RedisInsight将图形用户界面与Redis CLI相结合,让您可以使用任何Redis部署。您可以直观地浏览数据并与之交互,利用诊断工具,通过示例进行学习等等。最棒的是,RedisInsight是免费的。
$ redis-cli INCR mycounter
(integer) 7
$ redis-cli INCR mycounter > /tmp/output.txt
$ cat /tmp/output.txt
$ redis-cli --raw INCR mycounter
- double-quote\n
- newline\r
- carriage return 回车\t
- horizontal tab\b
- backspace 退格\a
- alert 警报\\
- backslash\xhh
- any ASCII character represented by a hexadecimal number (hh)由十六进制数字(hh)表示的任何ASCII字符单引号假定字符串为文字,并且只允许以下转义序列:
- single quote\\
- backslashFor example, to return Hello World
on two lines:> SET mykey "Hello\nWorld"
OK> GET mykey
当您输入包含单引号或双引号的字符串时,例如在密码中可能会对字符串进行转义,如下所示:> AUTH some_admin_user ">^8T>6Na{u|jp>+v\"55\@_;OU(OR]7mbAYGqsfyu48(j'%hQH7;v*f1H${*gD(Se'"
$ redis-cli -h -p 6390 PING
If your instance is password protected, the -a
option will perform authentication saving the need of explicitly using the AUTH
$ redis-cli -a myUnguessablePazzzzzword123 PING
$ redis-cli FLUSHALL
$ redis-cli -n 1 INCR a
(integer) 1
$ redis-cli -n 1 INCR a
(integer) 2
$ redis-cli -n 2 INCR a
(integer) 1
$ redis-cli -u redis://LJenkins:p%[email protected]:16379/0 PING
$ redis-cli -x SET net_services < /etc/services
$ redis-cli GETRANGE net_services 0 50
"#\n# Network services, Internet style\n#\n# Note that "
在上述会话的第一行中,使用-x选项执行了redis-cli,并将一个文件重定向到cli的标准输入,作为满足SET net_services命令短语的值。这对于编写脚本非常有用。
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt
SET item:3374 100
INCR item:3374
APPEND item:3374 xxx
GET item:3374
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt | redis-cli
(integer) 101
(integer) 6
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt
SET arg_example "This is a single argument"
STRLEN arg_example
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt | redis-cli
(integer) 25
$ redis-cli -r 5 INCR counter_value
(integer) 1
(integer) 2
(integer) 3
(integer) 4
(integer) 5
$ redis-cli -r -1 -i 1 INFO | grep rss_human
... a new line will be printed each second ...
使用redis-cli的大规模插入在单独的一页中介绍,因为它本身就是一个有价值的主题。请参阅我们的批量插入指南mass insertion guide。
$ redis-cli LPUSH mylist a b c d
(integer) 4
$ redis-cli --csv LRANGE mylist 0 -1
redis-cli广泛支持使用Lua脚本的调试功能,redis 3.2及以后版本提供了该功能。有关此功能,请参阅Redis-Lua调试器文档。
$ cat /tmp/script.lua
$ redis-cli --eval /tmp/script.lua location:hastings:temp , 23
Redis EVAL命令将脚本使用的键列表和其他非键参数作为不同的数组。当拨打EVAL时,您可以将钥匙的数量作为数字提供。
我们已经探讨了如何将Redis CLI用作命令行程序。这对脚本和某些类型的测试很有用,但大多数人将大部分时间花在redis-cli中使用其交互模式。
$ redis-cli> PING
当连接的服务器发生更改或在不同于数据库编号0的数据库上操作时,提示会更新:> SELECT 2
(integer) 1[2]> SELECT 0
(integer) 503
在交互模式下使用CONNECT命令可以通过指定要连接的主机名和端口来连接到不同的实例:> CONNECT metal 6379
metal:6379> PING
正如您所看到的,当连接到不同的服务器实例时,提示会相应地更改。如果尝试连接到无法访问的实例,则redis-cli将进入断开连接模式,并尝试使用每个新命令重新连接:> CONNECT 9999
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
通常,在检测到断开连接后,redis-cli总是尝试透明地重新连接;如果尝试失败,则显示错误并进入断开连接状态。以下是断开连接和重新连接的示例:> INFO SERVER
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
(now we are connected again)
执行重新连接时,redis cli会自动重新选择最后一个选定的数据库编号。但是,有关连接的所有其他状态都会丢失,例如在MULTI/EXEC事务中:
$ redis-cli> MULTI
( here the server is manually restarted )> EXEC
(error) ERR EXEC without MULTI
由于redis-cli使用linenoise行编辑库linenoise line editing library,因此它始终具有行编辑功能,而不依赖于libreadline或其他可选库。
redis-cli还可以通过按TAB键来完成命令名,如下例所示:> Z> ZADD> ZCARD
通过在命令名称前加一个数字,可以在交互模式下多次运行同一命令:> 5 INCR mycounter
(integer) 1
(integer) 2
(integer) 3
(integer) 4
(integer) 5
redis-cli使用help命令为大多数 Redis commands 提供联机帮助。该命令有两种形式:
shows all the commands about a given category. The categories are:
shows specific help for the command given as argument.
For example in order to show help for the PFADD
command, use:> HELP PFADD
PFADD key element [element ...]
summary: Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
since: 2.8.9
Note that HELP
supports TAB completion as well. 请注意,HELP也支持TAB完成。
$ redis-cli --stat
------- data ------ --------------------- load -------------------- - child -
keys mem clients blocked requests connections
506 1015.00K 1 0 24 (+0) 7
506 1015.00K 1 0 25 (+1) 7
506 3.40M 51 0 60461 (+60436) 57
506 3.40M 51 0 146425 (+85964) 107
507 3.40M 51 0 233844 (+87419) 157
507 3.40M 51 0 321715 (+87871) 207
508 3.40M 51 0 408642 (+86927) 257
508 3.40M 51 0 497038 (+88396) 257
$ redis-cli --bigkeys
# Scanning the entire keyspace to find biggest keys as well as
# average sizes per key type. You can use -i 0.01 to sleep 0.01 sec
# per SCAN command (not usually needed).
[00.00%] Biggest string found so far 'key-419' with 3 bytes
[05.14%] Biggest list found so far 'mylist' with 100004 items
[35.77%] Biggest string found so far 'counter:__rand_int__' with 6 bytes
[73.91%] Biggest hash found so far 'myobject' with 3 fields
-------- summary -------
Sampled 506 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 3452 (avg len 6.82)
Biggest string found 'counter:__rand_int__' has 6 bytes
Biggest list found 'mylist' has 100004 items
Biggest hash found 'myobject' has 3 fields
504 strings with 1403 bytes (99.60% of keys, avg size 2.78)
1 lists with 100004 items (00.20% of keys, avg size 100004.00)
0 sets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
1 hashs with 3 fields (00.20% of keys, avg size 3.00)
0 zsets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
例如,-i 0.01将大大降低程序的执行速度,但也会将服务器上的负载减少到微不足道的程度。
$ redis-cli --scan | head -10
请注意,head -10用于只打印输出的前十行。
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern '*-11*'
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern 'user:*' | wc -l
您可以使用-i 0.01来添加SCAN命令调用之间的延迟。这将使命令速度变慢,但会显著降低服务器上的负载。
CLI可以使用publish命令在Redis Pub/Sub通道中发布消息。订阅频道以接收消息是不同的——终端被阻止并等待消息,因此这在redis-cli中被实现为一种特殊模式。与其他特殊模式不同,此模式不是通过使用特殊选项来启用的,而是通过使用SUBSCRIBE或PSUBSCRIBE命令来启用,这些命令在交互或命令模式中可用:
$ redis-cli PSUBSCRIBE '*'
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
2) "*"
3) (integer) 1
阅读消息消息显示我们已进入Pub/Sub模式。当另一个客户端在某个通道中发布某些消息时,例如使用命令redis cli PUBLISH mychannel mymessage,处于Pub/Sub模式的cli将显示以下内容:
1) "pmessage"
2) "*"
3) "mychannel"
4) "mymessage"
$ redis-cli MONITOR
1460100081.165665 [0] "set" "shipment:8000736522714:status" "sorting"
1460100083.053365 [0] "get" "shipment:8000736522714:status"
$ redis-cli --latency
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.19 (427 samples)
有时,研究最大和平均延迟是如何在一段时间内演变的是有用的。–latency history选项用于此目的:它的工作原理与–latency完全相同,但每15秒(默认情况下)就会从头开始一个新的采样会话:
$ redis-cli --latency-history
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.14 (1314 samples) -- 15.01 seconds range
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.18 (1299 samples) -- 15.00 seconds range
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.20 (113 samples)^C
最先进的延迟研究工具,也是非经验用户最复杂的解释工具,是使用彩色终端来显示一系列延迟的能力。您将看到一个彩色输出,它指示不同的样本百分比,以及不同的ASCII字符,它们指示不同的延迟数字。此模式是使用–latency dist选项启用的:
$ redis-cli --latency-dist
(output not displayed, requires a color terminal, try it!)
通过测量固有延迟,您知道这是基线,Redis无法超越您的系统。为了在此模式下运行CLI,请使用–international latency<test time>。请注意,测试时间以秒为单位,并规定测试应该运行多长时间。
$ ./redis-cli --intrinsic-latency 5
Max latency so far: 1 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 7 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 9 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 11 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 13 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 15 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 34 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 82 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 586 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 739 microseconds.
65433042 total runs (avg latency: 0.0764 microseconds / 764.14 nanoseconds per run).
Worst run took 9671x longer than the average latency.
在Redis复制的第一次同步过程中,主副本和副本以RDB文件的形式交换整个数据集。redis cli利用此功能提供远程备份功能,允许将RDB文件从任何redis实例传输到运行redis cli的本地计算机。要使用此模式,请使用–rdb<dest filename>选项调用CLI:
$ redis-cli --rdb /tmp/dump.rdb
SYNC sent to master, writing 13256 bytes to '/tmp/dump.rdb'
Transfer finished with success.
$ redis-cli --rdb /tmp/dump.rdb
SYNC with master failed: -ERR Can't SYNC while not connected with my master
$ echo $?
$ redis-cli --replica
SYNC with master, discarding 13256 bytes of bulk transfer...
SYNC done. Logging commands from master.
