
VideoNet.rar - 该程序可以用于两个人在LAN/Intranet(或者Internet)上进行视频会议。现在有许多视频会议程序,每个都有各自的性能提升技术。主要的问题是视频会议视频帧的尺寸对于传输来说太大。因此,性能依赖于对帧的编解码。 , This procedure may use in two people (or Internet) on carries on the video frequency conference in LAN/Intranet. Now has many video frequencies agenda, each all has respective performance promotion technology. The main question is the video frequency conference video frequency frame size regarding transmits says too in a big way. Therefore, the performance relies on to arranges the decoding to the frame. ,Visual C++
desh2Phone_src_rate.zip - VOIP行业的H323协议终端软电话的源代码,对VOIP行业的开发、技术维护人员有较大帮助。,VOIP the profession H323 agreement terminal soft telephone source code, to the VOIP profession development, the servicing personnel has a bigger help. ,Visual C++
Helix___common.rar - RealNetworks公司的Helix 的公共头文件部分源码.,RealNetworks Corporation s Helix public file section source code. ,C-C++
clientapps.rar - RealNetworks公司的Helix 的客户方部分源码.,RealNetworks Corporation s Helix customer side partial sources code. ,C-C++
protocol.rar - RealNetworks公司的Helix 的协议部分源码.,RealNetworks Corporation s Helix agreement partial sources code. ,C-C++
HELIX__audio.rar - RealNetworks公司的HELIX的audio.部分,RealNetworks Corporation s HELIX audio. Partial ,C-C++
HELIX___filesystem.rar - HELIX 的filesystem.rar部分,HELIX filesystem.rar are partial ,C++ Builder
数字电视SI及其编码.rar - 关于数字电视mpeg-2业务信息方面的书,非常详细(差不多是规范翻译过来的),通俗易懂。除了印刷效果一般般外,其他的都还满意。值得工程技术人员参考, About the digital television mpeg-2 service information aspect book, extremely is detailed (almost is standard translates), easy to understand. Is ordinary besides the printing effect, other all also satisfies. Is worth the engineers and technicians referring ,Visual C++
iphone2.zip - 本程序自带反向回传语音代理服务,可以使两个不同局域网内的客户机通过国际互连网进行语音通讯,本程序使用点对点方式,不通过任何中介服务器速度快,语音延迟极小,声音清晰逼真,其效果和真实IP电话不相上下,程序界面简洁,操作简单,是在互连网上打IP电话的极好工具,唯一的要求是通话双方都要有电脑,并连入互连网。 本程序能实现以下连网操作功能: 1.通话双方是同一局域网内的用户 2.通话双方是不同局域网内的用户,并通过各自的网关连入互连网 3.通话双方一个直接连入互连网,另一个处在局域网中,并通过网关连入互连网 4.通话双方直接连入互连网一般的语音聊天软件只能实现1,4两种连网功能,而本程序能完全支持所有这四种连网情况,因而能使所有用户享受到语音聊天所带来的好处.,,Delphi
voipong-devel.tar.gz - 解析cisco的skinny协议,根据信令自动保存udp语音包,实现cisco的VOIP系统监控。, Analyzes cisco the skinny agreement, the root according to what is believed makes automatically to preserve the udp pronunciation package, realizes the cisco VOIP system monitoring. ,C-C++
网络视频电话.rar - 高性能的可视电话软件 NetTalk效率很高,比我所见的一些可视通话软件要好(如AVPHONE,注:在此并无破坏AVPHONE所在公司形象之意图,仅将软件作客观上的比较) 全图形界面 全图形的界面使得操作方便快捷, High performance videophone software NetTalk efficiency very high, sees some visible telephone conversation software me to want to be better than (for example AVPHONE, the note: And non- destroys AVPHONE in this intention in the corporate image, only makes software objective on the comparison) Entire graphical interface The entire graph contact surface causes the ease of operation quickly ,C++ Builder
sflphone.tar.gz - IP电话源程序,在Unix环境下编译通过,基于h.323协议。,IP telephone source program, translates under the Unix environment passes, based on h.323 agreement. ,C-C++
gnugk-2.2.2.zip - gnugk-2.2.2 c实现的GateKeeper 实现IP电话网守功能。,gnugk-2.2.2 c realization GateKeeper realizes the IP telephone network to defend the function. ,C-C++
opal-v2_1beta0-src.zip - opal-v2_1 h.323协议栈,支持h.323和sip.,opal-v2_1 the h.323 agreement stack, supports h.323 and sip.,C-C++
gkeep.zip - 在windows环境应用,监控voip框架中的关守模块(gatekeeper)的图形化界面程序。, In the windows environment application, monitors in the voip frame the pass defends the module (gatekeeper) the graph contact surface procedure. ,Windows_Unix
回声消除算法.rar - 回声消除算法的C++程序,运行在unix/linux上, 也可以在vc中被编译, 测试, 效果还行,The program file of the algorithm for echo cancellation written by C++, can be runed on unix/linux, and also can be complied in VC It efficient good by testing.,Unix_Linux
microsoft-v2[1].5-040207-NTU.zip - microsoft的视频会议程序源码,非常的复杂,但是功能强大,Here is the SourceCode of MicroSoft s VideoMeeting,It s really Complicated,but good use,Visual C++
视频操作.rar - 这是个不错的视频操作程序哦,可是感觉还是有好多的不族之处,所以希望各个大虾多多指教哦~~! 谢谢~!,This is a good video operation program in some extend ,but there still exist some bugs,any suggestions given by proficient is welcome! Thanks!,Visual C++
partysip.rar - 基于OSIP协议展的代理服务器PARTYSIP的WINDOWS版本,VC7下编译通过,解决收信息报错问题,注意保持目录结构, The proxy server PARTYSIP WINDOWS edition unfolds which based on the OSIP agreement, under VC7 translates passes, the solution receives the information newspaper wrong question, the attention maintenance table of contents structure ,Visual C++
dialogic从入门到系统工程师.rar - dialogic从入门到系统工程师,INTER的VOIP设备说明,开发说明。,dialogic from crosses the threshold system engineer, the INTER VOIP equipment explained that, the development explained. ,Visual C++
osip_win.rar - osip,exosip,VC6.0下编译版本,含例子程序。,osip, exosip, under VC6.0 translates the edition, contains the example procedure. ,Visual C++
中文版sip协议.rar - 中文版SIP协议。包括RFC2327(sdp),RFC3263(sip),RFC3621(sip),RFC3372(sip),其中3261协议包括注册部分是完全版, Chinese edition SIP agreement. Including RFC2327 (sdp), RFC3263 (sip), RFC3621 (sip), RFC3372 (sip), 3,261 agreements including the registration part are the complete version ,多平台
通信行业标准.rar - 信息产业部发布的关于SIP协议的技术规范,第一部分:第二部分:基于会话初始协议(SIP)的呼叫控制的应用, Information industries department issue about SIP agreement technology standard, first part: Second part: Based on conversation initial agreement (SIP) the call controls application ,多平台
后处理演示.rar - 视频音频处理演示文件,其中视频编解码包括XVID,H263P和H264,音频采用ILBC,音频做了AEC处理。, The video frequency audio frequency processing demonstration document, video frequency arranged the decoding to include XVID, H263P and H264, the audio frequency uses ILBC, the audio frequency has made the AEC processing. ,Visual C++
TSipPrto.rar - 该软件可供开发SIP应用的初学者收发SIP协议的数据包,只需简单设置,即可手动发送SIP消息,是一个简单实用的软件。 , This software may for the beginner which develops the SIP application to receive and dispatch the SIP agreement the data packet, only needs the simple establishment, then manual transmits the SIP news, is simple practical software. ,Visual C++
oSIP协议桟浅析.rar - 一个学习osip协议桟的中文手册,里面详细说明了osip协议桟的结构以及使用,是一个很好的手册。, Studies the osip agreement 鈻hinese handbook, inside the specify osip agreement 鈻tructure as well as the use, was a very good handbook. ,WORD
SIP中文版.zip - IETF RFC3261(SIP协议)的中文翻译版;觉得看英文比较慢的朋友可以先看看这个,有少量翻译错误请对照英文版校对,IETF RFC3261 (SIP agreement) Chinese translation version; Thought looked the English quite slow friend may first have a look this, has the few translations wrong please to compare English version to proofread ,多平台
MyPhone12b.rar - 一个基于Openh323的视频会议终端,基于VC开发环境,可以与netmeeting互联。,It is a video meeting terminal based on Openh323 protocol, which developed with VC and can communicate with netmeeting.,Visual C++
