显示ffmpeg使用的基本信息命令:ffmpeg -h
显示ffmpeg使用的高级信息命令:ffmpeg -h long
显示ffmpeg使用的所有信息命令:ffmpeg -h full
也可以打印到文件中查看详细的内容:ffmpeg -h long > ffmpeg_h_long.log
win用: ffmpeg -encoders | findstr x264
mac用: ffmpeg -encoders | grep x264 查找流中包含x264的
ffmpeg -h type = name
ffmpeg -h encoder=libx264
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -codec copy -ss 200 -t 10 -f flv out.flv
-codec copy 使用原视频的编解码方法
-ss 200 表示从200毫秒开始截取
-t 10 表示截取10毫秒,其实最终结果是视频总共有11毫秒
-f flv 表示输出的格式为flv 格式 这个可以忽略,则就按照自己写的那个后缀解析即
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -codec copy -ss 200 -t 10 out.mp4 则解析成mp4
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -b:a 192k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -acodec libmp3lame -aframes 200 out2.mp4
-b:a 192k 音频码率为192k
-ar 48000 采样率为48000
-ac 2 声音通道数为2
-acodec libmp3lame 声音的编解码器为 libmp3lame
-aframes 200 音频帧数为200
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -vframes 300 -b:v 300k -r 30 -s 640x480 -aspect 16:9 -vcodec libx265 out3.mp4
需要注意的是这里边的640x480 中的x是x而不是*
libx265 这个最好是复制
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -acodec copy -vn audio.mp4 抽取音频(只有声音没有画面)
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -vcodec copy -an video.mp4 抽取视频(没声音只有画面)
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -acodec libmp3lame -vn test.mp3
ffmpeg -i out.mp4 -codec:a libmp3lame -vn test2.mp3 这两种写法不一样但是效果是一样的
即 -acodec等价于-codec:a 同理 -vcodec 等价于 -codec:v
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -y -f image2 -ss 00:00:02 -vframes 1 -s 640x360 ./video_test/test.jpg
-y 如果video_test目录下有test.jpg则覆盖了,不用输入是否覆盖,不写-y则会显示交互内容
-vframes 1 输出一帧,可以写多帧例如:
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -y -f image2 -ss 00:00:02 -vframes 10 -s 640x360 ./video_test/test%02d.jpg
-vframes 10 即抽出连续的10帧 如果是多帧即像现在这个的则需要将输出结果进行格式化:如下
test%02d.jpg %02d 即和c语言的格式化输出的格式是一样的,即d:十进制输出,2 即输出的为两位数,0 即不足两位的在其前边补充0 例如:
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -t 3 -s 640x360 -r 5 -v quiet ./video_test/frame%03d.jpg
-t 3 意思是抽取前三秒数据
-r 5 意思是每秒抽取5帧数据
-v quiet 意思是终端执行完此命令后不会显示无管的多余信息
ffmpeg -f image2 -i ./video_test/frame%03d.jpg -y -r 5 ./video_test/test.mp4
-y 如果video_test目录下有test.mp4这个文件则直接覆盖了
-r 5 每秒几帧
Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder
usage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...
Getting help:
-h -- print basic options # 查看基本命令信息
-h long -- print more options # 查看更多命令的信息
-h full -- print all options (including all format and codec specific options, very long) # 查看全部命令信息
-h type=name -- print all options for the named decoder/encoder/demuxer/muxer/filter/bsf/protocol
See man ffmpeg for detailed description of the options.
Print help / information / capabilities:
-L show license
-h topic show help
-? topic show help
-help topic show help
--help topic show help
-version show version
-buildconf show build configuration
-formats show available formats
-muxers show available muxers
-demuxers show available demuxers
-devices show available devices
-codecs show available codecs
-decoders show available decoders
-encoders show available encoders
-bsfs show available bit stream filters
-protocols show available protocols
-filters show available filters
-pix_fmts show available pixel formats
-layouts show standard channel layouts
-sample_fmts show available audio sample formats
-dispositions show available stream dispositions
-colors show available color names
-sources device list sources of the input device
-sinks device list sinks of the output device
-hwaccels show available HW acceleration methods
Global options (affect whole program instead of just one file):
-loglevel loglevel set logging level
-v loglevel set logging level
-report generate a report
-max_alloc bytes set maximum size of a single allocated block
-y overwrite output files
-n never overwrite output files
-ignore_unknown Ignore unknown stream types
-filter_threads number of non-complex filter threads
-filter_complex_threads number of threads for -filter_complex
-stats print progress report during encoding
-max_error_rate maximum error rate ratio of decoding errors (0.0: no errors, 1.0: 100% errors) above which ffmpeg returns an error instead of success.
-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
Advanced global options:
-cpuflags flags force specific cpu flags
-cpucount count force specific cpu count
-hide_banner hide_banner do not show program banner
-copy_unknown Copy unknown stream types
-recast_media allow recasting stream type in order to force a decoder of different media type
-benchmark add timings for benchmarking
-benchmark_all add timings for each task
-progress url write program-readable progress information
-stdin enable or disable interaction on standard input
-timelimit limit set max runtime in seconds in CPU user time
-dump dump each input packet
-hex when dumping packets, also dump the payload
-vsync video sync method
-frame_drop_threshold frame drop threshold
-async audio sync method
-adrift_threshold threshold audio drift threshold
-copyts copy timestamps
-start_at_zero shift input timestamps to start at 0 when using copyts
-copytb mode copy input stream time base when stream copying
-dts_delta_threshold threshold timestamp discontinuity delta threshold
-dts_error_threshold threshold timestamp error delta threshold
-xerror error exit on error
-abort_on flags abort on the specified condition flags
-filter_complex graph_description create a complex filtergraph
-lavfi graph_description create a complex filtergraph
-filter_complex_script filename read complex filtergraph description from a file
-auto_conversion_filters enable automatic conversion filters globally
-stats_period time set the period at which ffmpeg updates stats and -progress output
-debug_ts print timestamp debugging info
-psnr calculate PSNR of compressed frames
-vstats dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_file file dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_version Version of the vstats format to use.
