
One, the general

1.1 the user registration agreement is an agreement between you (the user) and the platform regarding the services provided by the platform. The platform hereby specially reminds you to carefully read and fully understand this agreement: users shall carefully read and fully understand the provisions of this agreement, especially those exempting or limiting the liability of the platform, limiting the rights of users, applicable laws and dispute resolution. If you are under the age of 18, please read this agreement accompanied by a legal guardian.

1.2 please carefully read and choose to agree or disagree with this agreement. Unless you accept all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to download, install, upgrade, log in, display, run, screenshot and other ways to use the software and related services. Your download, installation, display, account acquisition, login, screenshot and other behaviors indicate that you are willing to accept all contents of this agreement and are bound by it. You shall not use any reason, including but not limited to failure to carefully read this agreement, as a defense for disputes.

1.3 this agreement may be updated by the platform from time to time. Once the updated terms are published, they will replace the original terms without further notice. You may download and install the software again or check the terms of the latest version of the agreement on the website. After the platform modifies the terms of this agreement, if you do not accept the modified terms, please immediately stop using the software and services provided by the platform, and your continued use of the software and services provided by the platform will be deemed to have accepted the modified agreement.

1.4 this agreement content including but not limited to the following content of this agreement, in view of the specific service contract management approach, announcements and important tips, guidelines, instructions, etc are the adding content of this agreement, as an integral part of this agreement, have the same legal effect with this agreement, to accept this agreement that is regarded as you accept the above measures for the management, announcement, important, guidance, and subject to the constraints such as; Otherwise, please stop using the software and services provided by the platform immediately. At the same time, users are reminded that this agreement has included the essential provisions of the online game service format agreement formulated by the ministry of culture according to the interim measures for the administration of online games (order no. 49 of the ministry of culture).

Ii. Service description

2.1 games, texts, information, materials, music, photos, graphics, videos, information or other materials (hereinafter referred to as "contents") released and uploaded through the platform shall be provided, uploaded and held responsible by the content provider with authorization. This platform only provides information network storage space for content providers.

2.2 the platform provides platform services for users, including but not limited to authorizing users to play online games, instant messaging, add friends, join groups and post comments through their accounts. The platform may change, add or enhance all the services provided by it, including the new functions, which are regulated by this agreement.

2.3 you understand and agree that the platform only provides services to you based on its current situation. The platform shall not be liable for any limitation, deletion, transmission error, failure to store or any other problem of user information or personalization Settings.

2.4 you shall be responsible for the communication fee, information fee and other related fees charged by yourself or any third party (including but not limited to the telecommunication or mobile communication provider) on the Internet.

2.5 in view of the particularity of the network services, you understand and agree that the platform has the right to change, interrupt or terminate some or all of the network services (including the paid network services) at any time without prior notice. The platform does not guarantee that the network service will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, security and accuracy of the network service.

2.6 the platform shall regularly or irregularly overhaul or maintain the platform providing network services or related equipment, and shall not be liable for any interruption of network services (including paid network services) within a reasonable period of time caused by such circumstances. The platform reserves the right to suspend any part of the service for maintenance, upgrade or other purposes without prior notice.

2.7 users expressly agree that they shall bear all risks arising from their use of the services of the platform. Users understand and accept that any content obtained through the services of the platform is up to them and they shall bear the risks of system damage, data loss and other risks.

2.8 the platform has the right to temporarily or permanently modify or terminate the service (or any part thereof) at any time without any liability to the user or any third party, whether notified or not.

Iii. Rules of use

3.1 when applying for the services of the platform, users must provide accurate personal information. If there is any change in personal information, users must update it timely. All consequences arising from inaccurate or untrue personal information provided by the user shall be borne by the user.

3.2 users shall not transfer, lend, sell or transfer their accounts and passwords to others in any form out of their control. If any user finds that his/her account has been illegally used by others, he/she shall immediately notify the platform. The platform shall not be liable for illegal use of the account or password by others due to hacking or negligence of users.

3.3 the ownership of the accounts of the platform belongs to the platform, and users shall obtain the right to use the accounts of the platform after completing the registration application procedures.

3.4 users shall be responsible for all actions under their registered accounts. The platform shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the user or any other third party.

3.5 users understand and accept that the services provided by the platform may include advertisements, and agree to display advertisements provided by the platform, third-party suppliers and partners during the use of the network services.

3.6 users must follow the following principles when using the services of the platform:

3.6.1 abide by relevant laws and regulations of China;

3.6.2 comply with all network protocols, regulations and procedures related to network services;

3.6.3 do not use the network service system for any illegal purpose;

3.6.4 party b shall not use the service system of the platform for any action that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet or mobile network;

3.6.5 do not use the network services provided by the platform to upload, display or spread any false, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, vulgar, obscene or any other illegal information;

3.6.6 the platform shall not infringe the patent right, copyright, trademark right, reputation right or any other legitimate rights and interests of the platform and any other third party;

3.6.7 party b shall not make use of the service system of the platform to do anything detrimental to the platform;

3.6.8 in case of any illegal use of user accounts or security holes in the accounts, the platform shall be notified immediately.

