apt-get 不是命令_使用APT而不是apt-get简化命令行程序包管理

apt-get 不是命令_使用APT而不是apt-get简化命令行程序包管理_第1张图片

apt-get 不是命令

apt-get 不是命令_使用APT而不是apt-get简化命令行程序包管理_第2张图片

APT, the Advanced Package Tool from the Debian project, is for managing packages by using a lot of separate tools to accomplish various tasks. In the past, users needed to know multiple command structures like apt-get, apt-cache, apt-config, and many more to utilize the full feature-set of APT.

APT是Debian项目的高级软件包工具,用于通过使用许多单独的工具来完成各种任务来管理软件包。 过去,用户需要了解apt-get,apt-cache,apt-config等多种命令结构,才能利用APT的全部功能集。

APT was created originally to solve a lot of package management problems like putting an end to the dependency hell that so many people experienced in the early days of Linux-based operating systems. Unfortunately, APT suffers from a different kind of hell, something I call “Dispersed Documentation Hell” (DDH). The documentation related to APT is scattered in various different tools and in some cases, such as the main apt command, practically impossible to find.

创建APT最初是为了解决许多程序包管理问题,例如结束依赖地狱 ,这是许多人在基于Linux的操作系统早期所经历的。 不幸的是,APT遭受了另一种痛苦,我称之为“ 分散文档地狱 ”(DDH)。 与APT相关的文档分散在各种不同的工具中,在某些情况下,例如main apt命令,实际上几乎找不到。

For over a decade, practically all tutorials and guides for installing and removing packages on a Debian/Ubuntu based system have been suggesting apt-get to users. In the past, that was the correct suggestion because “apt” as a command hadn’t existed at the time but due to the Dispersed Documentation Hell a lot of people aren’t aware that now it does exists.

十多年来,几乎所有在基于Debian / Ubuntu的系统上安装和删除软件包的教程和指南都向用户建议使用apt-get。 在过去,这是正确的建议,因为“ apt”作为命令尚不存在,但是由于分散文档地狱,很多人不知道现在它确实存在。

If you wanted to install a package almost all guides will suggest:


sudo apt-get install package

sudo apt-get install package

but now instead you can simplify that with


sudo apt install package

sudo apt install package

Some may argue that “apt” isn’t much different than “apt-get” and that is true but I think the hyphen in the command is what creates a bottleneck for many users due to its awkwardness. Using apt instead will save time and save the amount of keystrokes required to accomplish the same task.

有人可能会说“ apt”与“ apt-get”并没有什么不同,这是事实,但我认为命令中的连字符是由于其笨拙而造成许多用户瓶颈的原因。 相反,使用apt可以节省时间并节省完成同一任务所需的击键次数。

分散文档地狱(DDH) (Dispersed Documentation Hell (DDH))

apt-get 不是命令_使用APT而不是apt-get简化命令行程序包管理_第3张图片

The fundamental problem with the documentation regarding APT is that dependi