Redis经常被用作LRU eviction的缓存。根据键的数量和为缓存分配的内存量(通过maxmemory指令指定),缓存命中和未命中的数量将发生变化。有时,模拟命中率对于正确配置缓存非常有用。
重要提示:在Redis配置中配置maxmemory设置至关重要:如果最大内存使用量没有上限,则命中率最终将为100%,因为所有密钥都可以存储在内存中。如果指定了太多具有最大内存的密钥,最终将使用所有计算机RAM。还需要配置适当的maxmemory策略;大多数情况下,allkeys lru被选中。
User interfaces
Redis CLI
Redis CLI
Overview of redis-cli, the Redis command line interface
In interactive mode, redis-cli has basic line editing capabilities to provide a familiar typing experience.
To launch the program in special modes, you can use several options, including:
Simulate a replica and print the replication stream it receives from the primary.
Check the latency of a Redis server and display statistics.
Request ASCII-art spectrogram of latency samples and frequencies.
This topic covers the different aspects of redis-cli, starting from the simplest and ending with the more advanced features.
Command line usage
To run a Redis command and return a standard output at the terminal, include the command to execute as separate arguments of redis-cli:
$ redis-cli INCR mycounter
(integer) 7
The reply of the command is "7". Since Redis replies are typed (strings, arrays, integers, nil, errors, etc.), you see the type of the reply between parentheses. This additional information may not be ideal when the output of redis-cli must be used as input of another command or redirected into a file.
redis-cli only shows additional information for human readability when it detects the standard output is a tty, or terminal. For all other outputs it will auto-enable the raw output mode, as in the following example:
$ redis-cli INCR mycounter > /tmp/output.txt
$ cat /tmp/output.txt
Note that (integer) is omitted from the output because redis-cli detects the output is no longer written to the terminal. You can force raw output even on the terminal with the --raw option:
$ redis-cli --raw INCR mycounter
You can force human readable output when writing to a file or in pipe to other commands by using --no-raw.
String quoting and escaping
When redis-cli parses a command, whitespace characters automatically delimit the arguments. In interactive mode, a newline sends the command for parsing and execution. To input string values that contain whitespaces or non-printable characters, you can use quoted and escaped strings.
Quoted string values are enclosed in double (") or single (') quotation marks. Escape sequences are used to put nonprintable characters in character and string literals.
An escape sequence contains a backslash (\) symbol followed by one of the escape sequence characters.
Doubly-quoted strings support the following escape sequences:
\" - double-quote
\n - newline
\r - carriage return
\t - horizontal tab
\b - backspace
\a - alert
\\ - backslash
\xhh - any ASCII character represented by a hexadecimal number (hh)
Single quotes assume the string is literal, and allow only the following escape sequences:
\' - single quote
\\ - backslash
For example, to return Hello World on two lines:> SET mykey "Hello\nWorld"
OK> GET mykey
When you input strings that contain single or double quotes, as you might in passwords, for example, escape the string, like so:> AUTH some_admin_user ">^8T>6Na{u|jp>+v\"55\@_;OU(OR]7mbAYGqsfyu48(j'%hQH7;v*f1H${*gD(Se'"
Host, port, password, and database
By default, redis-cli connects to the server at the address with port 6379. You can change the port using several command line options. To specify a different host name or an IP address, use the -h option. In order to set a different port, use -p.
$ redis-cli -h -p 6390 PING
If your instance is password protected, the -a option will perform authentication saving the need of explicitly using the AUTH command:
$ redis-cli -a myUnguessablePazzzzzword123 PING
NOTE: For security reasons, provide the password to redis-cli automatically via the REDISCLI_AUTH environment variable.
Finally, it's possible to send a command that operates on a database number other than the default number zero by using the -n option:
$ redis-cli FLUSHALL
$ redis-cli -n 1 INCR a
(integer) 1
$ redis-cli -n 1 INCR a
(integer) 2
$ redis-cli -n 2 INCR a
(integer) 1
Some or all of this information can also be provided by using the -u option and the URI pattern redis://user:password@host:port/dbnum:
$ redis-cli -u redis://LJenkins:p%[email protected]:16379/0 PING
By default, redis-cli uses a plain TCP connection to connect to Redis. You may enable SSL/TLS using the --tls option, along with --cacert or --cacertdir to configure a trusted root certificate bundle or directory.
If the target server requires authentication using a client side certificate, you can specify a certificate and a corresponding private key using --cert and --key.
Getting input from other programs
There are two ways you can use redis-cli in order to receive input from other commands via the standard input. One is to use the target payload as the last argument from stdin. For example, in order to set the Redis key net_services to the content of the file /etc/services from a local file system, use the -x option:
$ redis-cli -x SET net_services < /etc/services
$ redis-cli GETRANGE net_services 0 50
"#\n# Network services, Internet style\n#\n# Note that "
In the first line of the above session, redis-cli was executed with the -x option and a file was redirected to the CLI's standard input as the value to satisfy the SET net_services command phrase. This is useful for scripting.
A different approach is to feed redis-cli a sequence of commands written in a text file:
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt
SET item:3374 100
INCR item:3374
APPEND item:3374 xxx
GET item:3374
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt | redis-cli
(integer) 101
(integer) 6
All the commands in commands.txt are executed consecutively by redis-cli as if they were typed by the user in interactive mode. Strings can be quoted inside the file if needed, so that it's possible to have single arguments with spaces, newlines, or other special characters:
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt
SET arg_example "This is a single argument"
STRLEN arg_example
$ cat /tmp/commands.txt | redis-cli
(integer) 25
Continuously run the same command
It is possible to execute a single command a specified number of times with a user-selected pause between executions. This is useful in different contexts - for example when we want to continuously monitor some key content or INFO field output, or when we want to simulate some recurring write event, such as pushing a new item into a list every 5 seconds.