dtmf-ansi-c-version.rar - 经典的带内音频dtmf产生和检测的c语言源码,检测准确率相当高, In the classical belt audio frequency dtmf produces accurately with the examination c language source code, the examination rate is quite high ,Visual C++
CCXML-Workshop-April2005.zip - 呼叫控制CCXML规范的PowerPoint演示幻灯片,介绍CCXML的背景、关键字、使用方法。, The call controls CCXML the standard the PowerPoint demonstration slide, introduces CCXML the background, the essential character, the application method. ,PDF
h323V5consented.zip - 2003年最新版ITU-T H.323协议全文,为H.323IP电话系统开发工作提供最权威、最直接的指导。,2003 year most new edition ITU-T the H.323 agreement full text, is the H.323IP telephone system development work authoritatively, the most direct provides instruction. ,WORD
Analysis of Skype.zip - 权威的skype协议分析,详细分析skype的网络结构、防火墙穿越方法、编解码等实现细节。, The authoritative skype protocol analysis, multianalysis realization detail and so on skype network architecture, firewall passes through method, arranges decoding. ,PDF
sip_architecture_with_nat_v1.0.rar - SIP协议中穿越对称型/非对称型NAT防火墙的多种实现方法,解决私网内部的防火墙穿透问题。,SIP agreement passes through the symmetrical/asymmetrical NAT firewall the many kinds of realizations method, solves the private net interior firewall to penetrate the question. ,PDF
siphon-0.0.1.tar.gz - windows/linux平台下C语言编写的sip软电话siphon最新版本。,windows/linux platform C language compilation sip soft telephone siphon newest edition. ,Windows_Unix
VideoEXE-VC.rar - 提供网络上的视频聊天播放功能,加载DLL来实现. VC-PROJECT, Provides in the network the video frequency to chat the broadcast function, increase DLL to realize VC-PROJECT,Visual C++
librtp-0.1.tar.gz - 一个RTP库,用于音视频的打包实时传输,c语言编写, A RTP storehouse, uses in the sound video frequency to pack the real-time transmission, the c language compiles ,Unix_Linux
ooh323c-0.7.tar.gz - 一个H.323协议栈,C源程序,跨平台,实现了H.225,H.245,RAS,和RTP。, A H.323 agreement stack, the C source program, the cross platform, has realized H.225, H.245, RAS, with RTP. ,多平台
wdywmz_20031004213942.rar - 一个ip电话的实现我也不太清楚他是用什么语言编的, A ip telephone realizes me not too to be clear he is arranges with any language ,其他
jm_9.rar - h264视频编码源码JM_9,里面包括编码器和解码器,是做264编码得必选参考源码!,,C-C++
935351点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码.rar - 935351点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码 实用源代码。,935351 point-to-point video frequency agenda VideoNet source code practical source code. ,Visual C++
exosipphone.rar - 使用eXosip开发的例子,使用vc打开工程直接编译库和例子,注意需要安装了xp平台开发包, Uses the eXosip development the example, used vc to open the project direct translation storehouse and the example, the attention needs to install the xp platform development package ,Visual C++
RFC3261基本的会话初始协议.rar - SIP协议资料。收集与SIP协议相关的资料。是不错的参考资料。,information of sip.,多平台
h245e.rar - 视频会议中运用的H245协议。详细介绍了H245系列各个协议。是一本不错的参考资料。, In video frequency conference utilization H245 agreement. In detail introduced H245 series each agreement. Is a good reference. ,多平台
myjpeg.rar - jpeg视频编解码程序,包括dct变换、量化、vlc等过程,针对视频压缩,jpeg video frequency arranges the decoding procedure, including process and so on dct transformation, quantification, vlc, compresses in view of the video frequency ,Visual C++
使用IP网络聊天的VOIP源码.zip - 使用IP网络聊天的VOIP源码,非常流行的Voip源程序.,,Visual C++
iLBC codec spec.rar - 大名鼎鼎的ilbc 提供其源代码极其详细说明 英文版本的,,C-C++
sipxtest- - 目前网络上面sip协议比较流行,现在这个是一个sip协议的测试软件,可以对当前的sip软件进行版本兼容性测试.,,Visual C++
iTalk.rar - 一个用java实现的局域网语音聊天系统,包括服务器端和客户端,可以实现文字聊天,语音聊天,文件传输等功能,并实现了密码验证。,,Java
samplecode.zip - 是IP电话的基本测试程序欢迎在VC下做设备驱动程序开发或界面开发的朋友与我交流., Is the IP telephone basic test order welcome makes the equipment driver development or the contact surface development friend under VC exchanges with me ,C++
Meetingcode.zip - 点对点的视频会议程序 代码 ,仅供参考!,A code of video frequency conference with peer to peer,Only supplies the reference,Visual C++

etsre.tar.gz - The Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX Reverse Engineering Project是一种完全开放式的源客户端软件适用于the Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX。它的目的是为有效地使用LCR-feature of the PBX 提供工具,为改换PBX的配置,为读取电话数量,为将ISDN-D-channel-protocol of the PBXzuop作为输入源或者isdnlog来使用。,The Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX Reverse Engineering Project is one kind of completely open style source customer end software is suitable for the Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX. Its goal is for effectively uses LCR-feature of the PBX to provide the tool, for changes PBX the disposition, for reads takes the telephone quantity, is uses ISDN-D-channel-protocol of the PBXzuop as the input source or isdnlog. ,C-C++
awag.tar.gz - AWAG经过ISDN拨叫一个号码并且传送一个消息。它还可以拨叫另外一个号码如果第一个号码不通或者没有人接听电话。,AWAG dials after ISDN calls a number and to transmit a news. It also may dial calls other number if the first number does not pass or nobody meets listens to the telephone. ,C++ Builder
Brainware-0[1].5c.tar.gz - BrainWare是一组perl语言编写的对象,提供一组基于web的组件工具( 邮件, FTP, irc, 日历,论坛,以及即时的H323视频会议),为任何大小的组织生成一个知识产生场所。 ,BrainWare is a group of perl language compilation object, provides a group based on the web module tool (mail, FTP, irc, calendar, forum, as well as immediate H323 video frequency conference), produces a knowledge for any size organization to produce the place. ,Perl
openh323proxy-0[1].9.13.tar.gz - 是Opengatekeeper项目的扩展。它支持通过RTP(音频和视频)网守的路由和T.120通讯,因此没有通讯直接在endpoints间进行。, Is the Opengatekeeper project expansion. It supports the route and the T.120 communication which (audio frequency and video frequency) the net defends through RTP, therefore does not have the communication directly to carry on in endpoints. ,C++ Builder
kphone-4.1.1.tar.gz - 版本V4.1.1,Linux上的开放源代码的IP电话软件SIP协议,主要用于语音通话,但它也支持发送文本的即时消息,即可以像ICQ那样地用文字聊天。 如果网络带宽足够的话,它还支持可视电话 Kphone是GPL的开放源代码的软件。,version 4.1.1, It is IP phone software of Linux open source code based on SIP protocol, it can be used to voice communication, and surpport text IM, same function as ICQ used to text chat. In broad band circumstance, it surpport video conference. Kphone is GPL open source software .,Unix_Linux
点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码.rar - 点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码,希望对大家有对用处, The point-to-point video frequency agenda VideoNet source code, hoped has to everybody to the use ,Visual C++
nettalk.zip - 这是nettalk的第2版本,修正在很多的BUG,目前已不公开源代码了.,It s version2 of nettalk software. bugs is corrected. and don t open source code anymore.,Visual C++
电话会议系统.rar - 一个用VC写的电话会议的系统.能够在少于四人的情况下实现高质量的语音效果,用语言实现了语音的混频!!,It is a video conference software writted by VC++. It show the perfect performance even when 4 people talk at the same time. voice mixing technolog be used.,Visual C++
