- Pattern类: Pattern对象是一个正则表达式的编译表示
- Matcher类: Matcher对象是对输入字符串进行解释和匹配操作引擎。
- PatternSyntaxException : PatternSyntaxException是一个非强制异常类,它表示一个正则表达式模式中的语法错误
* The original regular-expression pattern string.
* @serial
private String pattern;
* The original pattern flags.
*这个是匹配的标志,如public static final int UNICODE_CASE = 0x40;这个就是该类中的一个规则,如果flags=UNICODE_CASE那么该匹配规则就不区分大小写
* @serial
private int flags;
* The starting point of state machine for the find operation. This allows
* a match to start anywhere in the input.
* 用于查找操作的状态机的起点。 这允许在输入中任何位置开始的匹配。
transient Node root;
pulic static Pattern comile(String regex){
return new Pattern(regex,0);
public static Pattern comile(String regex,int flags){
return new Pattern(regex,flags)
public Matcher matcher(CharSequence input) {
if (!compiled) {
synchronized(this) {
if (!compiled)
Matcher m = new Matcher(this, input);
return m;
public static boolean matches(String regex, CharSequence input) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
return m.matches();
public String[] split(CharSequence input, int limit) {
int index = 0;
boolean matchLimited = limit > 0;
ArrayList matchList = new ArrayList<>();
Matcher m = matcher(input);
// Add segments before each match found
while(m.find()) {
if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit - 1) {
if (index == 0 && index == m.start() && m.start() == m.end()) {
// no empty leading substring included for zero-width match
// at the beginning of the input char sequence.
String match = input.subSequence(index, m.start()).toString();
index = m.end();
} else if (matchList.size() == limit - 1) { // last one
String match = input.subSequence(index,
index = m.end();
// If no match was found, return this
if (index == 0)
return new String[] {input.toString()};
// Add remaining segment
if (!matchLimited || matchList.size() < limit)
matchList.add(input.subSequence(index, input.length()).toString());
// Construct result
int resultSize = matchList.size();
if (limit == 0)
while (resultSize > 0 && matchList.get(resultSize-1).equals(""))
String[] result = new String[resultSize];
return matchList.subList(0, resultSize).toArray(result);
public String[] split(CharSequence input) {
return split(input, 0);
Matcher类是使用final修饰的继承MatchResult接口,MatchResult中的方法有》start(),start(int),end(),end(int),groupCount(), ——返回int
group(),group(int), ——返回String
* The Pattern object that created this Matcher.创建该Matcher的Pattern类
Pattern parentPattern;
* The storage used by groups. They may contain invalid values if
* a group was skipped during the matching.组使用的存储。如果在匹配过程中跳过一个组,它们可能包含无效的值。
int[] groups;
* The range within the sequence that is to be matched. Anchors
* will match at these "hard" boundaries. Changing the region
* changes these values.匹配的范围
int from, to;
* Lookbehind uses this value to ensure that the subexpression
* match ends at the point where the lookbehind was encountered.
int lookbehindTo;
* The original string being matched.要操作的数据
CharSequence text;
* Matcher state used by the last node. NOANCHOR is used when a
* match does not have to consume all of the input. ENDANCHOR is
* the mode used for matching all the input. NOANCHOR表示不必匹配所有的输入;ENDANCHOR表示必须匹配所有的输入。
static final int ENDANCHOR = 1;
static final int NOANCHOR = 0;
int acceptMode = NOANCHOR;
* The range of string that last matched the pattern. If the last
* match failed then first is -1; last initially holds 0 then it
* holds the index of the end of the last match (which is where the
* next search starts).最后一个匹配模式的字符串的范围。
int first = -1, last = 0;
* The end index of what matched in the last match operation.在最后一次匹配操作中匹配的结束索引。
int oldLast = -1;
* The index of the last position appended in a substitution.追加在替换中的最后位置的索引。
int lastAppendPosition = 0;
* Storage used by nodes to tell what repetition they are on in
* a pattern, and where groups begin. The nodes themselves are stateless,
* so they rely on this field to hold state during a match.
int[] locals;
* Boolean indicating whether or not more input could change
* the results of the last match.
* If hitEnd is true, and a match was found, then more input
* might cause a different match to be found.
* If hitEnd is true and a match was not found, then more
* input could cause a match to be found.
* If hitEnd is false and a match was found, then more input
* will not change the match.
* If hitEnd is false and a match was not found, then more
* input will not cause a match to be found.
boolean hitEnd;
* Boolean indicating whether or not more input could change
* a positive match into a negative one.
* If requireEnd is true, and a match was found, then more
* input could cause the match to be lost.
* If requireEnd is false and a match was found, then more
* input might change the match but the match won't be lost.
* If a match was not found, then requireEnd has no meaning.
boolean requireEnd;
* If transparentBounds is true then the boundaries of this
* matcher's region are transparent to lookahead, lookbehind,
* and boundary matching constructs that try to see beyond them.
boolean transparentBounds = false;
* If anchoringBounds is true then the boundaries of this
* matcher's region match anchors such as ^ and $.
boolean anchoringBounds = true;
Patern p = Pattern.comile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
public Pattern pattern() {
return parentPattern;
public Matcher reset() {
first = -1;
last = 0;
oldLast = -1;
for(int i=0; i
查找方法public boolean find(),
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void getDecomPressionStr(String str) {
String regex = "[\\[][0-9][\\|][^\\[\\]]+[\\]]";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
while(m.find()) {
String targe = m.group();
find(int start)方法
public int regionStart() {
return from;
region(int start,int end)方法
replaceAll(String replacement)方法
将匹配的字串替换掉public String replaceAll(String replacement)
replaceFirst(String replacement)方法
将匹配的第一个字串用指定的字符串替换public String replaceFirst(String replacement)
usePattern(Pattern newPattern)方法