





MISRA C 2012 Rule 11.8

A cast shall not remove any const or volatile qualification from the type pointed to by a pointer

Zhu, Cuicui

MISRA C 2004 Rule 11.5

A cast shall not be performed that removes any const or volatile qualification from the type addressed by a pointer

Zhu, Cuicui


MISRA C Rule 9.3

In an enumerator list, the "=" construct shall not be used to explicitly initialize members other than the first, unless all items are explicitly initialized

Miao, Pu (uidk2146)


MISRA C 2012 Rule 15.6

The body of an iteration-statement or a selection-statement shall be a compound-statement

Duan, Yingying02

MISRA C 2004 Rule 14.9

An if (expression) construct shall be followed by a compound statement. The else keyword shall be followed by either a compound statement, or another if statement

Duan, Yingying02


MISRA C Rule 4.1

Only those escape sequences that are defined in the ISO C standard shall be used

Li, Xiang07

MISRA C 2012 Rule 6.1

Bit-fields shall only be declared with an appropriate type

Zhang, Yuzhu (uie78635)


MISRA C 2012 Rule 13.3

A full expression containing an increment (++) or decrement (--) operator should have no other potential side effects other than that caused by the increment or decrement operator

Zhang, Chao04


MISRA C 2012 Rule 16.1

All switch statements shall be well-formed

Nie, Xian (uie38246)


MISRA C Rule 8.3

For each function parameter the type given in the declaration and definition shall be identical, and the return types shall also be identical

Zou, Caixu (uif00680)


MISRA C Rule 6.1

The plain char type shall be used only for the storage and use of character values.

Xu, Songxue

MISRA C 2012 Rule 21.15

The pointer arguments to the Standard Library functions memcpy, memmove and memcmp shall be pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types

Xu, Junwen03 (uie96982)


MISRA C 2012 Rule 18.4

The +, -, += and -= operators should not be applied to an expression of pointer type

Wei, Xiya (uif00990)


MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.1

Functions shall have prototype declarations and the prototype shall be visible at both the function definition and call

Ding, Yue03 (uie64023)

MISRA C Rule 16.4

The identifiers used in the declaration and definition of a function shall be identical.

Duan, Yingying02


MISRA C 2012 Rule 8.4

A compatible declaration shall be visible when an object or function with external linkage is defined.

Zhu, Cuicui

MISRA C Rule 10.3

The value of a complex expression of integer type shall only be cast to a type of the same signedness that is no wider than the underlying type of the expression.

Zou, Caixu (uif00680)

18 MISRA C 2012 Rule 7.1 Octal constants shall not be used. Wei, Xiya (uif00990)
19 MISRA 2012 C Rule 3.2 Line-splicing shall not be used in // comments

Miao, Pu (uidk2146)


MISRA C 2012 Dir 4.6 
MISRA C 2004 Rule 6.3

typedefs that indicate size and signedness should be used in place of the basic numerical types

Zhang, Yuzhu (uie78635)

22 MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.1 Functions shall have prototype declarations and the prototype shall be visible at both the function definition and call. Xu, Songxue
23 MISRA C Rule 19.4 C macros shall only expand to a braced initialiser, a constant, a string literal, a parenthesised expression, a type qualifier, a storage class specifier, or a do-while-zero construct. Li, Xiang07
24 MISRA C 2012 Rule 11.4 A conversion should not be performed between a pointer to object and an integer type

Nie, Xian (uie38246)


MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.1

Operands shall not be of an inappropriate essential type

Xu, Junwen03 (uie96982)

MISRA C 2004 Rule 19.15

Precautions shall be taken in order to prevent the contents of a header file being included twice

Ding, Min

MISRA C Rule 5.5

No object or function identifier with static storage duration should be reused.

Dou, Zhixi (uidk3996)


MISRA C Rule 10.5

If the bitwise operators ~ and << are applied to an operand of underlying type ''unsigned char'' or ''unsigned short'', the result shall be immediately cast to the underlying type of the operand

Duan, Yingying02  


MISRA C 2012 Rule 20.10

The # and ## preprocessor operators should not be used

Zhang, Chao04


MISRA C 2012 Rule 8.11

When an array with external linkage is declared, its size should be explicitly specified

Zhu, Cuicui


MISRA C 2012 Rule 5.6
MISRA C 2004 Rule 5.3

A typedef name shall be a unique identifier

Zou, Caixu (uif00680)


MISRA C 2012 Rule 9.3

Arrays shall not be partially initialized

Miao, Pu (uidk2146)


MISRA C Rule 12.13

The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators should not be mixed with other operators in an expression.

