PMP 考试通关宝典-PM FASTrack 中英对照 6.0

PMP 中英对照全真模拟试题(2010年10月更新) 培训班内训
1  A project manager for a large information technology consulting firm was assigned to manage a software integration project for a large client. The schedule was already established. Management at the client site responsible for the project explained to the project manager that the project duration was too long. Changing market pressures require the project to be brought in one month earlier than scheduled. He has already reviewed the scope of the project and nothing can be cut. He requested that the project manager cut each activity by 10 percent duration to accomplish the goal. What would be the MOST appropriate thing for the project manager to do in this situation? 某项目经理正在管理一个大型软件集成项目。项目的进度已经确定,而客户现场的管理层反馈说,项目的周期太长了。不断变化的市场迫使项目不得不提前一个月完成。管理层已经和客户评审了项目的所有范围,但是没有任何一个是可以剔除的。他要求项目经理将每个活动的历时减少10%,以达成目标。在这种情况下,项目经理应该:
A Initiate change control processes, explain that the project schedule needs to stand, and review the risks involved. 启动变更流程,评估相应风险
B Meet with the team and evaluate how each activity can be cut by 10 percent to accomplish the goal. 和团队一起评估如何将所有活动历时减少10%
C Do more critical path activities in parallel.将更多的关键路径上的活动并行
D Meet with management to review the original project management plan and discuss scope changes that would reduce project timeline.与管理层评审最初的项目管理计划,并讨论相应的范围变更
2  If earned value (EV) = 350, actual cost (AC) = 400, and planned value (PV) = 325, what is the cost variance (CV)? 一个项目的状态是:EV = 350,AC = 400, PV= 325,则CV=
A 350
B -75
C 400
D -50
3  The project manager realized that he is confused of his responsibility and role. So he should refer to 项目经理意识到自己的角色和职权可能发生了混淆,因此,他应该参考
A Human resources management plan 人力资源管理计划
B staffing management plan 人员配备管理计划
C Project scope statement 项目范围说明书
D Charter 项目章程
4 "Do the work because I have been put in charge!" is an example of what type of power? “把这份工作做完,因为我是负责人。”这里所描述的是:
A Formal 正式权力
B Penalty 惩罚权力
C Effective 有效权力
D Expert 专家权力
5 _______ refers to nonrandom data points that are grouped together on one side of the mean of a control chart ._______ 描述的是仅仅排列在控制中某一侧的非随机数据点。
A Specification limits 规格界限
B Lower control limit  控制界限下限
C Rule of seven 七点规则
D 6 sigma 6个西格玛
6 A cause and effect diagram and an Ishikawa diagram are both: 因果图和石川图都是:
A Flowcharts. 流程图
B Fishbone diagrams.鱼骨图
C Control charts. 控制图
D Pareto charts.帕累托图
7 A change control system should be created: 变更控制系统应该由谁创建?
A As needed on the project.只要项目有需要,随时可以
B By management. 管理层
C As a formal documented procedure.正式的文档和流程
D By the team. 团队
8 A client has asked you to add to the scope of the project. The project is under budget and a little ahead of schedule. What should you do?  客户希望扩展项目的范围。目前,项目进度超前,成本正常。你应该:
A Approve the change.批准变更
B Determine the effects of the change on the project. 确定变更对项目的影响
C Ask the sponsor for approval to make the change. 请求发起人批准该变更
D Get approval from the configuration change board.请求CCB批准该变更
9 A company is attempting to select the BEST project from a list of possible choices. If the information they have includes the following benefit cost ratios, which project should they pick? 如下列出的是不同项目的成本收益率,你会选择哪个项目?
A 2.2
B 1.3
C 0.8
D 1.6
10 A company with 20000 members would like to replace the old check-in system. To ensure the success of the project, the detailed requirements must be recorded.What is the BEST to do?一家拥有2万名雇员的公司要更换出入登记系统。为了确保项目成功执行,必须记录详细的需求。您将如何处理这项需求?
