
The Myths 神话故事

Having dethroned(废黜) his father Uranus, Cronus became invested with supreme power. He married Rhea and they had six children:three sons, Hades (Pluto), Poseidon (Neptune), Zeus (Jupiter), and three daughters, Hestia (Vesta), Demeter (Ceres), and Hera (Juno).



However, the curse and prophesy from his father Uranus kept him uneasy all the time. He was afraid that his children might one day rise up against his authority.


In order to render the prophecy(预言) impossible of fulfilment, Cronus took the excessive(极端的) precaution of swallowing up all his five children, one by one, immediately after their birth.


When it came to Zeus, the sixth and last child, Rhea resolved(决定) to try and save this one child at least. She wrapped a stone in baby-clothes and handed it over to the eager father. Thus Zeus was saved, and eventually, as we shall see, became the rebellious(反抗的) one and took the place of his father to become the great national god of the Greeks.



Rhea hid her son Zeus on the island of Crete, where a sacred goat provided the infant(婴儿) with milk, and the nymphs(仙女) Melissae fed him with honey. Under the watchful care of the nymphs and the priests(祭司) of Rhea, the child throve rapidly, developing great physical powers, combined with extraordinary wisdom and intelligence.


When Rhea thought Zeus was strong enough to challenge his father, she brought Zeus back to the palace. Zeus artfully(巧妙地) tricked his father into drinking a potion, which made him vomit(呕吐) immediately. One by one, Zeus’ older brothers and sisters were thrown from Cronus’ heaving mouth.


To Be Continued...