Wei, Xiya (uif00990)

1 MISRA C 2012 Rule 11.8 & MISRA C 2004 Rule 11.5

1.1 Explanation

Rules 解读: 强制转换不应从指针指向的类型中删除任何const 或volatile 修饰符。

  • 删除const修饰符,可能会绕过对象的只读状态,并导致对象被修改;
  • 删除const修饰符,可能会在访问对象时导致异常;
  • 删除volatile修饰符,可能会导致对对象访问被优化。

1.2 Example

uint16_t x;

uint16_t * const cpi = &x;         /* const pointer - 指针指向的内存地址是不可修改  */

uint16_t * const *pcpi;            /* pointer to const pointer - 指针指向的指针常量 */

uint16_t * *ppi;

const uint16_t *pci;               /* pointer to const - 指针指向的内存地址所对应的值是const,不可修改 */

volatile uint16_t *pvi;            /* pointer to volatile -  指针指向的内存地址所对应的值是volatile,不可优化 */

uint16_t *pi;                         

pi = cpi;                          /* Compliant - no conversion no cast required - 指针赋值常量指针无类型转换  */

pi  = (uint16_t *)pci;             /* Non-compliant  -  不合规,强制类型转换,删除const修饰符           */

pi  = (uint16_t *)pvi;             /* Non-compliant  -  不合规,强制类型转换,删除volatile修饰符      */

ppi = (uint16_t * *)pcpi;          /* Non-compliant  -  不合规,强制类型转换,删除const修饰符         */

2 MISRA C Rule 9.3

2.1 Explanation

Rules 解读: 在使用枚举变量时,如果没有使用“=”,默认第一个元素从0开始,后续元素依次加1。如果使用到“=”,请注意,要么只给首元素分配值,后续自动分配;要么给所有的元素都手动分配值。除此之外,如果枚举里面既有自动分配又有手动分配,是不被允许的。

2.2 Example

enum colour { red=3, blue, green, yellow=5 };  /* non compliant  不合理  */

  /* green和yellow都代表5,编译可以通过,但会有MISRA的warning */

enum colour { red=3, blue=4, green=5, yellow=5 };  /* compliant  合理    */

  /* green和yellow都代表5,编译可以通过,也不会报MISRA相关的warning */

3 MISRA C 2012 Rule 15.6 & MISRA C 2004 Rule 14.9

3.1 Explanation

Rules 解读:在使用while, do...while, for 循环或者if,else, switch 时,需要用复合语句。({.. }来定义复合语句)

  • 开发人员可能误认为缩进对齐连续的代码都是其语句
  • 表达式后面意外包含分号, 导致空语句

3.2 Example

//误认为action_2() 属于第一层if(flag_1)

if ( flag_1 )

 if ( flag_2 ) /* Non-compliant */

 action_1 ( ); /* Non-compliant */


 action_2 ( ); /* Non-compliant */

//while 循环表达式后误跟分号导致空语句

while ( flag );  /* Non-compliant */


 flag = fn ( );


4 MISRA C Rule 4.1

4.1 Explanation

Rules 解读:在字符串中,只能使用ISO C标准中定义的转义序列/字符.
标准ISO/IEC 14882:2003[1]§2.13.2中定义的转义序列为:\n, \t, \v, \b, \r, \f, \a, \\, \?, \', \", \, \x


  • 使用未定义的转义序列会导致未定义的行为


  • 一个常见的错误 - 在字符串中,将“\\”写成“\”来表示字符“\”

4.2 Example

const char_t a[ 2 ] = "\k";    /* Non-compliant 不合理 */

const char_t b[ 2 ] = "\b";    /* Compliant 合理       */

#error "Please update TTALE__nu8ArrayBitsSize array size in pkg\ecusrv\hwttale\adapt\hwttale4ci.h!!!"