A Let the employee take part in the project ASAP尽早让雇员参与其中
B To identify the objective ASAP尽早确定目标
C To monitor the process and changes随时监视过程变化
D To have the status meeting frequently定期召开绩效会议
11 A construction company does not set up the warning sign in the construction site. One project manager has the similar expericen, and what will you do? 某一桥梁建筑公司在施工现场未安装危险警示牌,项目经理是当地的居民,你曾有在类似建筑公司工作的经验,此时你该如何办?
A Contact the construction company and ask them to set up the warning sign 找建筑公司主装安装危险警示牌
B Contact his company and ask them to set up the warning sign though his company 联系自己公司,建议建筑公司安装警示牌
C Do nothing 置之不理
D Motivate the local people to fight against the company 发动其他居民,抗议该建筑公司
12 A control chart helps the project manager: 控制图有助于:
A Focus on the most critical issues to improve quality. 专注更重要的问题
B Focus on stimulating thinking.激发思考
C Explore a desired future outcome. 探究可能结果
D Determine if a process is functioning within set limits.判断过程是否失控
13 A control chart indicates the last 12 weights produced were outside the upper control limit. What should the project manager do? 控制图显示至少12格数据点位于控制界限的上方,那么,项目经理应该:
A Stop production. 停止生产
B Work to better meet ISO 9000 standards.满足 ISO 9000 标准
C Look for the nonrandom causes for the variations.寻找引起偏差的特殊原因
D Plan to rework the 12 weights. 对这12个产品返工
14 A control chart shows seven data points in a row on one side of the mean. What should be done? 控制图显示有连续7个点出现在均指的同一侧。我们应该:
A Perform a design of experiments. 实施DOE
B Adjust the chart to reflect the new mean.调整控制图
C Find an assignable cause.探究引起偏差的原因
D Nothing. This is the rule of seven and can be ignored. 什么也不用做,因为这可以忽略
15 A control chart shows that the last eight pipes produced were all less than average weight. You need to inform management that there is a problem because the situation violates the: 控制图显示,8个点位于均指的同一侧。你应该通知管理层上述问题,因为它违反了:
A Rule of seven. 7点规则
B Rule of eight. 8点规则
C 50/50 rule. 50/50规则
D 3 sigma rule.3西格玛规则
16 A cost baseline is an output of which cost management process? 项目成本基准是哪个过程的输出?
A Estimate Activity Resources 估算活动资源
B Estimate Costs 估算成本
C Determine Budget 制定预算
D Control Costs 控制成本
17 A cost management plan contains a description of: 成本管理计划包括:
A The project costs. 项目的成本
B How resources are allocated. 资源如何分配
C The budgets and how they were calculated. 预算以及预算的计算方法
D Define the WBS and points at which measurement of control accounts will be performed 定义WBS 中用于绩效测量的控制账户;
18 A cost performance index (CPI) of 0.89 means: CPI为0.89的含义是:
A At this time, we expect the total project to cost 89 percent more than planned. 项目的成本是计划成本的89%
B When the project is completed, we will have spent 89 percent more than planned. 项目完成时,实际成本将是计划成本的89%
C The project is only progressing at 89 percent of that planned. 项目的进度是计划进度的89%
D The project is only getting 89 cents out of every dollar invested. 项目完成的工作仅仅是实际投入的89%
19 A customer has given you a procurement statement of work for a complex, eight-month project that has a few unknowns. The customer has asked you to just "get it done" and only wants to see you at the end of eight months when you deliver the finished project. Under these circumstances, which of the following is the BEST thing to do? 一位客户交给你一份采购SOW,去完成一个复杂的、为期8个月的项目。不过,在接到SOW后,你发现还有几个要点尚未明确。客户要求你只管去做就好了,而且只希望在8个月后你把完成的项目交给他。在这种情况下,你最优的做法是:
A Complete the project as requested, but verify its scope with the customer occasionally throughout.开始项目,但是要定期让客户核实范围
B Complete the project within eight months without contacting the customer during this time. 开始项目,8个月后让客户核实范围
C Ask management to check in with the customer occasionally. 让管理层与客户定期接触
D Complete the project, but document that the customer did not want contact.开始项目,并将客户不愿意中途联络的要求记录下来