This feature is controlled by two options: -r and -i . The -r option states how many times to run a command and -i sets the delay between the different command calls in seconds (with the ability to specify values such as 0.1 to represent 100 milliseconds).
By default the interval (or delay) is set to 0, so commands are just executed ASAP:
$ redis-cli -r 5 INCR counter_value
(integer) 1
(integer) 2
(integer) 3
(integer) 4
(integer) 5
To run the same command indefinitely, use -1 as the count value. To monitor over time the RSS memory size it's possible to use the following command:
$ redis-cli -r -1 -i 1 INFO | grep rss_human
... a new line will be printed each second ...
Mass insertion of data using redis-cli
Mass insertion using redis-cli is covered in a separate page as it is a worthwhile topic itself. Please refer to our mass insertion guide.
CSV output
A CSV (Comma Separated Values) output feature exists within redis-cli to export data from Redis to an external program.
$ redis-cli LPUSH mylist a b c d
(integer) 4
$ redis-cli --csv LRANGE mylist 0 -1
Note that the --csv flag will only work on a single command, not the entirety of a DB as an export.
Running Lua scripts
The redis-cli has extensive support for using the debugging facility of Lua scripting, available with Redis 3.2 onwards. For this feature, refer to the Redis Lua debugger documentation.
Even without using the debugger, redis-cli can be used to run scripts from a file as an argument:
$ cat /tmp/script.lua
$ redis-cli --eval /tmp/script.lua location:hastings:temp , 23
The Redis EVAL command takes the list of keys the script uses, and the other non key arguments, as different arrays. When calling EVAL you provide the number of keys as a number.
When calling redis-cli with the --eval option above, there is no need to specify the number of keys explicitly. Instead it uses the convention of separating keys and arguments with a comma. This is why in the above call you see location:hastings:temp , 23 as arguments.
So location:hastings:temp will populate the KEYS array, and 23 the ARGV array.
The --eval option is useful when writing simple scripts. For more complex work, the Lua debugger is recommended. It is possible to mix the two approaches, since the debugger can also execute scripts from an external file.
Interactive mode
We have explored how to use the Redis CLI as a command line program. This is useful for scripts and certain types of testing, however most people will spend the majority of time in redis-cli using its interactive mode.
In interactive mode the user types Redis commands at the prompt. The command is sent to the server, processed, and the reply is parsed back and rendered into a simpler form to read.
Nothing special is needed for running the redis-cli in interactive mode - just execute it without any arguments
$ redis-cli> PING
The string> is the prompt. It displays the connected Redis server instance's hostname and port.
The prompt updates as the connected server changes or when operating on a database different from the database number zero:> SELECT 2
(integer) 1[2]> SELECT 0
(integer) 503
Handling connections and reconnections
Using the CONNECT command in interactive mode makes it possible to connect to a different instance, by specifying the hostname and port we want to connect to:> CONNECT metal 6379
metal:6379> PING
As you can see the prompt changes accordingly when connecting to a different server instance. If a connection is attempted to an instance that is unreachable, the redis-cli goes into disconnected mode and attempts to reconnect with each new command:> CONNECT 9999
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
Generally after a disconnection is detected, redis-cli always attempts to reconnect transparently; if the attempt fails, it shows the error and enters the disconnected state. The following is an example of disconnection and reconnection:> INFO SERVER
Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused
not connected> PING
(now we are connected again)
When a reconnection is performed, redis-cli automatically re-selects the last database number selected. However, all other states about the connection is lost, such as within a MULTI/EXEC transaction:
$ redis-cli> MULTI
( here the server is manually restarted )> EXEC
(error) ERR EXEC without MULTI
This is usually not an issue when using the redis-cli in interactive mode for testing, but this limitation should be known.
Editing, history, completion and hints
Because redis-cli uses the linenoise line editing library, it always has line editing capabilities, without depending on libreadline or other optional libraries.
Command execution history can be accessed in order to avoid retyping commands by pressing the arrow keys (up and down). The history is preserved between restarts of the CLI, in a file named .rediscli_history inside the user home directory, as specified by the HOME environment variable. It is possible to use a different history filename by setting the REDISCLI_HISTFILE environment variable, and disable it by setting it to /dev/null.
The redis-cli is also able to perform command-name completion by pressing the TAB key, as in the following example:> Z> ZADD> ZCARD
Once Redis command name has been entered at the prompt, the redis-cli will display syntax hints. Like command history, this behavior can be turned on and off via the redis-cli preferences.
There are two ways to customize redis-cli behavior. The file .redisclirc in the home directory is loaded by the CLI on startup. You can override the file's default location by setting the REDISCLI_RCFILE environment variable to an alternative path. Preferences can also be set during a CLI session, in which case they will last only the duration of the session.
