开源代码:kiss-icp安装与运行 ubuntu20.04+ros noetic





ROS noetic


2.1 创建工作空间

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

 2.2 克隆代码

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/PRBonn/kiss-icp
cd ..

2.3 数据集



LIO-SAM Public Dataset:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gJHwfdHCRdjP7vuT556pv8atqrCJPbUq

2.4 运行kiss-icp

roslaunch kiss_icp odometry.launch topic:=
rosbag play *.bag

2.5 建图


开源代码:kiss-icp安装与运行 ubuntu20.04+ros noetic_第1张图片









4.1 配置文件


out_dir: "results"

  deskew: False
  preprocess: True
  max_range: 100.0 # can be also changed in the CLI
  min_range: 5.0

  max_points_per_voxel: 20

  initial_threshold: 2.0
  min_motion_th: 0.1

4.2 核心代码


4.2.1 KissICP.cpp

#include "KissICP.hpp"


#include "kiss_icp/core/Deskew.hpp"
#include "kiss_icp/core/Preprocessing.hpp"
#include "kiss_icp/core/Registration.hpp"
#include "kiss_icp/core/VoxelHashMap.hpp"

namespace kiss_icp::pipeline {
KissICP::Vector3dVectorTuple KissICP::RegisterFrame(const std::vector &frame,
                                                    const std::vector ×tamps) {
    const auto &deskew_frame = [&]() -> std::vector {
        if (!config_.deskew) return frame;
        // TODO(Nacho) Add some asserts here to sanitize the timestamps

        //  If not enough poses for the estimation, do not de-skew
        const size_t N = poses().size();
        if (N <= 2) return frame;

        // Estimate linear and angular velocities
        const auto &start_pose = poses_[N - 2];
        const auto &finish_pose = poses_[N - 1];
        return DeSkewScan(frame, timestamps, start_pose, finish_pose);
    return RegisterFrame(deskew_frame);

KissICP::Vector3dVectorTuple KissICP::RegisterFrame(const std::vector &frame) {
    // Preprocess the input cloud
    // 去除阈值外的点,处理完的点云存入cropped_frame
    const auto &cropped_frame = Preprocess(frame, config_.max_range, config_.min_range);

    // Voxelize体素化
    // source存入两次下采样结果,用于ICP配准
    // frame_downsample存入一次下采样结果
    const auto &[source, frame_downsample] = Voxelize(cropped_frame);

    // Get motion prediction and adaptive_threshold
    const double sigma = GetAdaptiveThreshold();

    // Compute initial_guess for ICP
    // 计算倒数第二个位姿和最后一个位姿之间的相对位姿变换
    const auto prediction = GetPredictionModel();
    // 如果poses_不为空,返回容器中的最后一个位姿;为空,返回单位位姿,即没有旋转和平移的初始位姿
    const auto last_pose = !poses_.empty() ? poses_.back() : Sophus::SE3d();
    const auto initial_guess = last_pose * prediction;

    // Run icp
    // 进行当前帧相对于局部地图的配准,将配准后的新位姿赋值给new_pose
    const Sophus::SE3d new_pose = kiss_icp::RegisterFrame(source,
                                                          3.0 * sigma,
                                                          sigma / 3.0);
    const auto model_deviation = initial_guess.inverse() * new_pose;
    local_map_.Update(frame_downsample, new_pose);
    return {frame, source};

KissICP::Vector3dVectorTuple KissICP::Voxelize(const std::vector &frame) const {
    const auto voxel_size = config_.voxel_size;
    const auto frame_downsample = kiss_icp::VoxelDownsample(frame, voxel_size * 0.5);
    const auto source = kiss_icp::VoxelDownsample(frame_downsample, voxel_size * 1.5);
    return {source, frame_downsample};

double KissICP::GetAdaptiveThreshold() {
    if (!HasMoved()) {
        return config_.initial_threshold;
    return adaptive_threshold_.ComputeThreshold();

Sophus::SE3d KissICP::GetPredictionModel() const {
    Sophus::SE3d pred = Sophus::SE3d();
    const size_t N = poses_.size();
    //N < 2,直接返回单位位姿
    if (N < 2) return pred;
    return poses_[N - 2].inverse() * poses_[N - 1];

bool KissICP::HasMoved() {
    if (poses_.empty()) return false;
    // poses_.front().inverse() * poses_.back():两个位姿之间的相对位姿变换
    // !!.translation().norm():获取相对位姿变换的平移部分的范数,即表示两个位姿之间的运动量
    const double motion = (poses_.front().inverse() * poses_.back()).translation().norm();
    return motion > 5.0 * config_.min_motion_th;

}  // namespace kiss_icp::pipeline

4.2.2 Deskew.cpp


#include "Deskew.hpp"



namespace {
/// TODO(Nacho) Explain what is the very important meaning of this param
constexpr double mid_pose_timestamp{0.5};
}  // namespace

namespace kiss_icp {
std::vector DeSkewScan(const std::vector &frame,
                                        const std::vector ×tamps,
                                        const Sophus::SE3d &start_pose,
                                        const Sophus::SE3d &finish_pose) {
    const auto delta_pose = (start_pose.inverse() * finish_pose).log();
    std::vector corrected_frame(frame.size());
    tbb::parallel_for(size_t(0), frame.size(), [&](size_t i) {
        const auto motion = Sophus::SE3d::exp((timestamps[i] - mid_pose_timestamp) * delta_pose);
        corrected_frame[i] = motion * frame[i];
    return corrected_frame;
}  // namespace kiss_icp

4.2.3 Preprocessing.cpp


#include "Preprocessing.hpp"



namespace {
using Voxel = Eigen::Vector3i;
struct VoxelHash {
    size_t operator()(const Voxel &voxel) const {
        const uint32_t *vec = reinterpret_cast(voxel.data());
        return ((1 << 20) - 1) & (vec[0] * 73856093 ^ vec[1] * 19349663 ^ vec[2] * 83492791);
}  // namespace

//VoxelDownsample函数,用于对输入的点云数据 进行体素下采样操作
namespace kiss_icp {
std::vector VoxelDownsample(const std::vector &frame,
                                             double voxel_size) {
    tsl::robin_map grid;
    for (const auto &point : frame) {
        const auto voxel = Voxel((point / voxel_size).cast());
        if (grid.contains(voxel)) continue;
        grid.insert({voxel, point});
    std::vector frame_dowsampled;
    for (const auto &[voxel, point] : grid) {
    return frame_dowsampled;

std::vector Preprocess(const std::vector &frame,
                                        double max_range,
                                        double min_range) {
    std::vector inliers;
    std::copy_if(frame.cbegin(), frame.cend(), std::back_inserter(inliers), [&](const auto &pt) {
        const double norm = pt.norm();
        return norm < max_range && norm > min_range;
    return inliers;

std::vector CorrectKITTIScan(const std::vector &frame) {
    constexpr double VERTICAL_ANGLE_OFFSET = (0.205 * M_PI) / 180.0;
    std::vector corrected_frame(frame.size());
    tbb::parallel_for(size_t(0), frame.size(), [&](size_t i) {
        const auto &pt = frame[i];
        const Eigen::Vector3d rotationVector = pt.cross(Eigen::Vector3d(0., 0., 1.));
        corrected_frame[i] =
            Eigen::AngleAxisd(VERTICAL_ANGLE_OFFSET, rotationVector.normalized()) * pt;
    return corrected_frame;
}  // namespace kiss_icp

4.2.4 Threshold.cpp 


#include "Threshold.hpp"


namespace {
double ComputeModelError(const Sophus::SE3d &model_deviation, double max_range) {
    const double theta = Eigen::AngleAxisd(model_deviation.rotationMatrix()).angle();
    const double delta_rot = 2.0 * max_range * std::sin(theta / 2.0);
    const double delta_trans = model_deviation.translation().norm();
    return delta_trans + delta_rot;
}  // namespace

namespace kiss_icp {
double AdaptiveThreshold::ComputeThreshold() {
    double model_error = ComputeModelError(model_deviation_, max_range_);
    if (model_error > min_motion_th_) {
        model_error_sse2_ += model_error * model_error;

    if (num_samples_ < 1) {
        return initial_threshold_;
    return std::sqrt(model_error_sse2_ / num_samples_);