/* Non-compliant 不合理

 * In this string, compiler consider \e,\h,\a as undefined escape sequence(在上面这个字符串中,编译器会判定\e,\h,\a为未定义的转义字符)



#error "Please update TTALE__nu8ArrayBitsSize array size in pkg\\ecusrv\\hwttale\\adapt\\hwttale4ci.h!!!"

/* Compliant 合理

 * here, \\ means '\'


5 MISRA C 2012 Rule 6.1

5.1 Explanation

在 C90 标准中 仅能使用在 由 unsigned int 和 signed int 定义的结构体成员或联合体成员
在 C99 标准中 新增了对 bool 类型支持
拓展应用在 由 typedef 的 unsigned int 和 signed int
例如 typedef unsigned int uint16; uint16 var : 1; 这样是可以的


  • 单纯使用 int 的话,无法表明是否有符号位,通常由compiler option 来确定
  • 如果是 enum, short, char 使用位域 在 C90 标准中是没有被定义的

5.2 Example

typedef unsigned int UINT_16;

struct s {

   unsigned int b1:2;    /* Compliant */

   int b2:2;             /* Non-compliant - plain int not permitted 没有表明 int 是否有符号*/

   UINT_16 b3:2;         /* Compliant - typedef designating unsigned int */

   signed long b4:2;     /* Non-compliant even if long and int are the same size 仅能使用上述所说的三种类型*/


6 MISRA C 2012 Rule 13.3

6.1 Explanation

Rules 解读: 不推荐将自加“++”或自减“--”运算符与其他的运算符在同一句代码中使用。


  • 显著影响代码的易读性;
  • 由于序列点中对象被修改一次以上,操作结果是未定义的,故而可能会引入其他的未定义行为,见示case2.

6.2 Example


++u8b; u8a = u8b + u8c; u8c--;  //以上代码的易读性明显优于“u8a = ++u8b + u8c--;”


int x = 2;

int y = 5;

x = y * x++; //以上表达式中,在同一序列点中对x进行了两次赋值,最终算出的x值在不同的编译器中会有不同的结果,有些编译器会用10赋值,然后自增到11,有的编译器会先把x自增到3,然后再进行赋值运算,把x赋值为15.

7 MISRA C 2012 Rule 16.1

7.1 Explanation

Rules 解读: 要求所有switch语句都应格式正确。如果switch语句符合以下语法规则所指定的C switch语句子集,则应认为该语句格式良好。如果此处给出的语法规则与标准中定义的语法规则具有相同的名称,则它将替换switch语句范围的标准版本;否则,《标准》中给出的所有语法规则不变。

switch ( switch-expression ) { case-label-clause-list final-default-clause-list }
switch ( switch-expression ) { initial-default-clause-list case-label-clause-list }

case-label-clause-list case-clause-list

case-label switch-clause
case-label case-clause-list

case constant-expression:

default: switch-clause
case-label final-default-clause-list

default: switch-clause
default: case-clause-list

C语言中switch语句的语法不是特别严格,可以允许复杂的非结构化行为。此规则和其他规则在switch语句上施加了一个简单而一致的结构。不遵循上述规则,可能会导致出现MISAR Rule 16.2,Rule 16.3,Rule 16.4,Rule 16.5,Rule 16.6中描述的问题。

  • C语言允许在在switch语句主体中包含的任何语句之前放置switch标签(例如,大小写标签或默认标签),这可能导致非结构化代码。
  • 如果开发人员未能用break语句结束switch子句,则控制流“落入”下一个switch子句中,或者如果没有这样的子句,则从末尾进入switch语句后面的语句中。虽然有时会故意这样实现,但通常这是一个错误。
  • default 标签的要求是防御性编程。Default标签后面的任何语句都旨在采取适当的操作。如果没有任何处理,则可以使用注释来解释default中为什么没有采取具体行动。
  • 具有单一路径的switch语句,可能表示编程错误

7.2 Example


switch (x)


    case 1:        /*Compliant*/

        if (flag)


    case 2:        /*Non-Compliant*/

        x = 1;







switch (x)


    case 0:       

        break;     /*Compliant*/

    case 4:       

        a = b;     /*Non-Compliant - break omitted*/

    case 5:

        if (a == b)



            break/*Non-Compliant - conditional break*/



        ;          /*Non-Compliant - default must also have a break*/



switch (x)


    case 0:



    case 4:       

        a = b;


    default:               /*Compliant- default label is present*/

        errorFlag = 1;     /*should be non-empty if possible    */




switch (y)


    case 1:

    default:     /*Non-Compliant- switch is redundant*/

        y = 1;    



