Memories in the Pictures 回忆往事

Liz rents a small studio and,with Albert's help,she has settled into her new apartment. A photo on the desk attracts Albert's attention.


Liz & Albert


Albert: 本书男主,跨国公司程序员

Albert: Nice photo! did you take it?

艾尔伯特: 漂亮的照片! 你拍的吗?

Liz: Yeah. I took this photo a couple of years ago in Hyde Park.

莉斯: 是的。几年前我在海德公园拍的这张照片。

Albert: Hyde Park is London's largest open space,right? I have heard it's quite a landmark.

艾尔伯特: 海德公园是伦敦最大的开放空间,对吧?我听说它是一个地标。

Liz: Right and you can see a beautiful lake there. Tourists would feed the white swans with bread while they swam. Every now and then pigeons would also fly by. And then some dogs would chase after them,which was hilarious to watch.

莉斯: 对,你可以看到那里有一个美丽的湖。游客们会在白天鹅游泳时喂它们面包。鸽子偶尔也会飞过。然后一些狗会追他们,这看起来很滑稽。

Albert: I can imagine. So you went there for holiday?

艾尔伯特: 我能想象。你去那儿度假了?

Liz: Yeah,I went to England on a vacation with my parents.

莉斯: 是的,我和父母去英国度假了。

Albert: Sounds like fun. Do you miss your parents? Do you keep in contact with them often,like through Skype or Face Time?

艾尔伯特: 听起来很有趣。你想念你的父母吗?你经常和他们保持联系吗,比如通过Skype或Face Time?

Liz: You bet,but it's not the same as being there by their side.

莉斯: 当然,但这和在他们身边是不一样的。

Albert: You do have a point. The nice thing is,summer vocation is approaching. And, in the meantime,you could try something new. Like learning a new musical instrument.

艾尔伯特: 你说得有道理。好消息是,暑假快到了。与此同时,你可以尝试一些新的东西。比如学习一种新的乐器。

Liz: A musical instrument? Like what?

莉斯: 乐器?比如什么?

Albert: Like learning guitar,maybe?

艾尔伯特: 比如学吉他?

Liz: Why guitar? Are you good at playing it?

莉斯: 为什么是吉他?你弹得好吗?

Albert:  Not really,but I learned playing guitar back in high school. And I have continued to pratice from time to time since then.

艾尔伯特: 不是很好,但是我在高中的时候学过弹吉他。从那以后,我一直坚持练习。

Liz: Sounds cool. Would you teach me if I get a guitar?

莉斯: 听起来很酷。如果我有把吉他,你会教我吗?

Albert: Of course. I would love to!

艾尔伯特: 当然可以。我很乐意!


studio:n. 工作室;[广播][电视] 演播室;画室;电影制片厂

studio  apartment:单间公寓

Hyde Park:(伦敦)海德公园

landmark:n. [航]陆标;地标;界标;里程碑;纪念碑;地界标;划时代的事

swans:n. 天鹅(swan的复数)

Every now and then:不时地;常常

hilarious:adj. 欢闹的;非常滑稽的;喜不自禁的

Skype:n. Skype软件(因特网通话软件),网络电话

keep in contact with:与…保持联络

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