}  // namespace kiss_icp

4.2.5 Registration.cpp 


#include "Registration.hpp"



namespace Eigen {
using Matrix6d = Eigen::Matrix;
using Matrix3_6d = Eigen::Matrix;
using Vector6d = Eigen::Matrix;
}  // namespace Eigen

namespace {

inline double square(double x) { return x * x; }

struct ResultTuple {
    ResultTuple() {

    ResultTuple operator+(const ResultTuple &other) {
        this->JTJ += other.JTJ;
        this->JTr += other.JTr;
        return *this;

    Eigen::Matrix6d JTJ;
    Eigen::Vector6d JTr;

void TransformPoints(const Sophus::SE3d &T, std::vector &points) {
    std::transform(points.cbegin(), points.cend(), points.begin(),
                   [&](const auto &point) { return T * point; });

Sophus::SE3d AlignClouds(const std::vector &source,
                         const std::vector &target,
                         double th) {
    auto compute_jacobian_and_residual = [&](auto i) {
        const Eigen::Vector3d residual = source[i] - target[i];
        Eigen::Matrix3_6d J_r;//定义6x6的矩阵J_r,用于存储雅克比矩阵,对应李群SE(3)的六维切空间
        J_r.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
        J_r.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = -1.0 * Sophus::SO3d::hat(source[i]);
        return std::make_tuple(J_r, residual);

    const auto &[JTJ, JTr] = tbb::parallel_reduce(
        // Range
        tbb::blocked_range{0, source.size()},
        // Identity
        // 1st Lambda: Parallel computation
        // 接受blocked_range对象r作为输入,包含了该线程负责处理的点云索引范围
        // ResultTuple J用于存储当前线程内部的雅克比矩阵和残差的私有结果,使用引用&以便在并行计算中对其进行累积
        [&](const tbb::blocked_range &r, ResultTuple J) -> ResultTuple {
            auto Weight = [&](double residual2) { return square(th) / square(th + residual2); };
            auto &[JTJ_private, JTr_private] = J;
            for (auto i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i) {
                const auto &[J_r, residual] = compute_jacobian_and_residual(i);
                const double w = Weight(residual.squaredNorm());
                JTJ_private.noalias() += J_r.transpose() * w * J_r;
                JTr_private.noalias() += J_r.transpose() * w * residual;
            return J;
        // 2nd Lambda: Parallel reduction of the private Jacboians
        // 将不同线程的私有结果进行累积,得到最终的JTJ和JTr
        [&](ResultTuple a, const ResultTuple &b) -> ResultTuple { return a + b; });

    // 计算线性方程组的最小二乘解,使用Cholesky分解ldlt()求解线性系统
    const Eigen::Vector6d x = JTJ.ldlt().solve(-JTr);
    // 使用Sophus库计算了6维向量x的指数映射,得到SE(3)群中的一个元素
    return Sophus::SE3d::exp(x);

constexpr int MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS_ = 500;            //迭代最大次数
constexpr double ESTIMATION_THRESHOLD_ = 0.0001;

}  // namespace

namespace kiss_icp {

Sophus::SE3d RegisterFrame(const std::vector &frame,
                           const VoxelHashMap &voxel_map,
                           const Sophus::SE3d &initial_guess,
                           double max_correspondence_distance,
                           double kernel) {
    if (voxel_map.Empty()) return initial_guess;

    // Equation (9)
    // 使用预测模型将点云数据转换到全局坐标系
    std::vector source = frame;
    TransformPoints(initial_guess, source);