8 MISRA C Rule 8.3

8.1 Explanation

Rules 解读:函数的入参和返回值定义需与函数声明一致。

  • 当出现兼容的数据类型时,会出现定义的参数不知道引用到哪个申明,强制类型转换会导致数据不匹配问题。

8.2 Example

typedef int32_t INT;

           INT i;

extern int32_t i;       // Non-compliant

        INT j;

extern  INT j;          // Compliant

extern void f (signed int);

       void f (int);                // Non-compliant

extern void g (const int);

       void g (int);                // Non-compliant

9 MISRA C Rule 6.1

9.1 Explanation

Rules解读:unsigned char 和 signed char可以用于数值计算,但是char的符号类型在C标准中是implementation defined,也就是没有明确定义,各个编译器的实现是不一样的,char型允许的操作符只有“=”“”“==”“”“!=”类型转换和三元运算符的第二第三操作数。

  • char型用作数字运算由于符号类型依赖于编译器实现,所以不同编译器执行结果可能不一样

9.2 Example

void GCMAN__vConvertStringtoInt(const char *pchInputAddr, void *pvDestAddr, uint32 u32Length)


   uint8 *pu8StorageAddr = NULL;

   char chTmpValue;

   pu8StorageAddr = pvDestAddr;



        chTmpValue = *pchInputAddr;

        chTmpValue -= 64; /*Non-compliant,the signedness of chTmpValue not sure, think about input char '0'*/

        *pu8StorageAddr = 64 + chTmpValue;




   }while (u32Length > 0);


10 MISRA C 2012 Rule 21.15

10.1 Explanation

Rules 解读: 使用memcpy, memmove and memcmp函数时,输入的的指针数据类型需要保持一致。

  • 造成dest++ src++不匹配的问题;
  • 数组越界;


  • 对于上述函数(memcpy, memmove and memcmp)的指针类型的入参,除了检查指向数据类型一致以外,需要确保入参的指针不是野指针或者空指针;

  • 出现内存重叠,内存重叠问题是指目的地址的内存空间的首地址,包含在源内存空间中,这两段内存空间有了交集,因而在使用memcpy进行内存复制操作时,这段重叠的内存空间会被破坏,这种情况在应用程序级代码中一般不会出现的,而在驱动或内核级代码中要十分小心,尽量使用memmove函数

  • 注意memmove这个函数名称中有"move"这个单词,而实际上src处的数据仍然还在,并没有真的被"移动"了!这个函数名称有它的历史原因,是因为有了memcpy函数后,发现这个函数有问题,又发明了另一个没有问题的memcpy函数,但为了保证兼容性依然保留了memcpy函数,而将新版本的memcpy函数改名为memmove函数

10.2 Example

void memcpy   void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n );

void memmove  void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n );

 int   memcmp   const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n );

// Is it intentional to only copy part of 's2'

void f1 ( uint8_t s1[8], uint16_t s2[8] )


  void memcpy ( s1, s2, 8 );    /* Non-compliant */


// Is it intentional to only copy part of 's4'

void f2 ( uint8_t s3[8], uint8_t s4[8] )


  void memcpy ( s3, s4, 8 );    /* compliant */



11 MISRA C 2012 Rule 18.4

11.1 Explanation

Rules 解读:指针不应使用 +, -, +=, -=运算符。使用数组下标 ptr[expr] 的数组索引是指针算法的首选形式。


  • 任何显式计算的指针值都有可能访问意外或无效的内存地址。
  • 表达式 ptr+1 可能会被错误地解释为将 ptr 中保存的地址加 1。事实上,新的内存地址取决于指针目标的字节大小。如果 sizeof 应用不当,这种误解会导致意想不到的行为。