NetMeetingService.rar - 视频会议服务端,数据库采用Mysql、系统运行于 Linux , The video frequency conference service end, the database uses Mysql, the system movement to Linux ,Unix_Linux
NetMeeting.rar - 基于Internet 的视频会议系统,视频采用Xvid压缩、语音采用Gsm6.10, Based on the Internet video frequency conference system, the video frequency uses the Xvid compression, the pronunciation uses Gsm6.10,Visual C++
远程视频监控系统最新版本.rar - 远程视频监控系统最新程序代码,本程序可以在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下运行,可在VC6.0或.NET中调试。调试前需要安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0。,It s the source code of remote video monitor control system. run on windows 98/2000/XP/2003. can be debug under vc++6.0 or .NET. and need Microsoft DirectX be installed. ,C++ Builder
openh323-v1_17_1-src.zip - openh323 source code,openh323 source code,多平台
pwlib-v1_9_0-src-tar.gz - Portable Unix Libary,Portable Unix Libary,C++
pwlib-v1_9_0-src.zip - Portable Windows Libary,Portable Windows Libary,C++
myphone.rar - PC2PC PC2Phone support gnugk ,PC2PC PC2Phone support gnugk ,Visual C++
如何在libosip的基础上开发即时消息.rar - 本文档可以告诉您 如何在libosip的基础上开发即时消息, How may this documents tell you to develop the immediate news in the libosip foundation ,C-C++
SIP协议及其应用-电子教案.rar - 这是与一本书-《SIP协议及其应用》配套的电子教案。, This is - "the SIP Agreement And its Application" the necessary electron teaches the document with a book. ,Visual C++
MPEG-4编解码实用源代码的实现.zip - MPEG-4编解码的实现。包括MPEG4视音频编解码。,MPEG-4 arranges the decoding the realization. Regards the audio frequency including MPEG4 to arrange the decoding. ,Visual C++
Eh263(1).zip - H.263编解码器实例,完成时间比较早,但对于初学者仍具有很大的参考价值。,H.263 arranges the decoding example, completes the time comparison early, but still had the very big reference value regarding the beginner. ,Visual C++
mpeg-4编码库-1-0.zip - mpeg-4编码库 OS win2000compiler vc6.0use:参照xvid,mpeg-4 code storehouse OS win2000compiler vc6.0use: Refers to xvid,Visual C++
网络电话.rar - 使用说明: 开机:打开监听服务,以便别人可以和你通话。如果你有多个IP地址,会提示让你选择用哪个地址开机。 关机:关闭监听服务,已经接受的连接不受影响,你可以继续通话。 拨号:连接已经开机的机器,弹出对话框后必须输入对方的IP和端口,如果需要使用代理,请正确设置代理服 务器。 挂机:断开正在进行的通话。, Operating instructions that, Opening machine: Opens the monitor service, in order to the others may converse on the telephone with you. If you have many IP address, which address opening can prompt lets you choose with machine. Guan Ji: The closure monitor service, already accepted the connection did not receive affects, you were allowed to continue to converse on the telephone. Digit dialing: The connection already the starting machine machine, after sprang the dialog box to have to input opposite party IP and the port, if needed to use the proxy, please correct establishment proxy server. Hanging machine: The separation is carrying on telephone conversation. ,Visual C++
视频传输.rar - 一个视频传输软件,用的jpg格式,效果不是很好,可以供大家参考研究, Video frequency transmission software, with the jpg form, the effect is not very good, may study for everybody reference ,Delphi
jm81.zip - 这是H.264的编解码软件,请大家享用,其中包括修改的我个人版本。, This is H.264 arranges decodes software, asks everybody to enjoy, including revision my edition. ,Visual C++
VoIP-rtp.rar - voip 中的 rtp的具体介绍,祯结构,voip rtp concrete introduction, 绁?structure ,C-C++
VOIP Software Architecture.rar - VOIP,VOIP Software Architecture,VOIP, VOIP Software Architecture,C-C++
VoIP Beginning.rar - 关于VOIP系统的详细介绍,有助于VOIP系统的设计, About the VOIP system detailed introduction, is helpful to the VOIP system design ,C-C++
JRTP.zip - 使用JRTPLIB库实现RTP的传输RTP是目前解决流媒体实时传输问题的最好办法,如果需要在Linux平台上进行实时流媒体编程,可以考虑使用一些开放源代码的RTP库,如LIBRTP、JRTPLIB等。JRTPLIB是一个面向对象的RTP库,它完全遵循RFC 1889设计,在很多场合下是一个非常不错的选择,下面就以JRTPLIB为例,讲述如何在Linux平台上运用RTP协议进行实时流媒体编程。, Uses the JRTPLIB storehouse to realize RTP transmission RTP is at present solves flows the media real-time transmission question the best means, if needs to carry on the solid fashion media programming in the Linux platform, may consider uses some to open the source code the RTP storehouse, like LIBRTP, JRTPLIB and so on. JRTPLIB is an object-oriented RTP storehouse, it completely follows the RFC 1,889 designs, under very many situations is an extremely good choice, under on take JRTPLIB as the example, how narrates carries on the solid fashion media programming in the Linux platform using the RTP agreement. ,Unix_Linux
智能电话系统.zip - 模块名: 智能电话系统计算器功能,电子邮件功能模块,电话簿功能模块,终端功能模块, Module: Intelligence telephone system calculator function, email function module, telephone directory function module, terminal function module ,C-C++
ITU-G729a.lib.zip - ITU的g729a编码库,可以将pcm转化为g.729格式,ITU G729 annex A lib file ,can transfer PCM file format to G729 format.,Visual C++
一个介绍H323的PPT课件.rar - 一个介绍有关H323的PPT课件。里面详细的介绍了H323协议的相关内容。, An introduction related H323 PPT class. Inside detailed introduction H323 agreement related content. ,WORD
vic.rar - vic语音编解码标准,应用于voip系统,vic pronunciation arranges the decoding standard, applies to the voip system ,Visual C++
speex.rar - 大名鼎鼎的speex语音压缩源码,应用于voip系统,well known speex voice compression souce code,apply to voip system,Visual C++
gsmnew.rar - gsm算法最新源码,适用于语音压缩,如gsm和voip系统,gsm algorithm most Xinyuan code, is suitable for the pronunciation compression, like gsm and voip system ,Visual C++
g.726.rar - g726算法c源码,应用于语音压缩,如voip应用,g726 the algorithm c source code, applies to the pronunciation compression, like voip applies ,Visual C++
vc_speakfs.zip - 实现网络在线语音对话.支持GSM编码,ADPCM编码,LPC编码,LPC-10编码 支持RTP,vat协议,并有广播发送,按组进行多点传送,文字交谈等功能, Realization network on-line pronunciation dialogue Supports the GSM code, the ADPCM code, the LPC code, the LPC-10 code supports RTP, the vat agreement, and has the broadcast transmission, carries on the multi- spots transmission according to the group, function and so on writing conversation ,Visual C++
Ip电话系统设计方案.rar - ip电话系统设计方案,里面有多个文档,韩盖面广,管理人员可供参考,ip telephone system design proposal, inside has many documents, the Han screen is broad, the administrative personnel to be possible to supply to refer ,多平台
JM73.ZIP - H.264的JM73模型,包含编码、解码部分。,H.264 JM73 model, contains the code, the decoding part. ,Visual C++
H.225.0 (11.00).zip - H.323协议系列的一部分,用于会话的控制,开发H.323产品必须要懂H.225,这是2000年的版本,对应H.323 V4,H.323 agreement series part, uses in the control which converses, develops the H.323 product to have to have to understand H.225, this is 2000 edition, corresponds H.323 V4,Visual C++
H.245(02_00).zip - H.323规范的一部分,规定的信令部分的控制,是开发H.323不可缺少的文档。,H.323 standard part, stipulated the letter makes the partial controls, develops the H.323 essential documents. ,Visual C++
H.323 (07_03)].rar - ITU 规定的H.323的最新文档,是2003年出版的,是H.323的第五版本,很有价值。,ITU stipulated the H.323 newest documents, are in 2003 publish, is the H.323 fifth edition, has the value very much. ,PDF
SIP Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol, - 学习SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)协议的最佳文档。, Studies SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) the agreement best documents. ,其他
20053221989.rar - C++6.0实现语音采集与播放的控件。souce code 中为该程序的源代码 由于编写该控件的过程中用到了Directx8.1 所以需要安装 Directx8.1sdk 在路径中加入所需的lib exe 中的 ocx 用之前需要用regsvr32 进行注册 如果机器安装的Directx版本低与8.1的话不能运行 该控件没有对语音包压缩 所以对网络环境要求比较高 该控件在校园内经过性能测试 ,C 6.0 realizations pronunciations gathering and the broadcast controls. In souce code for this procedure source code because compiled should control in a process to use Directx8.1 therefore needed to install Directx8.1sdk in lib exe ocx which joined in the way needs with before needed to use regsvr32 to carry on the registration if the machine installed the Directx edition lowered with 8.1 speeches cannot move should control not to a pronunciation package of compression therefore compared Gao Gaikong to the network environment request to test in the campus after the performance ,Visual C++
用MFC改写的点对点语音通讯的ActiveX控件源代码.rar - 用ActiveX重新改写了一个点对点通讯的DLL文件,这样可以方便的在VB,vbs,js等脚本语言,特别是用在IE里面特别方便了。, Rerewrote a point-to-point communication DLL document with ActiveX, like this may facilitate in VB, vbs, script language and so on js, specially used inside IE specially facilitates. ,Visual C++
p2p_sip.rar - 这是斯坦福大学的文章,该文章详细的分析了p2p技术+sip技术来开发ip phone的可行性和技术重点分析,值得一睹, This is Stanford University s article, this article detailed analysis p2p the technical sip technology has developed ip phone the feasibility and the technical key analysis, is worth as soon as seeing ,WORD
skype_analysis.rar - 目前网络上面skype很流行,这是一篇详细的分析skype的文章,如果你想研究p2p的电话,那么值得一看, At present above the network skype very is popular, this is a detailed analysis skype article, if you want to study p2p the telephone, then is worth as soon as looking ,WORD
voip-billing-0.0.2a.tar.gz - Trabas VoIP Billing - A browser-based Open Source Software for VoIPOperator to handle billing process from Service & Tariff Definitionto Report Producing.,Trabas VoIP Billing - A browser-based Open Source Software for VoIPOperator to handle billing process from Service & Tariff Definitionto Report Producing.,Unix_Linux
vocal-1.4.0b.tar.gz - 著名的VOCAL的代理服务器,重定向服务器,和注册服务器, Famous VOCAL proxy server, heavy directional server, with registration server ,Unix_Linux
goodArticle.rar - 这是一篇关于sip协议介绍的文章,主要讲述了3个协议:sip,sdp,sap协议的工作原理,值得研究, This is about the sip agreement introduction article, mainly narrated 3 agreements: Sip, sdp, the sap agreement principle of work, is worth studying ,WORD
IP电话网关设备互通技术规范.rar - 这是一篇关于ip电话网关的规范的文章,主要讲述了ip电话应该遵循的国家标准,值得一看, This is about the ip telephone gateway standard article, mainly narrated the national standard which the ip telephone should follow, is worth as soon as looking ,WORD
WinStun.rar - windows下的STUN服务器,已经测试通过,可以在windows下运行通过,windows STUN server, already tested passes, was allowed to move under windows passes ,Visual C++
stund_0.94_Oct29.gz - STUN,VOIP中用来穿透NAT的一种方式,可以穿过基本的三种NAT,STUN, in VOIP uses for to penetrate NAT one way, may pass through basic three kind of NAT,Unix_Linux
ua-1.4.0.bin.win32.zip - 基于VOCAL协议栈的SIP用户代理端,可以在linux下进行SIP呼叫, User Agent carries based on VOCAL the agreement stack SIP, may carry on SIP under linux to call ,Unix_Linux
rtpproxy.rar - rtp relay,SIP中穿越NAT的一种方式,这是源代码,已经在red hat linux 9中调通过,rtp relay, in SIP passes through NAT one way, this is the source code, already 9 center accents passed in red hat the linux ,Unix_Linux
控制端.rar - 这是我们教研室的是师兄课题,已经通过了验证,并且有产品实践过了这是控制端的, This is our faculty working office is the fellow apprentices topic, already passed the confirmation, and had the product to practice this was controls the end ,Visual C++
An H.264-Based Solution on the DM642 for Video Bro - An H.264-Based Solution on the DM642 for Video Broadcast Applications,An H.264-Based Solution on the DM642 for Video Broadcast Applications,PDF
ITU-T h.263.rar - ITU-T编写的h.263协议文档,相当权威!对做视频编码解码有帮助!,ITU-T compilation h.263 agreement documents, quite authoritative! To makes the video frequency code decoding to have the help! ,PDF
20041009100600_GraghDialog.rar - 可视电话的源代码,可以实现音频和视频的传播运用于voip网络,the source for visual phone.transimit sound with video via voip networks,Visual C++
VoIP_1.rar - Voice over IP (VoIP)VOIP在INTERNET的实现和VOIP技术介绍,Voice over IP (VoIP) VOIP introduced in the INTERNET realization and the VOIP technology ,PDF
RTCVidoSoundTextChat.zip - 一个完整的文字聊天,视频/语音传输,电子白板,共享文件的使用RTC技术编写的程序。(使用前请下载RTC CLIENT SDK API,现在最新版是1。3,大家可以在微软的网站上下载), A complete writing chats, the video frequency/pronunciation transmission, the electronic tabula rasa, the shared file use RTC technology compiles procedure. (Before the use please download RTC CLIENT SDK API, now most new edition is 1. 3, everybody may download in Microsoft s website) ,Visual C++
RTCIncoming.rar - RTC下接收呼叫的例子(如果是VC用户,请新建一个APPLICATION 32空工程,然后,用ADD FILE的方法把所有的文件包含在工程中编译),RTC receives the call the example (if is the VC user, please the newly built APPLICATION 32 spatial projects, then, contain with the ADD FILE method all documents in project translate) ,Visual C++
RtcCallControl.rar - 使用Rtc/RTCP技术来传输VIDEO和SOUND的程序(需要到MICROSOFT下载最新的RTC CLIENT SDK API才能编译,VC7不需要下载), Uses the Rtc/RTCP technology to transmit VIDEO and the SOUND procedure (needs to arrive MICROSOFT to download newest RTC CLIENT SDK API to be able to translate, VC7 does not need to download) ,Visual C++
一个语音聊天的例子.rar - 语音聊天的程序,看看或许有帮助, The pronunciation chats perhaps the procedure, has a look to have helps ,Visual C++
在Vovida基础上实现自己的SIP 协议栈.zip - 在Vovida基础上实现自己的SIP 协议栈——Vovida User Agent, In the Vovida foundation realizes own SIP agreement stack 鈻♀枴Vovida User Agent,C++
一个基于API的VB.net串口通讯类(源代码).zip - 一个.net开发的串口通讯的完整源代码,调试成功, A net development string mouth communication complete source code, debugs successfully ,多平台
远程视频监控系统.rar - 远程视频监控系统 vc++, Long-distance video frequency supervisory system vc ,Visual C++
视频会议系统.rar - 视频会议系统 vc++编程,Video Meeting System Programmed by VC++,Visual C++
gnugk-2.2.1-2-win32-x86.zip - gnugk-2.2.1-2-win32-x86,gnugk-2.2.1-2-win32-x86,C-C++
VOIP_SRC_ALL.rar - 搞VOIP的一些原代码,包括MGCP,SIP,RTP/TRCP,SRTP(加密RTP)...等源码,参考价值无限!!这可是我所有的收藏阿,我都献给大家了:=), Does VOIP some original codes, including MGCP, SIP, RTP/TRCP, SRTP (encrypts RTP).. Source code, reference value infinite! ! This but my all collections Arab League, I all gave to everybody: =) ,Visual C++
