L8 U5 产品和创新

Module 1. 产品特点

1. 产品特点


  • top of the range 高档的
  • middle of the range 中档的
  • good value for money 性价比高
  • a budget option 预算选项


  • accessories 附件
  • a strap 带
  • cables 线缆
  • instructions 说明
  • a case 电脑包
  • a charger 充电器
  • This mobile phone is middle of the range. 这个手机是中档的。
  • The accessories don't come with the camera. 该相机没有附送配件。
  • Can you show me one from the top of the range? 您能给我看一个高档的吗?
  • I'd like to see a budget option. 我希望看一个预算选项。
  • This laptop is a good value for money. 这台笔记本电脑物有所值。

2. 询问一个产品


  • Excuse me. Can I just ask you something about this tablet? 对不起。我可以问你一些关于这个平板电脑的问题吗?


  • This is a Jupiter, is that right? 这是木星,是这样吗?


  • And how does this compare with other tablets? 它与其他平板电脑相比怎样?


  • Does it come in other colors? 它有别的颜色吗?
  • Is it available with a keyboard? 它提供一个键盘吗?
  • Does it come with all the accessories? 它配有所有的附件吗?
  • Is it available with a keyboard? 它提供一个键盘吗?
  • This is a Jupiter, is that right? 这是木星,是这样吗?
  • Does it come with all the accessories? 它配有所有的附件吗?
  • Does it come in other colors? 它有别的颜色吗?
  • And how does this compare with other tablets? 它与其他平板电脑相比怎样?
  • Can I just ask you something about this tablet? 我可以问你一些关于这个平板电脑的问题吗?

Module 2. 购买产品

1. 用于购买的词汇

  • press OK 按OK
  • credit card 信用卡
  • receipt 收据
  • slide your card 插进你的门卡
  • signature 签名
  • cash 现金
  • check 账单,支票
  • cashier 收银员

付钱购买某种产品的过程在不同国家可能不同。 以下是在美国购物时的一些注意事项。

如今,很少有人在购物时开 checks。 Cards 和 cash 快捷方便。 务必明白,debit cards 和 credit cards 大不相同。 使用 debit card 时,直接从银行账户扣钱。 使用 credit card 时,你将从某个金融机构借钱,而且将来必须偿还这笔钱。

美国大多数州都有 sales tax,即为政府征收的金额。 销售税为购买价格的一定百分比。

购物时,你应询问商店的 return policy,即退还你不需要的物品的规则。 退货通常有时间限制,如 30 天,某些物品可能不可退货。 若要退货,你必须持有 receipt,这张纸表明了价格以及你是在该商店购买的该物品。 商店通常会向你提供 refund,即你为物品支付的款额。

2. 聆听数字

在商店购物时,注意聆听数字。 在美国,dollars(符号为 $)和 cents 表示你应付的金额。

  • That comes to 7.64。


  • With tax, your total is 459.75。

在英国,注意聆听 pounds(符号为 £)和 pence。

  • That's £78.22. 总共 £78.22。
  • £321.28, please. 321.28 英镑,谢谢。

你还可能听到 pence 与字母 p 的读法相同。

  • That's 58p, please. 请付 58p。

谈论退货政策时,注意聆听带有 days 或 weeks 等时间段的数字。

  • You can return anything before 90 days for a full refund. 你可以在 90 天内对任何物品全额退货。
  • You can bring the item back within 30 days. 你可以在 30 天内退货。


  • The blouse is 100% cotton. 这件女装衬衫是 100% 全棉。
  • It's 90% cashmere, 10% polyester. 90% 开司米,10% 聚酯纤维。

3. 购买

  • That comes to £255.98. 总共 £255.98。
  • How would you like to pay? 你打算怎样付款呢?


