






4.42 car到瑜伽点,想到高光时刻,出名和修行冲突,Maxi说我把自己安排很好,我需要一个人时间,喜欢结交朋友,到了vipa,坐第二排,之后照相看到一个熟悉面孔,是yatra碰到美国退休公务员steve的新太太,两个人印度各种浪,这会一个人,不知啥情况,也顾不上,我进去正好sharath正对面,还好定力不错,就是最后urdva padamasana时候听到他重复说right leg first,我都很自信自己正确,结果被喷水,看到之前他扔花,我没反应结果喷水,好吧,我一直都是错误的。结束就马上出去第二杯cafe,吃了4个香蕉cashew马上进去看intermedia,简直疯狂,看完就觉着前路漫长,而且Ethan身材太棒了,两个女孩一个pune一个bali教课,都小小的但身体非常bendy,看得我越来越热,手机响起,老大怒目让我关机,真是奇了怪了,到处找挨打受骂!看到monica做的也不错,一个个过堂,真是不容易啊。

看intermedia到后弯抓膝盖,都不是抓脚,我感觉没啥意义继续看,出来就和Alyson打招呼,因为之前就看到她气质不错的老太太,竟然还是助教,65岁,聊起来才知道她经历无数病痛,长期靠Steroid,因为肾上腺不产生激素Adrenal,医生一度认为3天人就不行了,结果活下来还活的不错。我本来建议她ayurveda医生替代雌激素,结果她有过非常糟糕ayurveda医生体验,几乎脱水起红疹等等。说起来人生各种体验,她提到LA医生assault自己还在law suit要求赔偿当中,my god!我已经碰到两个女人提到过这个,也许是我的原因,谈话太深入到人生挑战一类的?还是就是assault发生频率如此高,me too把女性觉悟调动起来了?

Alyson提到Anthony William Coviello, “known professionally as Anthony William or the Medical Medium, is a medium who offers medical and health advice based on alleged communication with a spirit from the future. He authors books as well as offers advice online on such forums as Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP column and his own website. William claims that the Epstein-Barr virus is responsible for multiple ailments, including cancer. He is the self-proclaimed originator of the lemon juice in water morning detox as well as the celery juice fad, which he claims can offer many health benefits that are currently not scientifically proven. Critics allege that he is practising medicine without a license and that he has, at times, improperly solicited positive Amazon reviews for his books.”看来都是有争议!

哲学课Lakshmia谈到一共有72000 asanas,Siddhasana至善坐.  Padmasana莲花.  Simhasana狮式.  Bhadrasana蝴蝶最重要,

sukhasana比较轻松的盘腿,siddhasana most important not for household不建议居家人做,说是不利于生育?这个值得考证。

推荐Kevala kumbhaka,屏吸法,没那么简单 does not require inhalation or exhalation and is considered the final stage of spiritual union, or samadhi. Kevala kumbhaka is not simply holding the breath between an inhale or an exhale. It is considered holding the prana completely separate of the movements of inhales or exhales, and is an unprompted stop of breath that occurs within a samadhi state attained through pranayama.

Some claim that kevala kumbhaka cures all diseases and causes practitioners to have a long, healthy life. Many diseases are thought to be caused by disturbances within the pranic energy system in the body and mind. Pranayama – for example, nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) with antar kumbhaka – helps bring the energy system into harmony. Therefore, effective practice of a kumbhaka (like kevala kumbhaka) in conjunction with pranayama is believed to help prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases, from skin disorders to diabetes. A kumbhaka practice also has the following benefits:

Helps remove impurities from the body

Improves concentration

Clears and stills the mind

谈到Laya yoga, is a yoga form in which dissolution of self and merging with the Supreme Consciousness are achieved. Laya is a Sanskrit term meaning "dissolve." Laya yoga leads to the state of samadhi, which is the highest unification with the Divine. It leads the mind from the state of manifestation and dissolution to moola prakriti, meaning "original state."

看到Eddie会做primary with david bowie音乐,很好奇,我要是在纽约一定报道。










matters and energy, no quanta only energy,  body does not make body

there is no ME, only consciousness as one

yogi no need to think: a small person looking at universe such wrong thoughts

there is only ONE

The Vedas are among the oldest sacred texts.[32][33] The Samhitas date to roughly 1700–1100 BCE

atha: now

anu: according

all thoughts are painful, attachment to the perfect life which can not be optimized, sorrow for past, fear for future

shadow of myself, delusion

“Yogas chitta vritti nirodha.”

Chitta is one of the four aspects of consciousness. The aspect ofchitta allows for subjectivity, one’s emotional reaction, affected by what it sees and its own nature. For example, if a bitter taste affects one negatively, then one’s perception of a bitter tasting fruit will be negative. (2)The other three aspects of mind aremanas (perceiving mind)buddhi (intelligence), andahankara (ego). (3)

In various translations of the yoga sutras, chitta is sometimes defined as “mind-stuff”(4) or “the lower mind.”(5) However, according to Swami Kriyananda “feeling” is a more precise translation because feeling can go either outward to ego consciousness, which creates lower aspects of the mind, or inward and upward to higher consciousness qualities like self-control, devotion, and calmness.

Patanjali says that yoga “neutralizes” or calms chitta, rather than destroying it. Yoga results in the experience of the vortices of feeling — whirlpools of desire and attachment — as a calm ocean of feeling. This stills the mind and allows one to perceive God. (6) In the body,chitta is centered in the heart.

where is mind?

we are source of joy, suffering is everywhere

karma is tendency, Sankara is impression and bank of karmas, same.

刚刚从三人party和puja回到房间,过去的3.30小时很有意思,我们三个凉台上夕阳里,享受Madhu给我们做的非常丰盛的下午餐,各种蔬菜和beans,都非常好吃,尤其喜欢一种绿色蔬菜okra秋葵和蔬菜大杂烩,知道肯定会吃多,也不遗憾,Moha一定等到chiapati才上来,我们好顿等,以为他在pray!我开始问问题:what u can not tell from surface as a good qulity of self?

Moha: 街头涂鸦graffiti,看起来还OK;和前女友菲利宾,巴黎各种名字涂鸦



Maxi问题:is there anything regretful in life?




Moha问题: is there one person to change your mind or life mostly?