vocal_1_5_0_API.rar - SIP的开发包,非常好用,SIP development package, is extremely easy to use ,C++ Builder
h.264最新源码.zip - h.264最新源码,h.264 most Xinyuan code ,Visual C++
IP网络上的话音通信.zip - VOIP介绍,VOIP introduced ,C++
[局域网] 点对点视频会议程序.zip - [局域网] 点对点视频会议程序.zip, [ local area network ] point-to-point video frequency agenda zip,Visual C++
CoolClock0.0.zip - 一个透明时钟程序, A transparent clock procedure ,Visual C++
softphone_pc.rar - 网络电话工具软件,Internet phone tool software,其他
xvidcore-1.1.0-beta1.zip - xvid 最新!,xvid is newest! ,Visual C++
net_chat.rar - 此软件可以很顺利的实现网络对话,这样对网络编程的初学者很有帮助的!!!, This software may the very smooth realization network dialogue, very much have the help like this to the network programming beginner! ! ! ,C++ Builder
whiteboard.zip - 用java编写的电子白板程序, Electronic tabula rasa procedure compiles which with java ,Java
网络IP电话程序.rar - 不错的网络ip电话程序(源程序), Good network ip telephone procedure (source program) ,Delphi
121_JPEG压缩编码系统源代码.zip - 121_JPEG压缩编码系统源代码.zip,121_JPEG compression coding system source code zip,Visual C++
vic-2.8ucl-1.1.3.tar.gz - vic-2.8ucl-1.1.3.tar.gz,vic-2.8ucl-1.1.3.tar.gz,Unix_Linux
vic-2.8ucl1.1.5.zip - vic-2.8ucl1.1.5.zip,vic-2.8ucl1.1.5.zip,Visual C++
ffmpeg-0.4.6.tar.gz - ffmpeg-0.4.6.tar.gz,ffmpeg-0.4.6.tar.gz,Unix_Linux
openphone_1_9_2.zip - openphone_1_9_2.zip,openphone_1_9_2.zip,Visual C++
vich263.rar - vich263.rar,vich263.rar,Visual C++
openssl-0.9.7exe.rar - openssl-0.9.7,openssl-0.9.7,Visual C++
RadiusSrv.rar - 自己团队用VC开发基于MYSQL数据库的连H323的openGK的实时身份验证,及IP地址验证的工程, Own team develops with VC based on the MYSQL database links H323 openGK the real-time identification authentication, and IP address confirmation project ,Visual C++
GKcharge.rar - 自己团队开发基于MYSQL数据库的连H323的GK的实时扣除通话用户费用的工程, Own team develops based on the MYSQL database links H323 GK the real-time deduction telephone conversation user expense project ,Visual C++
opentel-1.0.1-src.gz - 可以直接用VC进入修改编译的基于语音卡上的开发平台,有流程的图形编辑器, May straight take over the use of VC to enter the revision translation the development platform which embraces based on the pronunciation, has the flow the graphic editor ,Visual C++
bayonne-20050116.tar.gz - 开放的IVR系统平台,可以直接基于DIALOGIC卡上使用, The opening IVR system platform, may directly embrace based on DIALOGIC uses ,C-C++
53274openhdot264_2.zip - H.264解码参考程序,H.264 decoding reference procedure ,Windows_Unix
589726jm90.zip - H.264最新解码参考程序,H.264 newest decoding reference procedure ,Unix_Linux
vocal-1.5.0.tar.gz - Vovida出品的包括RTP、RTCP、SIP等各种基础协议栈和SIP UAC、UAS等功能的IP电话服务器端程序。编译环境为linux,Vovida product including RTP, RTCP, SIP and so on each kind of foundation agreement stack and function and so on SIP UAC, UAS IP telephone server end procedure. The translation environment is linux,Unix_Linux
resiprocate-0.4.0.rar - 用C++语言写的开源SIP协议栈源码 编译环境为vs.net 2003, Writes with the C + + language opens the source SIP agreement stack source code translation environment is vs.net 2003,Visual C++
一个语音聊天的例子 .zip - 一个语音聊天的例子, A pronunciation chats example ,Visual C++
VTel_soucecode.rar - 一个g.729视频电话的源程序!, A g.729 video frequency telephone source program! ,Visual C++
rtplib.tar.gz - 一个不错的RTP库, A good RTP storehouse ,C-C++
voip_protocols.rar - introduce to sip h323,introduce to sip h323,Unix_Linux
NMShare.rar - 电话会话实现方法源程序, Telephone conversation realization method source program ,Visual C++
nmui.rar - netmeeting控件原程序,netmeeting controls an original procedure ,Visual C++
DmyNP_source.rar - 一个语音通讯软件。, Pronunciation communication software. ,Borland C++
35925983.rar - 网络电话。采用GSM语音格式,2.2KB/s的数据流量,支持HTTP, Socks4/5单一代理或二者同时代理。本版本修复了以前版本的一些小问题,增加了动态调整延时,打开、关闭话筒和声音,保存和自动加载通话地址列表,代理服务器列表,使用全部或部分本机地址开机, Network telephone. Uses the GSM pronunciation form, the 2.2KB/s data current capacity, supports HTTP, also the Socks4/5 sole proxy or the two acts. This edition has repaired before edition some small questions, increased the dynamic alignment time delay, turns on, closes the microphone and the sound, preserved and the autoloading talk address tabulates, acts the server to tabulate, uses completely or partial this machine address opening machine ,Delphi
winrtp-2.1.0.zip - winrtp开发环境,winrtp development environment ,C++
【oSIP开发者手册】.rar - oSIP开发者手册,oSIP development handbook ,C++
osip.pdf.tar.gz - OSIP.PDF,OSIP.PDF,C++
libosip2-2.2.0.tar.gz - OSIP最新代码,OSIP newest code ,C++
MeChat5.10.zip - web视频聊天室,web video frequency chatroom ,ASP
Paint_SockAPI.rar - 白板,通过SocketAPI实现网络画图., Tabula rasa, through SocketAP I realization network painting. ,Visual C++
jsip-0.8.1.tar.gz - Java SIP协议。 sipchat-0.3.tar.gz需要先安装本包。 Linux/Windows 2000 下多点文本聊天,通过。,Java SIP agreement. Sipchat-0.3.tar.gz needs first to install this package. The Linux/Windows 2,000 multi- spots texts chat, pass. ,Java
sipchat-0.3.tar.gz - JSIP chat,JSIP chat,Unix_Linux
ser-0.8.14_src.tar.gz - 一个linux下的高速sip router, Under linux high speed sip router,Unix_Linux
fobbit-0.61.tar.gz - Linux下开发的一款网络电话,Linux develops a section network telephone ,Unix_Linux
H323BeaconServer-v1.4_win_src.zip - 支持h323的视频电话服务端, Supports h323 the video frequency telephone service end ,Visual C++
H323BeaconClient-v1.4_win_src.zip - 支持h323的视频电话客户端, Supports h323 the video frequency telephone customer end ,Visual C++
pino3srv-src.zip - 视频聊天源码服务端, The video frequency chats the source code service end ,Delphi
pino3-src.zip - 视频聊天源码客户端, The video frequency chats the source code customer end ,Delphi
siproxd-0.5.9.tar.gz - 一款最为经典的SIP, Section most classical SIP,Unix_Linux
siptiger-2.3.1.tar.gz - SIP協議棧開發(siptiger),SIP 鈻♀枴鈻♀枴鈻?siptiger) ,C-C++
libmutil-0.2.2.tar.gz - SIP協議棧開發(minisip),SIP 鈻♀枴鈻♀枴鈻?minisip) ,C++
libmikey-0.3.2.tar.gz - SIP協議棧開發(minisip),SIP 鈻♀枴鈻♀枴鈻?minisip) ,C++
libmnetutil-0.2.2.tar.gz - SIP協議棧開發(minsip),SIP 鈻♀枴鈻♀枴鈻?minsip) ,C++
minisip-0.6.2.tar.gz - SIP開發協議棧(minisip),SIP 鈻♀枴鈻♀枴鈻?minisip) ,C++
点对点视频会议程序.zip - 点对点视频会议程序,point to point video meeting application,Visual C++
w_ipp-sample-speech-coding_p_4.1.006.zip - intel的IPP包用于语音编码的实例代码,intel IPP guarantees serviceability to the pronunciation encoded example code ,C-C++
g722-decode.rar - g722的解码程序。可共享,g722 decoding procedure. May share ,Unix_Linux
nettalk12_o.zip - 可以在局域网内进行点对电的视频聊天。, May carry on in the local area network chats to the electricity video frequency. ,Windows_Unix
视频会议系统.rar - 一套商用的视频会议程序(cool)。, A set of commercial video frequencies agenda (cool). ,Visual C++