20 A customer has requested a change that requires you to obtain new equipment. You need to decide whether to lease or buy the equipment. The daily lease cost is US $150. The cost of purchasing the item is US $2,000 investment cost and US $50 daily cost. You will need to use the item for about 12 days. What should you do? 你正在决定是购买某新设备还是租用该设备。如果租赁的话,每天的租赁费是150;如果购买的话,价格是2000,每天的维护成本是50。如果你的项目仅仅使用该设备12天,那么,你的决定是:
A Lease it.租赁
B Buy it.购买
C Ask the customer for a $2,000 change order. 要求客户提交2000的变更申请
D Lease it for only seven days to try to save cost.仅仅租赁7天,以节省成本
21 A customer is not happy with a project deliverable. What is your BEST course of action?  客户对项目的交付并不满意,你应该:
A Tell the customer the deliverable meets the scope of work and get the customer's agreement to proceed.告诉客户可交付成果满足项目范围,要求客户同意验收
B Determine why the customer is unhappy with the deliverable. 了解客户为什么对可交付成果不满意
C Meet with the team to determine changes needed. 与团队开会,讨论需要进行的变更
D Meet with the customer and offer a substitute project deliverable. 与客户沟通,商讨其他的可交付成果
22 A data point on a control chart that requires investigation is called: 在控制图中需要进一步调查的数据点称为:
A A special cause. 特殊原因
B Gold plated. 镀金
C A rule of seven. 7点规则
D A specification limit. 规格界限
23 A dependency requiring that design be completed before manufacturing can start is an example of a: 在制定开始之前必须先完成设计,这是一种什么类型的依赖关系?
A Discretionary dependency. 任意条件依赖
B External dependency. 外部依赖
C Mandatory dependency.强制依赖
D Scope dependency.范围依赖
24 A detailed project schedule can be created only after creating the: 项目的进度表(schedule)必须在下列哪项完成之后才能制定?
A Project budget.项目预算
B Work breakdown structure. WBS
C Project management plan. 项目管理计划
D Detailed risk assessment. 详细的风险分析
25 A difference between the requirements is BEST resolved in favor of the:如果对需求存在分歧,最终的解决应该有利于:
A Sponsor. 发起人
B Project manager's boss. 项目经理的上司
C Stakeholder. 干系人
D Customer.客户
26 A discretionary dependency is one that is based on: 软约束是基于____而制定的。
A Experience. 经验
B The needs of someone outside the project. 项目以外的某人的意见
C The nature of the work being done.  工作的内在属性
D The needs of the project sponsor. 发起人的要求
27 A family member has a copy of a software program. He offers it to you at no cost because it will solve a business problem you have discussed with him. What should you do?  你的一位亲戚拥有一个软件的拷贝版本,恰好可以解决你目前工作上的一个重大问题。你应该:
A Do not accept the software, and advise the family member that such activity is in violation of copyright law. 不要使用该软件,并告诉你的亲戚这种活动触犯了版权法
B Refuse the software, and notify the owner of the software.拒绝该软件,并告知该软件的作者
C Accept the software, and use it until you are able to buy the software yourself.使用该软件,直到你有足够的资金购买它为止
D Accept the software with thanks since the software creator will not find out.使用该软件,因为其作者不可能知道此事
28 A floor in one of the office buildings a company owns is now available for rent. It is imperative that the space be rented within one month. The only offer that has been received is from a company that is a competitor. What is the BEST thing to do in this situation? 一家公司的一层决定对外出租。高层管理人员要求在一个月之内出租出去。在发出邀请后,只有一家公司提出了合作意向,而它恰恰是该公司的竞争对手。在这种情况下,最佳的做法是:
A Offer the space to the customer under a short-term lease agreement. 签署一个短期出租协议
B Report the issue to management and inform the customer of their decision.将问题告知管理层,然后告诉客户他们的决定
C As part of the lease agreement, include a non-competitive agreement. 在合同中增加一个非竞争条款
D Tell the customer that your company has decided to use the space.告诉客户你们公司决定不出租了
29 A form of project organization where power is evenly shared between the functional manager and the project manager is called: 当项目经理和职能经理共同分享权力时,该组织形式是?
