➜test_install sh_glred
sh_glred version 2017/06/22
Run glred and glorg for a list of h-files from GAMIT day directories
This script can be used to
1) aggregate days or networks into a smaller number of h-files
and/or 2) generate repeatability plots
It is usually run in conjunction with GAMIT phase processing and takes
advantage of the directory structure and files of sh_gamit, but it can
also be used without this structure to combine externally generated h-files.
Used with sh_gamit, it reads station and directory information from the
process.defaults and site.defaults files, searches automatically the day
directories for h-files, and gathers (by ftp or local link) additional global
or regional h-files for those days. The script then runs glred to combine
all of the h-files and generates time series of station coordinates.
It is not designed to run globk and glorg to estimate velocities.
USAGE: sh_glred -d -s -r -ncomb -net -expt -sinfo
-local -noftp -prt -ftp_prog -mb -opt
Use one of the following to specify the range of days to process:
-s start and stop dates, e.g. -s 1997 153 1998 178
-d do a single day (e.g., to replace one .org file); e.g. -d 1997 153
-r number of days before current date to start, e.g.. -r 21
-ncomb Number of consecutive days of data to include in each solution (+ in gdl file) [Default 1]
-expt 4-char name to be used for solution files [Default expt]
-netext Suffix for directories to search for h-files; i.e. G E R C to search dddG, dddE, dddR, dddC [Default seach only DDD]
-yrext Year prefix for directories to search for h-files; i.e. 1997_053 [Default seach only doy]
-local Only combine days where a local directory (h-file) exists [default do combinations of all requested]
-archive Name of ftp archive from which to retrieve hfiles, sopac or mit [default sopac]
-net List of h-file networks (4-char id) to be retrieved from the MIT or SOPAC ftp archive [Default all SOPAC files]
-noftp Do not try to ftp EOP values (use what's already available or abort)
-ftp_prog Name of the ftp program e.g. ftp or ncftp [default is ftp]
-htype Type of hfiles downloaded. SOPAC - hfiles = relative, hfiles2 = absolute [default]
MIT - hfiles = ascii hfiles or hfilesc = combined binary hfiles
-hseries Series or sequence of PBO-type hfiles, usually 'e'
-eqf eq-file(s) for use with tsfit and plotting breaks with sh_plot_pos (only valid with "-opt T" option)
-nsigma n-sigma criterion for detection of outliers (only valid with "-opt T" option)
-prt For plotting use the prt output from globk rather than org output from glorg
-xtype Units for x-axis ('short' for day-of-year, 'long' for decimal year [Default: day if data span < 365 days)]
-detrend (Y/N) Remove a slope form the plots [Default: no slope if (data span <= 32 days)]
-sinfo Path to the station.info to be used by hfupd if U option requested (see below) [default tpth/station.info
where tpth from process.defaults usually points to the /tables directory of sh_gamit]
-cmd Run the script just to copy template globk.cmd and glorg.cmd files from ~/gg/tables (see note below)
-globk_cmd Name of the globk.cmd file to be used [Default globk.cmd - will be created if nonexistent]
-glorg_cmd Name of the glorg.cmd file to be used [Default glorg.cmd - will be created if nonexistent]
-globk_cmd_prefix Globk command prefix to be used for parsing the globk.cmd file entries
-tsfit_cmd Name of the tsfit.cmd file to be used [Default none]
Processing options (at least one required):
remove old h*.gl? files from the glfpth directory prior to starting
Ftp global h-files from the MIT or SOPAC archive, search names given by
Run htoglb on all ascii files present or linked within glfpth (usually procdir/glbf)
Link locally archived ascii h-files (all h[net|expt]?.yyddd) for inclusion in the combination.
Searches are from hfnd down, where hfnd is by default procdir/glbf but may be specified as multiple paths in process.defaults.
Link locally archived binary h-files (all hyymmdd????_[net|expt].gl?) for inclusion in the combination.