  • A: What's your return policy? 你们的退货政策是怎样的?
  • B: You can return any item for a full refund within seven days. Remember to bring your receipt. 你可以在七天内对任何物品全额退款。 记得带上收据。


  • Your total with tax will be 477.25。
  • That comes to 17.99。


  • A: How would you like to pay? 你想怎样付款?
  • B: I'll use my debit card. 我用借记卡。
  • A: Will that be credit or debit? 信用卡还是借记卡?
  • B: Debit, please. 请用借记卡。


  • May I see your card, please? 能把银行卡给我吗?
  • Go ahead and slide your card. Then press 'OK.' 请刷卡。 然后按 “确认”。

使用信用卡或借记卡时,你有时需要在一张纸或一台机器上签名,收银员会向你提供一张收据。 有时你必须输入银行卡的个人识别码 (PIN)。 当人们在交易中交给你某物时,他们通常使用词语 here。

  • A: Could you sign here, please? 你能在这儿签字吗?
  • B: Sure. 当然。
  • A: OK. Here's your receipt. Have a nice day! 可以。 这是你的收据。 祝你愉快!
  • What's your return policy? 你们的退货政策是怎么规定的?
  • You can return anything within 14 days. 所有东西十四天内均可退货。
  • With tax, that comes to 110. 含税总共 110 美元。
  • How would you like to pay? 您想怎样支付?
  • I'll use my credit card. 我要刷信用卡。
  • Go ahead and slide your card. 请刷您的信用卡。
  • Should I press 'OK'? 我应该按 'OK' 吗?
  • Yes, and please sign here. 对,请在此签名。

Module 3. 写出关于产品创新的想法

1. 名词、动词和形容词

  • revolution 革命
  • developed 开发
  • competition 竞争
  • mobile applications 移动应用程序
  • developer 开发人员
  • invented 发明
  • app 应用
  • competitor 竞争对手
  • discussion 讨论
  • The competition is catching up to us. 竞争对手正在赶上我们。
  • We had a heated discussion about production. 我们就生产进行了热烈的讨论。
  • Texting revolutionized the way we communicate. 发短信彻底颠覆了我们的通讯方式。
  • His latest invention is a tiny phone worn like a ring. 他的最新发明是一款形似戒指的微型手机。
  • This amazing application organizes your photos for you. 这款神奇的应用程序能为你整理照片。
  • Can you describe how the new touch screen works? 你能不能描述新的触摸屏如何工作?
  • The smartphone was an amazing development. 智能手机的发展让人吃惊。

Plan your day.

Get your email.

Send texts.

Get organized while you're in your car.

Stop wasting time in your car. 
Multi-Drive, our latest hands-free invention, will revolutionize the way you work – and get to work. 
Use any smartphone with the Multi-Drive system. 
Now you can work safely and successfully outside your office. 
Want to organize your schedule? Tell Multi-Drive. 
Need that important email from your boss? Let Multi-Drive read it to you. 
Text messages? Speak and send them with Multi-Drive.

Be more productive. 
Go to work before you get to work!


Warning: Driving while using a mobile device is against the law. 
Use Multi-Drive responsibly.

2. 将来进行时

用将来进行时来谈论将在未来一段时间内持续的事件。 用 will be 和动词 + ing 构成将来进行时。 用它谈论你预计将会发生的事情。

  • People will be using their smartphones for everything. 人们在一切活动中都会使用智能手机。
  • They'll be producing smartphones that you can wear like a ring. 他们会生产出像戒指一样佩戴的智能手机。
  • A: Will you still be working here in 20 years? 20 年后你还会在这里工作吗?
  • B: Yes, but I'll be running the company. 会的,但到时我已成为公司负责人。

3. 表达忧虑和担心

  • Are we ready for it? 我们是否准备好了?
  • I can see why you're worried. 我能明白你为何担忧。
  • I have some concerns about ... 我确实有点担心……
  • We're in danger of ... 我们面临……的危险
  • Do you think they're concerned about ...? 你认为他们担忧的是……?