TANDBERG 小方案.rar - TANDBERG视频会议解决方案 视频会议解决方案是一种专业性很强的系统化工程,它根据用户的需求、会场点数、网络状况、实现功能的不同有许多不同的选择。视频会议系统集成商在向客户设计解决方案时都必须全面仔细地考虑到所有可能涉及的方面。因此,要详细地介绍一个能满足全体客户视频会议系统的解决方案是非常困难的。,TANDBERG video frequency conference solution video frequency conference solution is one specialized very strong systematization project, it according to user s demand, the conference site points, the network condition, the realization function differently has many different choices. Video frequency conference system integration business when to customer design solution all must comprehensively carefully consider all possibly involves aspect. Therefore, must in detail introduce can satisfy all customer video frequency conference system the solution is extremely difficult. ,WORD
openh323_1.12.2.zip - OpenH323 Statck,OpenH323 Statck,C++
network project.rar - 这是一个用VB编写的video streaming的程序, This is the video streaming procedure which compiles with VB ,Visual Basic
openh323-Pandora_release.html.doc.rar - openh323开发文档,openh323 development documents ,C++
openh323-v1_15_1-src.zip - openh323源码,网络音视频通讯,openh323 source code, network sound video frequency communication ,C++
如何成功的运用协议栈.rar - 如何成功的运用OPENH323 来开发商业的H.323 协议栈, How succeeds utilization OPENH323 develops commercial the H.323 agreement stack ,WINDOWS
200411171112.rar - 遵循h323的视频会议系统代码password: sdcxwa.com, Follows h323 video frequency conference system code password: Sdcxwa.com,C++
网络ip电话.rar - IP电话实现程序,IP telephone realization procedure ,Visual Basic
可视电话、视频会议.zip - 可视电话、视频会议, Videophone, video frequency conference ,WINDOWS
PALMTOOL.rar - 网络电话设置工具, Network telephone establishment tool ,C++
PALMH323.rar - IP电话源码供大家共享,希望也能共享到其他源码,IP telephone source code for everybody sharing, hoped also can share other source codes ,C-C++
IP电话的TCP,IP实现方法.rar - IP电话的TCP,IP实现方法.pdf,IP telephone TCP, IP realization method pdf,WINDOWS
g723_orig.tar.rar - ITU g723标准参考代码,ITU g723 standard reference code ,WINDOWS
g723_voicing.tar.zip - ITU_g723参考代码,ITU_g723 reference code ,WINDOWS
ipG729.zip - IP电话语音压缩程序,source code of VOIP speech compressor.,WINDOWS
2003080909035212875.zip - 视频会议系统,有客户端和服务器端源码, The video frequency conference system, has the customer end and the server end source code ,Visual C++
rtp实现协议占.rar - rtp协议占源码,rtp agreement occupies the source code ,Visual C++
H323中 文.rar - H323协议中文版,做voip的必看,H323 agreement Chinese edition, makes voip to have to look ,WORD
VISEP.rar - h323的视频传输,h323 video frequency transmits ,Visual C++
demo&tool.rar - RADVISION RTP源代码,,LINUX
H323_CallingLineIdentificationPresentation.rar - H323_CallingLineIdentificationPresentation.rar,H323_CallingLineIdentificationPresentation.rar,WINDOWS
视频.rar - 视频会议web系统, Video frequency conference web system ,Visual C++
VideoNet.zip - 点对点视频会议源代码。, Point-to-point video frequency conference source code. ,C++
pstun.rar - h323终端的一种stun穿透方案。,h323 terminal one kind of stun penetration plan. ,C-C++
h323gk_win32.zip - h323 gatekeep for test. ,h323 gatekeep for test. ,C-C++
sndwavenet.rar - 声音捕捉并且传输的例子, Sound capture and transmission example ,Visual C++
videotrans.rar - 视频捕捉压缩传输的例子,由一点问题, Video frequency capture compression transmission example, by a question ,Visual C++
C#_Webcam.zip - 撰写C#程式来捕捉Web Cam的画面, Composes the C# formula to catch Web Cam the picture ,CSharp
openivr_1.0.4.zip - 这是h.323交互话音应答代码, This is the h.323 interactive voice reply code ,WINDOWS
openam_1.1.17.zip - 这是h.323呼叫应答代码, This is the h.323 call reply code ,WINDOWS
callgen323_1.2.6.zip - 这是h.323协议呼叫发生器代码, This is the h.323 agreement call generator code ,WINDOWS
opengk_1.3.4.zip - 这是voip关守的程序源代码, This is the voip Guan Shou procedure source code ,WINDOWS
pstngw_1.2.2.zip - 这是voip网关h.323到gateway的程序代码, This is voip gateway h.323 to the gateway procedure code ,WINDOWS
H323_Gate.tar.gz - H323 gateway,H323 gateway,LINUX
voiceconference_demo.zip - voiceconference_demo.zip,voiceconference_demo.zip,Visual C++
see-phone.rar - 用ASP和数据库结合编程制作的超级视频会议系统(价值十万),功能齐全,界面友好, Unify the programming manufacture with ASP and the database the super video frequency conference system (value 100,000), function complete, the contact surface is friendly ,ASP
MobileIP.zip - 无线信道模拟软件, Wireless channel simulation software ,WINDOWS
h223sim.tar.gz - 无线环境下的视频传送信道模拟软件, Under wireless environment video frequency transmission channel simulation software ,WINDOWS
G.729EC.zip - 基于G.729的实时通信, Based on G.729 real-time communication ,C-C++
点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码.zip - 点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码, Point-to-point video frequency agenda VideoNet source code ,Visual C++
openphone_1.9.1.zip - 利用h.323进行语音呼叫的程序, Carries on the pronunciation call using h.323 the procedure ,Visual C++
MyPhone0.2b111_src.zip - 基于openh323的IP电话客户端, Based on openh323 IP telephone customer end ,WINDOWS
H323协议包模拟工具.zip - 系列工具的提供 这行的一定要看!, The series tool provides this line certainly to have to look! ,多平台
H323协议包产生工具(WIN).zip - 需要的可以用到 !专业性强!, Needs to be allowed to use! The specialization is strong! ,多平台
IP电话 VOIP带宽 VOIP回波影响.rar - 需要的可以看看 是学习的好资料!, Needs to be allowed to have a look is the study good material! ,PDF
H.323 V2 分组多媒体通信系统.zip - 不错的资料 需要的可以参考!, The good material needs to be allowed to refer! ,WINDOWS
H323客户端的图形程序openphone_1.1beta3.zip - 程序源码 很通用的 !!, Procedure source code very general! ! ,C++
openh323 通用库openh323_1.1beta3.zip - 程序源码 很通用的 !!, Procedure source code very general! ! ,C++
H323客户端的命令行程序ohphone_1.1beta3.zip - 程序源码 很通用的!!可以借鉴 , Procedure source code very general! ! May profit from ,C++
H323服务器端程序openam_0.3alpha2.zip - 程序源码 很通用的 !!, Procedure source code very general! ! ,C++
H323到PSTN的网关pstngw_0.3alpha3.zip - 程序源码 很通用的 !!, Procedure source code very general! ! ,C++
VIS H.323 Library ActiveX version 2.3 正式版.zip - VIS H.323 Library ActiveX version 2.3 正式版,VIS H.323 Library ActiveX version 2.3 official edition ,C++
partysip-2.1.1.tar.gz - a SIP proxy server and service provider,a SIP proxy server and service provider,LINUX
linphone-0.12.2.tar.gz - 基于osip开发的ip电话, Based on osip development ip telephone ,LINUX
eXosip-0.7.6.tar.gz - eXosip is a GPL library that extend the capability of the oSIP library. It aims to implement a simple high layer API to control the SIP for sessions establishements and common extensions.,eXosip is a GPL library that extend the capability of the oSIP library. It aims to implement a simple high layer API to control the SIP for sessions establishements and common extensions.,LINUX
ip电话软件speakfs 7.2版本.zip - ip电话软件speakfs 7.2版本.zip,ip telephone software speakfs 7.2 editions zip,WINDOWS
