【Flutter】【package】flutter_native_splash 闪屏页面的快速实现



  • 实现软件闪屏功能
  • 支持的平台 ANDROID IOS WEB【国内ODM 厂商,没有google launcher 】可能出现不显示图片的情况,在我自己的测试手机红米 android 12 的版本出现不能正常显示闪屏图片的情况,但是背景颜色功能可以正常显示



  1. 实现软件闪屏功能


第一步:你需要添加:flutter_native_splash: ^2.2.9 到你的项目


第一种:pubspec.yaml 里面写入配置文件:如下(有针对于android 12的版本特殊配置选项,根据自己的需求去除备注)

 # This package generates native code to customize Flutter's default white native splash screen
 # with background color and splash image.
 # Customize the parameters below, and run the following command in the terminal:
 # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
 # To restore Flutter's default white splash screen, run the following command in the terminal:
 # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:remove

 # color or background_image is the only required parameter.  Use color to set the background
 # of your splash screen to a solid color.  Use background_image to set the background of your
 # splash screen to a png image.  This is useful for gradients. The image will be stretch to the
 # size of the app. Only one parameter can be used, color and background_image cannot both be set.
 color: "#42a5f5"
 #background_image: "assets/background.png"

 # Optional parameters are listed below.  To enable a parameter, uncomment the line by removing
 # the leading # character.

 # The image parameter allows you to specify an image used in the splash screen.  It must be a
 # png file and should be sized for 4x pixel density.
 #image: assets/splash.png

 # The branding property allows you to specify an image used as branding in the splash screen.
 # It must be a png file. It is supported for Android, iOS and the Web.  For Android 12,
 # see the Android 12 section below.
 #branding: assets/dart.png

 # To position the branding image at the bottom of the screen you can use bottom, bottomRight,
 # and bottomLeft. The default values is bottom if not specified or specified something else.
 #branding_mode: bottom

 # The color_dark, background_image_dark, image_dark, branding_dark are parameters that set the background
 # and image when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
 # parameters from above. If the image_dark parameter is specified, color_dark or
 # background_image_dark must be specified.  color_dark and background_image_dark cannot both be
 # set.
 #color_dark: "#042a49"
 #background_image_dark: "assets/dark-background.png"
 #image_dark: assets/splash-invert.png
 #branding_dark: assets/dart_dark.png

 # Android 12 handles the splash screen differently than previous versions.  Please visit
 # https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/splash-screen
 # Following are Android 12 specific parameter.
   # The image parameter sets the splash screen icon image.  If this parameter is not specified,
   # the app's launcher icon will be used instead.
   # Please note that the splash screen will be clipped to a circle on the center of the screen.
   # App icon with an icon background: This should be 960×960 pixels, and fit within a circle
   # 640 pixels in diameter.
   # App icon without an icon background: This should be 1152×1152 pixels, and fit within a circle
   # 768 pixels in diameter.
   #image: assets/android12splash.png

   # Splash screen background color.
   #color: "#42a5f5"

   # App icon background color.
   #icon_background_color: "#111111"

   # The branding property allows you to specify an image used as branding in the splash screen.
   #branding: assets/dart.png

   # The image_dark, color_dark, icon_background_color_dark, and branding_dark set values that
   # apply when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
   # parameters from above.
   #image_dark: assets/android12splash-invert.png
   #color_dark: "#042a49"
   #icon_background_color_dark: "#eeeeee"

 # The android, ios and web parameters can be used to disable generating a splash screen on a given
 # platform.
 #android: false
 #ios: false
 #web: false

 # Platform specific images can be specified with the following parameters, which will override
 # the respective image parameter.  You may specify all, selected, or none of these parameters:
 #image_android: assets/splash-android.png
 #image_dark_android: assets/splash-invert-android.png
 #image_ios: assets/splash-ios.png
 #image_dark_ios: assets/splash-invert-ios.png
 #image_web: assets/splash-web.png
 #image_dark_web: assets/splash-invert-web.png
 #background_image_android: "assets/background-android.png"
 #background_image_dark_android: "assets/dark-background-android.png"
 #background_image_ios: "assets/background-ios.png"
 #background_image_dark_ios: "assets/dark-background-ios.png"
 #background_image_web: "assets/background-web.png"
 #background_image_dark_web: "assets/dark-background-web.png"
 #branding_android: assets/brand-android.png
 #branding_dark_android: assets/dart_dark-android.png
 #branding_ios: assets/brand-ios.png
 #branding_dark_ios: assets/dart_dark-ios.png

 # The position of the splash image can be set with android_gravity, ios_content_mode, and
 # web_image_mode parameters.  All default to center.
 # android_gravity can be one of the following Android Gravity (see
 # https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Gravity): bottom, center,
 # center_horizontal, center_vertical, clip_horizontal, clip_vertical, end, fill, fill_horizontal,
 # fill_vertical, left, right, start, or top.
 #android_gravity: center
 # ios_content_mode can be one of the following iOS UIView.ContentMode (see
 # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/contentmode): scaleToFill,
 # scaleAspectFit, scaleAspectFill, center, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight,
 # bottomLeft, or bottomRight.
 #ios_content_mode: center
 # web_image_mode can be one of the following modes: center, contain, stretch, and cover.
 #web_image_mode: center

 # The screen orientation can be set in Android with the android_screen_orientation parameter.
 # Valid parameters can be found here:
 # https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#screen
 #android_screen_orientation: sensorLandscape

 # To hide the notification bar, use the fullscreen parameter.  Has no effect in web since web
 # has no notification bar.  Defaults to false.
 # NOTE: Unlike Android, iOS will not automatically show the notification bar when the app loads.
 #       To show the notification bar, add the following code to your Flutter app:
 #       WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
 #       SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([SystemUiOverlay.bottom, SystemUiOverlay.top]);
 #fullscreen: true

