


测试表 tb_student 数据结构如下:

Field	Type	Null	Key	Default	Extra
name	varchar(10)	YES			
grade	int(11)	YES			
class	int(11)	YES			
birthday	date	YES			

2. 存储过程

两个游标cur_stud1 和 cur_stud2

declare continue handler for not found set done = 1 ;


		# 避免最后一条记录select两次
		if done = 0 then 
			select concat(v_name,':',date_format(v_date,'%Y%m%d'));
		end if;

游标close之后,还可以open ,再fetch 数据。


delimiter $$
CREATE PROCEDURE pro_test_fetch_cursor()
  declare done int default 0 ;
	declare v_name varchar(10);
	declare v_date date;
	declare cur_stud1 cursor for select ,t.birthday from tb_student t where t.grade >= 70 and t.grade < 80 order by t.grade desc limit 5;
	declare cur_stud2 cursor for select ,t.birthday from tb_student t where t.grade >= 80 and t.grade < 90 order by t.grade desc limit 5;

  declare continue handler for not found set done = 1 ;

  open cur_stud1 ;
  #循环的标签名称,要和end loop 对应。
  getloop :  loop
    fetch cur_stud1  into v_name ,v_date;
    if done = 1 
      then leave getloop ;
    end if ;
		select concat(v_name,':',date_format(v_date,'%Y%m%d'));
  end loop getloop;
  close cur_stud1 ;
	#使用while循环访问游标 ,由于会fetch后激活done设置,所以最后一条记录会fetch两次,循环中用if再次判断一下。
	set done = 0;
	open cur_stud2;
	while done <> 1 do 
		fetch cur_stud2  into v_name ,v_date;
		# 避免最后一条记录select两次
		if done = 0 then 
			select concat(v_name,':',date_format(v_date,'%Y%m%d'));
		end if;
	end while;
	close cur_stud2 ;
end $$
