

I always like to record my daily life and share it with myself someday in the future.

I think it doesn't mean I like to look back.

Now I am thinking about my 2017 and wish I will enjoy a better 2018 even she has came to me several days yet.

【Frist】Always keep doing exercises in any way.

Many friends know that I am a marathon runner. Yes I agree with them.But sometimes I think it has been a history.…:(

I got in jogging 3years ago and became a real marathon runner in 2016 since I joined WuXi marathon in March.

Actually running is too tired that I didn't like it at all when I was in university.

Once a time in 2016,it was father's day in my memory ,I was shocked by many amateurs who could run a long distance of 10km or 20km . It's so amazing. I asked myself,Why can't I ?

From that time I joined a club named KR and became a official runner .Of course it's so hard for me to run a long distance at first.But to prove "I CAN",I really wanted to acheive the goal which was to be a real marathon runner who can run for 42.195km. So,Jogging became my favorite sports in the following 3 years. I practiced a lot,from 20km a month,to 20 km a time,finally,I made it.

Nowadays I don't jogging as often as I did before.especially after I joined several marathon events. I reduced the frequency to run.But when I go,I hardly scare of it.

Well, things are changing all the time . I became lazy in 2017 and a little tired to run. It doesn't mean that I do nothing. I just changed my way to do exercises.

Thanks to my sister for the bicycle she sent to me.I enjoyed myself in bicycling this year and made a big progress.What's more,swimming is also one of my favorite activities this year.I can keep swimming for about 1 hour without rest.(here come clapping).

I decided to keep riding bicycle in next spring and swimming in summer and autume as well the next year.


【Second】Learn to give up something I am not good at.

I don't want to say I am a stupid person though I really is .

Just: Forget it and restart!!!

Some famous people told us :do not 妄自菲薄!


【Third】Time is limited for me,if there is something I want to do ,take action !

I restarted to learn violin in summer of 2014.Actually I took no more than 30 classes during the first two years.

One day when I went through a rough patch at work in April.I indulged in playing violin.

ehm……What's the relationship between work and violin?aha!Music can keep us far away from worrying inthe work.right?(here missing 1000words...) reason.I just want to play violin and wish to play it well in future.I 'd like to spare my time on it.

Someone told me that I raped his ears everyday .

So what should I reply for?

—— Yes,your patience will make a musician,that is me !

My dreams will go on in 2018.yeap!!


【Fourth】Do more reading.

I tend to have a greater motive to read more books just because I have a rather acute sense of lack of knowledge.

Back to my childhood and studenthood,I hardly ever read books except textbooks.

It's never too late to do something right?So I'v tried to read more books since last year.

In 2017,I  read about 30 books of various fields.Yes, too few.There are about 20 books apart from my plan.But I don't know how to be quickly and efficiently.



Heath is the most important thing .

Father got sick this year and it made me a negative person for about half a year after I sorrowed for mum's death for one year.I never asked him for anything but stay with me longer.What a little bit of demond !

I don't know how long will he be my father this life.I give all my best wishes to him ,hope that he can keep healthy and stay for another 10 years.


【More】Keep hungy ,keep foolish

Today I try to write a summary of 2017 in English just because I want to do use it whenever I can.

In 2018,I will keep on studying.The goal is to have normal conversations with foreigners.Don't forget good good study in order to day day up.

【More+1】Learn more to enhence the ability at work.

Knowledge is power .Rememer to improve EQ because sometimes EQ counts more than IQ in career. 

After all ,I am already bound to rely on the work.It's the way I am.

【The most important 】

Best wishes to my family  my friends and I .Always be happy and healthy

