Semantic Sensor/Device/EventDescription SystemEEEM042-Mobile Applications and Web ServicesCoursework- Spring Semester 2019Prof Klaus Moessner, Prof Payam BarnaghiElectrical and Electronic Engineering DepartmentUniversity of Surrey2Main specification To create a web system (suitable for mobile platforms) thatwill be accessible via a URL (this can be a local host): For example: http://localhost/app/index.html The system will allow users to add/annotatesensor/device/events descriptions based on a simple model(i.e. an ontology) and publish the descriptions in a semanticrepository. Users will have access to a simple query interface that willsupports simple queries based on device/sensor attributes. 3Description model You need to develop a simple device/sensor descriptionmodel that includes attributes such as ID, Name, Location,Type, etc. The description model should be represented in XML andalso at least one of OWL,RDF or JSON (or JSON-LD)formats.4Device/Sensor or Event Registration Page A user can access an online form to add the descriptions (intext or numerical form) or select possible options from aselection list. The form should be implemented using HTML FORMelements. When a user clicks on submit (register) button, the valuesfrom the HTML FORM elements will be transformed to anintermediary XML format. 5A Sample Description Form6Intermediary XML Format When a user clicks on the publish (or save) button the formelement data will be read via a server-side program.The program will read the form values,will create an XML or OWL/RDF/JSON file according tothe description model that is designed in the first part,will store this XML document in an in-memory object orin a temporary storage.The intermediary XML document will include attributename and values;e.g. value7A Sample Intermediary XML Form8Transforming intermediary XMl Documentto the description model format The next step after creating intermediary XML document willbe using XSLT to transform the XML document to adescription format according to the description model thatyou have designed in the first step. For this you will need to: Design a suitable XSL template Use a server-side program to run XSLT transformation method totransform the intermediary XML document to the form of yourdescription model (it can still be XML or it can be an OWL/RDF/JSONdocument or any other suitable representation form). 9A Sample Representation of descriptiondata in RDF form10Simple Query Interface After creating the description format according your model,you can store the document as a file. The next, and final step, will be providing a simple interfacethat users can run queries. The query interface can directly support at least one of XPathor SPARQL or JSON query languages. 11A Sample Query Interface12Overall designDevice/Sensordescription fromBrowser Publish/SaveThe from will contain some key attributes such aslocation, type, ID, link to serviceInterface, etc.XSL Transformation�JSONThe final RDF or JSON or XML document will beRepresented according to the semantic modelthat you designto describe a sensor/device(i.e. a simple ontology)Store in fileor databaseA simple query formXPath orSPARQL orJSONquery13Required Pages You need to develop at least the following webpages:Device/Sensor/Event Description Page (The optimisedHTML design for mobile platforms, layout and style designare important).Confirmation page: to acknowledge storing the descriptionand to show the representation (you need to considernavigation, layout and ease of access to the options in yoursystem).A simple query from (the query form should provide atleast one query template – sample- and allow a user towrite and submit other queries).14Implementation EEEM042作业代写、代做Web Services作业、Java课程设计作业代做、Java程序语言作业调试 代做ProThe outcome will be a web-based system, optimised formobile browsers or mobile platforms. You do not need to add/implement security features (secureconnection,...). You can use .NET, J2EE, Python, Node.JS or any othersuitable technologies to implement the system.15Requirements For this project you need to use a development IDE (e.g.Eclipse, NetBeans) and a run-time environment – dependingon the development technology – (e.g. Apache Tomcat). If you plan to use Java/J2EE, here are some useful links:Eclipse ( ( related technologies/components If you plan to use use Java and RDF data: you can use Jena orSesame to handle RDF data can use Apache Tomcat (if you are using Java) to hostyour application Service Support It is recommended that you implement a Web Service toprovide access to some of the functionalities of your code(e.g. a query API as a web service). The web service will be considered as an advance feature(please check the marking scheme).1718Project submission The source files and a running version. A brief report (maximum 5 pages)- The report shouldinclude the main design (UML or illustration diagrams),describe the key features and provide an overview of thetechnologies used in the system. No need for code documentation but the modularity,flexibility and readability of your code is important. Marking will be based on the submitted documents andcode and an interview. 19Marking Criteria Correct functionality Code and program design User interface Implemented features Design Decisions System Explanation The complete marking scheme and Feedback form is availableon SurreyLearn (Assignment Section).20Marking Scheme User interface design (10%) Suitability for mobile devices, use of style-sheets, readability and overallpresentation Usability of the system (10%) Menu, page navigation, ease of use and clarity of the forms and buttons. Correct functionality (35%) Ability to publish data, correct XML and RDF or JSON data and ability ofquery the published data for multiple published items; Explanation of choices made in design and system presentation in thereport (25%) Being able to describe the components of the system, quality of the reportand effectives choices suitable for mobile environments in developing thesystem Advance features (20%) Innovation and adding novel features, e.g. web service implementation21When? Staring date:Monday, 4 February, 2019. Submission deadline:Tuesday, 7 May, 5:00pm.22Sample Code A running sample is available at: On Campus: Off Campus: A run-time JAVA bundle is available at: You can directly deploy it on a Tomcat server and it should work. The source code in Java Code in Express.js and MongoDBThe code is available at: notes Please note that there are some known issues with the givensample code that you need to fix it (if you decide to use thegiven sample): The sample java code includes some logical errors in the code (e.g. itoverwrites the previously published data and only stores the latestpublished data). It does not support publishing events (e.g. if someone wants to reportan event). The HTML pages are not tested for mobile browsers (you shouldtest/fix it). The webpages do not have any stylesheet or style formatting. The system is developed as a web application and not a web service.The web service implantation will be considered an advance feature.2425Questions?转自: