Chapter 1

News of the Engagement

My mother was a widow. I was her only son — and now I was engaged and she didn't know.I didn't know how to tell her.On the 22nd December, I arrived in the Five Towns from London.I was coming to spend Christmas with my mother.Mr Nixon at my home.He was an old friend of the family.He was very helpful to my mother after my father's death.'Would you like me as a stepfather?I asked your mother yesterday, and she said yes.'he said to me.'This is wonderful news.'I said.So I decided to say nothing about my news, and that evening my mother came first for me. I could tell her about Agnes tomorrow.

Chapter 2

The Burglary

Sir Jehoshaphat Dain was perhaps the most successful businessman in the Five Towns.The people of the Five Towns decided to give him a portrait for a present.The portrait was by Cressage, the finest portrait painter in England, and a portrait by Cressage cost a thousand pounds or more.It was not a kind portrait and many of the people of the Five Towns laughed when they saw it.Sir Jee hated the portrait.He was thinking of a secret plan to get rid of it.William Smith was a burglar.Sir Jee asked to see him in his office.'I want you to steal something from my house.'And Sir Jee told Smith the story of the portrait and why he wanted to get rid of it.So they agreed do it on Christmas Eve.On the 25th December.When Sir Jehoshaphat went downstairs,the big gold frame and everything made of silver was missing.Just the portrait in its big gold frame still was on the floor.

Chapter 3

Beginning the New Year

Last New Year's Eve Toby Hall was travelling by train.He got out of the train at Knype, in the centre of the Five Towns.When he returned to the train, it was already moving.'There isn't one before tomorrow.'a station staff told to he.In twenty minutes he was walking into the town.He walked on, into smaller streets.He looked at one small house very carefully.Then he crossed the street to the house.Twenty-four years ago it was his home.Twenty-four years ago, Toby Hall married Miss Priscilla Bratt.The two young people were perhaps not really in love.One day Toby went to America.After a year, he asked a friend to write to Priscilla, and tell her that he was dead. He wanted to be a free man, and it was only fair for her to be a free woman.After a few years he returned to England.And now,he knocked on the door.The door opened a few centimetres, and a woman looked out at Toby.'Is that you, Toby?'Priscilla said.'Yes,' said Toby.And he went in.He sat down in a comfortable chair by the fire.There was a picture above the fire.It was a picture of Priscilla when she was young.'That's my daughter.I married Job Tansley,' said Priscilla. 'He died four years ago. She's married,' she said, looking up at her daughter's photograph. 'She married young Gibson last September.'They were silent.'I think I'll go round and have a drink,' said Toby, standing up.'You've forgotten your hat, Toby.'Priscilla said.'I haven't forgotten it. I'm coming back.'he answered.And he walked round to the pub.

Chapter 4

The Silent Brothers

John and Robert Hessian, brothers and bachelors.Both brothers were wearing black, because of the death of their older sister three months ago.Ten years before, the brothers had a quarrel.The morning after, Robert did not answer when John said something to him.'If he doesn't speak, I won't speak.'John thought.Now,when there was a knock at the door, and Mr Powell Liversage came in.He was an old friend of the two from their schooldays.'We've found your sister's will at last.'he said.The brothers knew that their sister, Mrs Mary Bott, was rich.She had no children.Liversage took the will out of his pocket.This is what he read.'John and Robert, if one of you marry Annie Emery, I shall give all my money to him.And if neither of you marry her, then I give all my money to Miss Annie Emery'Ten years before,John was in love with her, but so was Robert. And the two men quarrelled.So,they each decided not to marry Annie.Each man wanted to show the other that he was the better brother.And so they did not speak for ten years.On Friday evening John knocked on the side door of Annie Emery's shop.He was asking her to marry him.'It's very sudden. I must think about it,' she answered,'At church on Sunday.If my answer is yes, I shall wear white flowers in my hat.And if I am not at church next week, I will be the week after.'On Sunday morning,Robert was also out of bed early.'I'm going to church this morning.'said Robert.The service was beginning when Annie walked in church.She was wearing white flowers on her hat!After lunch John and Robert went out for a walk;not together.But they met outside Annie's door.'What are you doing here?I'm coming to see Annie.I've asked her to marry me.Her answer was to wear white flowers at church this morning.'Robert said.'That was for me!' said John.They walked home quickly. And the quarrel went on at home all afternoon.'Why did you do it, my pet?When they find out that we're going to get married. They'll say I want to marry you for the...' asked Powell Liversage.He and Annie Emery were sitting in the garden of his house in Trafalgar Road.'For ten years they said nothing to me, and then, because of their sister's money, they come to see me.They really thought that I liked them. I wanted them to meet at my house because I wanted to tell them what I thought of them. But they started to quarrel again, and then they went away.I don't want the money.They can keep their twelve thousand pounds.'Annie said.