我们已经执行了 Bitcoin SV 和 Bitcoin Core 之间的首次原子交换。 这一成就代表了比特币 SV 的重大进步,以去信任的方式促进了与其他区块链的无缝互操作性。
在上一篇文章中,我们解释了原子交换的高级理论。 我们深入研究了使用哈希时间锁定合约(HTLC)在 BSV 和 BTC 之间进行原子交换的实际示例。 让我们将此过程分解为四个基本步骤,每个步骤都包含您可以自己运行的代码片段。
该过程从 Alice 开始,她选择一个随机整数 x
并使用 SHA-256 算法创建一个哈希值 (xHash)。 接下来,Alice 部署了一个 Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH) 交易,其中包括她想要与 Bob 交易的 BTC 数量。
我们使用 bitcoinutils 库构建 Alice 的交易:
def main():
# always remember to setup the network
# TODO: remember to adjust the values marked by "TODO" to your use case.
alicePriv = PrivateKey('TODO')
alicePub = alicePriv.get_public_key()
bobPub = PublicKey('TODO')
txid = 'TODO' # Previous transaction ID
vout = 2 # Previous transaction ouput index
amount = 0.00001850 # Amount in output
fee = 0.00000125 # Fee in new transaction
x = 'f00cfd8df5f92d5e94d1ecbd9b427afd14e03f8a3292ca4128cd59ef7b9643bc'
xHash = '1908c59a71781b7a44182ec39dd84a8a9e13dc31691fead8631730f5f5ab7b65'
nBlocksLocked = '06' # 6 blocks ~ 1 hr
# HTLC script:
htlc_redeem_script = Script(
toAddress = P2wshAddress.from_script(htlc_redeem_script)
# Create transaction input from tx id of utxo.
txIn = TxInput(txid, vout)
redeem_script1 = Script(
['OP_DUP', 'OP_HASH160', alicePub.to_hash160(), 'OP_EQUALVERIFY', 'OP_CHECKSIG'])
# Create transaction output, which contains the P2WSH for the HTLC script.
txOut = TxOutput(to_satoshis(amount - fee), toAddress.to_script_pub_key())
# Create transaction.
tx = Transaction([txIn], [txOut], has_segwit=True)
# Sign transaction.
sig1 = alicePriv.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, redeem_script1, to_satoshis(amount))
tx.witnesses.append(Script([sig1, alicePub.to_hex()]))
# Print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcast.
print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())
print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
执行后,代码将打印原始的序列化交易,我们可以使用 Blockstream 的区块浏览器将其广播到 BTC 网络。
该 P2WSH 交易脚本由条件子句组成,这些条件子句包括需要 Bob 的公钥和秘密 x,或者 Alice 的签名和花费交易的时间延迟。
作为回应,Bob 在 BSV 区块链上部署了等效的 sCrypt 智能合约,其中包含他准备与 Alice 交换的 BSV 金额。
class HashTimeLockContract extends SmartContract {
@prop() readonly alicePubKey: PubKey
@prop() readonly bobPubKey: PubKey
@prop() readonly hashX: Sha256
@prop() readonly timeout: bigint // Can be a timestamp or block height.
// hash lock
public unlock(x: ByteString, aliceSig: Sig) {
// Check if H(x) == this.hashX
assert(sha256(x) == this.hashX, 'Invalid secret.')
// Verify Alices signature.
assert(this.checkSig(aliceSig, this.alicePubKey))
// time lock
public cancel(bobSig: Sig) {
assert(this.ctx.locktime >= this.timeout, 'locktime has not yet expired')
// Verify Bobs signature.
assert(this.checkSig(bobSig, this.bobPubKey))
Bob 获得了 x
的哈希值,但不是 x
本身,以及 Alice 的公钥。 然后,他使用以下部署代码部署智能合约:
const alicePubKey = bsv.PublicKey.fromHex('TODO')
const bobPrivKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromWIF('TODO')
const bobPubKey = bobPrivKey.publicKey
const amount = 100000 // TODO: amount of BSV to be locked in the contract
const xHash = toByteString(
const lockTimeMin = 1688715000 // Timestamp, after which Bob can withdraw his funds.
await CrossChainSwap.compile()
// Connect Bob signer.
const provider = new DefaultProvider(bsv.Networks.testnet)
const signer = new TestWallet(bobPrivKey, provider)
const crossChainSwap = new CrossChainSwap(
await crossChainSwap.connect(signer)
// Contract deployment.