To set preferences, use the special :set command. The following preferences can be set, either by typing the command in the CLI or adding it to the .redisclirc file:
:set hints - enables syntax hints
:set nohints - disables syntax hints
Running the same command N times
It is possible to run the same command multiple times in interactive mode by prefixing the command name by a number:> 5 INCR mycounter
(integer) 1
(integer) 2
(integer) 3
(integer) 4
(integer) 5
Showing help about Redis commands
redis-cli provides online help for most Redis commands, using the HELP command. The command can be used in two forms:
HELP @ shows all the commands about a given category. The categories are:
HELP shows specific help for the command given as argument.
For example in order to show help for the PFADD command, use:> HELP PFADD
PFADD key element [element ...]
summary: Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.
since: 2.8.9
Note that HELP supports TAB completion as well.
Clearing the terminal screen
Using the CLEAR command in interactive mode clears the terminal's screen.
Special modes of operation
So far we saw two main modes of redis-cli.
Command line execution of Redis commands.
Interactive "REPL" usage.
The CLI performs other auxiliary tasks related to Redis that are explained in the next sections:
Monitoring tool to show continuous stats about a Redis server.
Scanning a Redis database for very large keys.
Key space scanner with pattern matching.
Acting as a Pub/Sub client to subscribe to channels.
Monitoring the commands executed into a Redis instance.
Checking the latency of a Redis server in different ways.
Checking the scheduler latency of the local computer.
Transferring RDB backups from a remote Redis server locally.
Acting as a Redis replica for showing what a replica receives.
Simulating LRU workloads for showing stats about keys hits.
A client for the Lua debugger.
Continuous stats mode
Continuous stats mode is probably one of the lesser known yet very useful features of redis-cli to monitor Redis instances in real time. To enable this mode, the --stat option is used. The output is very clear about the behavior of the CLI in this mode:
$ redis-cli --stat
------- data ------ --------------------- load -------------------- - child -
keys mem clients blocked requests connections
506 1015.00K 1 0 24 (+0) 7
506 1015.00K 1 0 25 (+1) 7
506 3.40M 51 0 60461 (+60436) 57
506 3.40M 51 0 146425 (+85964) 107
507 3.40M 51 0 233844 (+87419) 157
507 3.40M 51 0 321715 (+87871) 207
508 3.40M 51 0 408642 (+86927) 257
508 3.40M 51 0 497038 (+88396) 257
In this mode a new line is printed every second with useful information and differences of request values between old data points. Memory usage, client connection counts, and various other statistics about the connected Redis database can be easily understood with this auxiliary redis-cli tool.
The -i option in this case works as a modifier in order to change the frequency at which new lines are emitted. The default is one second.
Scanning for big keys
In this special mode, redis-cli works as a key space analyzer. It scans the dataset for big keys, but also provides information about the data types that the data set consists of. This mode is enabled with the --bigkeys option, and produces verbose output:
$ redis-cli --bigkeys
# Scanning the entire keyspace to find biggest keys as well as
# average sizes per key type. You can use -i 0.01 to sleep 0.01 sec
# per SCAN command (not usually needed).
[00.00%] Biggest string found so far 'key-419' with 3 bytes
[05.14%] Biggest list found so far 'mylist' with 100004 items
[35.77%] Biggest string found so far 'counter:__rand_int__' with 6 bytes
[73.91%] Biggest hash found so far 'myobject' with 3 fields
-------- summary -------
Sampled 506 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 3452 (avg len 6.82)
Biggest string found 'counter:__rand_int__' has 6 bytes
Biggest list found 'mylist' has 100004 items
Biggest hash found 'myobject' has 3 fields
504 strings with 1403 bytes (99.60% of keys, avg size 2.78)
1 lists with 100004 items (00.20% of keys, avg size 100004.00)
0 sets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
1 hashs with 3 fields (00.20% of keys, avg size 3.00)
0 zsets with 0 members (00.00% of keys, avg size 0.00)
In the first part of the output, each new key larger than the previous larger key (of the same type) encountered is reported. The summary section provides general stats about the data inside the Redis instance.
The program uses the SCAN command, so it can be executed against a busy server without impacting the operations, however the -i option can be used in order to throttle the scanning process of the specified fraction of second for each SCAN command.
For example, -i 0.01 will slow down the program execution considerably, but will also reduce the load on the server to a negligible amount.
Note that the summary also reports in a cleaner form the biggest keys found for each time. The initial output is just to provide some interesting info ASAP if running against a very large data set.
Getting a list of keys
It is also possible to scan the key space, again in a way that does not block the Redis server (which does happen when you use a command like KEYS *), and print all the key names, or filter them for specific patterns. This mode, like the --bigkeys option, uses the SCAN command, so keys may be reported multiple times if the dataset is changing, but no key would ever be missing, if that key was present since the start of the iteration. Because of the command that it uses this option is called --scan.
$ redis-cli --scan | head -10
Note that head -10 is used in order to print only the first ten lines of the output.
Scanning is able to use the underlying pattern matching capability of the SCAN command with the --pattern option.
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern '*-11*'
Piping the output through the wc command can be used to count specific kind of objects, by key name:
$ redis-cli --scan --pattern 'user:*' | wc -l
You can use -i 0.01 to add a delay between calls to the SCAN command. This will make the command slower but will significantly reduce load on the server.