使用 worry 和 concern,谈论可能发生的不好的事情。
'Worry' 和 'concern' 搭配 'that'
当句子后面的部分是独立分句(可独立成句的名词和动词短语)时,使用 that。

  • I'm worried that we'll fall behind the competition. 我担心我们会在这场比赛中落后。
  • I'm concerned that we won't be able to compete. 我担心我们没有竞争的实力。

'Worry' 和 'concern' 搭配 'about'
当句子后面的部分是名词或动名词 (verb + ing) 时,使用 about。注意,在这些例子中,concerned 是形容词,concerns 是名词。

  • I'm worried about the competition. 我很担心这场比赛。
  • I'm concerned about losing so much money. 我很担心会损失很多钱。
  • I have some serious concerns about the deal. 我非常担心这笔生意。

你还可以使用表达 in danger of 表示担心。In danger of 始终后接动名词或动名词短语。

  • We're in danger of falling behind the competition. 这场比赛我们可能会落后。


  • What are you concerned about? 你担心什么?
  • Are you worried that we'll fail? 你担心我们会失败吗?


  • I can see why you're worried about that. 我能明白你担心这个的原因。
  • Are we ready for the future? 我们是否能未雨绸缪?
  • I can see why you're worried about it. 我能明白你为何担忧。
  • Are you concerned that we'll lose business? 你是不是担心我们会失去业务?
  • We're in danger of losing customers. 我们面临客户流失的危险。
  • I have some serious concerns about innovation. 我对创新确实有点担心。
  • I'm a little worried that we're falling behind. 我有些担心我们会落后。

Module 4. 创新思维

1. 描述效果


  • It made a lot of people feel very worried about the future of the company. 它让很多人对公司的未来感到非常担心。
  • It had quite a bad effect on staff morale. 它对员工的士气有相当不好的影响。
  • It caused several people to quit. 它造成几个人的辞职。
  • The result was that we started to think differently about our customers. 其结果是我们开始从不同的角度考虑我们的客户。
  • The stormy weather had a bad effect on sales. 暴风雨天气对销售产生了不好的影响。
  • The new schedule made the engineers happy. 新的时间表让工程师们很高兴。
  • The result was that we redesigned the product. 结果是我们重新设计了产品。
  • The staff cuts made a lot of people worry. 裁员让很多人担心。
  • The result caused people to question his decision. 这个结果导致人们质疑他的决定。

2. 背景信息

您可以使用过去完成时 - had+ 过去分词 - 来了解您所讲述的故事之前发生的事情。

  • We had lost a lot of money the first year, and nothing we'd tried to do had made any difference. 第一年我们损失了很多钱,而且我们试图做的任何事都没能扭转局面。

如果您想表明该动作已经持续了很长一段时间,请使用连续形式: had + been + verb + ing

  • Well, we'd been struggling to innovate for a while. 嗯,我们一直在努力创新。
  • We'd been trying to solve the problem for months, and nothing had worked. 我们一直尝试解决这个问题有几个月了,可是都不好用。
  • Before this year, we had had several slow years. 在今年之前,我们有过几年缓慢的时候。
  • Sales had been dropping each year. 每年销售都在下降。
  • We had been trying to improve our sales training. 我们一直在尝试改善我们的销售培训。
  • We had had some problems, but they were resolved. 我们有过一些问题,但是他们都得到了解决。
  • This year, sales have been increasing. 今年,销售一直在增长。

3. 解决方法


  • We dealt with the problem by hiring more creative people. 我们通过聘用更有创造力的人解决了这个问题。
  • Well, the way we got around the issue was to reduce the length of the meetings. 嗯,我们解决这个问题的方法是缩短会议的长度。
  • A: And that solved the problem? 那解决问题了吗?
  • B: Yes. It was an effective solution, and I was pleased with it. 是的。它是一个有效的解决方法,并且我对它很满意。
  • We dealt with the problem by doing more planning. 我们做更多的计划处理了这个问题。
  • We solved the problem by communicating more. 我们通过多交流解决了这个问题。
  • We'd found it difficult to communicate as a team. 我们发现作为一个团队很难进行沟通。
  • The result of this was that several people quit. 这样做的结果是几个人都辞职了。
  • We'd been struggling to increase sales. 我们一直努力增加销售。
  • The news had made everybody nervous. 这个消息已经让每个人都感到紧张。
  • This problem had caused a lot of arguments. 这个问题已经引起了很多争论。

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