A A tight matrix. 紧密矩阵
B A weak matrix. 弱矩阵
C A balanced matrix. 平衡矩阵
D A strong matrix. 强矩阵
30 A frequent complaint about matrix organizations is that communications are:对矩阵组织抱怨最多的是?
A Hard to automate.难以自动化
B Closed and inaccurate. 不精确
C Complex. 复杂
D Misleading.误导
31 A functional manager meets with the project manager's boss to discuss a change to the acceptance criteria for a major deliverable. After the meeting, the boss calls the project manager into his office and tells him to make the change. What is the BEST thing to do? 一位职能经理与项目经理的上司讨论了一个针对验收标准的变更。会议过后,项目经理的上司通知项目经理进行变更。在这种情况下,项目经理应该:
A Make the change as soon as possible. 尽快变更
B Understand the change. 理解该变更
C Supply the boss with a change form.交给上司一份变更请求
D Evaluate the impact of the change. 评估该变更的影响
32 A functional manager wants to change an activity estimate. The project manager analyzes the change and determines that it will cause a delay to the entire project. Who should authorize the change? 一位职能经理想修改某活动的估算时间。项目经理经过分析后,认为这会导致整个项目的延期。谁有权批准该变更?
A Project team 项目团队
B Sponsor 发起人
C Project manager 项目经理
D Change control board CCB
33 A good friend at work tells you that when his wife was diagnosed with cancer, he stole items from work and sold them, using the money for her treatment. He has since paid back the money taken, in ways that kept his theft secret. Ethically, what should you do? 你的一位好朋友告诉你,他的妻子患上了癌症,因此,他盗窃了一些公司财产,变卖以治疗妻子的疾病。之后,他设法归还了公司的财产,因此无人知道此事。你应该:
A Advise your friend to tell his company and do nothing. 建议你的朋友向公司说明此事,自己什么也不用做
B Report him to his manager. 将此事告诉你朋友的上司
C Talk with a lawyer to see if this can be justified.询问律师这是否触犯法律
D Attempt to gather evidence to determine whether or not the theft in fact occurred. 收集关于该朋友是否犯罪的证据
34 A large, complex construction project in a foreign country requires coordination to move the required equipment through crowded city streets. To ensure the equipment is transported successfully, your contact in that country informs you that you will have to pay the local police a fee for coordinating traffic. What should you do? 一个在他国的大型建筑工程需要政府部门协调,以便让大型机械顺利的通过拥挤的街道。为了顺利完成工作,该国的联络人告诉你,你必须向当地警察支付一笔费用,作为其协调交通的补偿。你应该:
A Do not pay the fee because it is a bribe.不要支付,因为这是贿赂
B Eliminate the work.取消这项工作
C Pay the fee. 支付这笔费用
D Do not pay the fee if it is not part of the project estimate.如果不在预算之列,则不支付
35 A large, one-year telecommunications project is about halfway done when you take the place of the previous project manager. The project involves three different sellers and a project team of 30 people. You would like to see the project's communications requirements and what technology is being used to aid in project communications. Where will you find this information? 一个大型的通讯项目进行了一半,这时候,你从前任项目经理中接过重担。该项目包括3个供应商,30个团队成员。你希望了解项目的沟通需求和使用什么技术进行沟通,你应该查看:
A The project management plan 项目管理计划
B The information distribution plan 信息发布计划
C The bar chart 横道图
D The communications management plan 沟通管理计划
36 A list of risks for additional study is an output of: 下面哪个过程的输出是需要进一步分析的风险列表?
A Identify Risks. 识别风险
B Plan Risk Management.规划风险
C Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis. 定性分析
D Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis.定量分析
37 A major construction project has been having a lot of schedule changes due to unanticipated weather problems. Who is it BEST to notify of these changes? 一个建筑项目由于无法预料的天气原因而频繁发生进度的变更。谁这些变更应该通知谁?