kphone-4.0.2.tar.gz - KPhone is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent for Linux, with which you can initiate VoIP (Voice over IP) connections over the Internet. KPhone requires KDE (K Desktop Environment) or at least various libraries from the KDE package. KPhone also requires the OpenSSL libraries to be present in the system. KPhone has been somewhat tested on Red Hat 7.2 and 7.3, Slackware 8.0, SuSE 8.1 and Debian. Requirements on each distribution vary according to the installation layout. ,KPhone is a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) user agent for Linux, with which you can initiate VoIP (Voice over IP) connections over the Internet. KPhone requires KDE (K Desktop Environment) or at least various libraries from the KDE package. KPhone also requires the OpenSSL libraries to be present in the system. KPhone has been somewhat tested on Red Hat 7.2 and 7.3, Slackware 8.0, SuSE 8.1 and Debian. Requirements on each distribution vary according to the installation layout. ,LINUX
jsip-0.8.tar.gz - The Java SIP library,The Java SIP library,LINUX
meeting123154.rar - 视频会议系统,进行网络视频会议的源代码,应该很详细了,数据源可能得进行改动一下, The video frequency conference system, carries on the network video frequency conference the source code, should be very detailed, the data pool was possible to carry on modifies one next ,ASP
opengk.rar - 一个开放的网守源代码,使用H.323协议。, An open net defends the source code, uses the H.323 agreement. ,Visual C++
DIP1.zip - 关于视频会议的好东东, Is good east about the video frequency conference east ,Visual C++
h323_xj.rar - 关于h.323的英文详解, About h.323 English detailed solution ,PDF
VideoNet_src.zip - 点对点视频会议程序VideoNet源代码 , Point-to-point video frequency agenda VideoNet source code ,C-C++
网络NC v1.0 源代码.rar - 网络NC v1.0 源代码.rar, Network NC v1.0 source code rar,Delphi
网络IP电话 V1.2 (源代码).rar - 网络IP电话 V1.2 (源代码).rar, Network IP telephone V1.2 (source code) rar,Delphi
ortp-0.6.3.tar.gz - VOIP电话源程序,VOIP telephone source program ,LINUX
9560sample_srcb3.zip - Sample for VIS H323 DLL Library,Sample for VIS H323 DLL Library,Visual C++
vis_h323_dll_2.3r.zip - 很好的h323库,开放源代码,有开发指南, The very good h323 storehouse, the open source code, has the development guide ,Visual C++
ohphone-v1_7_3-src.tar.gz - openh323终端源码,openh323 terminal source code ,C-C++
A8010 IP电话网守 用户手册 装帧.rar - A8010 IP电话网守 用户手册 装帧,A8010 the IP telephone network defends the user handbook mounting and design ,多平台
Talk.zip - 做到在互连网的语音通信功能,使用g.729压缩。, Achieves is interlocking the net pronunciation correspondence function, uses g.729 to compress. ,Visual C++
H.323 code.rar - Interfacing the TMS320C54xx to the TLC320AD535 and TLC320AD545 Codecs,Interfacing the TMS320C54xx to the TLC320AD535 and TLC320AD545 Codecs,C-C++
ip电话.rar - IP电话演示,Delphi7编译通过,IP telephone demonstration, the Delphi7 translation passes ,Delphi
ip电话实例.rar - 一个ip电话实例的实现,以vc为开发环境。, A ip telephone example realization, take vc as the development environment. ,Visual C++

t38modem_0.6.2.tar.gz - modem for voip,modem for voip,LINUX
h323.rar - H.323简要说明,H.323 briefing ,多平台
RTP通用开发库.rar - 一个通用的RTP协议传输协议,可以使用它进行实时视频传输, An general RTP agreement transmission agreement, may use it to carry on the real-time video frequency to transmit ,C-C++
qtphone-0.0.16.rar - QtPhone is a cross-platform telephone emulation application designed to be used with a PC, speakers, microphone, V.92 voice modem and a standard phone line. ISDN, xDSL and VoIP will be supported. Features include Caller Identification and Voice Mail. ,QtPhone is a cross-platform telephone emulation application designed to be used with a PC, speakers, microphone, V.92 voice modem and a standard phone line. ISDN, xDSL and VoIP will be supported. Features include Caller Identification and Voice Mail. ,LINUX
astguiclient_1.0.3.zip - This program was designed as a GUI client for the Asterisk PBX with Digium Zaptel cards and SIP VOIP hard or softphones as extensions, it could be adapted to other functions, but It was designed for Zap/SIP users. The program will run on X and Win32. ,This program was designed as a GUI client for the Asterisk PBX with Digium Zaptel cards and SIP VOIP hard or softphones as extensions, it could be adapted to other functions, but It was designed for Zap/SIP users. The program will run on X and Win32. ,LINUX
cphone-0.3.1.rar - 一个基于h.323协议,QT界面的网络视频(voip)工具, Based on h.323 agreement, QT contact surface network video frequency (voip) tool ,LINUX
sample_srcb3.zip - 一个H323动态库使用的例子, A H323 dynamic storehouse use example ,Visual C++
videoexe.rar - 一个很好的视频播放源代码, A very good video frequency broadcast source code ,Visual C++
libcu30-1[1].0-1.src.rar - 高质量,底带宽,实时的视频会议软件,使用了一个Cornell大学的新算法。, High grade, the bottom band width, real-time video frequency conference software, has used a Cornell university s new algorithm. ,LINUX
H323_Gate[1].tar.gz - 一个功能全面的基于H323(视频会议系统协议)的网守, A function is comprehensive based on H323 (video frequency conference system agreement) the net defends ,C++
partysip-0[1].5.6.tar.gz - 基于OSIP2协议栈的SIP PROXY, Based on OSIP2 agreement stack SIP PROXY,C-C++
libosip2-2.0.5.tar.gz - 相当不错的SIP协议栈。, Quite good SIP agreement stack. ,C-C++
openmcu-v1_13_4-src.tar.gz - open323的服务器程序,C++编写,open323 server procedure, C compiles ,WINDOWS
openh323-v1_14_3-src.zip - 基于H323标准的OPENSOURCE,是一个实现了基础协议栈的DLL, Based on H323 standard OPENSOURCE, was has realized foundation agreement stack DLL,WINDOWS
MyPhone0.2b10_src.zip - 基于openh323动态DLL的H323客户端程序,含C++原代码, Based on the openh323 dynamic DLL H323 customer end procedure, contains the C original code ,WINDOWS
VoIP Bookmarks - SIP and RTP stack.zip - N多voip(sip,rtp)编程资源,很多是源码,N multi- voip (sip, rtp) programs the resources, very are many is the source code ,HTML
jrtplib-2.7.rar - 开发音视频通讯软件的rtp协议库, Operates pronunciation video frequency communication software the rtp agreement storehouse ,C-C++
wmvidchat1.rar - 使用winsock和windows media实现视频聊天, Uses winsock and windows the media realization video frequency chats ,Visual C++
siproxd-0.5.7.tar.gz - Siproxd is a proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol. It allows SIP clients (like kphone, linphone) to work behind an IP masquerading firewall or router.,Siproxd is a proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol. It allows SIP clients (like kphone, linphone) to work behind an IP masquerading firewall or router.,Unix_Linux
phonecall.rar - 一个ip电话的源代码, A ip telephone source code ,Visual C++
G.729yuyinDLL.rar - 采用G.729的语言实时通信DLL(含测试源代码), Uses G.729 language real-time communication DLL (to contain test source code) ,Visual C++
G723A.zip - 网上实时语音传送程序,用于网上聊天。, The on-line real-time pronunciation calling order, uses in on-line to chat. ,WINDOWS
VoiceConference.zip - 使用组播技术的音频会议 , The use group broadcasts technical the audio frequency conference ,Visual C++