 # If you have changed the name(s) of your info.plist file(s), you can specify the filename(s)
 # with the info_plist_files parameter.  Remove only the # characters in the three lines below,
 # do not remove any spaces:
 #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Debug.plist'
 #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Release.plist'
然后在终端运行:flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create 会自动去添加需要的配置和设置项目:结果如图:

【Flutter】【package】flutter_native_splash 闪屏页面的快速实现_第1张图片


flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create --path=path/to/my/flutter_native_splash.yaml




 # This package generates native code to customize Flutter's default white native splash screen
 # with background color and splash image.
 # Customize the parameters below, and run the following command in the terminal:
 # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
 # To restore Flutter's default white splash screen, run the following command in the terminal:
 # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:remove

 # color or background_image is the only required parameter.  Use color to set the background
 # of your splash screen to a solid color.  Use background_image to set the background of your
 # splash screen to a png image.  This is useful for gradients. The image will be stretch to the
 # size of the app. Only one parameter can be used, color and background_image cannot both be set.
 color: "#e1f5fe"
 #background_image: "assets/background.png"

 # Optional parameters are listed below.  To enable a parameter, uncomment the line by removing
 # the leading # character.

 # The image parameter allows you to specify an image used in the splash screen.  It must be a
 # png file and should be sized for 4x pixel density.
 image: assets/logo_lockup_flutter_vertical_wht.png

 # The branding property allows you to specify an image used as branding in the splash screen.
 # It must be a png file. Currently, it is only supported for Android < v12 and iOS.
 #branding: assets/dart.png

 # To position the branding image at the bottom of the screen you can use bottom, bottomRight,
 # and bottomLeft. The default values is bottom if not specified or specified something else.
 #branding_mode: bottom

 # The color_dark, background_image_dark, image_dark, branding_dark are parameters that set the background
 # and image when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
 # parameters from above. If the image_dark parameter is specified, color_dark or
 # background_image_dark must be specified.  color_dark and background_image_dark cannot both be
 # set.
 color_dark: "#042a49"
 #background_image_dark: "assets/dark-background.png"
 image_dark: assets/logo_lockup_flutter_vertical_wht.png
 #branding_dark: assets/dart_dark.png

 # Android 12 handles the splash screen differently than previous versions.  Please visit
 # https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/splash-screen
 # Following are Android 12 specific parameter.
   # The image parameter sets the splash screen icon image.  If this parameter is not specified,
   # the app's launcher icon will be used instead.
   # App icon with an icon background: This should be 960×960 pixels, and fit within a circle
   # 640 pixels in diameter.
   # App icon without an icon background: This should be 1152×1152 pixels, and fit within a circle
   # 768 pixels in diameter.
   image: assets/logo_lockup_flutter_vertical_wht.png

   # Splash screen background color.
   color: "#42a5f5"

   # App icon background color.
   icon_background_color: "#eeeeee"

   # The image_dark parameter and icon_background_color_dark set the image and icon background
   # color when the device is in dark mode. If they are not specified, the app will use the
   # parameters from above.
   #image_dark: assets/android12splash-invert.png
   #color_dark: "#042a49"
   #icon_background_color_dark: "#111111"

 # The android, ios and web parameters can be used to disable generating a splash screen on a given
 # platform.
 #android: false
 #ios: false
 #web: false

 # The position of the splash image can be set with android_gravity, ios_content_mode, and
 # web_image_mode parameters.  All default to center.
 # android_gravity can be one of the following Android Gravity (see
 # https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Gravity): bottom, center,
 # center_horizontal, center_vertical, clip_horizontal, clip_vertical, end, fill, fill_horizontal,
 # fill_vertical, left, right, start, or top.
 #android_gravity: center
 # ios_content_mode can be one of the following iOS UIView.ContentMode (see
 # https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview/contentmode): scaleToFill,
 # scaleAspectFit, scaleAspectFill, center, top, bottom, left, right, topLeft, topRight,
 # bottomLeft, or bottomRight.
 #ios_content_mode: center
 # web_image_mode can be one of the following modes: center, contain, stretch, and cover.
 #web_image_mode: center

 # The screen orientation can be set in Android with the android_screen_orientation parameter.
 # Valid parameters can be found here:
 # https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element#screen
 #android_screen_orientation: sensorLandscape

 # To hide the notification bar, use the fullscreen parameter.  Has no affect in web since web
 # has no notification bar.  Defaults to false.
 # NOTE: Unlike Android, iOS will not automatically show the notification bar when the app loads.
 #       To show the notification bar, add the following code to your Flutter app:
 #       WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
 #       SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([SystemUiOverlay.bottom, SystemUiOverlay.top]);
 fullscreen: true

 # If you have changed the name(s) of your info.plist file(s), you can specify the filename(s)
 # with the info_plist_files parameter.  Remove only the # characters in the three lines below,
 # do not remove any spaces:
 #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Debug.plist'
 #  - 'ios/Runner/Info-Release.plist'

flutter 代码

// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_native_splash/flutter_native_splash.dart';

void main() {
 WidgetsBinding widgetsBinding = WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
 FlutterNativeSplash.preserve(widgetsBinding: widgetsBinding);
 runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
 const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return MaterialApp(
     title: 'Path Provider',
     theme: ThemeData(
       primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
     home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Path Provider'),

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
 final String title;
 const MyHomePage({Key? key, required this.title}) : super(key: key);

 _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
 void initsplash() async {
   await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));

 void initState() {
   // TODO: implement initState

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return Scaffold(
     appBar: AppBar(
       title: Text(widget.title),
     body: const Center(
       child: Text('flutter_native_splash'),


【Flutter】【package】flutter_native_splash 闪屏页面的快速实现_第2张图片