11.2 Example

void fn1 ( void )


  uint8_t a[10];

  uint8_t *ptr;

  ui nt8_t index = 0U;

  index = index + 1U;      /* Compliant - rule only applies to pointers */

  a[index] = 0U;           /* Compliant                                 */

  ptr = &a[5];             /* Compliant                                 */

  ptr = a;

  ptr++;                   /* Compliant - increment operator not +      */

  *(ptr + 5) = 0U;         /* Non-compliant                             */

  ptr[5] = 0U;             /* Compliant                                 */


12 MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.1

12.1 Explanation

Rules 解读:函数应具有原型声明,原型应在函数定义和调用时可见。


  • 原型的使用使编译器能够检查函数定义和调用的完整性。如果没有原型,编译器就没有义务在函数调用中发现某些错误(例如,函数体的参数数量不同,调用和定义之间的参数类型不匹配)。功能接口已被证明是导致大量问题的原因,因此这一规则被认为非常重要。


  • 为外部函数实现函数原型的推荐方法是在头文件中声明函数(即给出函数原型),然后将头文件包含在所有需要原型的代码文件中,为具有内部链接的函数提供原型是一种良好的编程习惯。

12.2 Example


//function declaration

int add(int a, int b);


#include "c1.h"

//function implementation

int add(int a, int b)


    return(a + b);


13 MISRA C Rule 16.4

13.1 Explanation


函数声明需要有返回类型,如果没有任何数据返回,可以用void. 类似的,如果函数没有传参,则传参要声明为void.
例如 void myfun(void);

传参的命名有助于理解参数在函数中的用途。 如果函数传参正在在后续重新命名,则对同一对象使用不同名称,可能导致开发人员混淆。

13.2 Example

// File1

void CreateRectangle ( uint32_t Height, uint32_t Width );


// File2

// Non-compliant

void CreateRectangle ( uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height ); --> it will confuse the developer

void fn1 ( int32_t a );

void fn2 ( int32_t );

void fn1 ( int32_t b ) // Non-compliant --> rename the same object in definition.



void fn2 ( int32_t b ) // Compliant



16 MISRA C 2012 Rule 8.4(Required)

16.1 Explanation




16.2 Example

extern int16_t count;

       int16_t count = 0;                       /* Compliant */

extern uint16_t speed = 6000u;                  /* Non-compliant - no declaration prior to this definition      */

uint8_t pressure = 101u;                        /* Non-compliant - no declaration prior to this definition      */

extern void func1 ( void );

extern void func2 ( int16_t x, int16_t y );

extern void func3 ( int16_t x, int16_t y );

void func1 ( void )


  /* Compliant */


void func2 ( int16_t x, int16_t y )


  /* Compliant                                 */


void func3 ( int16_t x, uint16_t y )


  /* Non-compliant - parameter types different */


void func4 ( void )


  /* Non-compliant - no declaration of func4 before this definition      */


static void func5 ( void )


  /* Compliant - rule does not apply to objects/functions with internal linkage    */


17 MISRA C Rule 10.3 (required)

17.1 Explanation


17.2 Example

... (float32_t)(f64a + f64b)                   /* compliant     */

... (float64_t)(f32a + f32b)                   /* not compliant */

... (float64_t)f32a                            /* compliant     */

... (float64_t)(s32a / s32b)                   /* not compliant */

... (float64_t)(s32a > s32b)                   /* not compliant */

... (float64_t)s32a / (float32_t)s32b          /* compliant     */

... (uint32_t)(u16a + u16b)                    /* not compliant */

... (uint32_t)u16a + u16b                      /* compliant     */

... (uint32_t)u16a + (uint32_t)u16b            /* compliant     */

... (int16_t)(s32a - 12345)                    /* compliant     */

... (uint8_t)(u16a * u16b)                     /* compliant     */

... (uint16_t)(u8a * u8b)                      /* not compliant */

... (int16_t)(s32a * s32b)                     /* compliant     */

... (int32_t)(s16a * s16b)                     /* not compliant */

... (uint16_t)(f64a + f64b)                    /* not compliant */

... (float32_t)(u16a + u16b)                   /* not compliant */

... (float64_t)foo1(u16a + u16b)               /* compliant     */

... (int32_t)buf16a[u16a + u16b]               /* compliant     */

18 MISRA C 2012 Rule 7.1 (required)

18.1 Explanation







18.2 Example

extern uint16_t code[ 10 ];

code[ 1 ] = 109; /* Compliant - decimal 109 */

code[ 2 ] = 100; /* Compliant - decimal 100 */

code[ 3 ] = 052; /* Non-Compliant - decimal 42 */

code[ 4 ] = 071; /* Non-Compliant - decimal 57 */

19 MISRA 2012 C Rule 3.2 (required)

19.1 Explanation


19.2 Example



extern bool_t b;

void f ( void )


    uint16_t x = 0; // comment \

    if ( b )