openh323_20030313_win32.zip - h.323的c语言源码,h.323 c language source code ,WINDOWS
NetTalk.rar - 分网络传输部分、音频输入、音频输出、视频输入、视频输出、音频视频压缩、音频波形显示、界面。共创建个线程,音频输入线程、音频输出线程(这两个有WINAPI隐式创建)、音频视频压缩传送线程和主线程。因为音频的采样率比视频采样率高得多,这里的音频的采样率为8000Hz而视频仅为20左右,所以从宏观来看,音频是连续的,而视频是非连续的,这也就是无须为视频输入输出创建独立线程的原因。, Minute network transmission part, audio frequency input, audio frequency output, video input, video output, audio frequency video frequency compression, audio frequency profile demonstration, contact surface. Altogether founds the line regulation, the audio frequency input line regulation, the audio frequency output line regulation (these two has WINAPI to hide type to found), the audio frequency video frequency compression transmission line regulation and the master line regulation. Because the audio frequency sampling rate is much higher than the video frequency sampling rate, here audio frequency sampling rate is 8000Hz but the video frequency is only about 20, therefore from macroscopic looked, the audio frequency is continual, but video frequency right and wrong continual, this also is does not need for the video input output to found the independent line regulation the reason. ,Visual C++
在Internet上传播声音的源程序.zip - 在Internet上传播声音的源程序, On Internet carry over sound source program ,WINDOWS
H.323&VOIP.rar - H.323协议原理 ------VOIP网络基本构成单元,,PDF
Openh323-RTH323.rar - 如何成功的运用OPENH323 来开发商业的H.323 协议栈 Openh323 有以下的特征: 1>动态的静音检测算法, 以减小语音包的传输量。 2>支持Windows,Linux 和FreeBSD 的多种客户端命令。 3>包含有MCU,PSTN 网关,和自动语音应答机等多种应用平台。 4>软件支持GSM,LPC-10,G.711 uLaw/Alaw 软件编解码方式。 5>特定硬件(Quicknet/LineXJ)支持G.723.1, G.728 和 G.729 。 6>采用Jitter Buffer 技术对语音信号做接受的缓冲处理。 7>软件产生舒适噪音。 8>采用H.261 视频压缩协议。 9>支持广播的方式查找网守(GateKeeper)。 10>支持H.235 附件D 中和网守的身份认证。(部分地支持H.235) 11>支持部分H.450 补充协议。,,PDF
pwlib_1.5.2.zip - H.323的PWLib代码,H.323 PWLib code ,Visual C++
videofor linuxprogramming.rar - linux的大大牛alan cox写的关于linux下视频编程的api函数介绍。linux下的视频编程必备文档,linux big cow alan cox writes about linux under the video frequency programming api function introduction. Under linux video frequency programming necessary documents ,LINUX
thesis-jori-original.rar - 国外牛人的毕业论文,英文版本,实时语音传输相关,其中的两个库文件,jrtplib与jvoiplib已经上传。enjoy !!!,foreign elite s graduate paper in english.related to real time voice transimission.it has two library,jrtplib,jvoiplib.enjoy!!,LINUX
jvoiplib-1.2.0.zip - 国外牛人用C++编写的voip的库文件,可同时与一并上传在internet中的jrtplib一同研究使用。,voip library by foreigin expert,you may do some research with jrtplib ,LINUX
jrtplib-2.8.rar - 一个外国牛人用C++写的实时传输协议RTP,源代码的编写风格很好,可读性很强。可以用于网络视频和音频的传输,enjoy it!!!, A foreign Niu Ren real-time transmission agreement RTP which writes with C, the source code compilation style very good, the readability is very strong. May use in the network video frequency and the audio frequency transmission, enjoy it! ! ! ,LINUX
e-comm.rar - 代码来自sourceforge,在linux下的实时语音聊天程序,使用了adpcm编码,同时还使用了RTP实时传输协议,是一个很好的学习实时传输协议的程序。, The code comes from sourceforge, chats the procedure under the linux real-time pronunciation, has used the adpcm code, meanwhile has used the RTP real-time transmission agreement, is a very good study real-time transmission agreement procedure. ,LINUX
IPTone.zip - IP电话编程,IP telephone programs ,C-C++
pc2pc-ip.zip - 介绍基于pc2pc的IP电话编程, The introduction programs based on the pc2pc IP telephone ,C++
H.323.rar - H.323视频会议的相关文档参考,H.323 video frequency conference related documents refer ,多平台
h263.rar - 视频压缩编解码ITU h.263源代码.经典的视频会议和远程监控算法., The video frequency compression arranges decodes ITU the h.263 source code Classical video frequency conference and long-distance monitoring algorithm ,C-C++
netphone.zip - 简单的netphone源代码,-,Visual Basic
IP电话的原理结构及其关键技术.rar - 关于IP电话的文章,-,WINDOWS
jsq2.zip - 网络电话源码,-,Visual Basic
ohphone_1.4.1.zip - phone,-,WINDOWS
Delphi写的IP电话源码.zip - Delphi写的IP电话源码,-,Delphi
sipxproxy-2.5.tar.gz - pingtel公司SIP Proxy的源代码,-The source code for SIP Proxy of Pingtel.,Visual C++
Phone.rar - IP电话程序,-IP phone program,Visual C++
ip phone - 网络电话例程,可以连接本机做测试!,-Network telephone example, and it can connect to local machine to do a test!,Visual C++
Phone - 一个网络电话的例子,-,Visual C++
Phone.zip - 一个简单的IP电话源代码,-,Visual C++
Talk_G729.zip - 在互连网的语音通信功能,使用g.729压缩,在 北京 --- 重庆 间测试过,一端是长城宽带。一端是56k modem 拨号上网。语音比较清晰,但有一点停顿现象。,-,Visual C++
speakfs72.zip - ip电话软件speakfs 7.2版本,GSM, ADPCM, LPC, and LPC-10压缩和多种加密算法,-,多平台

acm.zip - Delphi写的IP电话源码,IP phone sourcecode writed by Delphi,Delphi
gsm-1.0pl2.tar.gz - GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP语音压缩,GSM 06.1013 kbit/S RPE/LTP voice compression,C-C++
IPhoneSrc.tgz - Delphi写的IP电话源码,IP phone sourcecode writed by Delphi,Delphi
ip2.zip - 湖南吉通Ip主叫电话文件格式转换程序,Format transform program of Ip ano files in Hunan JiTong Company ,Visual C++
speakfs.zip - 优秀的voice_ip软件,Wonderful voice_ip software ,Visual C++
opengate_0.9alpha4.tar.gz - H.323 GateKeeper,基于OpenH323,H.323 GateKeeper,base on OpenH323,多平台
callgen323- - 基于openh323的呼叫发生器,Call generator based on openh323,LINUX
e-comm-0.7.tar.gz - 简单的局域网中用的IP电话程序,A simple IP phone program which used in LAN network,LINUX
melp_fixed.zip - TI/ASPI MELP压缩算法 ,TI/ASPI MELP compression algorithm,LINUX
lpc10-1.0.tar.gz - Low Rate 语音压缩 ,Low Rate voice compression algorithm,LINUX
gsm-1.0.6.tar.gz - GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP 语音压缩算法 ,GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP voice compression algorithm,LINUX
bxform.zip - 电视电话会议实现 ,Implemention of videotelephone meeting,LINUX
h323.zip - IP电视电话会议的实现 ,Implemention of IP videotelephone meeting,WINDOWS
pstngw_0.3alpha3.tar.gz - H323到PSTN的网关 ,Gateway from H323 to PSTN,UNIX
openam_0.3alpha2.tar.gz - H323服务器端程序,用到pwlib和openh323 ,H323 server, using pwlib and openh323,UNIX
openh323_1.1beta3.tar.gz - openh323 通用库,用到pwlib ,Universal library for openh323, using pwlib,UNIX
pwlib_min_1.1pl17.tar.gz - openh323 通用库 ,Universal library for openh323,UNIX
pstngw_0.3alpha3.zip - H323到PSTN的网关 ,Gateway from H323 to PSTN,Visual C++
openam_0.3alpha2.zip - H323服务器端程序,用到pwlib和openh323 ,H323 server, using pwlib and openh323,Visual C++
openphone_1.1beta3.zip - H323客户端的图形程序,用到pwlib和openh323 ,Graphic UI app for H323 client, using pwlib and openh323,Visual C++
ohphone_1.1beta3.zip - H323客户端的命令行程序,用到pwlib和openh323 ,Commandline app for H323 client, using pwlib and openh323,Visual C++
openh323_1.1beta3.zip - openh323 通用库,用到pwlib ,Universal library for openh323, using pwlib,Visual C++
pwlib_1.1pl17.zip - openh323 通用库 ,Universal library for openh323,Visual C++
talker.zip - 一个使用IP网络聊天的VOIP源码,使用前先阅读readme ,The source of VOIP which use ip network chat, reading readme before use,Visual C++

