
facebook、twitter、facebook 登录、whatsapp 分享、微信分享




html 元素图谱

对于国外第三方的分享元素图谱,是写在 html 的 head 部分,分为以下几个:

Tag Description 备注
og:url The canonical URL for your page. This should be the undecorated URL, without session variables, user identifying parameters, or counters. Likes and Shares for this URL will aggregate at this URL. For example, mobile domain URLs should point to the desktop version of the URL as the canonical URL to aggregate Likes and Shares across different versions of the page. 填写要分享的 url
og:title The title of your article without any branding such as your site name. 分享时展示的卡片的标题
og:description A brief description of the content, usually between 2 and 4 sentences. This will displayed below the title of the post on Facebook. 分享时展示的卡片的此标题
og:image The URL of the image that appears when someone shares the content to Facebook. See below for more info, and check out our best practices guide to learn how to s
