Raphael.js 在ie7,ie8浏览器内绘制图形採用的vml,在绘制image的时候会解析成
<?xml:namespace prefix = "rvml" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
<rvml:shape class=rvml style="HEIGHT: 1px; WIDTH: 1px; POSITION: absolute; LEFT: 0px; FILTER: none; TOP: 0px; VISIBILITY: visible; rotation: 0; flip: " raphael="true" raphaelid="0" coordsize = "21600,21600" stroked = "f" strokecolor = "black" path = " m0,0 l37087200,0,37087200,16912800,0,16912800 xe">
<rvml:stroke class=rvml opacity = "1" miterlimit = "8">
</rvml:stroke><rvml:skew class=rvml on = "t" matrix = "1,0,0,1,0,0" offset = "-.5,-.5"></rvml:skew>
<rvml:fill class=rvml rotate = "t" src = "../123.png" type = "tile" size = "1717,783" position = "0,0"></rvml:fill>
</rvml:shape>也就是使用vml来绘制图形,在chrome和firfox还有ie8之后都是採用svg来绘制图形。可是这样就会造就一个问题,在window 8系统中默认ie是ie10,然后使用开发人员工具的时候切换ie至ie7 ie8的时候图像会比原来大好多,在xp系统中或者是window 7系统中也会有相同的表现,比如图像错位,真实的点坐标不正确等。
vml image size不正确的问题是由于 ie 浏览器对 fill size 单位不清晰造成的,查看mrocsoft文档知道fill使用的单位pt,而非px,图像单位我们获取的一般都是pixel也就是px。
跟踪源代码在Raphael.js 4953行中fill.size = _.fillsize[0] * abs(sx) + S + _.fillsize[1] * abs(sy);这里是没有单位,也是罪恶源泉,我们改动成fill.size = _.fillsize[0] * abs(sx) / 1.34 + "pt" + S + _.fillsize[1] * abs(sy) / 1.34 + "pt";一切问题搞得。
After few hours of debug I've figured out that VML implementation is missing measurement points in image tag size definition.
to something likefill.size = _.fillsize[ 0] * abs(sx) + S + _.fillsize[ 1] * abs(sy);
fill.size = _.fillsize[0] * abs(sx)/1.34 + "pt" + S + _.fillsize[1] * abs(sy)/1.34 + "pt";