Pub/sub mode
The CLI is able to publish messages in Redis Pub/Sub channels using the PUBLISH command. Subscribing to channels in order to receive messages is different - the terminal is blocked and waits for messages, so this is implemented as a special mode in redis-cli. Unlike other special modes this mode is not enabled by using a special option, but simply by using the SUBSCRIBE or PSUBSCRIBE command, which are available in interactive or command mode:
$ redis-cli PSUBSCRIBE '*'
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
2) "*"
3) (integer) 1
The reading messages message shows that we entered Pub/Sub mode. When another client publishes some message in some channel, such as with the command redis-cli PUBLISH mychannel mymessage, the CLI in Pub/Sub mode will show something such as:
1) "pmessage"
2) "*"
3) "mychannel"
4) "mymessage"
This is very useful for debugging Pub/Sub issues. To exit the Pub/Sub mode just process CTRL-C.
Monitoring commands executed in Redis
Similarly to the Pub/Sub mode, the monitoring mode is entered automatically once you use the MONITOR command. All commands received by the active Redis instance will be printed to the standard output:
$ redis-cli MONITOR
1460100081.165665 [0] "set" "shipment:8000736522714:status" "sorting"
1460100083.053365 [0] "get" "shipment:8000736522714:status"
Note that it is possible to use to pipe the output, so you can monitor for specific patterns using tools such as grep.
Monitoring the latency of Redis instances
Redis is often used in contexts where latency is very critical. Latency involves multiple moving parts within the application, from the client library to the network stack, to the Redis instance itself.
The redis-cli has multiple facilities for studying the latency of a Redis instance and understanding the latency's maximum, average and distribution.
The basic latency-checking tool is the --latency option. Using this option the CLI runs a loop where the PING command is sent to the Redis instance and the time to receive a reply is measured. This happens 100 times per second, and stats are updated in a real time in the console:
$ redis-cli --latency
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.19 (427 samples)
The stats are provided in milliseconds. Usually, the average latency of a very fast instance tends to be overestimated a bit because of the latency due to the kernel scheduler of the system running redis-cli itself, so the average latency of 0.19 above may easily be 0.01 or less. However this is usually not a big problem, since most developers are interested in events of a few milliseconds or more.
Sometimes it is useful to study how the maximum and average latencies evolve during time. The --latency-history option is used for that purpose: it works exactly like --latency, but every 15 seconds (by default) a new sampling session is started from scratch:
$ redis-cli --latency-history
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.14 (1314 samples) -- 15.01 seconds range
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.18 (1299 samples) -- 15.00 seconds range
min: 0, max: 1, avg: 0.20 (113 samples)^C
Sampling sessions' length can be changed with the -i option.
The most advanced latency study tool, but also the most complex to interpret for non-experienced users, is the ability to use color terminals to show a spectrum of latencies. You'll see a colored output that indicates the different percentages of samples, and different ASCII characters that indicate different latency figures. This mode is enabled using the --latency-dist option:
$ redis-cli --latency-dist
(output not displayed, requires a color terminal, try it!)
There is another pretty unusual latency tool implemented inside redis-cli. It does not check the latency of a Redis instance, but the latency of the computer running redis-cli. This latency is intrinsic to the kernel scheduler, the hypervisor in case of virtualized instances, and so forth.
Redis calls it intrinsic latency because it's mostly opaque to the programmer. If the Redis instance has high latency regardless of all the obvious things that may be the source cause, it's worth to check what's the best your system can do by running redis-cli in this special mode directly in the system you are running Redis servers on.
By measuring the intrinsic latency, you know that this is the baseline, and Redis cannot outdo your system. In order to run the CLI in this mode, use the --intrinsic-latency . Note that the test time is in seconds and dictates how long the test should run.
$ ./redis-cli --intrinsic-latency 5
Max latency so far: 1 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 7 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 9 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 11 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 13 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 15 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 34 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 82 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 586 microseconds.
Max latency so far: 739 microseconds.
65433042 total runs (avg latency: 0.0764 microseconds / 764.14 nanoseconds per run).
Worst run took 9671x longer than the average latency.
IMPORTANT: this command must be executed on the computer that runs the Redis server instance, not on a different host. It does not connect to a Redis instance and performs the test locally.
In the above case, the system cannot do better than 739 microseconds of worst case latency, so one can expect certain queries to occasionally run less than 1 millisecond.
Remote backups of RDB files
During a Redis replication's first synchronization, the primary and the replica exchange the whole data set in the form of an RDB file. This feature is exploited by redis-cli in order to provide a remote backup facility that allows a transfer of an RDB file from any Redis instance to the local computer running redis-cli. To use this mode, call the CLI with the --rdb option:
$ redis-cli --rdb /tmp/dump.rdb
SYNC sent to master, writing 13256 bytes to '/tmp/dump.rdb'
Transfer finished with success.
This is a simple but effective way to ensure disaster recovery RDB backups exist of your Redis instance. When using this options in scripts or cron jobs, make sure to check the return value of the command. If it is non zero, an error occurred as in the following example:
$ redis-cli --rdb /tmp/dump.rdb
SYNC with master failed: -ERR Can't SYNC while not connected with my master
$ echo $?
Replica mode
The replica mode of the CLI is an advanced feature useful for Redis developers and for debugging operations. It allows for the inspection of the content a primary sends to its replicas in the replication stream in order to propagate the writes to its replicas. The option name is simply --replica. The following is a working example:
$ redis-cli --replica
SYNC with master, discarding 13256 bytes of bulk transfer...