A Stakeholders 干系人
B Sponsor 发起人
C Project team 项目团队
D Functional managers 职能经理
38 A major negotiation with a potential subcontractor is scheduled for tomorrow when you discover there is a good chance the project will be cancelled. What should you do? 明天你需要与一个潜在的分包商进行谈判,但是你意识到该项目很可能会被取消。你应该:
A Do not spend too much time preparing for the negotiations. 不要花太多时间准备谈判
B Cut the negotiations short.将谈判时间缩短
C Only negotiate major items.只谈论重要事宜
D Postpone the negotiations. 推迟谈判
39 A management team is trying to decide if it will continue working on a project that has spent US $500,000. The original estimate for work completed to date was US $200,000.  The difference between the actual cost and the original estimate, is a(n): 管理层正在做出是否让项目继续额决策。截至到目前,已经花费了500000,而计划花费是200000。两者之差称为:
A Customer cost. 客户成本
B Example of how bad the schedule was. 基准
C Direct cost. 直接成本
D Sunk cost. 沉没成本
40 A manager notices that a project manager is holding a meeting with some of the team and some stakeholders to discuss the quality of the project. The project schedule has been compressed, and the CPI is 1.1. They have worked hard on the project, the team has been rewarded according to the reward system the project manager put in place, and there is a strong sense of team. The manager suggests that the project manager does not have enough time to hold meetings about quality when the schedule is so compressed. Which of the following BEST describes why the manager is wrong?  高层经理注意到项目经理正在和他的团队召开会议,讨论项目的质量问题。项目的进度已经进行了压缩,目前的CPI为1.1。团队中每个人都很努力工作,项目经理也根据认可和奖励系统对他们进行了奖励。目前,整个团队充满协作的氛围。高层经理建议项目经理说,既然项目进度紧张,就没有必要召开关于质量的会议。下面哪个选项解释了为什么高层经理的看法是错误的?
A Improved quality leads to increased productivity, increased cost effectiveness, and decreased cost risk. 提高质量可以提高效率,降低成本,减少返工
B Improved quality leads to increased productivity, decreased cost effectiveness, and increased cost risk. 提高质量可以提高效率,降低成本,增加返工
C Improved quality leads to increased productivity, increased cost effectiveness, and increased cost risk. 提高质量可以提高效率,增加成本,增加返工
D Improved quality leads to increased productivity, decreased cost effectiveness, and decreased cost risk. 提高质量可以提高效率,增加成本,减少返工
41 A manufacturing project has a schedule performance index (SPI) of 0.89 and a cost performance index (CPI) of 0.91. Generally, what is the BEST explanation for why this occurred? 一个制造项目的SPI为0.89,CPI为0.91,其原因可能时:
A The scope was changed. 范围发生变更
B A supplier went out of business, and a new one needed to be found.一家供应商解除了合同,需要寻找另外一家
C Additional equipment needed to be purchased. 需要购买更多的设备
D A critical path activity took longer and needed more labor hours to complete. 关键路径上的活动需要更多的人,和更多的时间来完成
42 A market demand, a business need and a legal need are ALL: 市场需求,商业需求,法律需求都是:
A Reasons to have change management. 变更的理由
B Justifications for initiating a project. 启动项目的原因
C Reasons to have a team. 组建团队的原因
D Reasons to create a management plan. 制定项目计划的原因
43 A market demand, a customer request, and a technological advance are examples of: 市场的要求,客户的要求,技术的要求都是____的例子。
A Changes to the project. 项目变更
B Reasons to initiate a project.启动项目的原因
C Components of a WBS.WBS构成部分
D Reasons to outsource the work.外包的原因
44 A new employee of the company is assigned to work on a project that is in the early planning processes. She has to decide today if she will accept the assignment to the project or whether she wants to be assigned to a different project. However, the project manager is not at work and is not reachable. Where can the team member look to help her determine what work she is given on the project? 一位新员工被分派到到一个项目中来,恰好项目经理不在。这位新员工想知道自己在本项目的职责是什么,他应该查看:
A Activity definitions 活动定义
B Project management plan 项目管理计划
C Job descriptions  岗位说明
D Responsibility assignment matrix 责任分配矩阵
45 A new product development project has four levels in the work breakdown structure and has been sequenced using the precedence diagramming method. The activity duration estimates have been received. What should be done NEXT? 一位项目经理的WBS共划分为四层。他已经使用PDM法对活动进行了排序,并进行了活动历时估算,下一步应该:
A Create an activity list.定义活动
B Begin the work breakdown structure. 分解WBS
C Finalize the schedule. 完成进度表(schedule)
D Compress the schedule. 压缩进度
46 A new project manager asks you what the 50/50 rule is used for. You would reply: 一位新任项目经理询问50/50 法则代表什么,你的回答是:
A Crashing. 赶工
B Quality.质量
C Performance reporting.绩效报告
D Cost estimating. 成本估算
47 A new project manager has asked you for advice on creating a work breakdown structure. After you explain the process to him, he asks you what software he should use to create the WBS, and what he should do with it when he is finished creating it. You might respond that it is not the picture that is the most valuable result of creating a WBS. It is:一位新任项目经理就如何创建WBS向你咨询。在解释了创建WBS的流程后,他询问你该使用什么软件创建WBS。你应该告诉他,使用什么软件并不重要,重要的是:
A A bar chart. 横道图
B Team buy-in.团队的认同
C Activities.活动清单
D A list of risks. 风险清单
48 A new project manager is about to begin creating the procurement statement of work. One stakeholder wants to add many items to the procurement statement of work. Another stakeholder only wants to describe the functional requirements. The project is important for the project manager's company, but a seller will do the work. How would you advise the project manager? 一位新任项目经理正在编写采购SOW。一位干系人希望在SOW中增加一些内容,而另一位干系人希望描述其功能需求。该项目对于项目经理所在的公司非常重要,但是只有一位供应商可以胜任该工作。你会对该项目经理提出什么建议:
A The procurement statement of work should be general to allow the seller to make his own decisions. 采购SOW应该允许供应商补充内容
B The procurement statement of work should be general to allow for clarification later.采购SOW最开始应该粗略定义,允许日后再补充
C The procurement statement of work should be detailed to allow for clarification later. 采购SOW最开始应该尽可能清晰详细
D The procurement statement of work should be as detailed as necessary for the type of project.采购SOW的清晰和详细程度因项目而异
49 A new project manager is being mentored by a more experienced certified project management professional (PMP). The new project manager is having difficulty finding enough time to manage the project because the product and project scope are being progressively elaborated. The PMP mentions that the basic tools of project management, such as a work breakdown structure, can be used during project executing to assist the project manager. For which of the following can a work breakdown structure be used? 一位PMP正在对新任项目经理进行教导和指点。这位新任项目经理并没有足够的时间去管理项目,因为项目的范围处于一个渐进明细的过程。该PMP提到,管理项目的最基本的工具是WBS。那么,WBS的功能是:
A Communicating with the customer 与客户沟通
B Showing calendar dates for each work package 显示每个工作包的完成时间
C Showing the functional managers for each team member 向职能经理展示每个团队成员的工作
D Showing the business need for the project 体现项目的目的
50 A new project manager is having difficulty creating a WBS with the team. To alleviate this situation, the project manager should ask for help from: 项目经理在和团队一起创建WBS时遇到了困难。为了解决该问题,他应该向谁寻求帮助?
A The sponsor. 发起人
B Other project managers.其他项目经理
C The project management office. PMO
D The team.团队