        ++x; /* This is always executed */



21 MISRA C 2012 Dir 4.6 & MISAR 2004 Rule 6.3

MISRA C 2012 Dir 4.6 typedefs that indicate size and signedness should be used in place of the basic numerical types
MISRA C 2004 Rule 6.3 (advisory): typedefs that indicate size and signedness should be used in place of the basic numerical types
C关键字 char\short\int\long\float\double (signed or unsigned)这些C类型说明符在被使用是需要重新定义(typedef),不允许直接使用,原因有以下几点:
1、在嵌入式开发中对于存储空间的使用是非常重要的,通常开发人员往往需要确切的知道某个变量、常量、函数返回值等等具体需要占用多少存储空间,所以使用uint8_t比unsigned char更加直观的体现出大小是一个字节这个特点。


除了 int main (int argc, char* argv[]) 这种标准写法和位域的定义(参考上次分享位域使用)外,其余地方均不应该是直接使用int。


22 MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.1

Functions shall have prototype declarations and the prototype shall be visible at both the function definition and call.


double cube(double)

int main()


    int x = 5;

    double val = cube(x); //x will be conversion to double by compiler


double cube(double a)


    return x*x;


23 MISRA C Rule 19.4

MISRA C Rule 19.4 (required): C macros shall only expand to a braced initialiser, a constant, a string literal, a parenthesised expression, a type qualifier, a storage class specifier, or a do-while-zero construct.
C宏只允许扩展为带括号的初始化式(braced initialiser)、常量(constant)、字符串(string literal)、带圆括号的表达式(parenthesised expression)、类型限定符(type qualifier)、存储类说明符(storage class specifier)或do{​}​while(0)构造。


/* The following are compliant */

#define PI 3.14159F                         /* Constant                      */

#define XSTAL 10000000                      /* Constant                      */

#define CLOCK (XSTAL/16)                  /* Constant expression           */

#define PLUS2(X) ((X) + 2)               /* Macro expanding to expression */

#define STOR extern                          /* storage class specifier       */

#define INIT(value){​ (value), 0, 0}​          /* braced initialiser            */

#define CAT (PI)                            /* parenthesised expression      */

#define FILE_A "filename.h"                /* string literal                */

#define READ_TIME_32() \

   do {​ \


      time_now = (uint32_t)TIMER_HI << 16; \

      time_now = time_now | (uint32_t)TIMER_LO; \


   }​ while (0) /* example of do-while-zero */

/* the following are NOT compliant */

#define int32_t long /* use typedef instead                     */

#define STARTIF if(  /* unbalanced () and language redefinition */

#define CAT PI       /* non-parenthesised expression            */

24 MISRA C 2012 Rule 11.4

A conversion should not be performed between a pointer to object and an integer type

指针不应转为整数, 整数也不应转为指针

1. 将一个整数转换为指向对象的指针,可能导致指针未正确对齐,从而引发未知的行为
2. 将指向对象的指针转换为整数, 可能会产生无法在所选整数类型中表示的值, 从而导致未知的行为

因此在可能的情况下,应避免在指针和整数类型之间进行强制转换。但是在寻址内存映射寄存器或者其他硬件特定功能时, 这种使用方式可能是必要的。 如必须使用整数和指针之前的强制转换,应确保生成的指针不会导致Rule11.3中讨论的未定义结果(MISRA C 2012 Rule 11.3: A cast shall not be performed between a pointer to object type and a pointer to a different object type)。


uint8_t *PORTA = ( uint8_t * ) 0x0002;    /* Non-compliant */

uint16_t *p;

int32_t  addr = ( int32_t ) &p;           /* Non-compliant */

uint8_t *q    = ( uint8_t * ) addr;       /* Non-compliant */

bool_t   b    = ( bool_t ) p;             /* Non-compliant */

enum etag { A, B } e = ( enum etag ) p;   /* Non-compliant */

25 MISRA C 2012 Rule 10.1

Operands shall not be of an inappropriate essential type


1.对浮点类型表达式(floating type)使用操作数是认为违反规则的。


enum enuma { a1, a2, a3 } ena, enb;  /* Essentially enum */

enum { K1 = 1, K2 = 2 };             /* Essentially signed      */

f32a & 2U           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 1.constraint violation                   */

