
COMP2016 Database Management Group Project AssignmentObjectiveIn this project, we will design and implement a database for a university library.Requirements Each book has a call no., ISBN, a title, an author, an amount (amount of copiesavailable for borrowing), a location (where the book is placed). For everystudent, we capture her/hisstudent no., name, gender, and major. When a book is successfully borrowed by a student, a borrow record shouldbe added to the database. Each borrow record contains at least the followinginformation: a borrower, a book, a borrow date and a due date (the due datemust be behind the borrow date. The borrow period is four weeks by default).Once the book is returned by the student, the corresponding borrow recordwill be removed. For each book borrowed, it may be renewed at most one time. When arenewal is happened, the due date of its corresponding borrow record will bepostponed for two weeks. Each student may reserve a book if the book is not available for the moment.A student can reserve at most one book at the same time.Required Functionalities Book search: Given a search with ISBN as input, you should tell theavailability of the book. If the book is available, display the title, author, amount,and location. Book borrow/return: Given student A and book B, student A can borrow bookB if the following conditions are satisfied: The available amount of B is larger than 0. The amount of books student A haven’t returned yet is smaller than 5. None of the books student A borrowed is overdue. Book B is not reserved by any students, or Student A is the first one whoreserved B (in this case the corresponding reservation request should beremoved after the book is borrowed).The corresponding book and borrow records should be updated upon asuccessful book borrow/return. Book renew: Given student A and book B, student A can renew book B if thefollowing conditions are satisfied: None of the books student A borrowed is overdue. Student A hasn’t renewed book B after he borrowed it. This renewal is allowed only during the 2nd half of B’s borrow period. Book B is not reserved by any students. The corresponding borrow record should be updated upon success. Book reserve: Given student A and book B, student A can reserve book B if thefollowing conditions are satisfied: The available amount of B is 0. Book B is not borrowed by Student A. Student A doesn’t hold any other reservation request. The corresponding reserve record should be updated upon success.COMP2016 Database Management Group Project AssignmentRequired Trigger A book borrow/return will trigger the automatic update of the amount of copiesavailable for borrowing.System Implementation Write a Java program (command line interface or代写COMP2016作业、代做Database留学生作业、代写SQL课程设计作业、代做SQL编程语言作业 代做SPSS| GUI) to implement the librarydatabase application and its required functions. Use JDBC Driver to access the Oracle database from the Java program. Use PL/SQL to implement the require trigger.Project ScheduleThe project should be carried out in groups of 3-4 members, and includes two phases. Phase 1: Group formingEach group should register online, by March 19, 2019.Successful registration will earn each member 5 marks(out of 100). Those whofail to register their groups by the deadline will be grouped by random by theinstructor.Each member of the same group will receive the same mark, so you need todistribute the work among yourselves evenly. In exceptional cases, if themembers of the same group wish to receive different grades, you should attachone separate page in the documentation, justifying the reason and identifyingindividual contributions (in percentage). Phase 2: Database design & implementationYou will design an ER diagram, and convert the diagram to relational tables.All groups must implement a database according to the functionalrequirements. This database should support the required functionalities,including book search, borrow/return, renew and reserve. Also, you need toimplement some triggers to maintain the integrity and consistency of the data.You are expected to submit a project report and source codes of your developedsystem, and demonstrate the functionalities of your implementation. The finalreport and demonstration occupy 95 marks.COMP2016 Database Management Group Project AssignmentSubmission (due by 5:00PM April 25, 2019) Each group should submit a compressed file named groupX.zip.The groupX.zip file should include the following items:1. groupX_source.zip (the Java project source files)2. groupX_dbinsert.sql (the SQL command file for creating your tables, triggers,constraints and inserting sample data)3. groupX_dbdrop.sql (the SQL command file for dropping your tables,constraints and triggers)4. groupX_report.pdf (the project report should include: 1. group members,including student IDs and names; 2. ER diagram, table schemes,normalization if any, and the corresponding explanation for helping theinstructor understand your design; 3. source codes, including comments, of allyour implemented functions/triggers and SQL commands) Note: Replace X with your group no. in the above mentioned files. Submit your compressed file groupX.zip to HKBUMoodle:https://buelearning.hkbu.edu.hk/course/view.php?id=74990. Only ONE submission is required for each group, for multiple submissions, only thelatest one will be collected.Notes Plagiarism (complete/partial copying of other people’s work or sharing yourown work with other groups) will get a zero mark. Late submission will not be entertained.转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019042422487434.html