3.7 if user when using web services in violation of the provisions of any of the above, this platform or its authorized person shall have the right to require the user to correct or directly to take all necessary measures (including but not limited to change or delete the contents of the user to collect, to suspend or terminate user access to network services such as the right) to alleviate the impact of user behavior.

3.8 after recharging, the user shall request to issue the invoice before 24 o 'clock on the last day of this month. In principle, if the demand is put forward beyond the time limit, the user will waive the right to issue the invoice by default (for special reasons to be negotiated separately). We will issue electronic invoices in a unified manner, and no paper invoices will be issued separately.

Iv. Intellectual property rights

4.1 any text, picture, graphics, audio and/or video materials contained in the network services provided by the platform shall be protected by copyright, trademark and/or other property ownership laws and shall not be used for any commercial purposes without the consent of the relevant right holders.

4.2 this platform to provide network services and the use of any of the software (including but not limited to software in any image, photo, animation, video, audio, music, text and additional procedures, accompany with the help of material) of all rights belong to the software copyright owner, without the permission of the software copyright owner, the users may not be on the software reverse engineering, reverse engineer), reverse compile, decompile or disassemble (disassemble).

V. privacy statement

5.1 it is a basic policy of the platform to protect the privacy of users. The platform guarantees that the registration information of a single user and the non-public content stored on the platform by users when using the network service will not be disclosed to the public or provided to a third party, except for the following situations:

5.1.1 obtain explicit authorization from users in advance;

5.1.2 according to relevant laws and regulations;

5.1.3 in accordance with the requirements of relevant government departments;

5.1.4 to safeguard the interests of the public;

5.1.5 to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the platform.

5.2 the platform may cooperate with a third party to provide users with relevant network services. In this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same responsibility of protecting users' privacy as the platform, the platform shall have the right to provide users' registration information and other information to the third party.

5.3 the platform has the right to analyze the entire user database and make commercial use of the user database on the premise of not disclosing the private information of a single user.

5.4 the platform has formulated the following four privacy protection principles to guide us how to deal with the issues related to user privacy and user information in products:

(1) use the information we collect to provide users with valuable products and services.

(2) develop products that conform to privacy standards and privacy practices.

(3) make the collection of personal information transparent and subject to the supervision of an authoritative third party.

(4) try our best to protect the information we have.

5.5 the platform attaches great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the written consent of your parents or legal guardian before using the service of the platform.

Vi. Disclaimer clause

6.1 the platform shall not assume any responsibility for any psychological, physical injury or economic loss caused or may occur between users due to online game behaviors.

6.2 the platform shall not assume any responsibility for the disclosure of personal information and data by others or the theft or loss of virtual property and game props in the user's account due to improper storage of account information for personal reasons.

6.3 if the user violates the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China by any act other than playing according to the rules of the game, the platform shall bear its own responsibility and shall not assume any responsibility.

6.4 if the user's account is not used for a long period of time, the platform shall have the right to recycle it. The user shall be personally liable for any loss of user's personal information and data, virtual property in the account and game props, etc., and the platform shall not assume any responsibility.

6.5 based on the complexity of the network environment, the platform does not guarantee that the services will meet the requirements of users, that the services will not be interrupted, and that the timeliness and security of the services will not be guaranteed. The platform shall not assume any responsibility for losses caused to users due to network security, network failure and other illegal behaviors of users.

6.6 based on the particularity of the network environment, the platform does not guarantee the accuracy of the judgment of users' restrictive behaviors and prohibited behaviors. The platform does not assume any responsibility for any loss caused by the user. The user can appeal according to the relevant provisions of the platform.

6.7 the platform does not guarantee that the virtual currency, game props and other game items acquired by you from a third party can be used normally, or that such items will not be recovered. All losses caused by the private purchase of virtual currency, game props and other game items shall be borne by the user, and the platform shall not assume any responsibility.

6.8 users shall abide by relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China when using the service of the platform. Users agree that they will not use the service for any illegal or improper activities, including but not limited to the following

Upload, display, post, disseminate or otherwise transmit information containing any of the following:

(1) objects to the basic principles defined in the constitution;

(2) endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power or undermining national unity;

(3) harming national honor and interests;

(4) inciting national hatred, ethnic discrimination or undermining national unity;

(5) sabotaging the state's religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability;

(7) disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting a crime;

(8) insulting or slandering others and infringing upon the legal rights of others;

(9) contains false, harmful, threatening, invasion of privacy, harassment, invasion, defamation, vulgar, obscene, or other morally objectionable contents;

(10) contain other contents restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, regulations, rules and regulations and any norms with legal effect, or in any way endanger the legitimate rights and interests of others.

6.9 you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the platform, its partners and affiliates from any claims, demands or losses claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or arising out of user's violation of this agreement or relevant terms of service. In this regard, the platform has the right to, depending on the nature of the user's behavior, take measures including but not limited to deleting the information posted by the user, suspending the use of the license, terminating the service, restricting the use, recovering the account and holding the user accountable. At the same time, the platform will assist the judicial investigation in accordance with the requirements of the judicial department.

Vii. Terms of use for minors and health game advice

7.1 minor users must abide by the national convention on Internet civilization among teenagers:

To be good at online learning, do not browse bad information; To be honest and friendly exchanges, do not insult and fraud others; To enhance self-protection consciousness, not casual dating net friends; To maintain network security, do not disrupt the network order; Want beneficial body and mind health, do not abandon fictitious spatiotemporal.

7.2 according to the advice of the general administration of press and publication on healthy games, this platform reminds you: boycott bad games and refuse pirated games; Pay attention to self-protection, beware of being deceived; Moderate games are beneficial to the brain, addictions to games are harmful to the body.

Viii. Application of law and dispute resolution

8.1 this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

8.2 any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement shall be settled by the parties through friendly consultation; If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, either party may file a lawsuit in the people's court where the platform company is located.

Ix. Other terms

9.1 if any provision of this agreement is completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason or violates any applicable law, such provision shall be deemed to be deleted, but the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.

9.2 the platform has the right to interpret and modify this agreement to the extent permitted by law.

The network game service format agreement essential provision

In accordance with the interim measures for the administration of online games (order no. 49 of the ministry of culture), the ministry of culture has formulated the essential provisions of the format agreement for online game services. Party a shall be the online game operator and party b shall be the online game user.

I. account registration

1.1 party b undertakes to register as a user of party a in its true identity and to ensure that the personal identity information provided is true, complete and effective, and that it shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities for the information provided in accordance with legal provisions and necessary provisions.

1.2 if party b needs to modify the personal information provided after he/she registers as a user of party a in his/her real identity, party a shall provide such service in a timely and effective manner.

Ii. Use and custody of user accounts

2.1 party a shall have the right to examine whether the identity information provided by party b's registration is true and effective as agreed in the necessary terms and shall take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the security and effectiveness of the user account; Party b shall be obliged to properly keep its account number and password, and use such account number and password correctly and safely. If either party fails to perform the above obligations, which results in loss of account password or theft of account number, thereby harming the civil rights of party b and others, it shall bear the legal liabilities arising therefrom.

2.2 party b shall have the right and bear the responsibility for the behavior of the account held by it after logging in.

2.3 if party b finds that its account or password has been used illegally or abnormally by others, it shall timely notify party a in accordance with the treatment method published by party a and shall have the right to notify party a to take measures to suspend the login and use of the account.

2.4 if party a takes measures to suspend the login and use of party b's account as notified by party b, party a shall require party b to provide and verify the valid personal identity information consistent with its registered identity information.

2.4.1 if party a verifies that the valid personal identity information provided by party b is consistent with the registered identity information, it shall take timely measures to suspend the login and use of party b's account.

2.4.2 if party a violates the provisions of article 2.4.1 and fails to take timely measures to suspend the login and use of party b's account, it shall bear the corresponding legal liabilities for losses caused to party b.

2.4.3 if party b fails to provide his/her valid personal identity certificate or the valid personal identity certificate provided by party b is inconsistent with the registered identity information, party a shall have the right to reject the above request of party b.

To safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, 2.5 party b to party a to provide consistent with the identity information registered by the personal valid identity information, party a shall provide party b with account registrant certificate, the original registration information and other necessary assistance and support, and according to the need to provide the relevant evidence to the relevant administrative and judicial authorities.

Iii. Suspension and termination of services

3.1 if party b posts illegal information, seriously violates social morality, or violates prohibitive provisions of laws, party a shall immediately terminate the service provided to party b.

3.2 party a shall have the right to terminate the services provided to party b if party b performs any improper act in accepting party a's services. The specific circumstances of the improper behavior shall be clearly stipulated in this agreement or the prohibited behavior which shall be terminated as expressly informed by party a in advance. Otherwise, party a shall not terminate the service provided to party b.

3.3 if party b provides false registration information or violates this agreement, party a shall have the right to suspend all or part of the services provided to party b; Party a shall notify party b of the suspension measures and inform party b of the suspension period. The suspension period shall be reasonable and party a shall promptly resume the services provided to party b upon expiration of the suspension period.

3.4 if party a suspends or terminates providing part or all of the services to party b as agreed herein, party a shall bear the burden of proof.

Iv. Protection of user information

4.1 when party a requests party b to provide information related to its personal identity, it shall make public its privacy protection policy and personal information utilization policy to party b in a clear and visible way in advance, and take necessary measures to protect the safety of party b's personal information.

4.2 without party b's permission, party a shall not provide, disclose or share party b's name, valid personal identification number, contact information, home address and other personal identity information in the registered information of party b to any third party, except for the following situations:

4.2.1 party b or party b's guardian authorizes party a to disclose;

4.2.2 party a is required to disclose by relevant laws;

4.2.3 party a is required to provide by the judicial or administrative authority based on legal procedures;

4.2.4 when party a brings a lawsuit or arbitration against party b for the purpose of safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests;

4.2.5 party b shall provide party b's personal identity information at the lawful request of party b's guardian.