f32a << 2           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 1.constraint violation                   */

cha && bla          /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 2.char type used as a Boolean value      */

ena ? a1 : a2       /*  Non-Compliant- Rationale 2.enum type used as a Boolean value      */

s8a && bla          /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 2.signed type used as a Boolean value    */

u8a ? a1 : a2       /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 2.unsigned type used as a Boolean value  */

f32a && bla         /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 2.floating type used as a Boolean value  */

bla * blb           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 3.Boolean used as a numeric value        */

bla > blb           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 3.Boolean used as a numeric value        */

cha & chb           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 4.char type used as a numeric value      */

cha << 1            /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 4.char type used as a numeric value      */

ena--               /* Non-Compliant- Rationale 5.enum type used in arithmetic operation */

ena * a1            /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 5.enum type used in arithmetic operation */

s8a & 2             /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 6.bitwise operation on signed type       */

50 << 3U            /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 6.shift operation on signed type         */

u8a << s8a          /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 7.shift magnitude uses signed type       */

u8a << -1           /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 7.shift magnitude uses signed type       */

-u8a                /* Non-Compliant - Rationale 8.unary minus on unsigned type           */

bla && blb          /* Compliant  */

bla ? u8a : u8b     /* Compliant  */

cha - chb           /* Compliant  */

cha > chb           /* Compliant  */

ena > a1            /* Compliant  */

K1 * s8a            /* Compliant as K1 from anonymous enum */

s8a + s16b         /* Compliant  */

-( s8a ) * s8b     /* Compliant  */

s8a > 0            /* Compliant  */

--s16b             /* Compliant  */

u8a + u16b      /* Compliant  */

u8a & 2U        /* Compliant  */

u8a > 0U        /* Compliant  */

u8a << 2U       /* Compliant  */

u8a << 1        /* Compliant by exception              */

f32a + f32b    /* Compliant  */

f32a > 0.0     /* Compliant  */

26 MISRA C 2004 Rule 19.15

MISRA 2012 C Dir 4.10: Precautions shall be taken in order to prevent the contents of a header file being included more than once
MISRA C 2004 Rule 19.15 (required): Precautions shall be taken in order to prevent the contents of a header file being included twice.

复杂嵌套关系下,有可能多次重复包含同一个头文件。如果这种多重包含重复的或者有冲突的定义,则会导致未定义的错误行为。一种常见的方法是为每个文件关联一个宏; 该宏在第一次包含文件时定义,随后在再次包含文件时使用以排除文件的内容。


#ifndef AHDR_H

#define AHDR_H

/* The following lines will be excluded by the preprocessor if the file is included more than once */




#ifdef AHDR_H

#error Header file is already included


#define AHDR_H

/* The following lines will be excluded by the preprocessor if the file is included more than once */



Rule Link:


27 MISRA C Rule 5.5

MISRA C Rule 5.5 (advisory): No object or function identifier with static storage duration should be reused.
MISRA C++ Rule 2—10—5 (advisory): The identifier name of a non-member object or function with static storage duration should not be reused.

Rules 解读:不应重复使用具有static静态存储的变量或函数标识符。


namespace NS1


    static int32_t global = 0;


namespace NS2


    void fn ( )


        int32_t global; // Non-compliant



28 MISRA C Rule 10.5

MISRA C Rule 10.5 (required): If the bitwise operators ~ and << are applied to an operand of underlying type ''unsigned char'' or ''unsigned short'', the result shall be immediately cast to the underlying type of the operand.
Rules 解读:
如果位操作 ~ 和<< 应用于基础类型 “unsigned char” 或者“unsigned short”, 结果应该立刻转换成操作数的基础类型。
不遵循规则可能会出现以下问题:因为当将这些运算符(~ 和 <<)应用于“unsigned char” 或者“unsigned short”,时,运算之前会进行整型提升,结果可能包含未预料到的高阶位。

uint8_t port = 0x5aU;

uint8_t result_8;

uint16_t result_16;

uint16_t mode;