const deployTx = await crossChainSwap.deploy(amount)
console.log('CrossChainSwap contract deployed: ', deployTx.id)
成功部署 sCrypt 合约后,Alice 现在可以通过泄露秘密 x
来调用 Bob 合约的公共方法 unlock()
。 结果,Alice 拥有了 Bob 的 BSV。
const deployedContractTXID = 'TODO'
const x = toByteString('f00cfd8df5f92d5e94d1ecbd9b427afd14e03f8a3292ca4128cd59ef7b9643bc')
// Alice unlocks contract and takes the funds.
const provider = new DefaultProvider(bsv.Networks.testnet)
const signer = new TestWallet(alicePrivKey, provider)
const tx = await signer.provider.getTransaction(deployedContractTXID)
const crossChainSwap = CrossChainSwap.fromTx(tx, 0)
await crossChainSwap.connect(signer)
const { tx: callTx, atInputIndex } =
await crossChainSwap.methods.unlock(
(sigResps) => findSig(sigResps, alicePubKey),
pubKeyOrAddrToSign: alicePubKey,
} as MethodCallOptions<CrossChainSwap>
console.log('CrossChainSwap "unlock" method called: ', callTx.id)
一旦 Alice 透露了 x
,Bob 就可以用它来解锁 BTC 区块链上的 P2WSH UTXO。 这个过程允许鲍勃索取爱丽丝的比特币,从而完成原子交换。
def main():
# always remember to setup the network
# TODO: Set values:
bobPriv = PrivateKey('TODO')
bobPub = bobPriv.get_public_key()
alicePub = PublicKey('TODO')
txid = 'TODO' # Previous transaction ID
vout = 0 # Previous transaction ouput index
amount = 0.00001725 # Amount in output
fee = 0.00000125 # Fee in new transaction
x = 'f00cfd8df5f92d5e94d1ecbd9b427afd14e03f8a3292ca4128cd59ef7b9643bc'
xHash = '1908c59a71781b7a44182ec39dd84a8a9e13dc31691fead8631730f5f5ab7b65'
nBlocksLocked = '06' # 6 blocks ~ 1 hr
toAddress = P2wpkhAddress.from_address('TODO')
# HTLC Script:
htlc_redeem_script = Script(
fromAddress = P2wshAddress.from_script(htlc_redeem_script)
# Create transaction input from tx id of UTXO
txin = TxInput(txid, vout)
txOut1 = TxOutput(to_satoshis(amount - fee), toAddress.to_script_pub_key())
tx = Transaction([txin], [txOut1], has_segwit=True)
# NOTE: In P2WSH, the argument for OP_IF and OP_NOTIF MUST be exactly an empty vector or 0x01, or the script evaluation fails immediately.
# Normal unlock:
sig1 = bobPriv.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, htlc_redeem_script, to_satoshis(amount))
'01', # OP_TRUE
# print raw signed transaction ready to be broadcasted
print("\nRaw signed transaction:\n" + tx.serialize())
print("\nTxId:", tx.get_txid())
在发生争议的情况下,Alice 和 Bob 都可以在一段时间后提取资金。
此功能提供了一种故障安全机制,可确保在交换不成功或有争议的情况下不会永久锁定资金。 时间限制为双方解锁各自的合同提供了足够的窗口。
# ...
# Create transaction input from tx id of UTXO.
txin = TxInput(txid, vout, sequence=bytes.fromhex('FFFFFFFE'))
# ...
locktime = bytes.fromhex('64A7F990') # 1688730000
tx = Transaction([txin], [txOut1], has_segwit=True, locktime=locktime)
# Withdrawal:
sig1 = alicePriv.sign_segwit_input(tx, 0, htlc_redeem_script, to_satoshis(amount))
'', # OP_FALSE
作为第一个输入将在 OP_ELSE
同样,在 Bob 的情况下,我们修改代码以调用 cancel
// Bob withdraws after timeout passed.
const { tx: callTx, atInputIndex } =
await crossChainSwap.methods.cancel(
(sigResps) => findSig(sigResps, bobPubKey),
lockTime: 1688730000,
pubKeyOrAddrToSign: bobPubKey,
} as MethodCallOptions<CrossChainSwap>
console.log('CrossChainSwap "cancel" method called: ', callTx.id)
我们在 BSV 和 BTC 主网之间进行了首次成功的原子交换。
BTC 上的初始 P2WSH 交易:af7a8c31e489c18d6fe46141cf2cbc777aeb23672679eb199bde4813d6fe41d4
BSV 上等效的 sCrypt 智能合约交易:8598d203e8bdd45b7025e334cdebdef06be88381dec245d95108e658e8373f9c
Alice 调用 unlock
鲍勃解锁了 BTC:9c697bf8f0d2c11285cfab3a2b8a856a1c18ae048d481c7bb3f93f9ccd2dbaad
这也是一个未完成的交换示例。 爱丽丝和鲍勃都收回了他们的资金。
本文中显示的所有代码都可以在我们的 GitHub 上找到。