The Job Interview

Why do you want this job?

I think I am a good fit for this job

  • I think I am a good match for this job.
  • I think this job suits me down to the ground.

I think this job ties in well with my future plans.

I am excited to showcase my skills.

I am eager to make a contribution.

  • eager = keen, enthusiastic

I am sure I could bring a lot to this job.

I never shy away from hard work.


You got the job = You’ve landed the job.

  • to land a job = to get a job

I’m responsible for setting the marketing/setting our marketing goals.

I’m in charge of marketing = I’m in charge of setting the marketing goals.

It’s down to me set our marketing goals.

My forte is making creative graphics.

  • I excel at making creative graphics.


I’m snowed under with work.

  • I’ve got a lot on my plate.
  • I’m up to my neck in deadlines.

I work overtime to make ends meet.

  • to make ends meet = to have enough money to survice.

I work extra shifts to make ends meet.


job hopping = move from one job to another

I’m stuck in a rut = I’m in a bad suituation.

I’m not realising my potential = I don’t have the chance to use my talents.

I’ve got untapped potential = I’ve got skills I am not using yet.

It’s time to move on = It’s time to move on to a new challenge.


Do your homework

  • vision
  • mission
  • values

Use words the company uses

Focus on your ability more than qualification

Focus on giving as well as taking

Choose as well as be choosen

Ask good questions

When you’ve choosen the candidate what will success look like?

cracking = very good
