


private static class Transformer implements AgentBuilder.Transformer {
    private PluginFinder pluginFinder;

    Transformer(PluginFinder pluginFinder) {
        this.pluginFinder = pluginFinder;

    public DynamicType.Builder<?> transform(
                                    final DynamicType.Builder<?> builder,
                                    //可以理解成class 包括类的描述信息                                
                                    final TypeDescription typeDescription,
                                    final ClassLoader classLoader,
                                    final JavaModule javaModule,
                                    final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain) {
        List<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine> pluginDefines = pluginFinder.find(typeDescription);
        if (pluginDefines.size() > 0) {
            DynamicType.Builder<?> newBuilder = builder;
            EnhanceContext context = new EnhanceContext();
            for (AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine define : pluginDefines) {
                DynamicType.Builder<?> possibleNewBuilder = define.define(
                    typeDescription, newBuilder, classLoader, context);
                if (possibleNewBuilder != null) {
                    newBuilder = possibleNewBuilder;
            if (context.isEnhanced()) {
                LOGGER.debug("Finish the prepare stage for {}.", typeDescription.getName());
            return newBuilder;

        LOGGER.debug("Matched class {}, but ignore by finding mechanism.", typeDescription.getTypeName());
        return builder;


  • 找到对此类匹配的所有插件
  • 如果找到有匹配上的插件,调用每个插件的define()方法去做字节码增强,然后增强后的字节码
  • 如果没有找到匹配的插件,则返回原始字节码



public class PluginFinder {
     * Map的泛型为的原因是对于同一个类,可能会有多个插件都要对这个类进行字节码增加
     * key -> 目标类
     * value -> 所有可以对这个目标类生效的插件
     * */
    private final Map<String, LinkedList<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine>> nameMatchDefine = new HashMap<String, LinkedList<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine>>();
    private final List<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine> signatureMatchDefine = new ArrayList<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine>();
    private final List<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine> bootstrapClassMatchDefine = new ArrayList<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine>();
    private static boolean IS_PLUGIN_INIT_COMPLETED = false;

     * 得到对指定类型生效的所有匹配插件,包括命名查找、间接匹配查找
    public List<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine> find(TypeDescription typeDescription) {
        List<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine> matchedPlugins = new LinkedList<AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine>();
        String typeName = typeDescription.getTypeName();
        if (nameMatchDefine.containsKey(typeName)) {

        for (AbstractClassEnhancePluginDefine pluginDefine : signatureMatchDefine) {
            IndirectMatch match = (IndirectMatch) pluginDefine.enhanceClass();
            if (match.isMatch(typeDescription)) {

        return matchedPlugins;


EnhanceContext context = new EnhanceContext()


 * The EnhanceContext represents the context or status for processing a class.

* Based on this context, the plugin core {@link ClassEnhancePluginDefine} knows how to process the specific steps for * every particular plugin. * * 此类的作用是记录当前被拦截的类是否被修改了字节码和是否新增了新的字段或接口 */ public class EnhanceContext { private boolean isEnhanced = false; /** * The object has already been enhanced or extended. e.g. added the new field, or implemented the new interface */ private boolean objectExtended = false; public boolean isEnhanced() { return isEnhanced; } public void initializationStageCompleted() { isEnhanced = true; } public boolean isObjectExtended() { return objectExtended; } public void extendObjectCompleted() { objectExtended = true; } }


define.define(typeDescription, newBuilder, classLoader, context)


public DynamicType.Builder<?> define(TypeDescription typeDescription, DynamicType.Builder<?> builder,
    ClassLoader classLoader, EnhanceContext context) throws PluginException {
    // 当前的插件的全类名
    String interceptorDefineClassName = this.getClass().getName();
    // 当前要被增加的类全类名
    String transformClassName = typeDescription.getTypeName();
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(transformClassName)) {
        LOGGER.warn("classname of being intercepted is not defined by {}.", interceptorDefineClassName);
        return null;

    LOGGER.debug("prepare to enhance class {} by {}.", transformClassName, interceptorDefineClassName);
    WitnessFinder finder = WitnessFinder.INSTANCE;
     * find witness classes for enhance class
    String[] witnessClasses = witnessClasses();
    if (witnessClasses != null) {
        for (String witnessClass : witnessClasses) {
            if (!finder.exist(witnessClass, classLoader)) {
                LOGGER.warn("enhance class {} by plugin {} is not activated. Witness class {} does not exist.", transformClassName, interceptorDefineClassName, witnessClass);
                return null;
    List<WitnessMethod> witnessMethods = witnessMethods();
    if (!CollectionUtil.isEmpty(witnessMethods)) {
        for (WitnessMethod witnessMethod : witnessMethods) {
            if (!finder.exist(witnessMethod, classLoader)) {
                LOGGER.warn("enhance class {} by plugin {} is not activated. Witness method {} does not exist.", transformClassName, interceptorDefineClassName, witnessMethod);
                return null;

     * find origin class source code for interceptor
     * 进行真正的字节码增强修改
    DynamicType.Builder<?> newClassBuilder = this.enhance(typeDescription, builder, classLoader, context);
    LOGGER.debug("enhance class {} by {} completely.", transformClassName, interceptorDefineClassName);

    return newClassBuilder;


  • witnessClasses()和witnessMethods()检查插件是否生效,在之前的文章详细分析过
  • enhance方法进行字节码增强
  • 将EnhanceContext标识设置为已增强


public enum WitnessFinder {
     * TypePool为类加载器的所有能加载的类型
     * */
    private final Map<ClassLoader, TypePool> poolMap = new HashMap<ClassLoader, TypePool>();

     * @param classLoader for finding the witnessClass
     * @return true, if the given witnessClass exists, through the given classLoader.
    public boolean exist(String witnessClass, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        return getResolution(witnessClass, classLoader)

    private TypePool.Resolution getResolution(String witnessClass, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        ClassLoader mappingKey = classLoader == null ? NullClassLoader.INSTANCE : classLoader;
        if (!poolMap.containsKey(mappingKey)) {
            synchronized (poolMap) {
                if (!poolMap.containsKey(mappingKey)) {
                    TypePool classTypePool = classLoader == null ? TypePool.Default.ofBootLoader() : TypePool.Default.of(classLoader);
                    poolMap.put(mappingKey, classTypePool);
        TypePool typePool = poolMap.get(mappingKey);
        return typePool.describe(witnessClass);

    public boolean exist(WitnessMethod witnessMethod, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        TypePool.Resolution resolution = getResolution(witnessMethod.getDeclaringClassName(), classLoader);
        if (!resolution.isResolved()) {
            return false;
        return !resolution.resolve()


final class NullClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    static NullClassLoader INSTANCE = new NullClassLoader();
  • witnessClass(),会基于传入的classLoader构造TypePool来判断witnessClass是否存在,TypePool最终会存储到Map中
  • witnessMethod(),先判断此方法所在的类是否在这个ClassLoader中,也就是先执行witnessClass(),再判断该方法是否存在

this.enhance(typeDescription, builder, classLoader, context)

protected DynamicType.Builder<?> enhance(TypeDescription typeDescription, DynamicType.Builder<?> newClassBuilder,
                                         ClassLoader classLoader, EnhanceContext context) throws PluginException {
    newClassBuilder = this.enhanceClass(typeDescription, newClassBuilder, classLoader);
    newClassBuilder = this.enhanceInstance(typeDescription, newClassBuilder, classLoader, context);

    return newClassBuilder;

