【Database System Concept 7th】Chapter 14 Indexing 读书笔记

Chapter 14 Indexing

  • 14.1 Basic Concepts
  • 14.2 Ordered Indices
    • 14.2.1 Dense and Sparse Indices
    • 14.2.2 Multilevel Indices
    • 14.2.3 Index Update
    • 14.2.4 Secondary Indices
    • 14.2.5 Indices on Multiple Keys
  • 14.3 B+-Tree Index Files
    • 14.3.1 Structure of a B+-Tree
    • 14.3.2 Queries on B+-Trees
    • 14.3.3 Updates on B+-Trees
    • 14.3.4 Complexity of B+-Tree Updates
    • 14.3.5 Nonunique Search Keys
  • 14.4 B+-Tree Extensions
    • 14.4.1 B+-Tree File Organization
    • 14.4.2 Secondary Indices and Record Relocation
    • 14.4.3 Indexing Strings
    • 14.4.4 Bulk Loading of B+-Tree Indices
    • 14.4.5 B-Tree Index Files
    • 14.4.6 Indexing on Flash Storage
    • 14.4.7 Indexing in Main Memory
  • 14.5 Hash Indices
    • 14.5.1 In Memory Hash
    • 14.5.2 Disk-Based Hash

14.1 Basic Concepts


  • 顺序索引:基于key进行顺序排序
  • 散列索引:将key散列到不同的hash桶中


  • 访问类型:能支持的访问类型(包括查询具有特定属性值的记录、查询特定属性值在某个特定区间范围的记录)
  • 访问时间:找到一个特定记录或记录集所花费的时间
  • 插入时间:插入一个新记录所需要的时间
  • 删除时间:删除一个记录所需要的时间
  • 空间复杂度:维护索引结构所需要的空间开销


14.2 Ordered Indices

14.2.1 Dense and Sparse Indices

14.2.2 Multilevel Indices

14.2.3 Index Update

14.2.4 Secondary Indices

14.2.5 Indices on Multiple Keys

14.3 B±Tree Index Files

14.3.1 Structure of a B±Tree

14.3.2 Queries on B±Trees

14.3.3 Updates on B±Trees

14.3.4 Complexity of B±Tree Updates

14.3.5 Nonunique Search Keys

14.4 B±Tree Extensions

14.4.1 B±Tree File Organization

14.4.2 Secondary Indices and Record Relocation

14.4.3 Indexing Strings

14.4.4 Bulk Loading of B±Tree Indices

14.4.5 B-Tree Index Files

14.4.6 Indexing on Flash Storage

14.4.7 Indexing in Main Memory

14.5 Hash Indices


14.5.1 In Memory Hash

散列索引的思想比较简单,即维护许多个存放记录的桶,每个桶存放若干条记录的指针。当插入记录时,通过某个哈希函数 h h h对记录中的搜索码取哈希值,根据这个哈希值,得到桶编号,将指向该记录的指针放入指定的桶中。

14.5.2 Disk-Based Hash

【Database System Concept 7th】Chapter 14 Indexing 读书笔记_第1张图片