Searches are from hfnd down, where hfnd is by default procdir/glbf but may be specified as multiple paths in process.defaults.
Link locally archived binary combined h-files (all Hyymmdd_[net|expt].GLX) for inclusion in the combination.
Searches are from hfnd down, where hfnd is by default procdir/glbf but may be specified as multiple paths in process.defaults.
Run hfupd on binary h-files <-- not yet tested
Run glred for combination or repeatabilities
Save glred command lines in file (sh_glred.cmd)
Run tssum and sh_plot_pos for plots
Run ensum and sh_baseline for plots
At the end compress the ascii h-files, remove any links, and copy the ascii and binary
h-files to glbpth/ascih_yyyy and glbpth/binh_yyyy, respetively, where glbpth is specified
by process.defaults [default glbf]
Do all options ("T" will be used in preference to "E")
Not required but always to be checked are entries in /tables/sites.defaults for station
selection by globk, glorg, and multibase (glrepu, glreps, and glts) [default is to use all
stations in globk and plots, and to use an internally defined list of IGS stations for glorgl]
Entries may also be made in /tables/process.defaults for solution directory [default procdir/gsoln]
binary h-file directory (default procdir/glbf), and ascii h-file search path [default procdir/glbf].
Combine regional GPS-only files from sh_gamit with the MIT global solution, stored locally, one day at a time
sh_glred -s 1999 235 1999 250 -local -net MIT -opt H G
where hfnd in process.defaults points to the directory for the MIT GLX files
Combine regional files from multiple GNSS day directories, one day at a time
sh_glred -s 1999 235 1999 250 -local -netext G R C E -opt H G
Combine regional files from sh_gamit with global files to be downloaded from SOPAC, one day at a time
and generate repeatability plots:
sh_glred -s 1999 235 1999 250 -net igs1 igs2 igs3 -netext r -expt emed -opt F H G E C
Repeat globk/glorg and generate repeatability plots from existing binary h-files (e.g with different stabilzation):
sh_glred -s 1999 235 1999 250 -expt emed -opt G E
Combine existing regional and global binary h-files into monthly averages:
sh_glred -s 1999 235 2000 120 -ncomb 30 -net igs1 igs2 igs3 -expt emed -opt G LB
or [see Note 3 below]
sh_glred -s 1999 235 2000 120 -ncomb 30 -expt emed -opt G
1. For daily h-files, the .glx (bias-fixed) extension will be chosen if it is
available; if not, the .glr (biases-free) extension will be used. To force
use of .glr, you must remove any .glx files available in /glbf.
2. To avoid overwriting useful h-files or using obsolete ones, it is important to keep
in mind the logical precedence established by sh_glred.
For local data (sh_gamit day directories), specifying the H option will force htoglb
to be rerun for all directories within the time span indicated, whether or not a
binary file exists in the searched directories (nominally glbf and glbf/bin_yyyy).
Omitting H will cause no new binary files to be created, so it is not possible
to have only selected ascii files retranslated (but htoglb runs quickly).
For remote data (locally linked or ftp'd from SOPAC), setting H will also force htoglb
to be rerun on any ascii h-files present or linked (by LA) in the h-file (glbf)
directory, but you can safely set F since the script will not re-ftp any remote
(ascii) h-files that are present.
3. When run in combination mode (-ncomb), the script will use all available h-files
between the start and stop day, not just those corresponding to GAMIT day directories;
that is, the -local option no longer has an effect. If you want to make the combination
with only the days for which you have GAMIT processing and you have previously (e.g.,
for repeatabilities) created binary h-files in /glbf using external h-files (-net),
you should omit the LB, LC, and net options.
4. Output h-files from the combination are named HYYMMDD_[expt][netext].GLX and
written in to the solution directory. The script creates a separate .gdl file
for each day with a similar name, each pointing to the combined GLX h-file in
the solution directory.