """
  def __init__(self, state_size, action_size):
    self.state_size = state_size
    self.action_size = action_size
    self.memory = deque(maxlen=2000)
    self.gamma = 0.95  # discount rate
    self.epsilon = 1.0  # exploration rate
    self.epsilon_min = 0.01
    self.epsilon_decay = 0.995
    self.model = mlp(state_size, action_size)

  def remember(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
    self.memory.append((state, action, reward, next_state, done))

  def act(self, state):
    if np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon:
      return random.randrange(self.action_size)
    act_values = self.model.predict(state)
    return np.argmax(act_values[0])  # returns action

  def replay(self, batch_size=32):
    """ vectorized implementation; 30x speed up compared with for loop """
    minibatch = random.sample(self.memory, batch_size)

    states = np.array([tup[0][0] for tup in minibatch])
    actions = np.array([tup[1] for tup in minibatch])
    rewards = np.array([tup[2] for tup in minibatch])
    next_states = np.array([tup[3][0] for tup in minibatch])
    done = np.array([tup[4] for tup in minibatch])

    # Q(s', a)
    target = rewards + self.gamma * np.amax(self.model.predict(next_states), axis=1)
    # end state target is reward itself (no lookahead)
    target[done] = rewards[done]

    # Q(s, a)
    target_f = self.model.predict(states)
    # make the agent to approximately map the current state to future discounted reward
    target_f[range(batch_size), actions] = target

    self.model.fit(states, target_f, epochs=1, verbose=0)

    if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
      self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay

  def load(self, name):

  def save(self, name):
  1. 训练 run.py
import pickle
import time
import numpy as np
import argparse
import re

from envs import TradingEnv
from agent import DQNAgent
from utils import get_data, get_scaler, maybe_make_dir

if __name__ == '__main__':
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  parser.add_argument('-e', '--episode', type=int, default=2000,
                      help='number of episode to run')
  parser.add_argument('-b', '--batch_size', type=int, default=32,
                      help='batch size for experience replay')
  parser.add_argument('-i', '--initial_invest', type=int, default=20000,
                      help='initial investment amount')
  parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', type=str, required=True,
                      help='either "train" or "test"')
  parser.add_argument('-w', '--weights', type=str, help='a trained model weights')
  args = parser.parse_args()


  timestamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')

  data = np.around(get_data()) #将股价有小数转化成整数
  train_data = data[:, :3526] #划分训练集、测试集
  test_data = data[:, 3526:] 

  env = TradingEnv(train_data, args.initial_invest)
  state_size = env.observation_space.shape
  action_size = env.action_space.n
  agent = DQNAgent(state_size, action_size)
  scaler = get_scaler(env)

  portfolio_value = [] #存储每次交易之后持有的资产

  if args.mode == 'test':
    # remake the env with test data
    env = TradingEnv(test_data, args.initial_invest)
    # load trained weights
    # when test, the timestamp is same as time when weights was trained
    timestamp = re.findall(r'\d{12}', args.weights)[0]

  for e in range(args.episode):
    state = env.reset()
    state = scaler.transform([state])#将被标准化的观察空间还原
    for time in range(env.n_step):
      action = agent.act(state)
      next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
      next_state = scaler.transform([next_state])
      if args.mode == 'train':
        agent.remember(state, action, reward, next_state, done) #存储一条经验
      state = next_state
      if done:
        print("episode: {}/{}, episode end value: {}".format(
          e + 1, args.episode, info['cur_val']))
        portfolio_value.append(info['cur_val']) # append episode end portfolio value
      if args.mode == 'train' and len(agent.memory) > args.batch_size: #存储的经验数目达到了一个batch 开始训练
    if args.mode == 'train' and (e + 1) % 10 == 0:  # checkpoint weights

  # save portfolio value history to disk
  with open('portfolio_val/{}-{}.p'.format(timestamp, args.mode), 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(portfolio_value, fp)

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