    // ICP迭代
    Sophus::SE3d T_icp = Sophus::SE3d();//表示ICP迭代过程中的累积位姿变换
    for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_ITERATIONS_; ++j) {
        // Equation (10)
        // 获取当前迭代步骤中源点云source和目标点云tgt之间的对应点对
        const auto &[src, tgt] = voxel_map.GetCorrespondences(source, max_correspondence_distance);
        // Equation (11)
        // 将源点云src对齐到目标点云tgt,得到位姿估计结果estimation
        auto estimation = AlignClouds(src, tgt, kernel);
        // Equation (12)
        // 根据位姿估计结果estimation对源点云source进行坐标变换
        TransformPoints(estimation, source);
        // Update iterations
        T_icp = estimation * T_icp;
        // Termination criteria
        if (estimation.log().norm() < ESTIMATION_THRESHOLD_) break;
    // Spit the final transformation
    return T_icp * initial_guess;

}  // namespace kiss_icp

4.2.6 VoxelHashMap.cpp


#include "VoxelHashMap.hpp"



// This parameters are not intended to be changed, therefore we do not expose it
namespace {
struct ResultTuple {
    ResultTuple(std::size_t n) {
    std::vector source;//存储点云数据中的源点
    std::vector target;//存储点云数据中的目标点
}  // namespace

namespace kiss_icp {
VoxelHashMap::Vector3dVectorTuple VoxelHashMap::GetCorrespondences(
    const Vector3dVector &points, double max_correspondance_distance) const {
    // Lambda Function to obtain the KNN of one point, maybe refactor
    // 创建Lambda函数GetClosestNeighboor,用于获取给定点point的最近邻点
    auto GetClosestNeighboor = [&](const Eigen::Vector3d &point) {
        auto kx = static_cast(point[0] / voxel_size_);
        auto ky = static_cast(point[1] / voxel_size_);
        auto kz = static_cast(point[2] / voxel_size_);
        std::vector voxels;//用于存储与point相邻的格子(体素)的索引
        voxels.reserve(27); //为voxels容器预留27个元素的空间,在三维空间中,一个点的3x3x3邻域一共有27个格子
        for (int i = kx - 1; i < kx + 1 + 1; ++i) {
            for (int j = ky - 1; j < ky + 1 + 1; ++j) {
                for (int k = kz - 1; k < kz + 1 + 1; ++k) {
                    voxels.emplace_back(i, j, k);//构成与点point相邻的所有格子

        using Vector3dVector = std::vector;
        Vector3dVector neighboors;
        neighboors.reserve(27 * max_points_per_voxel_);//为neighboors容器预留空间,预计容器中可能存储的点数
        std::for_each(voxels.cbegin(), voxels.cend(), [&](const auto &voxel) {
            auto search = map_.find(voxel);//在map_中查找指定的相邻体素voxel
            if (search != map_.end()) {
                const auto &points = search->second.points;
                if (!points.empty()) {
                    for (const auto &point : points) {

        Eigen::Vector3d closest_neighbor;
        double closest_distance2 = std::numeric_limits::max();
        std::for_each(neighboors.cbegin(), neighboors.cend(), [&](const auto &neighbor) {
            double distance = (neighbor - point).squaredNorm();
            if (distance < closest_distance2) {
                closest_neighbor = neighbor;
                closest_distance2 = distance;

        return closest_neighbor;

    using points_iterator = std::vector::const_iterator;
    const auto [source, target] = tbb::parallel_reduce(
        // Range 要处理的点云数据的范围
        tbb::blocked_range{points.cbegin(), points.cend()},
        // Identity
        // 1st lambda: Parallel computation
        // 并行计算点云数据中每个点的最近邻点对
        [max_correspondance_distance, &GetClosestNeighboor](
            const tbb::blocked_range &r, ResultTuple res) -> ResultTuple {
            auto &[src, tgt] = res;//存储每个点与其最近邻点的对应关系
            for (const auto &point : r) {
                Eigen::Vector3d closest_neighboors = GetClosestNeighboor(point);
                if ((closest_neighboors - point).norm() < max_correspondance_distance) {
            return res;//包含了每个点与其最近邻点的对应关系
        // 2nd lambda: Parallel reduction
        // 并行化合并
        [](ResultTuple a, const ResultTuple &b) -> ResultTuple {
            auto &[src, tgt] = a;
            const auto &[srcp, tgtp] = b;
            src.insert(src.end(),  //
                       std::make_move_iterator(srcp.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(srcp.end()));
            tgt.insert(tgt.end(),  //
                       std::make_move_iterator(tgtp.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(tgtp.end()));
            return a; //返回合并后的结果对象a

    return std::make_tuple(source, target);

std::vector VoxelHashMap::Pointcloud() const {
    std::vector points;
    points.reserve(max_points_per_voxel_ * map_.size());
    for (const auto &[voxel, voxel_block] : map_) {
        for (const auto &point : voxel_block.points) {
    return points;