result_8 = (~port) >> 4;             /* not compliant */

'~port' is 0xffa5 on a 16-bit machine but 0xffffffa5 on a 32-bit machine. In either case the value of 'result' is 0xfa, but 0x0a may have been expected. This danger is avoided by inclusion of the cast as shown below:

result_8 = ((uint8_t)(~port)) >> 4 ;               /* compliant */

result_16 = ((uint16_t)(~(uint16_t)port)) >> 4 ;   /* compliant */

A similar problem exists when the '<<' operator is used on small integer types and high order bits are retained. For example:

result_16 = ((port << 4) & mode) >> 6;             /* not compliant */

The value in 'result_16' will depend on the implemented size of an int. Addition of a cast avoids any ambiguity.

result_16 = ((uint16_t)((uint16_t)port << 4) & mode) >> 6;             /* not compliant */

No cast is required if the result of the bitwise operation is:

(a) immediately assigned to an object of the same underlying type as the operand;

(b) used as a function argument of the same underlying type as the operand;

(c) used as a return expression of a function whose return type is of the same underlying type as the operand.

29 MISRA C 2012 Rule 20.10

Rules 解读:
在进行宏定义的时候,与多个 #、多个 ## 或 # 和 ## 混合的预处理器运算符相关联的求值顺序是未指定的。因此,在某些情况下,无法预测宏展开的结果。同时,使用 ## 运算符可能导致代码不易理解。


#define A(Y) #Y        // 不合规则

#define A(X,Y) X##Y    // 不合规则

30 MISRA C 2012 Rule 8.11

Rules 解读:



extern int32_t array1[ 10 ]; /* Compliant */

extern int32_t array2[ ]; /* Non-compliant */

MISRA C 2004 Rule 8.12 (required): When an array is declared with external linkage, its size shall be stated explicitly or defined implicitly by initialisation.
Rules 解读:当用外部链接声明数组时,其大小应明确说明或通过初始化隐式定义。

int array1[ 10 ]; /* Compliant */

extern int array2[ ]; /* Not compliant */

int array2[ ] = { 0, 10, 15 }; /* Compliant */

31 MISRA C 2012 Rule 5.6 & MISRA C 2004 Rule 5.3
Rules 解读:tyoedef 名称应是唯一标识符

void func ( void )



    typedef unsigned char u8_t;



    typedef unsigned char u8_t;     /* Non-compliant - reuse */



typedef float mass;

void func1 ( void )


  float32_t mass = 0.0f;            /* Non-compliant - reuse */


typedef struct list


  struct list *next;

  uint16_t    element;

} list;                             /* Compliant - exception */

typedef struct


  struct chain


    struct chain *list;

    uint16_t     element;

  } s1;

  uint16_t length;

} chain;                              /* Non-compliant - tag "chain" not associated with typedef */

32 MISRA C 2012 Rule 9.3

[MISRA C 2012 Rule 9.3 (required): Arrays shall not be partially initialized

Rules 解读:




/* Compliant */

int32_t x[ 3 ] = { 0, 1, 2 };

/* Non-compliant - y[ 2 ] is implicitly initialized */

int32_t y[ 3 ] = { 0, 1 };

/* Non-compliant - t[ 0 ] and t[ 3 ] are implicitly initialized */

float32_t t[ 4 ] = { [ 1 ] = 1.0f, 2.0f };

/* Compliant - designated initializers for sparse matrix */

float32_t z[ 50 ] = { [ 1 ] =  1.0f, [ 25 ] = 2.0f };

In the following compliant example, each element of the array arr is initialized:

float32_t arr[ 3 ][ 2 ] =


  { 0.0f, 0.0f },

  { PI / 4.0f, -PI / 4.0f },

  { 0 } /* initializes all elements of array subobject arr[ 2 ] */


In the following example, array elements 6 to 9 are implicitly initialized to '\0':

char h[ 10 ] = "Hello"/* Compliant by Exception 3 */

33 MISRA C Rule 12.13

MISRA C Rule 12.13 (advisory): The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators should not be mixed with other operators in an expression.

Rules 解读:




u8a = ++u8b + u8c--;    /* Not compliant */

++u8b;    /* Compliant */

u8a = u8b + u8c;    /*  Compliant */

u8c--;    /* Compliant */

Rule Link:
