



Beijing Enlight's big-budget 3D animation film Nezha opened to a historic $91.5 million at China's box office over the weekend, smashing a slew of records for an animated film in the country. 

上周,北京光线传媒股份有限公司(Beijing Enlight)出品的3D动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》(Nezha)上映首周末票房达9150万美元,打破了中国动画电影众多纪录。

1. animation film是动画电影。“动画电影”也可以说animated film,其中film也可以说feature。Feature我们知道可以表示特色,其实这个单词有很多意思,还可以表示“影片”。例如:

Nezha is the first Chinese animated feature released in IMAX format.

《哪吒之魔童降世》是中国首部IMAX 3D动画电影。

其中,released in IMAX format是作feature的后置定语,release是“放映”的意思,也可以说screen。released in IMAX format也就是我们常说的“IMAX 3D”(巨幕立体电影)。

IMAX 3D采用的是截止2013年公认的最好的3D立体技术。IMAX银幕巨大,增加立体效果,IMAX底片分辨率高,投射在巨幕上令人惊叹的、水晶般清晰的图像,配以最先进音响系统带来的震撼声IMAX胶片音,给观众世界上最身临其境的电影观赏体验。

所以,IMAX 3D《哪吒之魔童降世》自然会大获成功:

Nezha proved especially powerful on Imax, earning $7.7 million from 618 screens.

IMAX 3D《哪吒之魔童降世》超级震撼,在618块银幕上斩获770万美元票房。


A. “IMAX 3D《哪吒之魔童降世》”除了前面我们说的released in IMAX format,还可以说on Imax,即在IMAX银幕上放映。

B. Powerful不是强大的意思,在这里是“震撼的”意思,英文解释是You describe a piece of writing, speech, or work of art as powerful when it has a strong effect on people's feelings or beliefs. 形容(文章、演讲或艺术品)极具感染力的,有震撼力的。 比如高斋100元31篇外刊精读与翻译班里面也见过这个表达:

I wasn’t prepared, however, for how powerful the images I received would be.


C. 还可以学到“斩获/获得……票房”的表达,earning...在这里是伴随状语,表示“斩获/获得……票房、票房达……”。earning还可以说 scoring/taking in/taking/grossing/clawing in/raking in或scores stand at +具体数字。

其中,clawing in/raking in两个很形象生动,claw是爪子,rake是耙子。爪子和耙子很像,把大把大把的钱用耙子弄到到自己旁边,这不就是“赚大钱”的样子吗?

如:the film clawed in $142.8 million from dozens of markets around the world. 


2. opened to a historic $91.5 million at China's box office over the weekend上映首周末票房达9150万美元:可见,“上映首周末票房达”可以说“open to (a remarkable)+数字 over the weekend”。比如:the film opened to a remarkable $131 million in China.

与此类似的表达还有opened with a bang也可以表达一上映就大获成功,比如:

Hello Mr Billionaire opened with a bang at the box office, but it has ignited debate in China.


opened to a historic $91.5 million at China's box office over the weekend中historic指 all-time,所以如果这句后面没有其他内容了,也就可以写为launched its China box office run with $91.5 million, an all-time animation debut record in the country.

3. smash a slew of records打破众多历史记录:

a slew of表示一系列、大量、众多。同义词是multiple。比如19年经济学人上有这句:

Unable to raise money, a slew of small funds have even disappeared.


原文中smashing a slew of records for an animated film in the country是结果状语,表示前半句带来的影响。the country指的是“中国”,翻译的时候需要具体化。


Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.


Nezhatoppled the previous record for an animated film opening weekend – $66 million forDespicable Me 3.

《哪吒》打破了由《 神偷奶爸3》(Despicable Me 3)保持的动画电影首映周末票房记录(6600万美元)。

在第二句中,$66 million forDespicable Me 3在破折号后面,表示the previous record的远离同位语,中间隔着for an animated film opening weekend,所以一般情况下会使用破折号,而非逗号。

“打破……保持的记录”还可以说edging out the previous record holder ,所以这句话也可以写为:

Nezhaedged out the previous record holderDespicable Me 3which opened to $66 million over the weekend.


The film's social scores are among the best ever for a Chinese film. Its user rating on Maoyan sits at 9.7/10 and its score from Douban's notoriously picky but influential users is 8.7/10.


1. “电影评分”可以用“score”这个词,总体评分就可以说“social scores”。比如在介绍《哪吒》的“高评分”时,是这么说的:Social scores have been through the roof;也可以说rating。豆瓣这一评分网站就可以说China's film rating website/China's major film reviewing site。

Sit at也可以说stands at或is,只是前面使用了are,这里换了个表达。

还有,Score也可以作动词,表示获得多少评分。这句话Its user rating on Maoyan sits at 9.7/10 也可以写为It has scored 8.7 points out of 10.


In bathrooms, seemingly always clean and appointed with small flowers, touch screens by sinks ask customers to rate the facility.


2. Notoriously在这里不是臭名昭著的意思,而是其引申意思,表示“极其、非常”的意思,我们在996工作制那篇讲过,如“the notoriously grueling 996 work culture让人累死累活的996工作制”,


The film is based on a young male character from Chinese mythology, who appears in some of the country's best known works of classic literature, such as The Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West.


1. 电影改编自某一人物形象,可以用be based on这个短语。比如ted上的这句:In fact, almost everybody in the movie is based on a real character, a real person. 事实上,电影中几乎每个角色都是根据真实人物改编的。


Nezhais based on a well-known mythical figure from Chinese folk religion.



2. 故事、电影等中的人物形象:figure或character。“a young male character”即“一个小男孩”;“mythical figure”是固定表达,指“神话人物”。mythology是名词,指“神话”,如Greek mythology希腊神话。

3. works:表示作品。work这个词作名词时只有在一种情况下它才是可数名词,即表示“作品,著作”之意时。原文的works of classic literature即“古典文学作品”;还比如:艺术品/艺术作品 works of art。

4. classic literature:指“经典文学”。classic经典的,典范的,优秀的。注意区别它和classical,classical则更强调古典的,传统的,正统的。

-ic往往指经久不衰的,有长久的意义和价值的,而-ical多指风格、形式或内容上怎么样。例如,classic music和classical music,前者是指经典音乐,后者则是指古典音乐。

同理,historic和historical这两个词。historic指历史上重要的,如historic event就是历史事件。而historical则指历史有关的,如历史记载,historical records。

5. The Investiture of the Gods:《封神榜》。investiture这个词读作[ɪnˈvestɪtʃər],它是可数名词,表示“授职仪式,授衔仪式”。也有的把《封神榜》翻译为:The Legend of Deification。deification读作[ˌdeɪɪfɪˈkeɪʃn],不可数名词,意思是“神化,奉若神明”。

6. Journey to the West:《西游记》。总结一下四大名著的相关英语表达:四大名著 China’s Four Great Classic Novels/Four Masterpieces of China:《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions/ The Story of the Stone;《水浒传》Outlaws of the Marsh/All Men Are Brothers/Water Margins;《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms;Journey to the West《西游记》。


Although Ne Zha's image in this film first strikes audiences as bizarre and kind of ugly for the heavy dark circles under his eyes, and his scary, crooked teeth, the new Ne Zha is being praised for hitting the soft spot in many hearts as cool, smart and entertaining. Born as a reincarnation of the devil, Ne Zha is hated, feared and cursed, but he believes his fate is not predestined and he can choose to be a demon or a god.


1. strike +sb.+as:表示“给某人……印象,让某人觉得”。


It is my favourite part of his garden because it strikes me as the most personal.


2. bizarre 美[bɪˈzɑːr]:意思是“奇异的,古怪的,极其怪诞的”。bizarre behaviour就是“古怪的行为”。它的同义词是eccentric、off-the-wall。

3. 黑眼圈:the heavy dark circles under one’s eyes。其实也可以说panda-eyed熊猫眼。

4. scary, crooked teeth:可怕的鳄鱼牙。scary读作[ˈskeri],指“可怕的,吓人的,引起恐慌的”。;crooked[krʊkt , ˈkrʊkɪd],则表示“弯曲的,扭曲的,不自然的”。查阅相关报道后,就知道原来小哪吒的这个叫作“鳄鱼牙”啦。哪吒不露这个牙,还挺可爱的,一露出来,丑的呀,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

拓展分享下:Riding on fire whirls and waving his signature red armillary sash and fire-tipped spear脚蹬风火轮,身缠混天绫,手持尖火枪。

5. hitting the soft spot in many hearts:从字面理解就是“击中很多人心中柔软的地方”,即“扣动心弦,引起共鸣”的意思。

“引起共鸣,产生共鸣”也可以说“strike a chord”。比如经济学人上的这句:

She followed "Heidi" with several plays, witty and topical, but had yet to strike another chord.


6. reincarnation of the devil:魔丸转世。reincarnation读作[ˌriːɪnkɑːrˈneɪʃn],表示“(灵魂的)转世化身,化身”。看过电影的小伙伴们都知道,小哪吒是魔丸转世,小敖丙就是灵珠转世啦。

7. his fate is not predestined:我命由我,不由天!这是《哪吒》电影中的一个经典台词。predestined,[ˌpriːˈdestɪnd],意为“命中注定的,上天安排的”。

这句话也可以理解为“命运掌握在自己手中”,“hold one’s fate in one’s own hands”。在公号“高斋翻译学堂”上昨晚分享了这个的翻译,大家可以看看。《哪吒》刷屏,“我命由我不由天”的花样翻译!CATTI考试中”命运“又该怎么翻译?

8. demon美[ˈdiːmən]:名词,它可以表示“技艺出众的人,精力过人的人,高手,能手”。如He is a demon organizer. 他组织能力极强。它还可以指“恶魔,魔鬼”。这里当然是“恶魔,魔鬼”的意思。

9. 这部影片还表达了一个“偏见”(prejudice)的主题。这一主题引发了许多观众的共鸣。


In Nezha, Yang has given the story a coming-of-age spin, as the young character fights to overcome prejudice and pursue his dreams — themes that appear to be clicking with China's filmgoing youth. 


可见,“clicking with China's filmgoing youth”也可以表示“引发共鸣”,它和前面的“hitting the soft spot in many hearts”实际上表达同一含义。


So this fresh rendition of the ancient legendary figure pulls at the heartstrings of the young for they can see themselves in Ne Zha, who suffers from prejudice and injustice but boldly stands up to it.


“pulls at the heartstrings of the young”即“扣动年轻人的心弦”。





Ne Zha's master, Taiyi Zhenren, is turned into a hilarious character who speaks with a Sichuan dialect and his rival, Shen Gongbao, who suffers from injustice, also makes audiences burst out laughing for his comic effect stuttering.


1. hilarious 美[hɪˈleriəs],意思是“引人捧腹大笑的,滑稽的,极有趣的”。如:a hilarious joke/story令人捧腹的笑话/故事。原文的“a hilarious character”即“搞笑人物”。

2. Sichuan dialect:四川方言。“dialect”指“方言”。但是嘛,也不是地道的四川话,所以有个说法叫:四川普通话(简称川普,又称椒盐普通话,是一种把四川话换上普通话的音调而成的一种语言,通常带有调侃的语气。)

3. burst out laughing:burst out doing表示“突然,突然爆发”。burst out crying就是“突然大哭”,“burst out laughing”即“突然大笑,放声大笑”。也就是“也令观众捧腹大笑”。

4. comic effect:喜剧效果。

5. stutter美[ˈstʌtər]:它可以表示“缓慢地颠簸前进;曲折缓慢地进行”。Stuttering作形容词的时候,同义词sluggish缓慢的、乏力的。《华尔街日报》上有句话是这么说的:

Strong growth in Asia, coupled with a stuttering economic recovery in Europe, has helped, too.


它还可以表示“口吃,结巴”。如:I was trembling so hard, I thought I would stutter when I spoke. 我抖得厉害,感觉说话舌头会打结。原句显然是“结巴,口吃”的意思。同义词是stammer。



Prejudice is like a mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can never move it.