// 更新体素哈希图,保持最新的点云数据
void VoxelHashMap::Update(const Vector3dVector &points, const Eigen::Vector3d &origin) {

void VoxelHashMap::Update(const Vector3dVector &points, const Sophus::SE3d &pose) {
    Vector3dVector points_transformed(points.size());
    std::transform(points.cbegin(), points.cend(), points_transformed.begin(),
                   [&](const auto &point) { return pose * point; });
    const Eigen::Vector3d &origin = pose.translation();
    Update(points_transformed, origin);

// 通过遍历一组3D点,将它们根据体素坐标添加到体素哈希映射中
// 如果已经存在相同体素坐标的体素,则将点添加到对应的体素块中,否则创建一个新的体素块并插入到哈希映射中
void VoxelHashMap::AddPoints(const std::vector &points) {
    std::for_each(points.cbegin(), points.cend(), [&](const auto &point) {
        auto voxel = Voxel((point / voxel_size_).template cast());
        auto search = map_.find(voxel);
        if (search != map_.end()) {
            auto &voxel_block = search.value();
        } else {
            map_.insert({voxel, VoxelBlock{{point}, max_points_per_voxel_}});

void VoxelHashMap::RemovePointsFarFromLocation(const Eigen::Vector3d &origin) {
    for (const auto &[voxel, voxel_block] : map_) {
        const auto &pt = voxel_block.points.front();
        const auto max_distance2 = max_distance_ * max_distance_;
        if ((pt - origin).squaredNorm() > (max_distance2)) {
}  // namespace kiss_icp

4.3 其余代码


#include "Metrics.hpp"


// All this not so beatifull C++ functions are taken from kitti-dev-kit
namespace {
double lengths[] = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800};
int32_t num_lengths = 8;

struct errors {
    int32_t first_frame;
    double r_err;
    double t_err;
    double len;
    double speed;
    errors(int32_t first_frame, double r_err, double t_err, double len, double speed)
        : first_frame(first_frame), r_err(r_err), t_err(t_err), len(len), speed(speed) {}

std::vector TrajectoryDistances(const std::vector &poses) {
    std::vector dist;
    for (uint32_t i = 1; i < poses.size(); i++) {
        const Eigen::Matrix4d &P1 = poses[i - 1];
        const Eigen::Matrix4d &P2 = poses[i];

        double dx = P1(0, 3) - P2(0, 3);
        double dy = P1(1, 3) - P2(1, 3);
        double dz = P1(2, 3) - P2(2, 3);

        dist.push_back(dist[i - 1] + std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));

    return dist;

int32_t LastFrameFromSegmentLength(const std::vector &dist,
                                   int32_t first_frame,
                                   double len) {
    for (uint32_t i = first_frame; i < dist.size(); i++) {
        if (dist[i] > dist[first_frame] + len) {
            return i;
    return -1;

double RotationError(const Eigen::Matrix4d &pose_error) {
    double a = pose_error(0, 0);
    double b = pose_error(1, 1);
    double c = pose_error(2, 2);
    double d = 0.5 * (a + b + c - 1.0);
    return std::acos(std::max(std::min(d, 1.0), -1.0));

double TranslationError(const Eigen::Matrix4d &pose_error) {
    double dx = pose_error(0, 3);
    double dy = pose_error(1, 3);
    double dz = pose_error(2, 3);
    return std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);

std::vector CalcSequenceErrors(const std::vector &poses_gt,
                                       const std::vector &poses_result) {
    // error vector
    std::vector err;

    // parameters
    int32_t step_size = 10;  // every second

    // pre-compute distances (from ground truth as reference)
    std::vector dist = TrajectoryDistances(poses_gt);