-qphist show QP histogram
-sdp_file file specify a file in which to print sdp information
-init_hw_device args initialise hardware device
-filter_hw_device device set hardware device used when filtering
Per-file main options:
-f fmt force format
-c codec codec name
-codec codec codec name
-pre preset preset name
-map_metadata outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata] set metadata information of outfile from infile
-t duration record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video
-to time_stop record or transcode stop time
-fs limit_size set the limit file size in bytes
-ss time_off set the start time offset
-sseof time_off set the start time offset relative to EOF
-seek_timestamp enable/disable seeking by timestamp with -ss
-timestamp time set the recording timestamp ('now' to set the current time)
-metadata string=string add metadata
-program title=string:st=number... add program with specified streams
-target type specify target file type ("vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv" or "dv50" with optional prefixes "pal-", "ntsc-" or "film-")
-apad audio pad
-frames number set the number of frames to output
-filter filter_graph set stream filtergraph
-filter_script filename read stream filtergraph description from a file
-reinit_filter reinit filtergraph on input parameter changes
-discard discard
-disposition disposition
Advanced per-file options:
-map [-]input_file_id[:stream_specifier][,sync_file_id[:stream_specifier]] set input stream mapping
-map_channel file.stream.channel[:syncfile.syncstream] map an audio channel from one stream to another
-map_chapters input_file_index set chapters mapping
-accurate_seek enable/disable accurate seeking with -ss
-itsoffset time_off set the input ts offset
-itsscale scale set the input ts scale
-dframes number set the number of data frames to output
-re read input at native frame rate; equivalent to -readrate 1
-readrate speed read input at specified rate
-shortest finish encoding within shortest input
-bitexact bitexact mode
-copyinkf copy initial non-keyframes
-copypriorss copy or discard frames before start time
-tag fourcc/tag force codec tag/fourcc
-q q use fixed quality scale (VBR)
-qscale q use fixed quality scale (VBR)
-profile profile set profile
-attach filename add an attachment to the output file
-dump_attachment filename extract an attachment into a file
-stream_loop loop count set number of times input stream shall be looped
-thread_queue_size set the maximum number of queued packets from the demuxer
-find_stream_info read and decode the streams to fill missing information with heuristics
-bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample
-autorotate automatically insert correct rotate filters
-autoscale automatically insert a scale filter at the end of the filter graph
-muxdelay seconds set the maximum demux-decode delay
-muxpreload seconds set the initial demux-decode delay
-time_base ratio set the desired time base hint for output stream (1:24, 1:48000 or 0.04166, 2.0833e-5)
-enc_time_base ratio set the desired time base for the encoder (1:24, 1:48000 or 0.04166, 2.0833e-5). two special values are defined - 0 = use frame rate (video) or sample rate (audio),-1 = match source time base
-bsf bitstream_filters A comma-separated list of bitstream filters
-fpre filename set options from indicated preset file
-max_muxing_queue_size packets maximum number of packets that can be buffered while waiting for all streams to initialize
-muxing_queue_data_threshold bytes set the threshold after which max_muxing_queue_size is taken into account
-dcodec codec force data codec ('copy' to copy stream)
Video options:
-vframes number set the number of video frames to output
-r rate set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
-fpsmax rate set max frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
-s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
-aspect aspect set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)
-vn disable video
-vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff set initial TimeCode value.
-pass n select the pass number (1 to 3)
-vf filter_graph set video filters
-ab bitrate audio bitrate (please use -b:a)
-b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v)
-dn disable data
Advanced Video options:
-pix_fmt format set pixel format
-rc_override override rate control override for specific intervals
-passlogfile prefix select two pass log file name prefix
-psnr calculate PSNR of compressed frames
-vstats dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_file file dump video coding statistics to file
-vstats_version Version of the vstats format to use.
-intra_matrix matrix specify intra matrix coeffs
-inter_matrix matrix specify inter matrix coeffs
-chroma_intra_matrix matrix specify intra matrix coeffs
-top top=1/bottom=0/auto=-1 field first
-vtag fourcc/tag force video tag/fourcc
-qphist show QP histogram
-force_fps force the selected framerate, disable the best supported framerate selection
-streamid streamIndex:value set the value of an outfile streamid
-force_key_frames timestamps force key frames at specified timestamps
-hwaccel hwaccel name use HW accelerated decoding
-hwaccel_device devicename select a device for HW acceleration
-hwaccel_output_format format select output format used with HW accelerated decoding
-vbsf video bitstream_filters deprecated
-vpre preset set the video options to the indicated preset
Audio options:
-aframes number set the number of audio frames to output
-aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific)
-ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz)
-ac channels set number of audio channels
-an disable audio
-acodec codec force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
-af filter_graph set audio filters
Advanced Audio options:
-atag fourcc/tag force audio tag/fourcc
-sample_fmt format set sample format
-channel_layout layout set channel layout
-guess_layout_max set the maximum number of channels to try to guess the channel layout
-absf audio bitstream_filters deprecated
-apre preset set the audio options to the indicated preset
Subtitle options:
-s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
-sn disable subtitle
-scodec codec force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)
-stag fourcc/tag force subtitle tag/fourcc
-fix_sub_duration fix subtitles duration
-canvas_size size set canvas size (WxH or abbreviation)
-spre preset set the subtitle options to the indicated preset