代写BUS 336 D200、代做C/C++编程、代写dropbox、代做C/C++语言帮做Java程序|调试Matlab程序

SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY BEEDIE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS BUS 336 D200 Data & Decisions II Note: This is an individual assignment. Identical assignments will receive a mark of 0.Due:Monday, Nov. 26th at 12 noon.The Surrey D200 Drop box located on 5th floor of Surrey.BOTH hardcopy and electronic requirements must be received by the due date or you will receive zero marks. No late papers will be accepted. The drop box will be cleared immediately after the deadline and not checked again. Please make sure to submit it into the correct drop box (it is labelled with the course number, section and Mike’s name). Assignments submitted to the wrong dropbox will not be accepted (i.e., will receiv zero marks).Hardcopy Submission Requirements: All work must be clearly documented and neat or marks wil be deducted.All Excel work should be copied into a Worddocument before being printed (please see pages 4 of this assignment for formatting tips). Please attach a cover sheet to the front of your assignment. The cover sheet is posted in Canvas in the“Assignment”folder.Electronic Submission Requirements: Your electronic files, including both Excel and Word files, must also be submitted. Please use a separate worksheet in Excel for each question and label hem respectively. Please type your last name followed by your first name in “Subject” line of the email (ie Johnson, Michael) when emailing your work so we can easily identify you. Please make sure your Excel is logically organized and neat. Email your electronic files (by the submission deadline) to: D200 (Surrey): [email protected] 2 of 4Question1: LP graphical analysis (you must use proper graph paper for this question or you will lose marks) Hand in the following (Please limit your submission to no more than 3 pages – 1 page for your graph paper and the second and third pages for your answers to arts a through e): An Advertising firm hired to promote a new smartphone product wants to get the best exposure possiblefor the product and stay within its client’s budget of $120,000 during the next financial quarter. To do so,the firm needs to decide how much of the budget to spend on each of its two most effective media: (1)television spots during the afternoon hours, and (2) large ads in the Sunday Newspaper. Each televisionspot costs $4000; each Sunday newspaper ad costs $1000. The expected exposure, based on industryratings, is 30,000 viewers for each television commercial and 20,000 readers for each newspaperadvertisement. The firm’s Director knows from experience that it is important to use both types of mediain order to reach the broadest spectrum of potential customers. She decides that at least 10 but no morethan 25 television spots should be ordered and that the number of newspaper ads should be no more than4 times the number of television spots. How many times should each of the two media be used in the nextfinancial quarter to obtain maximum exposure while staying within its client’s budget?a) Formulate the problem into “Proper LP format” and solve graphically as shown in class using ONLYIsoprofit lines (level curves) (do not solve by evaluating all the extreme corners of the feasible area).Make sure to plot the Television spots along the horizontal axis of your graph paper. Clearly state theoptimal solution in terms of the business problem. Be sure to state the value of the objective functionwith respect to the optimal solution.b) Using your answer in part a) solve algebraically for the two constraints involved in the optimalsolution.c) Suppose the firm’s client is willing to increase its budget for advertising beyond the $120,000 budgetin the next financial quarter. Should it do so? State why or why not. How much more should theyconsider increasing it? (providing that all other constraints remain the same)d) Suppose a new industry report has been released stating that expected exposure is 90,000 viewers foreach television commercial and 20,000 readers for each newspaper advertisement. Assuming this tobe true, state the new objective function. Using the original problem constraints, plot the new objectivefunction on your existing graph and determine if a new optimal solution exists or not. State the exactcoordinates if a new optimal solution exists (ie check algebraically). Clearly state the optimal solutionin the context of the business problem if t代写BUS 336 D200作业、代做C/C++编程作业、代写dropbox作业、代做C/C++语言作业 帮做Java程here is a new optimal solution.e) The firm’s Director is considering removing the maximum number of television spots, currently set ata maximum of 25, in order to increase exposure. Using your graphical solution defined in part d),should the firm do so? State why or why not. How much more should they consider increasing it to?(providing that all other constraints remain the same)3 of 4Question 2 A sustainability manager of at high tech company is responsible for investigating how the company cantry to minimize their carbon footprint in the coming year. Unfortunately the company has 5 companybranches nationally (A, B, C, D and E) and air travel in necessary for a number of the company employees.The Manager is attempting to establish a plan that will minimize the total number of air kilometerstraveled by plane. There are 3 main company locations (locations B, C and E) that could serve as a meetingpoint for all air travel required by the organization however each location could only support up to amaximum of 500 individual flights per year (due to meeting space and scheduling limitations). The tablebelow reflects the # of air kilometers required to travel per flight from each company location to one ofthe 3 main offices and the anticipated number of outgoing flights from each company location to one ofthe 3 main offices. DISTANCE TO LOCATIONS (air kilometers traveled)CompanyLocationsLocationBLocationCLocationE# of Outgoing flightsper Location per yearA 2000 2300 2100 100B 0 1900 2700 150C 1900 0 2200 600D 2300 1700 2200 125E 2700 2200 0 345Note: Outgoing flights can be eliminated altogether by arranging the meeting at one of the 3 mainoffices. For example, 500 out of the 600 outgoing flights at Location C could be eliminated by schedulingthe meeting point at location C. Formulate the problem and use Solver to determine the optimal solutionfor the sustainability manager. Please make sure your submission includes the following:a) A hand drawn transportation networkb) The formulated problem in “Proper Linear programming format”c) The Answer and Sensitivity Reports from Solver (please see page 4 on how to format in Word)d) A statement of the optimal solution in the context of the business problemQuestion 3 A securities manager at the Humongous National Bank would like to determine how to invest $100,000for a client. He has evaluated 5 bond options to maximize annual return on investment:Bond Annual Return Maturity Risk Tax‐freeA 9.50% Long High YesB 8.00% Short Low YesC 9.00% Long Low NoD 9.00% Long Hig YesE 9.00% Short High NoThe manager wants to invest 50% of the money in short-term bonds and no more than 50% in high-riskbonds. At least 30% of the funds should go into tax-free investments, and at least 40% of the total annualreturn should be tax free. Formulate the problem and use Solver to determine the optimal solutionassuming that all $100,000 will be invested. Please make sure your submission includes the following:a) The formulated problem in “Proper Linear programming format”b) The Answer and Sensitivity Reports from Solver (please see page 4 on how to format in Word)c) Answer the following with respect to the Solver reports generated in part b):i). What is the optimal solution in the context of the business problem?ii). Interpret the meaning of the reduced cost for Bond D.iii). Interpret the meaning of the shadow price for the $100,000 max investmentHard‐copy requirements for Questions 2 and 3: Hand in your answers for ALL parts but please make sure to submit ONLY a hard‐copy of the “Answer” and “Sensitivity” Reports from the Solver Output as shown on page 4. Do NOT hand in ANY OTHER Excel output. Please be sure to submit your electronic files as stated on page 1. 4 of 4Formatting for Assignment #3 Please copy and paste your Answer and Sensitivity Reports from Excel to Word using the following method so that it is properly formatted and legible. 1. Highlight your Report with your mouse in Excel and select copy2. Open Word and select Paste (more arrow) and then Paste Special3. Select “Picture (Enhanced Metafile)” and press Okay.4. You will now be able to select the corner of the pasted picture (the Answer Report or Sensitivity Report) and modify its size so that it is legible and clear to the reader. Happy formatting! 转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018112339684070.html

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