    // for all start positions do
    for (uint32_t first_frame = 0; first_frame < poses_gt.size(); first_frame += step_size) {
        // for all segment lengths do
        for (int32_t i = 0; i < num_lengths; i++) {
            // current length
            double len = lengths[i];

            // compute last frame
            int32_t last_frame = LastFrameFromSegmentLength(dist, first_frame, len);

            // continue, if sequence not long enough
            if (last_frame == -1) {

            // compute rotational and translational errors
            Eigen::Matrix4d pose_delta_gt = poses_gt[first_frame].inverse() * poses_gt[last_frame];
            Eigen::Matrix4d pose_delta_result =
                poses_result[first_frame].inverse() * poses_result[last_frame];
            Eigen::Matrix4d pose_error = pose_delta_result.inverse() * pose_delta_gt;
            double r_err = RotationError(pose_error);
            double t_err = TranslationError(pose_error);

            // compute speed
            auto num_frames = static_cast(last_frame - first_frame + 1);
            double speed = len / (0.1 * num_frames);

            // write to file
            err.emplace_back(first_frame, r_err / len, t_err / len, len, speed);

    // return error vector
    return err;
}  // namespace

// 用于计算KITTI数据集姿态估计的误差指标
// SeqError:平均位移误差和平均旋转误差
// AbsoluteTrajectoryError:绝对姿态误差(Absolute Trajectory Error, ATE)
namespace kiss_icp::metrics {

std::tuple SeqError(const std::vector &poses_gt,
                                  const std::vector &poses_result) {
    std::vector err = CalcSequenceErrors(poses_gt, poses_result);
    double t_err = 0;
    double r_err = 0;

    for (const auto &it : err) {
        t_err += it.t_err;
        r_err += it.r_err;

    double avg_trans_error = 100.0 * (t_err / static_cast(err.size()));
    double avg_rot_error = 100.0 * (r_err / static_cast(err.size())) / 3.14 * 180.0;

    return std::make_tuple(avg_trans_error, avg_rot_error);

std::tuple AbsoluteTrajectoryError(const std::vector &poses_gt,
                                                 const std::vector &poses_result) {
    assert(poses_gt.size() == poses_result.size() &&
           "AbsoluteTrajectoryError| Different number of poses in ground truth and estimate");
    Eigen::MatrixXd source(3, poses_gt.size());
    Eigen::MatrixXd target(3, poses_gt.size());
    const size_t num_poses = poses_gt.size();
    // Align the two trajectories using SVD-ICP (Umeyama algorithm)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_poses; ++i) {
        source.block<3, 1>(0, i) = poses_result[i].block<3, 1>(0, 3);
        target.block<3, 1>(0, i) = poses_gt[i].block<3, 1>(0, 3);
    const Eigen::Matrix4d T_align_trajectories = Eigen::umeyama(source, target, false);
    // ATE computation
    double ATE_rot = 0, ATE_trans = 0;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < num_poses; ++j) {
        // Apply alignement matrix
        const Eigen::Matrix4d T_estimate = T_align_trajectories * poses_result[j];
        const Eigen::Matrix4d &T_ground_truth = poses_gt[j];
        // Compute error in translation and rotation matrix (ungly)
        const Eigen::Matrix3d delta_R =
            T_ground_truth.block<3, 3>(0, 0) * T_estimate.block<3, 3>(0, 0).transpose();
        const Eigen::Vector3d delta_t =
            T_ground_truth.block<3, 1>(0, 3) - delta_R * T_estimate.block<3, 1>(0, 3);
        // Get angular error
        const double theta = Eigen::AngleAxisd(delta_R).angle();
        // Sum of Squares
        ATE_rot += theta * theta;
        ATE_trans += delta_t.squaredNorm();
    // Get the RMSE
    ATE_rot /= static_cast(num_poses);
    ATE_trans /= static_cast(num_poses);
    return std::make_tuple(std::sqrt(ATE_rot), std::sqrt(ATE_trans));
}  // namespace kiss_icp::metrics



