
I Sometimes catch myself lookig up at the moon,
remembering the changes of fortune in our long voyage,
thinking of the thousands of people
who worked to bring the three us home.
I look up at the moon and wonder...
when will we be going back...
and who will that be?
-- Apollo 13

	1. 博文绝大部分题目来自2022版武忠祥老师《十七堂课》,少部分来自宇哥的2022讲义
	2. 博文习题难度中下,计算量偏大,部分题目计算量极其巨大
	3. 勤练兵,常磨刀,瓜瓜要上岸~
	2022/1/14 : 第一次编辑

第三部分 利用等价无穷小求极限


a). 常用的等价无穷小



s i n x ∼ x t a n x ∼ x l n ( 1 + x ) ∼ x a r c t a n x ∼ x a r c s i n x ∼ x e x − 1 ∼ x 1 − c o s x ∼ 1 2 x 2 ( 1 + x ) a ∼ a x \begin{aligned} &sinx\sim x && tanx\sim x && \mathrm{ln}(1+x)\sim x && arctanx\sim x\\ &arcsinx\sim x && e^x-1\sim x &&1-cosx\sim \frac{1}{2}x^2 &&(1+x)^a\sim ax \end{aligned} sinxxarcsinxxtanxxex1xln(1+x)x1cosx21x2arctanxx(1+x)aax

x − l n ( 1 + x ) ∼ 1 2 x 2 l n ( x + 1 + x 2 ) ∼ x l o g a ( 1 + x ) ∼ x l n a x − s i n x ∼ 1 6 x 3 x − t a n x ∼ − 1 3 x 3 x − a r c s i n x ∼ − 1 6 x 3 x − a r c t a n x ∼ 1 3 x 3 t a n x − s i n x ∼ 1 2 x 3 \begin{aligned}&x-\mathrm{ln} (1+x)\sim\frac{1}{2}x^2&&\mathrm{ln}(x+\sqrt{1+x^2})\sim x &&log_a(1+x)\sim \frac{x}{\mathrm{ln}a}&&x-sinx\sim \frac{1}{6}x^3 \\ &x-tanx\sim -\frac{1}{3}x^3&& x-arcsinx\sim -\frac{1}{6}x^3 &&x-arctanx\sim \frac{1}{3}x^3&&tanx-sinx\sim \frac{1}{2}x^3 \end{aligned} xln(1+x)21x2xtanx31x3ln(x+1+x2 )xxarcsinx61x3loga(1+x)lnaxxarctanx31x3xsinx61x3tanxsinx21x3

  推导1(在指数内乘除一个 e x e^x ex是惯用的手段):
lim ⁡ x → 0 l n ( x + 1 + x 2 ) x = lim ⁡ x → 0 l n ( x + 1 + x 2 e x e x ) x = lim ⁡ x → 0 l n ( x + 1 + x 2 e x ) + x x = 1 \lim _{x\to 0} \frac{\mathrm{ln}(x+\sqrt{1+x^2}) }{x}=\lim _{x\to 0} \frac{\mathrm{ln}(\frac{x+\sqrt{1+x^2}}{e^x} e^x) }{x}=\lim _{x\to 0} \frac{\mathrm{ln}(\frac{x+\sqrt{1+x^2}}{e^x})+x }{x}=1 x0limxln(x+1+x2 )=x0limxln(exx+1+x2 ex)=x0limxln(exx+1+x2 )+x=1

lim ⁡ x → 0 l o g a ( 1 + x ) x = lim ⁡ x → 0 l n ( 1 + x ) / l n a x / l n a = 1 \lim _{x\to 0} \frac{log_a(1+x)}{x}=\lim _{x\to 0} \frac{\mathrm{ln} (1+x)/\mathrm{ln} a}{x/ \mathrm{ln} a }=1 x0limxloga(1+x)=x0limx/lnaln(1+x)/lna=1

b). 利用等价无穷小求极限的惯用手段



1). 涉及复杂的根式, ∞ − ∞ \infty-\infty 型极限
s o l v e lim ⁡ x → + ∞ [ x 3 + x 2 + x + 1 3 − x 2 + x + 1 l n ( e x + x ) x ] solve\quad \lim _{x\to +\infty} [\sqrt[3]{x^3+x^2+x+1}-\sqrt{x^2+x+1}\frac{\mathrm{ln}(e^x+x)}{x}] solvex+lim[3x3+x2+x+1 x2+x+1 xln(ex+x)]

  这道题是 ∞ − ∞ \infty-\infty 型极限,且两个根式都有趋向于x的趋势,但右边根式存在一个系数使得无法利用惯用手段求极限,考虑到这个系数形式为对数里套了指数,当x充分大的时候指数增长占据支配地位,再取对数以后应该就是x,也就是说这个极限值应为1,这是本题的突破口。

notice that lim ⁡ x → + ∞ l n ( e x + x ) x = lim ⁡ x → + ∞ x + l n ( 1 + x e x ) x = 1 \lim _{x\to +\infty} \frac{\mathrm{ln} (e^x+x)}{x}=\lim _{x\to +\infty} \frac{x +\mathrm{ln} (1+\frac{x}{e^x} )}{x}=1 x+limxln(ex+x)=x+limxx+l