SYNC done. Logging commands from master.
The command begins by discarding the RDB file of the first synchronization and then logs each command received in CSV format.
If you think some of the commands are not replicated correctly in your replicas this is a good way to check what's happening, and also useful information in order to improve the bug report.
Performing an LRU simulation
Redis is often used as a cache with LRU eviction. Depending on the number of keys and the amount of memory allocated for the cache (specified via the maxmemory directive), the amount of cache hits and misses will change. Sometimes, simulating the rate of hits is very useful to correctly provision your cache.
The redis-cli has a special mode where it performs a simulation of GET and SET operations, using an 80-20% power law distribution in the requests pattern. This means that 20% of keys will be requested 80% of times, which is a common distribution in caching scenarios.
Theoretically, given the distribution of the requests and the Redis memory overhead, it should be possible to compute the hit rate analytically with a mathematical formula. However, Redis can be configured with different LRU settings (number of samples) and LRU's implementation, which is approximated in Redis, changes a lot between different versions. Similarly the amount of memory per key may change between versions. That is why this tool was built: its main motivation was for testing the quality of Redis' LRU implementation, but now is also useful for testing how a given version behaves with the settings originally intended for deployment.
To use this mode, specify the amount of keys in the test and configure a sensible maxmemory setting as a first attempt.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Configuring the maxmemory setting in the Redis configuration is crucial: if there is no cap to the maximum memory usage, the hit will eventually be 100% since all the keys can be stored in memory. If too many keys are specified with maximum memory, eventually all of the computer RAM will be used. It is also needed to configure an appropriate maxmemory policy; most of the time allkeys-lru is selected.
In the following example there is a configured a memory limit of 100MB and an LRU simulation using 10 million keys.
WARNING: the test uses pipelining and will stress the server, don't use it with production instances.
$ ./redis-cli --lru-test 10000000
156000 Gets/sec | Hits: 4552 (2.92%) | Misses: 151448 (97.08%)
153750 Gets/sec | Hits: 12906 (8.39%) | Misses: 140844 (91.61%)
159250 Gets/sec | Hits: 21811 (13.70%) | Misses: 137439 (86.30%)
151000 Gets/sec | Hits: 27615 (18.29%) | Misses: 123385 (81.71%)
145000 Gets/sec | Hits: 32791 (22.61%) | Misses: 112209 (77.39%)
157750 Gets/sec | Hits: 42178 (26.74%) | Misses: 115572 (73.26%)
154500 Gets/sec | Hits: 47418 (30.69%) | Misses: 107082 (69.31%)
151250 Gets/sec | Hits: 51636 (34.14%) | Misses: 99614 (65.86%)
The program shows stats every second. In the first seconds the cache starts to be populated. The misses rate later stabilizes into the actual figure that can be expected:
120750 Gets/sec | Hits: 48774 (40.39%) | Misses: 71976 (59.61%)
122500 Gets/sec | Hits: 49052 (40.04%) | Misses: 73448 (59.96%)
127000 Gets/sec | Hits: 50870 (40.06%) | Misses: 76130 (59.94%)
124250 Gets/sec | Hits: 50147 (40.36%) | Misses: 74103 (59.64%)
A miss rate of 59% may not be acceptable for certain use cases therefor 100MB of memory is not enough. Observe an example using a half gigabyte of memory. After several minutes the output stabilizes to the following figures:
140000 Gets/sec | Hits: 135376 (96.70%) | Misses: 4624 (3.30%)
141250 Gets/sec | Hits: 136523 (96.65%) | Misses: 4727 (3.35%)
140250 Gets/sec | Hits: 135457 (96.58%) | Misses: 4793 (3.42%)
140500 Gets/sec | Hits: 135947 (96.76%) | Misses: 4553 (3.24%)
With 500MB there is sufficient space for the key quantity (10 million) and distribution (80-20 style).
[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-CWXRG0Bz-1689071082335)(] [外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-hybOwpYU-1689071082336)(]
RedisInsight是一个强大的工具,用于在Redis或Redis Stack中可视化和优化数据,使实时应用程序开发比以往任何时候都更容易、更有趣。RedisInsight允许您在功能齐全的桌面GUI客户端中进行基于GUI和CLI的交互。
CRUD support for lists, hashes, strings, sets, sorted sets, and streams
CRUD support for JSON
Group keys according to their namespaces 根据密钥的名称空间对其进行分组
Analyze every command sent to Redis in real time. 实时分析发送给Redis的每个命令。
内置指南(Built-in guides):使用内置指南,您可以方便地发现Redis和Redis Stack的功能。
命令自动完成对Redis和Redis statck中所有功能的支持。 Command auto-complete support for all features in Redis and Redis Stack.
索引、查询和聚合(indexes, queries, and aggregations)的可视化。
可视化(Visualizations)您的时间序列 time series数据。
使用数据库分析工具来优化(optimize)Redis数据库的性能和内存使用情况(the performance and memory usage)。检查数据类型分布和内存分配,并查看 key 过期时间和随时间释放的内存的摘要。分别检查按消耗的内存或 keys长度和keys 计数排序的顶部 keys 和命名空间。通过查看历史分析报告来捕获和跟踪数据库中的更改。下图显示了一个示例数据库分析报告。
通过按时间戳添加、删除和筛选条目来创建和管理流。要查看和使用新条目,请启用和自定义自动刷新率。enable and customize the automatic refresh rate.
如果您正在使用 Redis Stack的索引、查询或全文搜索功能(indexing, querying, or full-text search features),RedisInsight提供了UI控件,可以根据预先选择的索引快速方便地运行搜索查询。您还可以在专用窗格中创建数据的辅助索引。
轻松快速地批量删除相同类型和/或具有相同 keys 名称模式的多个 key。要执行此操作,请在“列表” List或“树” Tree视图中,按 key 类型或 key 名称设置筛选器,然后打开“批量操作”部分。该部分显示所有 key 的摘要,以及将根据设置的筛选器删除的预期key数。
批量删除完成后,RedisInsight会显示此操作的结果以及处理的 key 数量和批量删除 key 所花费的时间。根据Redis数据库分析的结果,使用批量删除来优化数据库的使用。
使用RedisInsight,您现在还可以通过构建自己的数据可视化来扩展核心功能。See our plugin documentation for more information.
RedisInsight includes an opt-in telemetry system. This help us improve the developer experience of the app. We value your privacy; all collected data is anonymized.
To provide your feedback, open a ticket in our RedisInsight repository.
RedisInsight is licensed under SSPL license.
Manage streams and consumer groups in RedisInsight
Learn how to manage streams and consumer groups in RedisInsight
stream是一个仅追加的日志文件。当你向它添加数据时,你无法更改它。这似乎是一个缺点;然而,一个流充当一个日志或单一的真相来源。它还可以用作以不同速度工作且不需要了解彼此的进程之间的缓冲区。有关流的更多概念信息,请参阅RRedis streams。
You can add a stream in RedisInsight in two ways: create a new stream or add to an existing stream.
要创建流,请首先选择key类型(流)。您不能设置生存时间(TTL),因为它不能放在流中的消息上;它只能在Redis key 上完成。将流命名为mystream。然后,将Entry ID设置为“*”以默认为时间戳。如果您有自己的ID生成策略,请输入序列中的下一个ID。请记住,ID必须高于流中任何其他条目的ID。
This example shows how to bring an existing stream into RedisInsight and work with it.
4.克隆代码库对于这个例子。请参阅自述文件 README有关此示例和安装提示的更多信息。
npm install
To start the producer, which will add a new entry to the stream every few seconds, enter:
npm run producer
> [email protected] producer
> node producer.js
Starting producer...
Adding reading for location: 62, temperature: 40.3, humidity: 36.5
Added as 1632771056648-0
Adding reading for location: 96, temperature: 15.4, humidity: 70
Added as 1632771059039-0
The producer runs indefinitely. Select Ctrl+C
to stop it. You can start multiple instances of the producer if you want to add entries to the stream faster.
To start the consumer, which reads from the stream every few seconds, enter:
npm run consumer
> [email protected] consumer
> node consumer.js
Starting consumer...
Resuming from ID 1632744741693-0
Reading stream...
Received entry 1632771056648-0:
[ 'location', '62', 'temp', '40.3', 'humidity', '36.5' ]
Finished working with entry 1632771056648-0
Reading stream...
Received entry 1632771059039-0:
[ 'location', '96', 'temp', '15.4', 'humidity', '70' ]
The consumer stores the last entry ID that it read in a Redis string at the key consumer:lastid
. It uses this string to pick up from where it left off after it is restarted. Try this out by stopping it with Ctrl+C
and restarting it.
Once the consumer has processed every entry in the stream, it will wait indefinitely for instances of the producer to add more:
Reading stream...
No new entries since entry 1632771060229-0.
Reading stream...
No new entries since entry 1632771060229-0.
Reading stream...
Stop it using Ctrl+C
A consumer group consists of multiple consumer instances working together. Redis manages allocation of entries read from the stream to members of a consumer group. A consumer in a group will receive a subset of the entries, with the group as a whole receiving all of them. When working in a consumer group, a consumer process must acknowledge receipt/processing of each entry.
Using multiple terminal windows, start three instances of the consumer group consumer, giving each a unique name:
npm run consumergroup consumer1
> [email protected] consumergroup
> node consumer_group.js -- "consumer1"
Starting consumer consumer1...
Consumer group temphumidity_consumers exists, not created.
Reading stream...
Received entry 1632771059039-0:
[ 'location', '96', 'temp', '15.4', 'humidity', '70' ]
Acknowledged processing of entry 1632771059039-0.
Reading stream...
In a second terminal:
npm run consumergroup consumer2
And in a third:
npm run consumergroup consumer3
The consumers will run indefinitely, waiting for new messages to be added to the stream by a producer instance when they have collectively consumed the entire stream. Note that in this model, each consumer instance does not receive all of the entries from the stream, but the three members of the group each receive a subset.
您现在可以在 Stream 和 Consumer Groups 视图之间切换以查看您的数据。正如本主题前面提到的,流是一个仅追加的日志,因此您不能修改条目的内容,但可以删除整个条目。一个有用的例子是,如果出现所谓的“毒丸信息” poison-pill message,可能会导致消费者崩溃。您可以在Streams视图中物理删除此类消息,也可以使用XDEL
XLEN ingest:temphumidity
使用流审计和处理(auditing and processing)银行、游戏、供应链、物联网、社交媒体等领域的事件。